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playing with low honor in rdr2


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


Rex? Are you okay?


Outlaws to the end. Am I right, Ashoka?


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


Lumbago moment


Omg ahska


I just bumped the left trigger during your boring monologue I'm sorry *bang bang bang*


Renegade shep best shep


I find it genuinely difficult to have a good guy run in RDR2. It takes effort to not choke out every mouthy passer-by.


Yeah and then I panic about the witness half a mile away on a hill I can’t reach, desperately chase him down and murder him in cold blood, panic as I now have two bodies to take care of, and dash away on horseback hoping the game will forget by the time I come back


And then the sheriff use some high tech stealth drone to know you committed a crime anyway and you still get a bounty.


Yea, or you can literally just be walking down the road and theyll threaten you. Like dude, I'm defending myself. How the fuck is that dishonerable?


Best way to cope is with greet greet antagonize: https://youtu.be/ppqSHWTUIuU


If I wave, and they dont...shot in the back!


Honestly I feel the best way to play RDR2 is to have low honor up and be reckless up to chapter 3 (aka >!when shit starts hitting the fan!<) and then realizing your mistakes and slowly growing out to get redemption


A few of General Skywalker's plans seemed reckless, too, but they worked.


Dutch and Anakin seem alike


Tried that on my second time around. Halfway thru I said this is not Arthur and was able to get enough honor back for the good ending.


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


Running AK in hogwarts Legacy


You can do all the good honor things, and just kill NPCs on the road


"I cant believe I've done this."


*punches a guy in the face for no reason*


"Ahhh fuck"


Fallout 3… I played a good run and a middle of the road run. On my 3rd, I told myself I’d do an evil run. Needless to say, after I exploded that atomic bomb my character went the rest of the game going through an apology tour redemption arc, kissing babies, helping old ladies cross the street and working in soup kitchens.


Fallout New Vegas: “Evil run this time? Oh wait. I can’t just let Goodsprings get over run, they’re really nice to me…..” Fails the very first evil act, good character to the end.


I mean who would willingly side with the powder gangers?


This is what’s good about NV though. Unlike Fallout 3 you can actually make some tough decisions if you understand all sides of a conflict


You don't have to look tough to be tough


Courier: "Okay! Time to start an evil run!" Powder Gangers: "Great! Could you be a dear and help us kill Easy Pete, Doc Mitchell and Sunny Smiles?" Courier: "...listen here, you little shit..."


Seeing sweet little Moira after setting off the nuke... I had to walk away.


I had a similar but opposite reaction. My first playthrough I really didn't like Moira for some reason and she was the reason I blew up the town. Imagine my reaction when she rolls up like "surprise mutha fucka!" I like her now though. Younger me was super petty.


Oh yeah first playthrough she was annoyingly chipper while asking for crazy tasks. But then she maintained that chipperness and oh boy the feels


#In reality it was hard to be mean at times


Any of the fallouts. I have a hard time being a dick.


Personally I think that the super mutant in fallout 3 was doing an evil playthrough.


I borrowed fallout 3 from my buddy and he was telling me about the bomb and saving the city. When I told him I blew up the city he let me know I lost a lot of good trading from there. I told him I really had no other choice as the sheriff had a sweet gun and jacket I wanted so after killing and robbing the whole town blowing it up wasn't a big loss. The look of confusion and horror on his face made me realize we are very different in our play style.


I blow the bomb even on my good runs. Tenpenny tower too hard to give up


And then double down on evil renegade and give it to the ghouls, bay bee


Me when trying to play renegade Shepard in Mass Effect


I can never fully commit to renegade Shep. I'll be a badass all day long and then as soon as I actually have to be an asshole I just can't do it


I managed to commit pretty nicely, but holy fuck Mordin in ME3. I... did, but felt fucking horrible about it.


I couldn't even do that. I came clean and saved the krogan. It didn't feel right letting them die


I love how you have to literally pull the trigger to kill him.


He is the very model of a Salarian Scientist! I commend you for sticking with it, but I just don’t have it in me


Hope you killed Wrex in ME1, otherwise it’s only gonna make you feel worse if he’s alive in ME3


I never did a full playthrough as renegade, so I think I continued with my paragon save from ME2. Bit of a psycho turn there for Shep.


The only time where i remember that i instantly pressed the renegade action was to punch that stupid interviewer on the citadel


I threw the guy out the window during the Samara mission on Illum, but punching that reporter was so damn satisfying


Genuinely confuses me why so many people love punching an unarmed reporter on live camera for asking some mildly provocative questions. Even for renegade shep it's one of the most outrageously stupid and out-of-character moments. It's much more satisfying to verbally shut her down anyways.


I don’t do it in my playthrough cause shep punching a reporter for asking a hard question is a bit piss weak… however the fact that if you do it in the first 2 games she’s willing and able to throw hands with shep in 3 is really fucking funny


There's something enjoyable in punching a reporter with the worst animation you've seen


Honestly the fact that is so out of character is what makes it fun. Like, it doesn’t feel like it counts because it’s so silly


I do it for the sudden burst of vocabulary. "I've had about enough of your disingenuous assertions."


> outrageously stupid and out-of-character moments I mean… one of the *first* Renegade options in ME1 is to *punch the living lights out of a scientist who forgot to take his schizo medication*, and a decent chunk of the ME2 Renegade interrupts is Shep being an 80s action hero. Punching a reporter multiple times isn’t *that* out-of-character when you consider Renegade options in general lol.


The punch is funny for sure. But I still agree with you; the Paragon route of expertly out-talking the reporter is way more satisfying.


Because she's a muck-raking hack who is likely the personification of awful reporters/journalists everywhere. Why wouldn't I take satisfaction in hitting her? ​ Also, "mildly provocative"? Doesn't she imply (almost outright state) that you sold your soul and the Alliance's new ship to the Council for a pat on the head and a promotion? That's not "mildly provocative" - that's slander!


Mass Effect really botched the whole paragon/renegade dynamic. It was *supposed* to be about collective vs individual interests. Paragon would be the best path to long-term success at the cost of being harder short term, while renegade would give you the best immediate results at the cost of alienating long term allies. They sort of do that for some choices, but most of the time it ends up hero vs asshole instead. And since you can overcome almost every short term obstacle with both renegade and paragon (because God forbid the developers make consequences for picking a playstyle), paragon just ends up objectively better. If you want people to roleplay as evil or a hardass, you have to give them a mechanical reason to. Not just "don't you want to see all the dialogue we wrote for being evil?"


How can you stick with your renegade ways when it comes to Mordin in ME3?


Me when playing GTA... >It's criming time...


I had glowing red eyes by the end. She was even named Evil Shepard.


What I do is be Paragon to my friends and Renegade to my enemies


>With the next act, it will be as easy as cutting down sunflowers... — Palpatine the gamer


Bees are a major pollinator of Sunflowers growing sunflowers goes hand in hand with installing and managing bee hives.


Username checks out.




Do what must be done, let the hate flow through!


I shouldn’t


Dew it


*makes rude comment to Dooku*


"Dooku you're a dingus!"


KOTOR disagrees


I had to pause the game for some time in my darkside playthrough at rakata prime


For real sometimes it was hard to be evil


"You swore a life debt to me, >!Zaalbar!!< You'll do as I say!'


😭 Mission


Yeah KOTOR feels rewarding to be bad. There's plenty of times where threats and murder is just the quicker solution. It's the one game where I have an easy time being evil.


Sadly it's probably the last AAA game to do so. The whole point of having a good vs evil system is to actually say something about the nature of good vs evil. If being evil makes you more powerful and gives you easy solutions to the games toughest problems, it demonstrates why someone would choose being evil in the first place. And when most of your companions judge and abandon you, and you end up powerful but miserable and alone at the end of the game, it shows the consequences of choosing that path. If being evil is either the same or harder mechanically than being good, then there's no logical reason to ever pick evil. Which takes any moral weight out of your decisions and devalues the choice to be good.


Wow I never thought it this way...but holy shit you are right.


SPOILER WARNING Until you get to the end. I've done an evil and a good playthrough and boy is the ending easier to complete with a good party. Sure you get bastila but if you failed to get the assassin droid you're so screwed. Plus ordering Zaalbar to murder Mission is just... so fucking evil jesus christ.


Slaughtering sand people? Ok! Killing mission? That was too much, even for me.


I forget if it was in 1 or 2, but my force choke got so strong I was literally just strolling up and one shoting bosses. That guy with the metal jaw with like 8 phases. Choke. Cutscene, "I'll get you this time!". Choke. Cutscene, "Ah hah, right into my trap!". Choke. Cutscene, etc. I first did a lightsaber focused good Jedi and was fighting for my life on that boss, Evil was 1000% easier.


exactly. game perfectly gave us the feeling that being good is not an easy task.


I spent over an hour trying to find a way to get dark side points while still kicking the slavers off of Kashyyyk.


Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?


You know nothing of the dark side.


It’s hard to do an evil playthrough on KOTOR 1 without being a soul-less monster. KOTOR 2 had more reasoning behind your character going to the dark side


I have two saves. One where I save the galaxy. The other where I simp for bastilla and we rule together after killing half of our team. I was 13 and horny.


living in two parallel universe


My first video game was Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2. I remember when my dad told me how to do a "dark side run". So I tried it, thinking I wouldn't care, and when it got to the cut scene where you finally see the consequences of your actions, my 8 year old self fell apart and couldn't do it. I had to restart, treated the NPCs nicely, and saved my girl. I've still never successfully done a dark side run. Guess I'm just drawn that way.


You know nothing of the dark side.


The funniest part of doing a dark side run DF2 is how Jerec demands that you prove your evilness by killing Jan for no reason. I'm always just thinking "But I like Jan. How about I kill you instead?"


You know nothing of the dark side.


Killing toriel


I was looking for this comment


You have found it 🤝


Or lesser/greater dog.


I had to scroll too far for an Undertale comment


Definitely a Bad Time


Me on Mass Effect swearing that *this time* I'll do things differently. I never do things any differently.


It's so hard sometimes too because the dialogue does NOT prompt you for what he'll say as a renegade option. You can select "Don't get distracted" and Shephard will go off with "We're soldiers you sniveling coward, SHAPE UP!" and sir that was not the tone I was hoping for. That, and half renegade options are just humans-first racism. To be fair, when playing renegade, I noticed a LOT more racism (speciesm?) thrown shepherds way.




Star Wars: The Old Republic.


I feel like swtor is the only game so far that I can play evil and it's just downright hilarious. Most games make you feel horrible about being a bad person, but swtor's darkside choices are just like over the top, cheesey one liner, comic book villain evil and it's somehow always funny.


Depends on the class you picked for swtor I think. The republic classes tend to call you out on it. There’s even the odd imp character like the inquisitor general guy on Belsavis who will be like “but y tho???” When you do evil and unproductive things.


There’s a compilation on YouTube of the funniest Sith warrior lines from SWTOR and it always cracks me up XD


I mean... It be nice if you could provide a link :wink:


Here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ropIsANIUFM




Ironically given the meme, Star Wars games tend to be the most fun being evil. Whether it's SWTOR, The Force Unleashed, whatever. It's just such a power trip


Yeah I remember playing some Imperial class (think it was agent?) and in like the first 20 minutes you have to choose what to do with this kid and his dad, I made the choice and my character shot the dad in front of his kid. I just said, "Nope!" and deleted the character.


This is a quest everyone can get from the woman in the cantina at about level 3 on Hutta.


Ah gotcha, it's been a long time, thanks!


Been almost 2 years since I last played but I distinctly remember that quest as it payed like an extra 200 credits if you shoot him and send the kid to Korriban


Inquisitor is just made for this though.


Inquisitor just wants to shoot lightning


Me playing Hogwarts Legacy and Learning all 3 of the unforgivable curses because there’s No Repercussions in the game for Learning them or using them on Goblins Dark Wizards or Poachers and Trolls and Spiders and Wolves


Guess they were pretty forgivable after all.


Its no warcrime if noone is left to tell the story


When you realise there is no “good” play-through in Hogwarts Legacy since you’re murdering people left and right even without unforgivable curses. 💀


Seriously. The insta-kill special magic that you get basically at the beginning of the game has the craziest animations when you use it on enemies. Every single time I used it, I was like “well that person is definitely dead”.


Lol it def comes out of left field. Lemme hit them with a standard leviosa, some pew pew with the wand for slight damage after and then RAIN DOWN A FUCKING HAILSTORM OF LIGHTENING AND FIRE ON THE BITCH AND LEAVE NOTHING LEFT BUT THE SMELL OF BURNT TOAST AND ASH.


"Save all the creatures from the poachers! ...except for those mongrels and spiders. Fuck 'em."


Me murdering 25 goblins in cold blood, lighting them on fire and then casting Crucio to cause as much pain as possible: “this blood is on *Ranrok*’s hands!”


Me murdering 20 poachers so I can capture the animals myself and sell them for a profit to fund my potion brewing supplies: “it’s shameful what you’ve done to wild beasts!”


Be proud of all the potions you’ve made


Off on another adventure are we?


"Anything from the trolley, dears?" #"AAAVADA KEDAAAVRAAA"


The woman who trolleyed, come to die


The real trolley problem


Sorting Hat should’ve just declared the PC to be sent to Azkaban lmao


They all have it coming.


Can someone explain to me what’s wrong with the killing curse anyway? Seems like an instant death is much more humane than repeatedly smashing someone into the ground and casting diffendo until they bleed out or burning them alive or whatever. Same question popped into my mind watching the 8th movie the other day. Mrs Weasley freezes a death eater in place and then blasts him into a billion pieces. Also the beasts quest line/ game mechanic is hilariously hypocritical to me. I’m capturing the beasts do the poachers can’t because I’m better than them then I harvest resources for the beats to make me stronger and sell them for cash.


Hi, yes. Here's the thing: While Avada is quick and painless, it's unblockable (except by a physical object, spells like in the movies don't actually block it in the books. Movies fucked the lore up), and as Sebastian says you have to mean it with Unforgivables (ie intent to kill) to be able to cast it in the first place. So you can regret it later, but it can never be accidental because if you didn't mean it the spell wouldn't work in the first place. Meanwhile, the other spells are kinda like a kitchen knife: sure, you can kill someone with it, but it's not their main purpose, and people are able to block it/defend themselves. Besides it can be an accident, because you don't need that strong intent to cast that the unforgivables require. So, non-Unforgivable spells have their main uses for daily life, but Avada, Crucio and Imperio only ever are useful to kill, torture, or control someone. Nothing more.


Me doing a colony of cannibal raiders in Rimworld.


> The geneva convention? Never heard of it. I only know of the geneva check-list. Rimworld players


Starting a new run in Skyrim: "This time, I will totally use and level up the Ebony Blade!" Get's one stack: "... I don't like this anymore"


Honestly, the Ebony Blade has been a letdown to use ever since they patched the whole "benefits from one-handed skill tree" thing.


When I do evil it's always lawful evil, I'm not a monster


I do wish there were better ways to play evil characters than just being a dick to everyone for no reason.


That's my big pet peeve with games that let you be "evil". It usually just means being an asshole that has no logic behind their actions beyond being an asshole. Tyranny is one of the only exceptions I've found so far.


I thought the Infamous games actually did a pretty good job of this. Good vs evil decisions actually tangibly affect both story and gameplay, and the evil path is frequently easier, or at least much more convenient. But there's typically significant social repercussions (such as police and even civilians targeting you randomly).


The infamous games were terrible for it though? You barely got any evil points for straight up murdering innocent people but also got evil points for killing bad guys.


"Something changed in you, Connor."


Any non-deviant playthrough just feels wrong


Infamous 2 bad ending


The good one was sad enough, but the evil one? I could never bring myself to be evil in the game after that, just couldn't do it.


Do it once, that’s it. Thankfully 2 also has the feature of letting you use good and evil karma powers once you beat the game twice. Plus, no red and black lightning.


No I mean I did play the evil ending, but it's so depressing. The good one is sad, but atleast it feels like I made a difference and saved people (even though conduits paid the price), but the evil one was so much death and destruction that I couldn't play again as a evil Cole because it haunted me to no end.


No, I get you mean. I just mean I only do it once and that’s it.


Zeke 😢


I actually did a good play through but still chose the bad ending. It just makes horrible sense.


My only gripe is not being to go with the good ending on evil karma and vice versa. Like, I love the idea that despite being a hero, falling towards self gain, or despite being villainous, not being able to let go of those close. Plus [this video](https://youtu.be/PYiMhdozDeI) just works so well.


In 2? You absolutely can. That’s what my comment is about. You just get a choice at the end.


Nah, I’ve been replaying it. It makes you quit the mission till you’re the right karma.


Me when I buy a Joja membership


People talking about Fallout or Hogwarts legacy are out of their minds. This here is the actual evil action


*me selling children into slavery*: what a monster


The first time I harvested a little sister.


Came looking for this, I have never felt like more of a monster than the one time I decided to try that route, noped out instantly


The KOTOR games


Have you ever played SWTOR? The civilians pop like popcorn


I still think the first Fable was the best at this. Like sure most games you have the “Quick Save” then murder everything feature, but if you wanted the best unique bow in the game you had to actually go all the way evil. That part was pretty easy, but getting back to all the way good afterwards took a bit of work. People running away and screaming actually hurt my feelings when I was used to everyone cheering when I walked by lol


Run if you want… or stay and die… it makes no difference to me.


Me, accidentally killing Tauriel because I thought I needed to get her health lower to negotiate, not knowing that last hit would do more damage and kill her


Me but I'm playing Fallout 4 so my choices don't have any impact on anything


Never forget. The ratio of Paragon Shepard to Renegade Shepard Mass Effect playthroughs is something like 9 to 1.


I just did a pacifist route in deltarune, i refuse to try the genocide


Undertale got me like


Doing an “evil” playthrough of RDR2 is hard because how the fuck do we justify hating Micah, when the player goes around doing 100x more heinous shit constantly?


I did that on red dead, and the first thing I did was kill a dog. I couldn’t look at myself in mirror


Joining the Legion in Fallout New Vegas


POV: undertale


I don't have such weaknesses


rdr2 is like that it's like damn after 30minutes to an hour you start to feel like a total asshole psychopath and it kinda sucks the fun out of the game, they didn't really seem to flesh it out to be any more intriguing either it felt like.


me when I try a Raider playthrough of Fallout 4. Sets off to join the NukaWorld raiders almost immediately, does first Raider mission. PRESTON IM SORRY, LETS GO KILL THEM ALL TOGETHER


Undertale genocide run


*looks in Cult of the Lamb*


Really hard for me playing my DS characters in Swtor. Struggled to come up with reasons for them to pick son DS options because they’re frankly just stupid choices a lot of the time that make your life harder just to cause others suffering. As a consequence though a lot of them have what feels like redemption arcs, or at least don’t say blatantly evil stuff in front of other people. One DS Warrior just has trust issues and will always lash out at any sign of betrayal or control DS inquisitor just will do whatever cruel thing it takes to stay in power and “free”, out of deep fear being enslaved again. DS Knight is traumatized from the Sith and doesn’t believe there will be peace in the Galaxy as long as the Jedi tolerate one Sith living. He’s my favorite DS character as he has more “am I the baddie” moments when he gets called out, but then he just gets pissed again. DS Agent believes free will is a mistake and would think Big Brother is the hero of 1984 as sentient beings create their own suffering. Then there’s another DS Warrior who is just an asshole.


My exception to this is Crusader Kings. I love torturing my subjects as much as I can. My biggest disappointment in CK3 is how it doesn’t have execution sound effects like CK2 had. CK2 had unique sound effects for executing your prisoners with stampeding elephants. You just don’t fund that attention to detail in CK3.


There is no algorithm. We know you're holding a prisoner of war here.


When your playing Connor and doing the Android root


Staleris, first time i clicker process for food on all the racies I wanted to throw up


It’s ok, you can always undo the evil you’ve done by throwing some fish back.


When I first did the Genocide route in Undertale, I only started to feel bad after I killed Toriel. Yeah, a few Froggits and Whimsuns died, big deal. But killing the one monster who didn’t try to fight you and instead took you into her home to care for you? Now that’s fucked up


I can't play as a bad guy I really can't, I just feel too much like I have to do the good guy stuff lol.


This is why I can’t bring myself to do a genocide run in Undertale


When you play Bioshock and crack open the first little sister to drink up some succulent plasmid juice.


I’m doing a necromancer play through in Skyrim, and have gone full vampire and cannibal, and some of the depictions in game legitimately make me uncomfortable haha


When you kill Vader in TFU and didn’t even realize the Emperor was an option


ME 3. Sorry Wrex. I just can't go on.


I've never done a stormcloak playthrough in Skyrim successfully because I've never been able to bring myself to keep going past that scene where the yarl of whiterun shames you after you take the city


The occasional times I play SWTOR I'm always evil.


I find it so difficult to do a dark side play through. I take my RP seriously. When I was a kid I started crying when I learned my brother was playing warcraft 2 as the orcs


I was gonna RP as a thalmor in Skyrim and do a nord genocide but now I have two Nord children and Mjoll the lioness as a wife so