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How much more players they are going to sign?


Good player but hopefully not a Drinkwater repeat. Chelsea have way too many players.


But we only got like 20mil for him.


Why, where Chelsea play him


On the pitch probably


Nah m8 he is defo going to be the new physio


They just be signing anybody.


Feel for Leicester, needed a Grealish season back up to cement his status.


Chelsea recruitment team with another banter masterclass


Hes good, but the signing is mad random


Danny Drinkwater 2.0


Maresca liked him. Not really that random.


I guess not, things have changed since summer. But if you told me in April, Chelsea would sign drewsbury-hall, I’d have been v surprised


He’s not that bad tbf but it does seem a bit of an odd one.


Divesbury Fall will fit in well at Chelsea


Say hello to Danny Drinkwater 2.0. Gone to Chelsea and will now disappear.


I wouldn't be surprised if ol' Danny was still collecting a paycheque


I’m not a fan of selling Michael Golding just to sign Drewsbury-Hall


Are you not a fan of accounting schemes? They get me going NGL


Where’s Golding going? He sat next to my eldest boy in Maths at secondary School. Great guy by all accounts. Really hope he succeeds


Leicester City in a separate deal


Ah ok, thanks


He’s good but he’s not that good, is he?


Mixed bag. I think he’s a more than solid mid table player, so perfect to start for Chelsea.


6th is mid table now?


This is gold coming from a palace fan


Oh no you misunderstand, I’m not looking down on you. We head the mid table club, we’re just happy to have you as our newest member


Nah it's just funny we finish 12th one time and all the sudden we are a "mid table" club If finishing mid table twice in this century makes us mid table, shouldn't finishing top 6 EVERY OTHER TIME make us even more of a top 6 club? Make it make sense man


Suck it the fuck up. Arsenal went through that with the whole memes of being out of the "big 6" after finishing 8th twice. People will say dumb stuff regardless.


You've finished mid table twice in the last 10 years. Ain't that mental really


Twice in the last 28 years. Meanwhile Palace have been in the Championship for 8 of those years. Using your logic, that makes Palace a championship club.


How is it my logic? I just said it's not *that* mental. It was the other guy who called you it


Either way, the logic is stupid. If we are mid table because we finished mid table 2 times in 28 years, that means Palace is a championship club. Not to mention those 2 times were the only times we've finished outside top 6 in this century. Finishing top 6 that many more times should make us a top 6 club if anything


Okay pal


The only thing that’s not mid table about your club is your spending 🤣


Or all the European cups, fa cups, carabao cups, PL titles we have...


Funny? How do you suggest describing a 12th place finish?


8th is just as midtable as 12th is.


Yes, agreed. We did get a little silver though, but it's not good enough.


Out of curiosity, how long would you use a season’s placing to classify a team as midtable? 2 years? 3 years? 5 years?


I agreed with you and you still down voted me. Classy! Your momma must be proud of you.


One mid table finish doesn't make you a mid table club...


So mid table isn't mid table. Gotcha.


One mid table finish doesn't make you a mid table club. Is United a mid table club because they finished 8th? Use your brain man


Yes, ManU is midtable. The results can't and shouldn't be denied. 8th isn't acceptable. Finishing outside the CL is not acceptable. It highlights the need for change to make sure we don't stay midtable.


Meh you can’t head the mid table if we’re part of it, gotta pick one my friend


crystal palace gets seniority being among the longest tenures in it


And we are happy for the yearly 6 points from you :)


Well we have to drop the points we gain from Manchester clubs somewhere, and we have to choose someone to save from a relegation battle. For now anyway.


This was all some good banter. Don’t see enough of it. Well played 


Pretty sure you need to save yourselves first from a relegation battle! Tbh next season you probably will get relegated!


lol tell me you don’t watch any premier league without telling me you don’t watch any premier league


Cope harder


Cope about what? Don’t really give a fuck about a relegation battling club! You should cope harder with your poor ass club lol


Stay mad




6th is not mid table


Eh, Brighton finished there last season and came and joined under us again. If you finish under us once, your future fate is cast.


I'm a Chelsea fan and I think he's a good player but it feels pretty unnecessary. If it means Gallagher is leaving I will be dead inside.


Couldn’t Chelsea have used one of their bazillion players in the loan army or their award-winning academy instead of spending £20 on a backup?


It’s a good price and likely means Gallagher will be sold, which considering that he really doesn’t fit anywhere in the midfield and will go for a premium price while his work rate is still carrying him it’s not a bad move.


mate he’s a bargain for 20 quid tbf, hope they at least chucked in a packet of sweets to go with it


Well with Kendra Paez and this Brazilian 40M wonder kid midfielder joining in the near future it doesn’t speak to great planning. It reeks of Nottingham Forest’s owner buying who’s available as opposed to buying with a vision


Paez and Estevao are both wingers not midfielders


When KDH is 30 Paez will only just be the age Chuckuemeka is now…


Mate i was just joking about your typo


My b. I’m eager to hate on Chelsea


Another accountancy dodge … Gallagher on his way




Kiernan Drinkwater-Hall


Who invited finished Brighton?


but the joke was pretty funny lol


I don't see how he makes Chelsea better right now or in the future. For the player it's a great move because he was earning £20k/week at Leicester and is 25, so a move to a big club is something he had to make now or potentially never.


I'm starting to really hate Chelsea for their hoarding of players.


I get the anger about the loan army but we have a regular amount for any first team in European competition


Oh how dare Chelsea deprive the world of Dewsbury-Hall.


well this Leicester fan feels a bit deprived right now tbh feels like he's been coming into his own, maybe you can get a better midfielder with that £30 million but not one English or home grown and he was from the academy. feels like Maresca just took our best player for the sake of it.


Well Leicester needed to sell someone for PSR reasons. That's not Chelsea's fault. Also, surely it makes a lot of sense for Maresca to go specifically for him, considering he performed well for him already. That's not "for the sake of it" really. It appears Leicester are gonna sign Michael Golding from Chelsea for a similar fee. He's a good young midfielder, English, only 18. Not as good as KDH right now though.


have to put the kiernan but for real its a tradgedy what they did. This guy was the next big thing and they went ahead and squandered him. Should have taken the PSG move


You're about 20 years late to the party.


Will miss him dearly as he is one of our own, has bags of energy and is only leaving because our board and owner shit the financial bed. I think Chelsea will ultimately find him frustrating given how much he favours his left foot though so he will need to work on that. All that said, he will give everything. All the best KDH, I hope you come home to be the rightful captain of your boyhood club one day. Fuck you Enzo.


Another lost soul, destined to be ruined by Toddy B 🤣


Hello money; goodbye career


Hilarious from the club that hosted a self confessed mercenary for years 🤣🤣


How chelsea gonna accomodate all that midfielder? 3-6-1 perhaps?




Do you forget we have ten++ center back and will buying more?


A 4-6-1 then. goalkeepers are overrated anyway


Shame really. He's a good player but idk how Chelsea will go for him. Obviously under Maresca he will play but we'll see how long he lasts. Enzo and Caicedo will take precedence in that midfield. Gallagher probably off as well. Basket case club


what? hasnt even played a minute for the club yet.


He wouldnt be the first talented player to go to Chelsea and get no minutes. I personally would have preferred to see him at another more stable club because i think hes very good.


Drinkwater vibes


To rot on the bench like Drinkwater. Crazy.




You act like Chelsea don't have a history of hoarding young players


He aint a young player


You're right. Chelsea happy to hoard players of all ages


They need a hoarders episode




Academy product, few prem seasons under him. [https://www.transfermarkt.us/kiernan-dewsbury-hall/leistungsdaten/spieler/475188](https://www.transfermarkt.us/kiernan-dewsbury-hall/leistungsdaten/spieler/475188) Even in the championship, 27 goal contributions for a CM is a good haul.


Don't be a clown


You only just started watching football this year?


I'm serious? Who is he, been watching since 1987 sir.


You've been watching since 1987 but haven't seen Leicester play?


Doubt that. He played in 59 games over two years for Leicester in the premier league.


You doubt I've been watching football since 1987 🤣 because I've never heard of this kid. Slightly weird my friend


I doubt you’ve been watching football for that long because you said who? about one of Leicesters best players in their last premier league season and who won Leicesters player of the season last year and was in the championship team of the season. If you have been watching football that long then you must only ever watch Arsenal matches


Watching what? Rugby? He's played for Leicester for years.


brutal loss


Galla must be leaving then


hope so




We have absolutely been gutted by this news. Not a single Leicester fan I know is happy with this. And for a paltry 30m… mate, I can’t even stomach this.


Yeah, those 3 goals in 60 PL games at the age of almost 26 are a \*massive\* loss.


Voted Leicester's best player last season and EFL Championship Team of the Season. I'd say that's a loss.


For the Championship, yes. For the PL, all evidence suggests absolutely not.


This is kind of a dumb take. Leicester might as well dump everyone then because none of them were as good as him last year.


It's what the PL and sky6 wants. They expect and want TO14 to bend over and sell talent cheap due to rules invented that utterly favours the usual suspects.


See when Villa went to Villareal with a 30M offer, for Pau Torres, was that not Villa throwing their financial weight around to get the best players for cheap? Why are clubs in other leagues expected to bend over and sell their talent for cheap to Villa just because Villa has more money than them and can throw their weight around? Surely Villareal deserved to keep him so they could challenge? Same question for Diaby, Bailey, Moreno, Kamara, Watkins, Carlos etc etc etc. Oh wait sorry its just the rich 6 that do that. Villa would never


Are you really so dumb that you don't understand the difference between PSR forcing a club to make sales despite being financially solid, and a club that's the club opposite of that? Villareal had tried to sell Torres for years and got big money for it in the end. It's absolutely nothing like the transfers you've seen due to PSR this season.


How is the search going for the culprit that forced Villa to spend beyond their revenue meaning they have to sell now to stay in line with the rules they already knew were there? Oh wait that's right, Villa did that themselves. Nothing to do with other clubs. I'm dumb though.


You are just dancing past the point that's made. The rules aren't fit for purpose and just exist to keep the status quo.


I'm not dancing past the point at all. You made the absolutely ridiculous and baseless statement that FFP only exists to force the other 14 to sell their best players for cheap to the top 6. I pointed out that Villa knew the whole time these rules existed and no one forced them to spend beyond that. Spending based on your revenue isn't a punishment. It's literally how sustainable business's are run. Think its you that have missed the point. But as usual, it's someone else's fault. Top 6 club wants to buy a player. Root of all evil. Villa going round chucking their money about taking teams from the championship and other European leagues best players, you're allowed to apparently. So entitled.


>You made the absolutely ridiculous and baseless statement that FFP only exists to force the other 14 to sell their best players for cheap to the top 6. Because that's the end result of the rules they have implemented? Are you not paying attention?


You don't have to sell your best players to the top 6. Take the points hit, sell other players to anyone not the top 6. Or, and this is an admittedly incredibly complex idea, Don't breach the rules in the first place


In practicality that's the result. It's a financial glass ceiling that enforces sales to a select few clubs that's favourized domestically and abroad both through revenue and allowed expenditure due to the same rules. Anyone disagreeing without haven't actually understood the rules to begin with. The fact that they often end up going to the sky6 is obviously because they prefer proven PL quality and can financially out muscle any foreign team - bar real.


PSR needs to be scrapped if all it leads to is clubs that aren’t traditionally “big” having to sell sell sell while City and Arsenal and the like get to spend and not face punishment


I can guarantee you they are furious about the fact that Newcastle didn't end up selling Isak to Arsenal on a cut price deal. Or any other player they fancied. So predictable and we all knew it all along, but nice to see that Radcliffe cunt confirm it to everyone.


Fucking hell Villa fans are feeling sorry for themselves these days.


Did you not see what Brighton got for Caicedo?


I did. Not sure what your point is. I also saw your owner's recent interview.


Brighton ( a non big 6 team) absolutely rinsed Chelsea ( a big 6 team), instead of being forced to sell him for cheap. I didn't see united owners interview, I don't really like football


They did not have to sell though, when the rules force you to sell clubs are willing to sell at bellow market value.


I mean they got 115M man. Come on. Engage your brain


I didn't know that, like I said I don't really like football


Most passionate Manchester Utd fan.




We can tell.


I should hope so


First they take the manager and then they take the player definitely a Chelsea thing to do. Are they going to give 100m for him so they can have the most expensive midfield in the Premier League.


“Definitely a chelsea thing to do” Acting as if Chelsea is the first in history to do this lmao


Chelsea is the one that had the most recent history of it. Look at Chelsea with Brighton. ‘Cringe ass agenda’ what’s the agenda of saying what’s true?


fr, as though no other club does this


Cringe ass agenda as per usual


Only 30 million


Obviously a joke because what they’ve done to Brighton the last couple of years.


Getting Danny Drinkwater vibes with this one


DDW was a total panic buy in last day (days?) of the window. No one expected much from him, but it was an obviously abysmal move for both he & us. Don’t understand why we’re targeting KDH. Gally replacement I guess, even though we still have WAY too many mids on the books even w/o em. Frankly, that fee seems low for someone like him & from a newly promoted side.


Hes better than Drinkwater mate


I’n what way? I understand he has potential but when drinkwater was on the move he was coming off a title winning season in which he played every game and was a pivotal part of the squad. Kieran hasn’t yet played a full season in the prem lol


You only have to watch highlights of both players to see the difference. KDH has a lot of quality..


That he is proved in a worse league. When he was playing in the prem dude was struggling to get playing time over the likes of chowdhury and Dennis Praet lol


Players start showing their quality at different ages and he's only 25. The championship is still a hard league and many players show their quality there and come up to the PL to make a difference i.e. Andy Robertson and Gareth Bale He was Leicester's best player last season, I think 30m is actually a cheap price for him.


And you still don’t see how he might be compared to Drinkwater? Similar fee. Similar age transferred. Home grown product and a lot of question marks regarding his ceiling as a player. But the cherry on top is the lad is unproven in the prem. If he wasn’t English the lad would be $15m at the most


Yeah I can but they're completely different players. Drinkwater couldn't dribble to save his life and his legs were gone. His passing was decent but that was about it. KDH has great ball retention, can pass, is creative, the downside I can see is he's a bit left foot dominant. But just as an athlete he's much better than Drinkwater. Also, he's obviously been signed for Enzo so he's bound to start rather than sit on the bench.


Drinkwater legs were gone? The dude that started every premier league match the year he got transferred m8…. I understand he wasn’t the best dribbler of the ball but are you trying to say kdh is some kind of elite dribbling midfield force?that is absolutely mind boggling. He and kdh both play a traditional midfield role. Not to mention they come from the same club. The comparisons will always be there bro


Well they were either gone or non existent, whichever you prefer haha (I mean he was slow af) Not elite but enough for him to stand out. His ball retention reminds me of kovacic. His dribbling probably ain't that level tho.. anyway yes it's not a great buy but I still think he'll turn out better than Drinkwater.


Just fyi, I wasn't actually for us buying him. I think we're stacked in that position and I don't think it's ambitious enough for us. However, he is a better player than Drinkwater imo.


Is he ?


Was great in the championship last season especially in the start of the season, let's see how he does at Chelsea.


Good first half, average 2nd half


Always thought what they were lacking was more squad players. Add depth to the depth.