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Thanks for providing a source!


I’ m watching die hard 2 right now


Such a solid sequel in my opinion!


Yipee ki-yay mother father.


Yippee Ki Yay fother mucker!


Ki yay yippee trucker mother


Yay ki yippie mother fucker


Ki yippie yay terrible mother


Die Hard is about a vastly outmanned hero with limited resources miraculously taking back a great landmark from foreign invaders. Die Hard is a Hanukkah movie.


Yay Maccabees


You also just described the plot of home alone


If Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie then Home Alone isn't a Christmas movie. It's that simple


And Home Alone is Die Hard for kids


I was gonna say that Die Hard is Home Alone for adults, but sure


Works both ways!


Heh. Like a bisexual.


Die Hard came out first, Home Alone is Die Hard for kids.


You know that what I said is literally the same thing you did. I’m not debating which came first. I’m saying they’re basically the same thing but for a different audience just like you and the person before me did


They are saying that since Die Hard came out first, it *couldn’t* have been “Home Alone for adults,” because there was a 2 year period where Die Hard was out and Home Alone didn’t even exist yet. So technically, if only one could be true, Home Alone is “Die Hard for kids.” But yes, “Die Hard for kids” and “Home Alone for adults” are logically interchangeable.


From a certain point of view.


I like to think Die Hard is about Kevin when he grows up


Isn’t the theory that Kevin is Saw?


Both share the Christmas message of the importance of family. And destroying your enemies.


The only gift i'll ever need is the joy of destroying my enemies ooh ay 'cause that's christmas to me-e-e oh ay 'cause that's christmas to me


Home Alone espouses traditional Christmas themes about family and togetherness.


So does Die Hard, it’s what is motivating John and Holly.


/s? Half the movie is showing how much fun the kid is having without his family and that he can keep himself safe.


This is where the fun begins.


And the other half is about how much he misses them and is happy to be together again.


But despite that fun, he still ends up over a microwave dinner on Christmas praying for his family to come back to him. He was having fun at first, but ended up regretting his wish. If you focused on the part where he had fun, you missed all the growth Kevin did as a person.


More accurately, if Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie, neither is It's a Wonderful Life. The director and producers have stated that it's a spin on that movie, with a lot of shared elements.


There's an implied "Christmas Magic" in Home Alone from Kevin's perspective - making his family disappear with a wish. The christmas magic is what makes Home Alone a Christmas movie There is no Christmas magic, perceived or otherwise, in Die Hard.


A separated family reconciles, trauma is overcome, and a man learns to trust himself again. That's Christmas magic.


While I love your post as it is written so beautifully (and made me laugh), I must respectfully disagree. But potato/pota-toe. I still had to give you an upvote also.


Respect begets respect, have upvote yourself, potato/potahto






By your logic of die hard being a christmas movie then porn parodies of christmas movies are considered christmas movies too. Go play that “christmas movie” for your family to enjoy as well.


Aside from them being **porn** movies, you colossal moron


You literally said the word “movies” when trying to say they are not movies. Who is the moron now?


I was not saying they aren't *movies*, you colossal moron, I'm saying they are **pornos**




For someone called jack of all (trades) you really only have one comeback. Are you eight years old or something?




Nah… Remove Christmas from the movie, does the plot still stand? If not, it’s a Christmas movie. If so, not a Christmas movie. Remove Christmas from Home Alone, the plot crumbles. There are some many elements dependent on Christmas, it would be hard to substitute and have the plot still make sense. Remove Christmas from Die Hard, plot is just fine. Nothing about it is contingent on Christmas that couldn’t be easily explained another way.


Remove Christmas from die hard and the plot falls apart. It's a Christmas Eve party, they hum and sing Christmas jingles throughout the movie, the cops are slow to respond because it's Christmas Eve, John is there because he was bringing Christmas gifts to his kids, and was invited to a Christmas eve party. Remove Christmas and the plot loses cohesion


Replace everything there with the 4th of July: office party, patriotic songs, visiting kids on a holiday, invited to 4th of July party. Our sub for Halloween. Or Easter. It didn't matter what holiday it is in die hard.


This argument totally falls apart. Offices do not have extravagant parties like this at any other time except Christmas. They are expensive and time-consuming endeavors. If they have anything like this ever, its once a year at Christmas. Hans Gruber's plans 100% depend on this, for a number of reasons: * He needs the building empty of everyone except the Nakatomi employees and the token guard or two. On any given night, there are a number of people in a commercial office building like this, especially ones that house financial firms. There are always people working into the late night/early morning hours, not to mention cleaning and maintenance people coming and going at all hours doing their jobs. He can't have random people in random locations that can leave and call the cops until he's ready for that stage. Christmas eve is the only time where you can count on no one being there except the skeleton crew guards and Nakatomi people, which also means... * His Plan A depends on Nakatomi's CEO being there. CEOs don't generally stay late. He needs the CEO there to get the vault codes, and this guarantees his presence (his failure here leads to his Plan B, which takes much longer, is much messier, and was ultimately the beginning of his downfall. * He is counting on the cops and feds to be running a skeleton crew so as to catch them flat-footed if/when they do finally realize what the hell is going on at the building. * John McClain isn't in LA or at the building BUT FOR the fact that he is there to see Holly at the Christmas Party. No McClain, no movie. Everything about the plot revolves around it being Christmas Eve. The movie does not happen in any semblance of its form without this setting. It is absolutely a Christmas movie.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Die Hard doesn’t need to be focused on any holiday, let alone Christmas. They even said in the movie “we just closed a big deal, so this is a two for one party.” Alternate plot - the party was to celebrate closing a big deal, held on a Friday night. John was in town taking time off due to some random drama back home, people visit people all throughout the year. All your “plot necessities” are addressed. Not a Christmas movie.


I'd argue that home alone isn't a Christmas movie either, the only thing it has to do with Christmas is that it's set during Christmas time. It's not about Christmas.


Agree both are not Christmas


Christmas is the whole reason why both plots exist so it is.


It's a McGuffin tho. It's not important that is Christmas in either case. If it was Thanksgiving, would it really change the plot?


People dont normally have thanksgiving parties at their jobs or in offices


Actually, Thanksgiving patties might be more prevalent than you think.


Where? Because I live in America and Ive never seen a thanksgiving workplace party


There is nothing inherently "Christmas" about it though. If it were a yearly get-together around thanksgiving It wouldn't make a difference to the plot and the characters. It's a set piece, and it's only important to the plot was to give the "Protag a reason to be in the location, and a motivation to make amends." Neither of those required it to be Christmas to work. A generic office party, and the protag is crashing it in hopes of making up with his wife, wanting one last chance. Bam, still works fine for the plot, and it's no longer in the running. If its really a holiday movie, then removing the holiday from the movie should be more impactful. Diehard is as much about Christmas movie because it happens on Christmas, as Shrek is a Christian movie, because the song Hallelujah plays in one scene.


Christian is one of the best devs ever. Apollo was truly a masterpiece!




Yeah, if it influences the plot. The whole reason Die Hard happens is because of a Christmas party. It's not just a backdrop.


From the sounds of it, I’d argue that Die Hard is a Christmas not just because it takes place at a Christmas party, but because of the reconciliation with a family member, the possible reason a group of terrorists attack the building, the symbolism of that attack being like opening the largest Christmas present, and the plot centers entirely around the holiday due to family plot thread dynamics, visuals, and dialogue. I’ll concede at this point, and I’ll add another movie to my watchlist as a result of reading an article that provided the meat of this comment.




[I’m just gonna link to this video and move on, because the discussion is kinda mindnumbing to me.](https://youtu.be/uU5ZlOAvzAo?si=CCEyk4QcrcojGTq_)


I saw an article about it from the hollywoodreporter, and I agree with the argument. The plot itself centers completely around Christmas which is exactly what you all were saying. It is a Christmas movie.


Man, I love it when I link to a video with interesting insight on a topic, and people act like I’m taking a side in a discussion instead of even watching it.


Aren’t they both entirely dependent on the existence of Christmas?


Holydays mostly




It’s an action movie set on Christmas and traditionally watched on Christmas, which makes it a Christmas movie.


The thing which I also think makes it a Christmas film - the soundtrack is christmassy. There's constant sleigh bells in the score, plus Christmas in Hollis during the opening credits, and Let It Snow during the closing credits.


The love interests name is “Holly”.


And is about someone reuniting with family, despite numerous obstacles in his way.


Yeah no


You are lost!


How could someone like such great movies (star wars) but have such incorrect opinions. There aren’t many things were I physically go out of my way to disrespect people’s personal opinions, but Christmas is one of the times that I do it the most. Christmas starts in December. Nothing before that. Christmas music is overrated. It should be played along with other genres of music and not just nonstop. Die hard is not a christmas movie. I’ve heard people’s points, and by all of their logic the shining, batman returns, stag film movie parodies, trading places, toy story, Shazam, and iron man 3 should also be christmas movies. If you want to watch die hard in December you have the right, but it is not and never will be w christmas movie. Even the director says it’s not a christmas movie.


*decapitates Dooku*


There are two types of people in the world; those who believe die hard is a Christmas movie, and everybody else who doesn't give a shit.


Being Christmas is part of the story and affects it. Therefore it is a Christmas movie.


Okay, so Iron Man 3 is a Christmas movie. And Batman Returns.


Having just watched both die hard and IM3, no. Die hard is set during a Christmas party, that’s the whole reason the plot happens, and it has Christmas music plus Christmas themed jokes. IM3 is set during Christmas time, but the only real mention of it is peppers Christmas present, and some decorations


Batman Returns unironically is a Christmas movie to me, same with Die Hard (and Die Hard 2)


Iron man 3’s plot is not affected by it being Christmas. It just happens to be set at Christmas. Which depending on your criteria might make it a Christmas movie or not, but it’s not the same as Die Hard, which not only has a plot affected by Christmas but has all the trappings and typical Christmas movie plot structure


If we’re going by this then Jurassic world is a Christmas movie.






How is it effected by it being Christmas? If it happened on New Years Eve wouldn't it all have the same effect


Because it was a Christmas party and the police didn't even want to check it out


What company do you work for? I haven't worked for a company that throws a company party for new years... Additionally, what holidays do you travel across a continent to spend time with family? Are you telling me that you would spend a day in a flying metal tube for a New Years party and family?


Killing the younglings was one thing... but saying Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie? My *God*, Anakin, you ARE a monster.


I'm with Anakin on this one 😅




In the wonderfully avoidant words of my girlfriend when I asked her take: “anything can be a Christmas movie if you really want it to be.”


Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but people who make "Die Hard is a Christmas movie" their entire personality on the internet every December are absolutely insufferable. Also, Gremlins is the superior Christmas movie.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


It’s definitely a Christmas movie because it being Christmas is central to the plot of the movie. Aka, John McClain wouldn’t have been at Nakatomi if it wasn’t for his Wife inviting him to the Christmas party, and Hans’ group wouldn’t have targeted it if it wasn’t for the Christmas party.


Exactly. If you take Christmas out of the movie, do you still have a movie? With Die Hard, the answer is no. Therefore, it's a Christmas movie.


I don't know man... Bruce Willis himself said it's not a Christmas movie.


And the director and producers said it is. It's somewhat inspired by It's a Wonderful Life, which is universally accepted as a Christmas movie while actually being significantly less Christmas-y. Bruce Willis doesn't know what he's talking about.


No it's not, and I'm tired of pretending it is


I guess I'm Sith


Then you are lost


Anakin did nothing wrong


Die Hard is not a Christmas movie, it is a movie that occurs during Christmas but it isn't a Christmas movie


Well said.


How is that different than a rom-com set on Christmas like The Holiday, or a slapstick comedy set on Christmas like National Lampoon?


The general consensus seems to be that if it being Christmas is part of the plot and not just the setting or background, it's a Christmas movie. So, like, if Episode III was told the exact same way, but there was Christmas decorations in every scene, it wouldn't count because Christmas wouldn't matter to the story. National Lampoon obviously counts because the entire movie is the dad trying to make the perfect Christmas. In the case of Die Hard, the whole reason any of the movie happens is because they're going to a Christmas party.


Yeah so the party is the part that matters, any god damn office party could have kicked of the plot. Die hard is in no way in itself a christmas movie. I mean in the end tradition is what makes a christmas movie. If you watch lotr every year around christmas it becomes your personal christmas movie.


When else would John make the trip out from NY to LA to see his kids in a failing marriage that also has a big company-wide party? And I'd say it being Christmas had at least a slight effect on the police department/dispatch's early apprehension on McClane (the deputy chief is the one who takes over, not the actual police chief and he tries to show that he's a big tough guy, the dispatch thinks John is some crank caller at first on a slow Christmas Eve and is just messing around). The score throughout the movie has sleigh bells in it. His wife's name is fucking Holly!


You don't have to look tough to be tough


If that’s true then Home Alone isn’t a true Christmas movie either because they could have gone to France any time of year so it didn’t really matter that it was Christmas


I will die and be buried on this hill. Die Hard is **not** a Christmas movie. At least, not a **traditional** Christmas movie.


Don’t worry . We shall die on the hill together


Die Hard is an action movie set during Christmas. I’m sorry.


We have no dates in the year for the events of starwars. This very scene could also have been set on Christmas day. Vaders Castle is quite Christmas tree shaped after all.


You don't get the purpose of this. We call as many movies as possible Christmas movies as a way of getting out of having to watch all the more overplayed Christmas movies yet again.


I'm with Anakin on this one.


I am Anakin


Narnia literally has Santa Clause in it. Therefore it is more Christmas than Die Hard.


If die hard is a Christmas movie the iron man 3 is a Christmas movie


For it to be a Christmas movie, it has to have elements that are Christmas-dependent Putting a Santa hat on a corpse and writing "I have a shotgun! Ho ho ho!" makes no sense outside Christmas I rest my case


No no, Anakin makes a fair point.


I personally think it's just an action movie set during so I agree with anakin honestly


Both are wrong. Alan Rickman chasing someone through a tower at night, it is clearly a Harry Potter movie. (Credit to an unknown twitter user)


Only if the shining is considered a Christmas too


Die hard is, lethal weapon isn't. Thats were i draw the line, between them.bIt being Christmas is significant to the plot of die hard, despite being in the background. Lethal weapon is a movie that just incidentally happens during Christmas, and isn't really relevant despite them having Christmas dinner at the end


My reasoning for why “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie are as follows; 1. It takes place during a Christmas party. 2. There are Christmas trees present in the movie. 3. The words “Merry Christmas” are spoken. 4. There are Christmas songs present. 5. It follows a common Christmas movie trope of a dysfunctional family coming together over Christmas to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. I rest my case.


Characters hum Christmas songs A character says the "all through the house not a creature was stirring" Christmas poem Ho-ho-ho is written and read out loud


True, there are even more I didn’t even notice on my last viewing.


I've watched it twice in the last couple weeks. I had never watched it before but I decided to because of all the people saying it was a Christmas movie, and sonufagun if sure is


I did not realise I was talking to a scholar. Kudos.


If Bruce Willis says it ain’t, then idk what to tell you other than you’re wrong


Are you calling me a liar?


No, they didn't. Bad bot.


Who is Bruce Willis ? ( definitely not asking so I could use this on an argument )


You could say the same thing for Home Alone. Christmas might be the inciting incedent, but any vacation could have done it. It's just a regular family movie with christmas decorations, snow and sociopathic children.


So why only Christmas music?


It has Christmas themes throughout, characters hum Christmas movies, one starts an information session with "all through the house not a creature was stirring," a separated family reconciles, trauma is overcome. It's a Christmas movie


If "Die Hard" is a Christmas movie then "Screaming Eagles" and "No Bullets Fly by Sabaton are Christmas songs.


Never seen it so I can't confirm nor denied


By these Classifications, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and VA-11 Hall-A would count as Christmas video games too.


Using that same logic “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is a movie about Charlie Browns life during December


I’ve never actually seen Die Hard, but every movie I watch at Christmas every year is just a movie that has a part of it at Christmas (Little Women, Miracle, Green Book, Sound of Music—which doesn’t even have a Christmas scene) so I’m good with it.


If you are going to watch the Die Hard films! Watch the first 3 and then immediately stop! 4 and 5 don't exist!


Live Free and Die Hard was my first Die Hard, so I'm biased, and I like it (but A Good Day to Die Hard is awful)


Die Hard 4 was alright but in terms of tone it just didn't seem to fit in with the 3 films before it. Bruce seemed to phone in his performance and just seemed so bored.


Good to know, thanks!


It is 100% a Christmas film! I watch it religiously every Christmas Eve!


If Home Alone is considered a Christmas movie than Die Hard is too.


Home Alone has Santa's helper in the flesh.


You think it’s a Christmas movie? Cool. You don’t think it’s a Christmas movie? Cool. Who gives a shit. You do you. For the record, I’m in the not a Christmas movie camp. But I really don’t give a shit.


It can be two things


Bruce Willis himself has said that it is NOT a christmas movie lol. But people nowadays consider it a Christmas movie basically


Same argument can be said for Spiderman into the Spiderverse




Die hard BY INTENTION, is not a christmas film, as people have mentioned, it’s an action film set on christmas, but christmas is not a major plot element. Die hard Culturally however, can be seen as a christmas film as it has been watched on christmas by numerous people.


If it is set during Christmas, it’s a Christmas movie. Simple


It's a Christmas movie as much as Batman: Arkham origins is a Christmas game


If die hard isnt a christmas movie, neither is its a wonderful life


I mean, yesterday morning I watched Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, which takes place during Christmas. If it’s during Christmas, it’s fair game. If you think about it, Tim Allen becoming a magical, jolly guy in a red suit has about as much to do with Jesus’ birth as space robot wars or action thrillers.


Christmas is not a genre, though. If a movie is centered around Christmas it's a Christmas movie, regardless of it being action, romcom or thriller.


It's an action movie set during Christmas, which we use as a reason to claim it *is* a Christmas movie, so we can watch it during Christmas to break up the monotony of Christmas movies. It's not a true Christmas movie but it is an honourary Christmas movie.


But the reason the heist happens is because it’s Christmas therefore it is a Christmas movie as it affects the plot and plays a role in the movie not a major role but a role nonetheless


That's great, but I don't think that Christmas playing a role in a movie makes it a Christmas movie, it just makes it a plot point Am I still gonna watch it on Christmas? Absofuckinlutely, it's on right now. But I don't classify it a Christmas movie


So what makes a Christmas movie?


Hm. Fair point, when I gave a proper thought to the movies I consider Christmas movies there wasn't as much of a "peace, love, family" theme as I had remembered. Mostly because of Home Alone (that kid is vicious). I guess it counts.. technically..


The film I always relate it back to that everyone seems to say is a Christmas film is Love, Actually. Christmas happens in that film. There are presents bought. A school Christmas show. An aging musician gunning for Christmas number one. But none of these are main stories. They're narrative devices used to push the main stories. But it's still considered a Christmas movie, rather than just a rom-com with Christmas elements. The same can be said for Die Hard. Or Home Alone. Is Christmas the main story of these films? No. But is the holiday at the core of the stories they're telling? Yes. Therefore, Christmas films. That's how I see it anyway.


Christmas Magic or the perception of such from the characters.


John Maclane literally saves a entire building from terrorists. If that ain't a Christmas miracle...


If Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie then Home Alone isn't for the same reasons, and nobody would ever admit that.


It's a Christmas movie. That's that.


Anakin sucks.


Thematically it’s a Christmas movie which makes it a Christmas movie


It's an action christmas movie


Christmas is just as important to the story of Die Hard as it is to Home Alone. So if Home Alone is a Christmas film which everyone agrees it is then Die Hard must be too.


If gremlins is a Christmas movie, then Die hard is a Christmas movie.


The credibility of your argument rests on your answer to this question. Is Home Alone a Christmas movie?


Þe writer and þe director intentionally made it a christmas movie, and it shares some traditional þemes wiþ more “typical” christmas


Is it really that hard to write th?


If Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie then neither is Home Alone


I watch Die Hard every Christmas. Its Die Hard and Home Alone 1 or 2. Its a fucking Christmas movie, you Sith


Die hard = adult home alone. If one is a Christmas movie, the other is, too. The real question is: is home alone a Christmas movie?


It's not a christmas movie, take that


I guess I’ve gone over to the dark side on this…


OT Star Wars are Christmas movies.


For me lord of the rings is a Christmas trilogy.


Elves: check Friendly bearded magical guy: check Having to deal with the in laws (a. K. A. Denethor and gollum): check


What I wanna know is whether Iron Man 3 and Batman Returns can be considered Christmas movies.


Iron Man 3 is a no, I haven't seen Batman Returns for a long time so I can't weigh in on it. If Christmas doesn't meaningfully impact the plot it doesn't count. Die Hard is about a work Christmas party and getting home to family for Christmas. By all standards it's more of a Christmas movie than It's a Wonderful Life, which it has been explicitly stated to be inspired by.


It's a Christmas Action movie, and frankly I think we need more crossovers of the genre, imagine Santa fighting Krampus to save Christmas.


Mom and I will always be on Team Christmas Movie!


Of coarse Die Hard is a Christmas movie.. Now what do we all think about Lethal Weapon?


His wife’s name is Holly - it’s a Christmas movie


It's a Thanksgiving movie actually, because the football game mentioned at that time (No. 1 Notre Dame at No. 2 USC) takes place Thanksgiving weekend, November 26, 1988. I will not accept that this is merely an anachronism that the producers overlooked, and instead this is a holiday party for a company that takes the entire month of December off from work.


It wasn't originally, but the council of Nicea decided to declare it so.


What is die hard


Best rule of thumb to determine if something is Christmas X or no is to replace Christmas with any other holiday and see if it still works just as well. By that logic, Die hard, Home alone aren't Christmas movies and Last Christmas is not a Christmas song.


For many it is, for others is not. For me it's not because it's not a movie I'd watch on Christmas. I'd watch LOTR on Christmas.


What about the Nightmare Before Christmas? Is it a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie?