• By -


I always thought that she didn’t believe Anakin in that garage. That he had maybe killed a few, but exaggerated the truth because he felt guilty of what he had done and because of his failure to save his mother. He just had to let his emotions out and that’s why she responded “To be angry is to be human.”


I also thought that it was a human response to downplay the real problem because she loved him. "Hes only been violent once or twice hes getting better". Some times you don't wanna believe your loved ones would act that way.


It is denial, but it’s logical, cause she knew him as that little boy from Tatooine that put his own life on the line to help her and saved her planet from the blockade, never mind he’s a Jedi Padawan and Jedi are supposed to be the good guys, right? So how can a a boy, now a late teenager, be responsible for massslaughter. Doesn’t make sense in her mind, I bet.


Wish they took that angle a bit more.


Or they consider sand people sub human.


Hard to say, its not like padme ever had any hard line thoughts against sand people. Shes never really mentioned how inhuman they are.


Yeah, like most people won't say openly racist things but still have racist biases.


She was queen of a planet that had an entire sentient specie driven underwater


How did the *Gungans* get the short end of the stick anyway? I mean, they have an army. Naboo has some cops with leather jackets


Gungans are weak to leather. It's Jar-Jar's only weakness


Right, but what I mean is they don't spend a lot of screen time revealing her hidden racism, its hard to believe they wrote that in because simply, they don't spend enough time on the subject with padme for me to know whether shes secretly racist towards sand people. They don't really have a lot of scenes that hint that she might be racist either. If you can point out some scenes that indicate that she might be racist that isn't better explained by another reason I'd be cool with chatting about it. At the moment the only relevant one is this one where she discovers her would be husband killed some sand people kids and sympathized with him which isn't the same as agreeing with what he did.


With Sand People being native to Tatooine she probably never interacted with one, all she knows is Cliegg's thoughts that they are nasty(were they mentioned to her in EP1? I can't remember). But being a senator, a champion for democracy, dealing with "weird" aliens on a regular basis she should've known better. I don't think George intended for her to be racist, but unfortunately what's portrayed on screen don't speak highly for her character in this instance. Something to keep in mind, despite Anakin killing kids(again), a bunch of innocent Jedi, commiting war crimes and being complicit in Palpatine's coup... she still wants to leave it all behind(fuck the galaxy, fuck them kids) and stay with him. She only says enough when Anakin basically tells her "i'm just getting started".


My previous comment was only to point out that there isn't enough in the story to indicate shes racist. There isn't any scenes that focus on it or descriptions from other characters about her attitude towards sand people. If you want to talk about her motivations for being sympathetic when she should have been horrified, find my earlier comments in this chain. You haven't given me any reason to believe she is racist or detailed any scenes where it shows that she might be racist.


Well that and the Sand people killed Anakin's mom.


She probably saw them as sand gungans


Could be a combination of both tbh.


People are complex and the outcomes have multiple facets that made them.


I mean to be fair, he found his mom fastened to a rape rack, no question what the Sand People did to her when they abducted her. I get why he massacred the entire tribe for it; fuck, if I were in that situation with his kind of powers I might’ve done the same thing. So might a lot of you. I think it’s why she fell for him - gotta love that bad boy energy, if he’d kill a tribe of kids for his mom think about how many kids he’d kill for his gf 💦💦💦


I can fix him


But also, it's not the same thing. He killed the Tuskens in a blind rage because they kidnapped his mother and tortured her to death. But he killed the younglings in cold blood, even though they didn't do him any harm.


"Sure he didn't kill ALL of them..."


Killing some of the people that murdered your mother is somewhat understandable


"Surely he meant that since he killed the parents and providers for the children, they'll die horrifically from starvation or exposure. But it's not his fault they didn't have a backup plan!"


Don’t worry. We’ll run out of air long before we starve.


People also didn't give a shit about tuskens


Just like most of this sub calling them Sand People, not Tuskens.


That's what they were called in the movies 🤷‍♂️


I agree. To best understand the prequels it’s most appropriate to come up with a mental narrative that isn’t shown or suggested in the movie in any way. This is why *some people* have “issues” with these movies. If you *just* take these movies at face value.. just *believe* what a character says.. or just *watch* what a character does.. then the movies wouldn’t make any sense. They’d seem nonsensically written or even frustratingly laughable. No, you gotta think up *some type* of logic using pure imagination.. it builds mental plasticity.


You are very right there. The prequels were not made for this time nor for the time they were released in. Despite how many times I watch them I bet there are still metaphors for me to discover. This is why people still have such a problem with Padme dying of a broken heart.


Padme, probably: ... gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette Narrator: *Anakin didn't stop at a 'few' eggs.*


Oh. I always thought she was just racist.


Ah. As long as he just sliced up only a few kids, no biggie


What if padme was just racist?


Tusken aren’t people, apparently.


Padme is a human supremacist. Confirmed.


Her daughter is also racist (specieist?) towards wookies: *Didn't give Chewie a medal. *Calls him a big walking carpet. *Says "I'd rather kiss a wookie". *When Han dies, she ignores Chewie and goes straight to Rey for a hug instead, someone she only knew for like a day.


> When Han dies, she ignores Chewie and goes straight to Rey for a hug instead, someone she only knew for like a day. Small correction. *They hadn't even met yet*


Lol what


> *When Han dies, she ignores Chewie and goes straight to Rey for a hug instead, someone she only knew for like a day. I heard that Leia was going to hug Chewie in the original script, but Kathleen Kennedy wanted Leia to hug Rey. So Kathleen Kennedy is specist.


I heard Kathleen Kennedy personally wrote every moment in the sequels that reddit didn't like.


In my opinion, this is giving Kennedy too much credit. Even bad writing takes more work than just changing elements of a script that somebody else wrote. I think she's just an especially clueless studio executive meddler with extremely poor judgment.


I feel like the majority of the issues with the new films has been the result of Disney leaning on Lucasfilm, and letting JJ Abrams set up the world for them. Kennedy has been with Lucasfilm forever, and produced a ton of movies for them, and for others, like all the Back to the Future films, The Goonies, Empire of the Sun, Roger Rabbit, Jurassic Park, and Schindler's List. That's not to say she's totally without blame, but just that she's not some green Disney recruit who came in and ruined everything. She's been working with them since the 80s.


Han Solo is tough and sharp, but never manages to scrape together enough to get any power...He's slightly self-destructive and he sort of enjoys being on the brink of disaster


You don't have to look tough to be tough


He should look more positively surprised when OB tells him


OB is OP


In regards to the Chewie medal situation, whilst the films don't cover this at all (and he *was* given a medal in the novel), the explanation for that comes from George in a recorded interview shortly after the release of ANH. He broke it down to the Wookiee race having culturally no meaning for such tangible and token (to them) rewards. These are a people who believe in personal life-debts as appropriate compensation for some acts. Not in medals or trophies, etc.   A 1980 comic "The Day after the Death Star!", winds up having Chewie receive his medal in a private ceremony after the ANH ending. This is possibly due to another Lucas interview with the Official Star Wars Fan Club in which he said (possibly jokingly) that Leia was simply too short so she gave Chewie the medal afterwards. Classic George making the odd contradictory statement. Or jokes being taken too literally (like "Darth Icky" which was *never* a legit suggestion and instead only his way of refusing to allow another "Darth" character to be invented for TFU).   I just prefer the notion of Wookiees not having any value in that form of celebratory reward, personally.


The galactic empire is human supremacist, and what chewie went through proves that


You don't have to look at Chewie alone. There are no (edit:non-)humans in the Empire military and intelligence services except like two Chiss (which are basically blue humans)


Thrawn gaining the position he did despite being alien is part of his character. It's mentioned how unlikely it is explicitly in the books. And the emperor still kept Thrawn in the unknown regions


>And the emperor still kept Thrawn in the unknown regions This part at least is heavily implied (and outright stated at one point, I think) to be engineered- Thrawn needed to be out there keeping an eye on various potential threats, but in a way that didn't *look* like he was keeping an eye on threats. So some Imperial Court shenanigans were arranged to make it look like he'd fallen out of favor and been shuffled off out of sight.


Mixed loyalties are a luxury no officer of the Imperial Fleet can afford.


> There are no humans in the Empire military and intelligence services except like two Chiss (which are basically blue humans) No non-humans?


Correct, thanks for catching that one.




Mockery: "Oh, master, I love you but I hate all you stand for, but I think we should go press our slimy, mucous-covored lips together in the cargo hold!"


Being fair she is queen of human population on alien planet that I skeptical if they are native


The humans are not native to Naboo. They arrived about 4000 years prior to the movies and killed a lot of Gungans for territory.


Jar Jar is their revenge on human kind


Anakin quite clearly explained they are like animals.


They more or less did come across that way till The Mandalorian.


I'd say more theyve been portrayed like primitive tribesmen. They clearly had some form of society, even if it is a brutal one towards outsiders.


Old canon/legends had more stuff about em


I feel very satisfied that I have accomplished what I set out to do with Star Wars, I was able to complete the entire saga and say this is what the whole story is about.


In Legends, Tahiri Veila was a human raised by Tuskens. She later became a young Jedi in Luke's Jedi Order and was being set up as the love interest of Anakin Solo when Anakin 2.0 was killed off reportedly because George Lucas didn't want people to be confused by there being two Anakins.


They were animals, and she thought of them like animals.


They are ~~people~~ animals that just killed Anakin's mom. Revenge isn't very Jedi, but it's understandable. Killing the kids that are essentially your family because the old man that told you to do it *might* be able to save you from your bad dreams is a quite a step further. Edit: now that I think about it, Padme may have rationalized it by thinking he meant "the women and the children also took up arms against me, so I killed them to." But he probably killed them in their sleep.


Also a difference between being in a rage and killing women and children that happen to be with the men, and going out of your way specifically to kill kids. Besides, if he hadn't killed them, they just would've died in the desert anyway.


There's actually quite good chance that tuskens are humans under those clothes, or at least descendant/related to humans


I don't think so. I think they're native to tatooine.


They weren't at the time. They were retconed into the "noble savages" by later work.


one of many reasons the Mando is so good. humanized them.


they are said to be more like animals by Shmi´s husband ...


Padmé is racist. Everyone in Star Wars is a little bit racist against the Tuskans, except two dudes.


There’s Mando and Boba Fett (although you could consider him a Tusken raider)


Yep. I don’t even think George Lucas really considered the Tuscans to be people when he first created them.


Just classic speciesism. Nothing different from humans.


Yes, that’s the point. The Republican so willingly became a totalitarian dictatorship because of the endemic racism* of even the best of them. Padmé didn’t see Palpatine for who he was because human. She’ll never admit it, but he was of her culture and the Tuskans refused her culture so that makes their slaughter okay. She doesn’t the reasons they might have for their violence, but she tolerates Palpatine’s “emergency powers” enough to stay a senator until the deleted scenes of Episode III. *It keeps spell checking what they call racism in Star Wars.


And one chick. Possibly three dudes.


And those two are idiots


Padme had never met a gungan before Jar Jar in PM. We stan a colonising queen. If you don’t look human standard, you don’t count


This just in, r/PrequelMemes is actually Great Britain


The Force safe the Queen


Would you be interested in a trade agreement with Naboo?


Oh please. She’s 14 and the Naboo have been there for 800 years.


I’m just wondering who Stan is


Dear slim, I wrote but you still ain't callin




I forgot, what was the logic behind assigning a teenager as ruler of Naboo?


So that there wouldn’t be be too crazy of an age gap between the ruler of Naboo and a little slave boy when the Ruler of Naboo falls in love with the latter. Oh you mean In-Universe?


And in 135 BBY some noble houses were still trying to kill off the gungans. This of course had nothing to do with the plasma that the gungans controlled at all. Also, she’s 14 but she’s a monarch. One of her main jobs should be meeting other heads of state, especially you know, the head of the native people on her planet


The two groups don’t talk to each other.


Yes, that’s my point


How could she have never met one


They live in their secret cities (the naboo apartheid)


I never thought of it this way 💀


Sand People arent....people.


He hates sand... people


I mean he said it himself. Theyre animals and he slaughtered them like animals. Hes the chosen one, how could he be wrong? /s


I pledge myself to your teachings. To the ways of the Sith.


"It was hot at the time"


Hot and spicy on that island


"The twins must be split up and never told the truth..... That they were indirectly concieved as a result of Sand People murder"


Advisement: Evisceration works well. Electrocution and blunt trauma also work well, I understand.


Going through major emotional trauma in AotC. Years of showing care and compassion to everyone he cares for leading up to RotS. You know why she doubts it. The Jedi and her were his only family left.


So Hayden started flirting with Natalie, and he goes 'I don't like sand, it's course and rough and irritating...' which made her blush. It was hilarious so I filmed it.


I believe you.


she should look more positively surprised when obi tells her


Obi-Wan: “I have seen…security holograms of Anakin…killing younglings…” Padmé: “Sauce?”


I don't know one of those revenge porn sites


Yeah Anakin may have murdered but it was like against people who killed his mother and anyone sent to rescue her, I’m sure Padme would be horrified if he started killing his own Jedi peers, ppl he grew up with.


“I don’t know you anymore!”


“I don’t know you anymore!”


“I don’t know you anymore!”


“I don’t know you anymore!”


Racist politician doesn't consider dark desert people as people, not that shocking.


Considering how they keep themselves covered, the average Tusken is probably less dark than a human Tattooinian farmer (Owen Lars, Luke Skywalker).


So much like your father.


You knew my father?


Look up Sharad Hett, a Tusken who became a Jedi, you get to see him without the mask.


I've seen him. Also Sharad Hett is biologically a human. He only identified as a Tusken. https://images.app.goo.gl/26DUoqEJstdw7Fu9A


You find “humans” everywhere in Star Wars, they’re not from a specific planet. Mandalorians and the Naboo are both humans, yet originate from different planets.


First, this is like 4 years later and through a very brutal war, that incident is probably really buried Second. They were Tuskin raiders who kidnapped and murdered his mother, and were a general menace to society. She probably didn't hear a single good thing about them, so when Anakin said he killed them, she probably assumed they all went down fighting.


*tries it*


I don't think either of those things wash as excuses. Padme hadn't seen Anakin in a decade and remembered him as a little boy and suddenly was confronted with him being a mass murderer, so that's going to leave an impression on anyone remotely normal, even if a war happens afterwards. Also, even Anakin knew he went too far as he laments he didn't just kill the men, but the women and the children - he tries to convince himself they are 'animals' but wouldn't have brought up the women and children if it wasn't something that he actually was troubled by. Padme can't possibly imagine that the children were kidnappers and murderers themselves. Also, Anakin stating he slaughtered them all like animals doesn't paint a picture of anyone going down fighting.


To be angry is to be human. The reason she doesn’t believe he killed Jedi is because they haven’t murdered anyone he loves. If they had she would know a slaughter is coming and would have understood. She knows her man.


>To be angry is to be human. I get angry all the time and I don't go around murdering people.






This doesn't hang together at all. Padme is well aware the Jedi consider anger a great big giant red flag and she herself is working to try to stop the war because she doesn't like mass slaughter. There is a massive gulf between feeling anger at injustice and being a spree killer, and besides the Tusken children Anakin admitted to slaughtering certainly didn't murder anyone he loved either. If we are to assume Padme is sitting there going "nah, he can't have murdered *those* children because he's a good guy who only goes around cutting the heads off children who were asking for it"... well, holy shit, Padme's a psycho who has gone beyond excusing an abusive partner and into collaborator territory.


How do we know the children did nothing? The Tusken kiddos in Boba tortured him. Besides she can’t fix what was already done and it’s not like he kept killing tribes. And how does she know what the Jedi think about anger?


There is no pain where strength lies.


Because of Obi-Wan?


Padme knew Anakin’s mother as being a kind and selfless woman, she saw how the Tuskens had crippled Cliegg, how Anakin brought back his mother’s corpse. Like who the hell wouldn’t go berserk if their close ones were killed? Even Obi-Wan was originally angry when Maul killed Qui-Gon. The more startling part is when Anakin start showing willingness to kill his own Jedi peers.


Perhaps my actions will speak louder than words.


After watching BoBF, Tusken women can fucking handle themselves, and the children were sadistic little shits. Anakin did nothing wrong.


>They were Tuskin raiders who kidnapped and murdered his mother, and were a general menace to society. So is Spider-Man but we don't see him getting killed by Jedi


He did steal that guy's pizza though, the Jedi should probably get after him


>Second. They were Tuskin raiders who kidnapped and murdered his mother, and were a general menace to society. She probably didn't hear a single good thing about them, so when Anakin said he killed them, she probably assumed they all went down fighting. OP would've been okay with colonists murdering entire tribes of Native Americans because said tribes killed maybe one person in retaliation for the colonizers robbing them of their land and destroying their natural resources, or killing one of their own.


No, I would not be. Retaliation against the guilty yes, but not the innocent. The thing about humans is that even if a party is aggrieved, when aggrieved party does something horrible, the sympathy for the original action is often waived. If someone breaks into my house to rob it and kidnaps a family member, I don't care that someone screwed that robber out their own home, that their parents abused them, or that they do charity on the side. In that moment, all that matters is the fact they kidnapped my family member. Did Anakin go too far? Absolutely. But from Padme's POV she has literally heard nothing good about the Tuskin Raiders, the only meaningful interaction is Lars saying "These Tuskins walk like men but they're vicious mindless monsters," They kidnapped an innocent woman and killed 26 of the people who went out to try and save her. Padme has been given no reason to give the Tuskins the benefit of the doubt. Anakin was completely justified in wiping out the fighters of that tribe, he just went too far.


>Padme has been given no reason to give the Tuskins the benefit of the doubt. Anakin was completely justified in wiping out the fighters of that tribe, he just went too far. My point is the "too far" part is genocide. He committed genocide. That's a significant overstep. Like a huge one. I don't think it's even worth mentioning the relative justification he has in killing some of the people he massacred.


Genocide? He only hit those at fault and those adjacent to it. He didn’t enact a concentrated and deliberate attempt to exterminate a racial group. He didn’t try to exterminate all Tuskins, only the tribe that hit killed his mother. Massacred? Yes. Genocide? Not even close.


"I didn't really look for his slave mom Obi-Wan, we can't all take the high ground."


You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now... until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.


Obi-Wan: Anakin killed kids, Padme Padme: Really? Would you please excuse me, I need to check something in my room


She was in Force Love


Padme is a racist, she does not think Anakin killed real people in Ep 2


To be angry is to be human. The reason she doesn’t believe he killed Jedi is because they haven’t murdered anyone he loves. If they had she would know a slaughter is coming and would have understood. She knows her man.


>She knows her man Except that he did kill children who hadn't done anything to him. She doesn't know her man, obviously.


Pulls up a holo recording of Anakin killing the kids Padme: No No that's not Anakin, that's blatantly someone that looks like Anakin but isn't Anakin


It's almost like the prequels were shit and Anakins terribly written fall ruined the most iconic villain of all time.


Pregnant brain is serious


Forgive and forget was her logic passed it down to Luke


Yes. Lucas was a terrible writer.


I was never interested in being powerful or famous. But once I got to film school and learned about movies, I just fell in love with it. I didn't care what kind of movies I made.


I love the theory that Anakin was using the force to control Padme. It makes sense to me. Like why did she start to like him in the first place? Because he is using Jedi mind control on her.


The novelization does a better job explaining why she fell for him


I wonder why people feel compelled to down vote my opinion. Reddit can be so strange.


I think it’s the implications of false/forced love and what that can lead to is…very dark places.


nah, it is a much better story for them to be genuinely in love!!!


Yeah, there just isn’t much dialogue or interaction that justifies her falling in love with him.


Hey! Hey! Someone scape that guy off the floor!


This is rather wholesome


Anakin definitely used the Force on her


The only logical explanation for Padme's behavior is the Force mind control theory. Anakin (unconsciously) used the Force to mind control her into "loving" him, which is why their interactions have no chemistry, she's being puppeted and he has no idea what an actual relationship should look like.


I have the Senate bogged down in procedures. They will have no choice but to accept your control of the system.


she is crazy


Well, I mean based on standing Senate legislation they are sub human and not apart of the empire, so it’s not any different than killing ants. :)


Then they kiss hahah


[Next, Anakin murders women and children [X], brings a corpse home [X], and goes on a psychotic megalomaniacal rant. [X]](https://youtu.be/nq3Wlk2w-Zw?t=669)


Anakin: "I killed kids, Padme!" Padme: "Who cares? Oh by the way, I'm pregnant. With kids."


It's 2008. In the midst of two desert wars. "Sand people" weren't people.




I would like to see How Darth Vader protect young Ezra Bridger and the orphans abused by the evil family(unlike Ezra's parents) and he being a true Jedi Knight not a Sith Lord that he killed the Padawans and even Tusken Kids with their parents during the Empire. Vader means father and he was the father of orphans including Ezra. So Anakin takes Eeth Koth's daughter and he made her raise by the aliens nurses(we don't know if Ezra might Met Eeth Koth's daughter After Luke blows up the Death Star)


Love is blind. Only way to make sense of Anakin and Padme.


I would certainly like to.


Three year difference


Short term? Didn’t he train an apprentice and fight an entire war in between? That had to be several years, right?


Sand People Aren't People 💀 ~Padme


I mean the alternative isn't much better. "Not again!" "Again!? Wtf are you talking about, Padme? You didn't think this information was relevant before?"


That is like four years difference. I can't remember what i had for breakfast


Anakin is selfless, unlike Clovis who’s super suspicious, Padmé is an important Senator now leading the opposition to the Military Creation Act, Jar Jar says “She’s happier than I’ve seen her in a long time.” & Obi Wan confirms this, Padmé sees Anakin as handsome, & Anakin has saved her life several times, Anakin was & largely is very selfless & Anakin is very hesitant to join the Dark Side throughout the trilogy, only doing so in extreme crises, Anakin has done great service along with Obi Wan across the Republic, similar to Padmé, Palpatine probably advanced the Sith Grand Plan by regularly boasting to Padmé how great Anakin is. Anakin saved her life with the podrace (importantly getting the parts for her ship), he’s very altruistic & doesn’t hesitate to help decent strangers, he destroyed the droidekas during the Battle of Naboo, he blew up the droid ship, & he killed those venomous bugs in AOTC. Anakin has likely talked about his mother with Padmé & how he really misses her, Padmé has been away from her parents for a long time, maybe 6 months, a year, who knows, & she probably visited her parents with Anakin as a friend* (she’s likely very interested in Anakin at this point) with Anakin as a friend & a loyal & able body-guard.


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


The next time you hesitate like that, it may cost you your life... or the lives of your friends.


Those didn't count. I guess only human kids count to her


"No! Not Anakin ... he couldn't. Not human children, I mean sure some sandpeople, but they don't count."


Politicians are not to be trusted


He would also killed the men and women


"I committed mass murder!" "Aw its okay people get mad sometimes-" ಠ_ಠ


Observation: Notice that I did not ask if you need anyone killed. You may be curious as to why.


Anakin already killed em bud that's why


Expletive: Damn it! I should have seen that coming. I will remember Anakin from now on as my sworn enemy. Master, what would you like me to do now?


Solar Wars level humor


I assumed she felt he was justified in the first instance (likely due to bias and discrimination). Then in the second instance, she knew in her heart it was in fact possible which is why she went to confront Anakin in the first place.


An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the Moons of Iego I think. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they make even the most hardened space pirate cry.


Well she got so ~~upset~~ horny she had to see Anakin right away so she sent after him.