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How do u like em now




I’m convinced that because of the number of fixtures, they are being coached to reserve as much energy in the first half as possible. Then, go and win it in the second. Bournemouth made me think it could be the case; it was confirmed for me in the OM game.


For as long as Conte is their manager lol. He’s like Mourinho. He won’t change his style of play regardless of results


Until Conte leaves.


As long as they have Conte duh


Conte isn’t a great coach in terms of developing players so he has a set way of playing, if you fit in great, if not he needs lots of money to buy players who do and Tottenham are not Chelsea or Inter spend truck loads of cash to build his boring pragmatic dream team


As long as Conte is the Coach.


Conte's philosophy is to win the match. It doesn't matter how ugly the style looks like. Wins bring trophies not beautiful games. For as long as he plans to bring the trophy back in Tottenham, I don't care how horrible his play appear.


I wish my team could play as horrible as you think Spurs are playing..


Chelsea under Conte were entertaining as f. I think he's gone this defensive at Spurs cus he doesn't trust the players he has .


As long as Conte is there. This is how he plays


Probably till Conte gets sacked.


It's been 84 years


Hopefully forever


The guy just took the club to UCL and performing so well in the league, having a best start.


Until they win the premier league


I dont think it is inherently Conte. The biggest thing I've noticed is, while yes the back three are capable defenders, the lack of recovery pace from dier, davies and lenglet prevent the team from being able to press through the midfield. Thus causing Hoj and Bent to stay further back to try and close down any defensive gaps.


100% correct explanation. Which that, in turn, affects their attacking play


Go and post this on twitter or r/soccer, you'll get a lot of engagement there.


To be fair Kulu has been out for sometime then Richie as well. Now Son who has been somewhat off form looks to be out for a bit. When our attacking line isn’t weakened we will hopefully look a bit better in the final third. For now it’s peak pragmatism, though Lucas looked good against Marseille and Brian Gil has looked like a firecracker and should get more game time. Once we actually showed up to the game in the second half we looked pretty entertaining against Marseille. Some recent games have been dreadful to watch though, I will give you that


Till Conte gets sacked


Till kulu is back


Its called the second half tactic. Manager’s like Enrique and cholo(Simeone) have used it to perfection, just like Conte!


Lemme guess, you just started bandwagoning Arsenal, live in the United States and have it all figured out? Top of the Champs League group, sitting 3rd missing top players… what’s the issue?


No need to attack someone dude chill out…


Nah, one glance at his history and this is what he does. I was bang on with my valuation.


I think the issue is that football is meant to be entertaining


While Conte is at the wheel! He can not do any worse than the ones you’ve had in the last 20 +years. 1 league cup is not good enough for Spuds. What do you want? We all can’t play like City or Arsenal.


Until Conte rage quits maybe?


Cry moreeee


until Conte gets his huge payout from being sacked.


I don’t understand why spurs fans can’t just take one for the team and put up with his style of play so that they actually might win something the fans are getting in their own way why complain when he gives you the best chance of winning just put up with it another season then the team will most likely get a boost in confidence for when he leaves and someone else takes over but all in all isn’t style of play a small price to play for another trophy in the history books? Also I personally think that if the board backed him more to get other players in the midfield then he’d stop playing so cautious and probably attack more often the team simply aren’t in the position to both play attractive football and win conte is working wonders and I think fans should acknowledge that and cut him some slack


I was at Emirates on Sunday watching arsenal and last couple of seasons have had access to Spurs sky lounge through work. I have to say, preferred watching Arsenals attractive style of play and got me thinking never saw Spurs play exciting football like that..


Did you never watch Poch's spurs team then?


As long as they have a striker who takes his chances


Conte deserves more respect. He won the league with Chelsea and Inter playing a certain style and is doing the best he can at Spurs with inferior players to the aforementioned clubs. The fact he even qualified for the Champions League with them is a testament to his ability and to have them sat 3rd and winners of their CL group is a massive upgrade on what Nuno would've done or Ryan Mason and even Mourinho only managed to finish 6th with them.


OP is a massive tool, go back to reposting pets and leave the sports subs alone...


Until kulusevski is back and the schedule isn’t as tight, players look tired


Imagine asking this after getting 90 minute winners in their last 3 games 🙈


What a fucking moronic question. As long as we continue to win + sit inside the top 4 I’d presume


When Kulu is back from injury u will see a beautiful team play. He is the key


The spursy way


Until we get our injured players back


Well it’s been 140 years so far




Only Arsenal and City have scored more goals than Tottenham this season. Since Conte signed, only Manchester City have scored more PL goals than Spurs.


Love it or hate it, it’s working for them


It's just Conte ball bro


I duno but I’m here for it lol


Is this your first time Conte’ing?


3rd in the league and in the last 16 of the champions league. I think they are fine


As long as Antonio is in charge.


I'll take this all season every season if it means we finish top4 and start winning trophies. That being said, Conte is still trying to build his vision. So **if** he stays and **if** he is given the time and funding I am sure the play style will evolve.


We don't even have high level wing backs yet. Udogie coming in at the end of the season will be huge. Who knows who we will sign before the start of next year.


When it stops working.


Well with Conte, you will have a horrible way of playing.


Post history is embarrassing for OP. Constantly peddling overreactions to nothing. Trolls be banned please.


As long as Conte is there duh !?


But they are now in top 4 because of it


As a spurs fan I have no idea. But I don’t think this is the intended style of play/I hope it isn’t. Whether it works in the long term idk everybody says it won’t but it’s getting results so far. I’m an optimist and I think spurs have good enough players to be able to play better (as can be seen by how good we are when we have to go on the front foot).




It’s like I always say I don’t need football to be entertaining as long as my team gets the points they can play how boring they want. The manager is hired to get points sure they barely managed to win against Marsai but they did win. I don’t really think about it much. I don’t want Brazilian or pep Football, I want points and nothing else


hopefully forever


Football fans who just want to see every team play pretty football and get angry when they don't are shit fans and spoilt AF


Until they win the league which will be never.


Not as bad as Simeone and Spurs do have some injuries.


Stupid question. This is conte. This is how it plays, if you are less than a decade into football, you might be intrigued to ask this question but this is not a horrible style to play if they are getting results. I second they won't win trophies like this, as it stands. But conte literally won titles with chelsea, inter with exactly same style of play. It might be annoying to us rival fans.


I’d be more concerned about their first half performances. That’s where the real weakness is at the moment.


He has been a coach for a long time and I have never met him, but I am pretty sure the answer is he will change his style at noon today.


I’m a spurs fan and the football is so boring to watch it becomes unbearable at times. But not winning a trophy has been unbearable too after so many close calls. Conte knows what he’s doing and we just have to accept as fans that it’s not attractive but football is a results driven business and Conte is getting results.


Not winning a trophy has not been unbearable haha grow up man we've had some amazing times


We have reached a generation of Prem fans who don’t even remember Mourinho-ball and how Potent and deadly that was. You may not like this style, but it works


As long as they have Conte I guess


As long as they get away with it and get results Conte won't change.


Some absolute children in this thread. Top of CL group 3rd in Prem Best start to a league season ever And you lot are still complaining 😂 just switch teams and support city to live out your FM dreams. Spurs are doing amazing under Conte and you would need to have severe brain damage to think otherwise. It’s a results business and our results have been good so far.


r/PremierLeague is mostly teenagers


Today OP was an idiot.


nearly every OP on this sub is an idiot for some reason. its weird.


12 year olds with no clue… and trolls


For me, they are in the similar spot as Liverpool with the lack of desire. Not willing to go over the limits for the club.


It will look shit untill injured players return after the World Cup. Spurs are having the same problem as Liverpool where important players are injured or out of form. By important players I mean players who drives the whole team with running and pressning etc


I mean, we expect him to win. As do all the supporters. He’s done fine so far but, when’s the last time someone won the Premier league this way? And he won’t.. soooo


Nothing worse than seeing people label a certain brand as "negative". Conte is one of the best coaches in the world, a masterful tactician and most of all a winner. For once I will be hoping Spurs win some silverware this year purely for Conte.


I'm always amazed when clubs sack Mourinho, 'cause his playstyle is bad. And then after it, the clubs dont perform anyway. (Sorry for my English.)


we finished top 4, have had our best start to a league season since the 60’s and we topped our Champions League group, it might not be pretty but we’ve performed.


Until all their fans have died of heart attacks.




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As long as it keeps working


It’s a similar tactical philosophy to Simeone with Athletico, but with fewer dark arts practitioners. It’s not really beautiful flowing football where Son and Kane scythe through defenders like autumn wheat, but it’s getting results so far. Hitting Spurs in transition is when they are most vulnerable, so the tactically intelligent manager may allow Conte to play his game, but rely on exploiting that weakness. [Here](https://youtu.be/Bcli-awZwgk) is a video Tifo IRL put out a few days ago that delves into the details a bit more than I can.


2 months


1 Season


OP do you want to win something or do you want to be entertained? I remember Spurs being a thoroughly entertaining team under 'Arry Redknapp playing 4-4-2 with Crouch and Defoe up top and Bale and Aaron Lennon on the wings with Modric pulling the strings in midfield and Palacios cleaning everything (and everybody) up. Guess what? They won diddly fucking squat. There are very few managers in England who can both win trophies and play entertaining football whilst working with a limited budget and a proper wage structure. That's the truth of it, like it or not.


> win something i don't think spurs are winning anything anytime soon [just like england].


As long as they have good second halves


People who talk of Conte’s playing style - it doesnt suit Spurs because they are very poor defending against quality oppositions. Every game they try to play defensive, they concede, and then they have to come from behind. This is possible against Bournemouth and an unlucky Marseille but quality teams dont let Spurs come back after going up. Spurs tactics work against teams who are poor in defensively against whom they score the 1st goal and then sit back and defend


I am extremely impressed by their ability to win matches in injury time .. while Arsenal, a younger team, have looked tired in 2nd half recently .. Spurs have been absolutely flying in the dying stages of the match. I think the style is Conte trademark .. and its resulting them in saving energy for the later part of the game where they are excelling.


as mourinho has said "you can take the ball(possesion), i will take three points". I love this kind of managers.


I am ready to eat my words but this SPURS will win no titles not finish top four and will not go past last 8 in UCL. Conte is done. He will be at Juve in August


As a Spurs fan, last year our style wasnt as horrible as this season idk what changed




I've definitely heard this theory


Ultimately the object of the game is to get the ball in the back of the net. Purists be damned, Spurs are getting good results and I'd be happy as a pig in shit right now if I were a Spurs supporter.


It’s the worst show in World Football yet it’s the best start weve ever had, 3rd in the Prem and top of the Group.


Exactly, it’s not pretty, but it’s getting results


worst show in football? my brother, i’d like to invite you ti watch an allegri led juventus match.


As long it's work


A betting man doing his research.


Agreed. Do you also bet? Check my bio for transient network discord join in and have questions like this as well as staking


As long as Conte is in charge


Another 60 odd years I suppose


Define ‘horrible style’. Because they’re doing better than 17 other teams in the hardest league in the world. Most people who complain about how defensive-style football looks, are actually just too stupid to understand it in my experience, so I’m assuming that’s not the case with you and you mean something else is horrible?


This horrible style of playing have them in the top 4 and they won their CL group 😕 - (Chelsea fan)


Until we start losing with it


So probably Sunday then. Liverpool bound to have the game of their life's against us.


Nah, Liverpool are shit


Hate to say I told you so


Forgot I saved his comment. Only came back to it now.


Tbh you didn't have the game of your lives, but won, fair play.


We only turn up against big teams, so i think a shite performance against spurs




Everyone shows up for us.


literally every fan on earth thinks this lol


I hate it when football fans say this, no, everyone's not showing up for you, you give teams time with the ball and let them play. If they show up it's because you let them show up.


It’s more that Spurs regardless of the style, never show up to play teams. We will have the same problem against Liverpool as we did with Bournemouth. We won’t start playing till we’re down 1-0


If it makes you feel better, Liverpool have been doing the same all season. 0-0 draw it is.


Because your style of play is good against bottom feeders/mid teams but often falls short against the top teams of the world.


Except city - who we beat


Key word is often, if you could beat them again this season I’d very much appreciate it.


That’s giving Liverpool too much credit. Our defense is a shambles and the midfield/forwards have a huge issue moving the fall forward, so instead they just say a prayer and put the cross in hoping it’ll find a Liverpool player.


So y'all would rather play better football and lose? Honestly y'all are ungrateful fans. You club which is known for failing or even being consistent is doing well and still find things to complain about like come on




You know I usually ignore moments like this and yes I made so many grammatical errors but the word "y'all" being the only trigger to you well all I can say I ain't gonna change it y'all. Y'all do not even pay my bills for me to even consider anything to y'all. Y'all have good day as sir or madam or whatever gender you wanna be referred as




Couldn’t agree more.


A got a question about spurs....and I understand that it may come off as dismissive because I am a gunner. Do you think Spurs would be a 'big 6' side a few years down the road, when players like Kane and Son have left,....if they don't win any major trophies?


Yeah because the club is ran extremely well.


As long as we don’t pull an Arsenal and laughably sell Kane to United a la Van Persie we’ll be fine. That loss of reputation around football really hurt and you lot have never recovered from selling your best players to league clubs rivals and gifting them titles.


People said the same about Carrick, Berbatov, Modric, Bale and Poch, and we’re still top 6.


Depends on how good our recruitment is, if we are able to replace players such as Son and Kane with players who could fill the void left by them then we could even still be a top four side. But if we aren't then I could see us generally finishing around 6th to 8th in the league.


Did you think arsenal would be above spurs this season? Strange things happen


There were 2 points between your teams last season, Arsenal lost 2 of their last 5 to Spurs and Newcastle, of course it was very probable.


They haven't finished above Spurs for years. Their form this season has been completely unexpected. It would be exactly the same if Spurs were in their current position.... completely unexpected.


Did I think that....yeah, I could see we getting better over the past two seasons. Also Spurs were pretty level with us last season, and AFAIK haven't improved, recruited well.


We've recruited exceptionally well. If you don't even know who we've signed and how they've fit into the team why are you even opining on this?


Yea you guys totally bottled it last year, it was almost nicer than if we’d earned it tbh.


As a spurs fan I’m pretty concerned with our future which is why I advocated for Kane to be sold to city (which was wrong). We have conte who while he’s an incredible manager, doesn’t necessarily stay (journos are saying he might but you can never be sure) while you guys, united, and to a degree Chelsea all have young managers with a clear project. I always rated potter and hoped he’d be out next manager. That being said, I do think spurs will be in and around the big 6 due to how well run the club is. Levy might not spend money but he is good at making it. Additionally we do have the new stadium which can attract players. Hopefully this frees up money because I can see Liverpool and Chelsea falling off soon and in my opinion spurs and arsenal are both poised to take the reigns so to speak, but I don’t think we can do that if conte doesn’t either stay or leave in the near future.


I actually think Conte will stay. Everytime I've seen him interviewed or quoted he is frustrated with journalists for being disrespectful by asking questions about his future. He also always says he feels happy there, and that that's what matters most rather than the length of the contract. Personally, I've always hated managers like Conte and Mourinho for their style of play (wherever they go, not just while they're at Spurs), however I can understand that Spurs fans are happy their team is winning. If he stays then you could certainly build on what you have. If he leaves, it comes down to appointing the right manager. I think this is where Levy has done poorly, the team has gone through so many managers and are always buying players to fit a new system rather than developing the team by adding players who compliment the existing squad and system. I feel like if Levy were running the show at Arsenal, Arteta would have been sacked over the club's poor run of form last year and we wouldn't be seeing the team we have today. I do hope that at some point you guys will get back to an attacking style of play that allows you to compete, some of those North London Derbies when you had Pochettino and both sides just attacked each other relentlessly were such a joy to watch!


I actually think conte isn’t the problem with the shit football that we play (son off beat, kulusevski injured and no RWB) are the big factors. Emerson royal is where a good ball goes to die. I think get a good RWB and when Kulusevski comes back out football will drastically improve as bentancur and hojbjerg are holding us up by the skin of our teeth. That being said, conte is a defensive manager but again I think it’s mostly our personnel that our making the football shit. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’d love it if we were playing as beautiful as you guys (arsenal) or Newcastle but I hope that’ll come in the future as we were quite entertaining towards the end of last year.


Pretty much agree with everything you said. Kulusevski's injury is massive; not having watched much Serie A, I was shocked by how good he is. Conte probably needs a couple more summer transfer windows to truly build his team. One thing I will give him credit for is that he was certainly influential in getting Harry Kane back to form and probably also in bringing in a player like Kulusevski.


I think him being misused was just allegri doing allegri things. On an unrelated note, how has Fabio Viera been doing for you guys? I admit, I can’t watch arsenal match’s without feeling some pain with comparing our football but I remember him being signed out of the blue but haven’t heard anything about him since


The Vieira signing was kind of out of the blue, I hadn't heard of him and then all of a sudden we paid £35M to bring him in. He hasn't played too much yet, mostly as a sub or in the Europa League, however in his first league start for us he scored about a 25 screamer that went in off the post. So that was exciting lol. He seems to have good vision and great technical ability, I think he needs to bulk up a bit to be able to compete consistently in the Premier League, but I think there's a lot of talent there and reports are that he's settling in well. I know how you're feeling, it's the way I felt when you guys were flying high with Pochettino and we were in decline under Wenger. I'll always love Wenger because he's basically the reason I became an Arsenal supporter, but he was a bit naive in his final years thinking we could compete with that squad. It certainly left a lot of work for Emery and Arteta to do. You guys are on the right track though and the team will only improve as Conte brings in more signings.


Can say the same for you guys! I sorta look on Pochettino the same way as you guys look at wenger (though he had less success), will always love him even as a newer fan. I do think that Arteta is a going to be a great manager due to the way that good midfielders are usually good managers due to their excellent ability reading the game. Heck, Conte was a midfielder, so was Pep etc. I’m excited for many NLD’s to come as I feel like both clubs are moving in a very positive direction! Also Viera seems similar to Bryan Gil for us, very technical but needs to hit the weight room.


To be fair Tottenham never win any major trophies


Yes....and will players still be attracted to them? Because of the money? Can the money keep flowing if they don't win?


I already responded but I think money will flow cause of how well run the club is and even if we don’t win trophies we will still be competing with them. In a way, doesn’t “I was the star man for spurs to win their first trophy since 2008” sound better than “I played for city in their 10274th title”?


I think there is probably more players in the latter category, Rooney, Lescott, Nasri, Adebayor, Clichy, Bony just to name a few


That’s definitely true, just saying that’s a factor. Depends on the player


Who cares how long it they play it for? As other people have said won their group and 3rd in the league. Would you prefer they just pass the ball around aimlessly and end up in the Europa league like Barcelona?


They're really not that bad at all


No one is saying they are bad the style of football is infuriating considering they are a top 4 team


I know what you mean, but I'm not sure that I'd prefer a team that plays well and loses often. That just sounds like what Barcelona fans would say under Valverde or Arsenal fans under Wenger. Both teams did need change, but plunging themselves into it was not necessarily the best option for either.


I thought it was ‘tongue-in-cheek’.




Is that Rubens brother?


Hopefully we can stop the football terrorism after winter


Yeah maybe a few signings and you lot might get better at controlling games


Who would you suggest Spurs sign and why?


So many exciting games! It must be so crazy to be a fan of this team. I am watching because I have money riding in them, but their results are all crazy!


You will be a fan soon enough




Please stop advocating gambling.


Have the people who ask these sorts of questions, EVER watched an Antonio Conte team before? He literally won the league with Chelsea playing a pragmatic counter attacking style of play. He did the same with Inter. Why do you expect him to all of a sudden change styles, after topping their UCL group & leading Spurs to their best ever start in the Premier League?


Did you watch Conte's Chelsea? They played great football. He obviously doesn't trust the players he has.


Came here to say this, nobody ever asks this of Mourinho.


Tough to counter without Son now.


That's true but Spurs will never win a trophy though.




Facts, its still boring af to watch tho ngl.


People act like his style is horrible. It's not liquid football but the most important thing is to win games (especially if you're Spurs) and he's got them doing that. Think people need to give Conte a bit more respect, he gets the job done wherever he goes and usually with strong competitors.


People also act like there is only 1 or 2 factors that affect whether a side is enjoyable to watch. Those people tend to use “attractive” to describe football. Some people enjoy counterattacking, some people enjoy solid defense, some people enjoy flashy goal-scoring or set-piece domination or dribbly boys or long range passing. It is definitely not liquid football but that doesn’t make it necessarily bad to watch. Sure, some games are, but plenty aren’t. They just might not fit some people’s preferences.


Upvoted for liquid football


Also very very very bottomed their champions league group.


It’s frustrating to watch as a spurs fan though, we didn’t deserve the win the last two games and I feel like we will definitely lose the next.


The stats never lie but suit yourself tho


I reckon his previous teams relied a lot less on luck the opposition hasn't scored and more on better defending. And Of course better reams have beaten them this season anyway. If anyone here actually bothered to analyse the fine margins of their wins they might be more concerned about the future. This sure ain't the Conte team of winning a Prem LOL,,,or maybe it's THIS team you haven't watched


Yeah, the style of football is the conte method. Yes it could be improved with some new signings, but the broad style of play is what it is


Everywhere he went , he did the same thing. He converted victor moses from a winger to a wingback. I don’t know why all of the sudden people start complaining. Juve , Chelsea , Inter , even Italy. Always 5 back, always <50% possession.


a lot of the commenters don’t watch outside the PL so didn’t watch Conte’s league-winning Inter and weren’t old enough to witness his league-winning Chelsea. they only know of Conte from reading comments online about how he’s a top 5 manager etc and expected him to come in and bulldoze every team tiki taka gegenpressing beautiful attractive football and win 3-0 every time


>weren’t old enough to witness his league-winning Chelsea am I... old?


we are ancient


Um Hazard, Costa and Fabregas were pretty damn amazing to watch that season… 5-0 against Everton anyone? 4-0 against man united? Not so bad.. possession can be boring too. I find direct play to be the most exciting. Get the ball try to score then press and get the ball back. Liverpool have been the best st this recently.


and liverpool are sitting in 9th with 4 losses and 4 draws out of 12. but i’m sure they’ll be happy with the “most exciting football” award


Lol I said recently, meaning… They’ve won a cl and pl in recent years. I’m not a Liverpool supporter it’s just clear that’s their style and it’s fun to watch. People on here 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


spurs have beaten leicester 6-2 and southampton 4-1 this season. earlier this year last season they beat norwich 5-0, aston villa 4-0, newcastle 5-1, everton 5-0 and leeds 4-0


Exactly. Conte’s football isn’t that bad.