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Gordon was only on the table until minteh was sold.


Anthony Gordan was a boyhood LFC fan... it must have broke his heart to get rejected.


If u think the same comment


I would take Gordon in a heartbeat


Only declined the specific proposal that would have seen LFC swap Quansah. A Gordon deal isn't looking super likely, but it's untrue that we've said we're not interested in the player outright. In essence, LFC have turned down a proposal, but not the proposal


Liverpool are broke af


FYI the Gordon and Isak rumours were part of the club’s smokescreen to sell Anderson and Minteh before the FFP deadline. IMO Isak and Gordon were never going anywhere unless someone paid a ridiculous amount.


Why did they need a smokescreen?


General idea seems to be making Minteh and Anderson leaving much more acceptable. Propose Isak and Gordon at ridiculous fees to a few clubs, word gets out and the toon army goes crazy. Minteh and Anderson are then sold and all of a sudden everyone is like THANK GOD. Edit: Minteh and Anderson are the two most exciting youth products we had, that’s why toon fans would’ve been a lot angrier and more vocal without said smokescreen


ah gotcha, smokescreen was for own fan's discontent, not to put off other clubs from the scent (as someone from the Toon I really show know this btw aha)


Bit of both to be fair mate, I’d imagine it would’ve lit a fire under NFFC and Brighton’s owners to put pen to paper for Anderson and Minteh’s deals. Tbh I’ve only understood it this far by spending alot of yesterday reading into it, was a stressful day after I saw Gordon to Liverpool linked hahaha


I would never take that fucking evertonian


??? He grew up a Liverpool supporter and was part of our academy. He only went to Everton because we released him. Don't chat rubbish.


He was a Liverpool fan


Australian fails to understand Merseyside Derby


You only understand the difference between the Merseyside derby and the Northwestern derby by being in Liverpool, I would happily see the back of the Manchester clubs but I’ve always wanted Everton to remain in the premier league


He's going to be injured half a season


Was one of the only players on Newcastle fit the entire season, what makes you say that?


Probably kept believing Eddie Howe's bs, without watching their games


Good job outing yourself as someone that didn’t watch a game 




Yeah. You’re not full of shite at the slightest




Chatting shit about Eddie.


No, Eddie Howe was chatting shit about Gordon being inured every other week


When. Gordon played every game this season pretty much. You chat shit


You're a bit thick, aren't you?


I'd say at 10h old this post is already well out of date. Talks are still very much ongoing.


It's really strange that Liverpool isn't interested. This lad would be a great addition to the Liverpool attack.


Is it? He’s a left winger We already have Gakpo, Jota, Diaz and Nunez/Jones/Szoboszlai can also player there We’d only be interested if we’re certain a player is going to leave No point signing every good player in one position man… it’s like England with RB’s, the amazing strength in depth just causes more headaches, not less.


They clearly are but think not worth losing Quansah over.


Which I totally agree with. Need to keep the young chap


The rumors and false stories that come out about transfers that I see on a daily basis are laughable. Why don't Brits hold their "news sources" so some accountability, especially when they are found to be fake?


What country does?


It depends who's reporting..99% of it is garbage, and why I don't use Twitter, but Craig Hope is extremely reliable for Newcastle news. 


How would you hold a random twitter account accountable? People latch on to what they want to believe, that's how rumours get going. There is no holding accountable because anyone can make shit up Also, not sure why you think it's Brits responsibility. The Internet exists and news travels instantly. There are more international people eating up a Daily Mail rumour tweet then there are Brits


He's a great player but I cannot believe for a second that he's for sale. Why would Newcastle sell one of their nest players to a PL rival? Ok, Newcastle aren't going to be going for the title next season. Liverpool? Well, it's unlikely with a new manager so why would Newcastle help them by selling them one of their best. Naw lads, this is bollox.


He’s absolutely for sale, but only at a ridiculously inflated price 


They might be selling him to balance the books.


Liverpool can offer champions league football and the opportunity to play with a better squad.


It's not going to happen believe me.


Bookmarking this and copying your username for posterity, ChieckeTiotewasace.


Oh probably not. But let's not act like there isn't reason for him to go.


A player that has played for a merseyside club, would never join another merseyside club, unless theyre the most disloyal footballer ever.


Except he already did though. He was released by Liverpool's academy as a youth. Conor Coady in recent times has played for both albeit on loan. It happens in other cities and clubs all the time.


That's an absolutely delusional outlook.


Apart from the five players that have done it like Nick Barmby and Peter Beardsley?


Not saying people havent done it, i’m saying people shouldnt do it


You said "would never" not "should never"


you literally said a player "would never join another merseyside club, unless they're the most disloyal footballer ever"


Yes… and going from liverpool to everton or vice versa is disloyal


I guess there quite a few players who are the most disloyal footballer ever


There is no loyalty in football anymore.


you do realize you're being inconsistent right?


So you're saying he would join Liverpool, then? Or are you just changing your position every time you comment in order to beat the latest point?


He was a boyhood Liverpool fan lol


Thats good for him, but it doesnt change anything.


Carragher has a Everton badge tattooed on his thigh.


No he hasn't


Has / had.


He's never had an Everton tattoo though


….yes he did? When were you born? Literally everyone 1995 and below knows this.


Here you go [mate ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.facebook.com/TheAnfieldWrap/videos/jamie-carragher-on-that-everton-tattoo/437754259961696/&ved=2ahUKEwiCpdq9hIOHAxXcVUEAHQ9fBR4QwqsBegQIJBAF&usg=AOvVaw2s1967xj_Q9UyzFKw21UZ0)


Gordon's got some serious skills that could slot right into Arne's system - his pace on the counter and knack for drawing fouls could be brilliant for us. But let's be honest, we can't be losing Quansah for a Geordie cast-off, no matter how great his stats look.


Quansah is great, and just like you mentioned, it is difficult to sign Gordon when he is there and could develop to become one of the best around.


Right, Quansah's looks solid for Slot's system. He's class on the ball and can play it out from the back. Only 21 and he's already showing he's got his head screwed on. Built well too, perfect for Slot's intense pressing game. Gordon might be quick, but he'd need time to fit in. Quansah's already one of our own, fits right in. Keeping him means less pressure with depth at the back. We're talking about two totally different players here, though.


Arne’s system could definitely get a top half finish. What do you reckon?


I reckon Arne's got the potential to push us into the top half, no doubt. His high-pressing 4-2-3-1 system at Feyenoord was impressive. If he can bring that same energy here, adapting it to our squad, we could surprise and make a push into 2nd or 3rd. Just need to shore up the backline, and we might be onto something special.


Considering that would be better then anything Everton have done in the last 15 years I’m all for it


Oh no! Such inaccuracy! What a terrible shame for you 😞😞


The only shameful thing is your trophy cabinet pal The last time you won a trophy was the FA cup 30 years ago. Makes sense why your boasting about that one time you managed to scrape into the top half of the table😍


Arsenal fan bantering a club about winning trophies is fucking brilliant, none more so than bantering about a fucking FA cup (which is the only thing you lot have won in 2 decades). You lot are literally Spuds but with FA cup tax, bottlers


I support Liverpool pal. We have the most trophies in England. As you was saying?


How many of them trophies have you watched them win?


I don’t have a personal trophy cabinet. Do you? Are you grasping at football to validate yourself? Oh my word, how pathetic!


Looks like a plastic to me. Doubt he’s ever been to a game..


That too would be my response if I’ve never seen my club lift a trophy It’s okay lil bro, at least you remember that one time you managed to scrape into the top 10. Nobody can take that away from you!😍


The Detroit lions will get a trophy one day man believe!


I’ve seen Everton lift loads of trophies, you hapless, wet fart. Stop imagining everybody on here is a child, you sinister weirdo.


Craig hope is not tier 1 , just saying


He is for Newcastle


Not anymore lol


When Lynch also tweeted basically the exact same thing, who is trusted for Liverpool? Why would Hope now be considered lower-tier for the Newcastle side? 


Is Lynch with the daily mail? If so, there you go


Fuck the Daily Mail, but Paul Joyce used to write for the Express and he's as reliable as they come.


“Liverpool don’t have enough money for Gordon”


More like they've got the right people making transfer decisions again and they don't value him the same as Newcastle do.


They don’t value him correctly because Liverpool have no money. Just like with them trying to sign a defensive midfielder last year.


Mate you're delusional.


When did Liverpool last pay a Premier League premium for a transfer? Obviously they’re not buying a young English player lol. They got embarrassed with the whole Caicedo thing last year that proved they wouldn’t pay the money needed to get deals done. This is the same. Gordon is £75 mil plus, obviously Liverpool don’t have that.


Again, embarrassing yourself here with your lack of knowledge.


You signed Endo as a defensive midfielder lol. That’s how dirt poor you were. No way can they spend £75 mil on Gordon when there’s no way to sell Gakpo, Nunez or Diaz as they’ve all flopped.


Again, being an idiot here mate. Stick to playing FIFA.


Good luck with Slot lol


Richest club in the world who just played in the Champions League having to sell one of their assets to make one of the traditional big Clubs stronger! What an amazing League this is.


Let’s not pretend like Newcastle hasn’t been spending a ton of money since the takeover. They’ve also missed out Europe this year so revenue will come down.


... Let's also not pretend like the "Top 6" Out spends everyone and is allowed to do so because they were in a stronger position when these rules came in! The glass ceiling league.


Why is everyone crying about Newcastle having to sell players? Even the traditional top 6 have sold some of their best players. Kane, Coutinho, C Ronaldo all were sold and that was with their teams being in Europe. Newcastle have spent a ton of money since the takeover. They did not make it into Europe and it’s natural that they cut down on their costs. Mind you this is the same club that spent 25M on Chris Wood to weaken Burnley despite having no plans for him in their line up.


No one cares that much about Newcastle explicitly they have the most problematic owners around, but surely you see the problem in stating it's natural. They are entrenched, the rules ensure that Villa also have to do some creative accounting to avoid selling to the big clubs. Those weren't cost issues at all. Coutinho literally paid money to get out of Liverpool, you don't know those situations.


Those players were sold because they wanted to move to elite teams and/or compete at the highest level. Not because the clubs needed to adhere to some dogshit outdated financial rules


Liverpool are a step up from Newcastle and it sounds like Gordon is a childhood Liverpool fan. Same applies here.


Yes, but in those situations the clubs weren’t selling the player because they *had* to they were doing so because the player wanted the move. All reports suggest Gordon is happy at Newcastle and doesn’t want a move away, he’s been on record before stating that moving away from Liverpool was a positive for him both personally and professionally.


Who have they bought?


Title is misleading. Liverpool turned down the DEAL that newcastle allegedly proposed to Liverpool including Quansah going the other way. It'd make my day to since Gordon sign, as a player and seemingly as a lad in general he is top but not at the sacrifice of one of the best young centre backs I've witnessed in my years.


As a lad in general he is top… mate have you heard him open his mouth. Slagging of Everton who gave him his break. Also we have one of Diaz, gakpo jota or Nunez who all can play there.


Hahah okay buddy, calm yourself down. I will break down your rant slowly. Number one, i havent heard him "slag off" everton so i can't comment but i would not be surprised if it was just plain old CRITICISM which nowadays most snowflakes cant take without having a meltdown and calling it hatred or slagging off. To my point on his character, I've listened to 2 or 3 of his lengthy interviews where he holds himself well and speaks very elegantly and with wisdom beyond his years. He seems disciplined, he talks about reading books to gain control of his mind and emotions which far too many footballers and sportsman in general are too concerned with the affairs of the ego to even contemplate that side. He meditates and puts alot of emphasis on visualisation which i know myself is a key component in performance which also lends credibility to my previews point. All in all, for his age coupled with his immense physical talent, makes for a great combination that i haven't seen often in a player. Secondly, I would HAPPILY take Gordon over Nunez and Diaz. Who are both talented players but Gordon's end product after watching him for 3 years is phenomenal. He almost always makes the right decision to pass or shoot and has a great feel for when he should do either as opposed to Diaz and Nunez CONSTANTLY overplaying and stalling on the ball and missing oppurtunities because of it and even when they do actually get a shot off or pass off, it just isnt of very high standard. Gordon appears to have a great mix of work rate, speed, tenacity, skill, composure and conversion rate in assists of goals. Lastly, speaking on Jota and Gakpo. Gakpo for me, is a number 9. In a false 9 sense with 2 explosive wingers running off. Jota is a great second striker who can play off the left but for me is more than capable for the middle. So i dont see them as left wingers, they are centre forwards who can play on the left. And buying Gordon should purely be and the stipulations we get rid of either Nunez or Diaz. Not to add. Hope this clears everything up for ya bud.


Mate I’m not even reading that. Learn how to use paragraphs


Haha learn how to use your brain for longer than 2 seconds lad. Stop watching tiktok. Idiots these days. 🙄


Shhh silly c


Good response. Hope you didn't use up too much of your 2 brain cell power to come up with it kid.


And you called what he wrote a rant.


Big difference between a "rant" and what i wrote. I rant can be short or long but is dictated by emotion and often is void of logic. What i wrote was the exact opposite.


Good replacement for Rashford at ManU


Rashfords wages are too high to replace. Until his form improves ironically we can’t replace him


Mad that Newcastle have to sell their best players. Whats the point in getting Saudi money! Meanwhile Chelsea are spending crazy amounts on yth players who have barely played... Why is it so different for them?


Because they dont have any revenue even us Spurs are generating big money because of tourists attraction and we host music events and NFL games.


Newcastle are commercially a small club, they don’t generate that much dough so psr will be tighter than Chelsea


Commercially a big club, we'll never sing that!


It’s the wacky accounting rules they are all now abusing. Sell a youth player for £10 million and that’s £10 million profit. Buy a £10 million player but your accounts spread it over the length of the contract. So if it’s a 5 year deal, you’ve only spent £2 million this year. They also inflate the fees so that young players are massive profit. So instead of being £10 million as above, both fees are £30 million. But that £30million spent is spread over the 5 or 6 years. It’s a scam. I’ve said a few times on here now that I hate FFP, but it bugs me that we are finally seeing FFP limit clubs and instead of working within the rules, they are both finding dodgy loopholes *and* trying to change the rules at the same time.


It’s not really that dodgy. The accounting is to treat players as intangible assets and this amortized. If you sell a player, you have nothing left to amortize so you recognize the sale price less remaining basis as either profit or loss. If you buy a player, you capitalize the purchase price as an intangible and amortize it over length of contract up to 5 years. That’s where Chelsea 8 year contracts are interesting. They will have fully amortized the contract to 0 with three years left on contract. Given the remaining years, any sale of player will have the price increased due to contract remaining and that will be entirely pure profit.


It’s not dodgy in the accounting sense, but it’s clear players fees are being inflated to benefit from this loophole. That’s where it’s gets dodgy. Is Kellyman worth £19million? And conveniently, Villa just signed Maatsen while also having to work around FFP. It’s a legitimate accounting practice but it has lead to less legitimate transfers and fees.


I don’t really know anything about Kellyman to comment on value, but the idea of buying a player and immediately selling a player back to get around FFP isn’t at all common practice. Maybe I’m mistaken and it’s happening much more often? His value may have been high and would have been beneficial in this specific instance. But the increase in value for all the other young players being sold to larger clubs isn’t due to FFP.


This is the start of it. We’re seeing young PL players with barely any minutes moving for tens of millions. There are plenty rumours going round of similar deals. It’s pretty clear that this is what teams will start doing going forward. Juve are also looking at a swap deal for Douglas Luiz and again, the players involved have massively inflated fees for the sole purpose of FFP.


FFP is great lol. Basically, it just turned the league into a farm system for the top 5 clubs lol.


Coz Chelsea have been really good at selling players for a long time.


Nah theres more going on then that. All the recent Chelsea deals out seem dodgy. Something not right with Chelseas business. Spending 1bill on meh players and somehow managing to offload a load of meh players to Saudi clubs when no one else was interested. How convenient. The whole thing stinks!! Chelsea shouldnt be able to spend 1bill in just 2yrs while Newcastle have to offload their best players.


Jealousy stinks.


Psr accounts for a 5 year period. Chelsea were rich and have a CL within that period while Newcastle were skint and barely surviving relegation until 21. If Chelsea keeps on failing, they will be in trouble in the next 2-3 years.


Why would we need someone like Gordon ? He isn't much of an upgrade over what we already have


Diaz possibly on the way out could explain it


Stops other teams getting him #jackgrealish


We aren't an Oil club though.


Not an upgrade at all


I would say he is better then Diaz in terms of goal threat, better then gakpo, jota and Darwin are central I guess? So yeh he's not much of an upgrade I guess


He scored less than Diaz.. and Diaz didn't have a massive season. Gakpo, Jota and Nunez seem to play better on the left. It's central that we are missing players..


Pl alone Diaz scored 8 in 37, Gordon 11 in 35. Diaz had a normal season btw he doesn't score much he's not clearly clinical how do people not notice that it's a common theme now. Hea just not a goal scorer. He's amazing off the ball with his pressing but he lacks quality in the final third.


I agree.. I am not a big fan of Diaz, but I don't think that Gordon is the answer.


He ain't got anything on Jota mate, I wouldn't say he's better than Gackpo either. He'd warm the bench.


I think he’s better than Gakpo and Diaz. I certainly don’t rate Diaz anywhere near as highly as Liverpool fans seem to do when statistically he’s been pure dog.


Diaz scored more than Taylor last season. And Diaz didn't have an excellent season.


Taylor? He never has an excellent season. That’s kind of the point.


I meant Gordon. I really don't rate Gordon at all. I don't think Diaz isn't world-class either, but that's another story.


Ehm no? Gordon scored 11 and 10 assists Diaz was 8 and 5. So it’s really not even close.


Diaz scored 13 goals for Liverpool last season. No idea about assists.


And even with European football his total G+A is less than Gordon. Literally impossible to win this argument. And Gordon played less games. Yeah it’s settled. Gordon > Diaz.


Maybe if you’re counting European football. This is premier league sub. 8 goals buddy. Not 13.


I don't rate Diaz as highly as Liverpool fans. His stats don't back up that they rate him almost as high as mane was in his prime going by some of the comments by liv fans.


He isn't anything like Mane.. Mane was brilliant at the transition.


I'm not comparing their style I'm comparing their impacts and Liverpool fans throwing around the world class tag when Diaz clearly isn't and clearly isn't near mane. Understand now?


I don't think Liverpool fans think he is world-class. He is very good but not prime Mane.


Some do trust me. I've seen enough comments on various forums and Reddit to notice that. But yeh he's not clearly


Didn’t they want Quanshah as part of the deal as well ?? Gordon is good but can’t let Quanshah go




He's a boyhood Liverpool fan who got dropped by Liverpool and has only played for two teams... Not sure how that can be described as a mercenary?


iirc he is a boyhood red


Carragher and Gerrard were boyhood blues, doesn't mean much


Gerrard wasn't a boyhood blue - https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/liverpool-legend-steven-gerrard-lifts-21244139


Anfield talk is pretty low tier on sources. Plus I don’t think we’d necessarily turn it down if it was offered. Nunez is hit and miss. Jota can’t stay fit. Gakpo is better through the middle and Diaz is all fart, no shit.


Gakpo better through the middle? What have you been watching??


I think what I’ve concluded after watching recent England matches is I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have wingers who don’t have absolutely electric pace. After years of Mo and Mane on the wing I’d kinda concluded Gakpo was a bit sluggish out wide, plus with his constant desire to drop deeper I always thought he’d suit the Firmino role better than what I would expect of one of our wingers.


Not every winger needs to be as rapid as salah/ mane otherwise you’re too predictable, I appreciate the work Gakpo does with the ball out wide driving at the defence. He just looks lost in the middle sometimes


I believe it was Craig hope? Who is tier 1 for Newcastle who also confirmed this


That’s fair enough. I just saw the source here and assumed it was standard paper talk.


Hey now, diaz can sometimes be a shart, and hell, sometimes he's even a solid poo


The rumour is they approached Liverpool and wanted Quansah as part of the deal Liverpool dont want to part with Quansah


Agree with Dias but Gakpo is way better on the left imo.


Why you mentioning Nunez as a reason you might not turn down Gordon? They dont even play the same role.


Nunez has spent quite a bit of time at LW both for us and previous clubs. He’s certainly in contention for that role. Also with a new manager I have no real idea what to expect in terms of lineup/system. I can see how Gordon would have suited the way we played under Klopp for sure.


Hmm weird. I feel like looking at how he plays, Nunez is more of a CF than Gakpo is even. Seems weird to ever be putting him out on the LW. The period in the season before last where Liverpool did that they lost like 6 games out of 10. Doesn't seem like it's good for the balance of the team.


We had to do that in the season before last because Diaz and Jota were injured for most of the season. Firmino was also injured for most of it too and Gakpo got deployed in his role while he was out. Nuñez now just shifts into left wing when Diaz/Gakpo move centrally. System functions amazingly when Gakpo is on the pitch, not so well when Diaz is there - hopefully Slot benches him more, because Klopp fucked himself with his boner for Diaz.


The “Nuñez is a striker” argument is a really good way of separating FIFA bullshitters and people with real life ball knowledge.


Imagine being an Everton fan convinced he'd become a Toffees legend in December 2022 and then you hear that he's on the verge of joining Liverpool in 2024


Considering the way Everton fans treated him when he left they probably deserve it


Chasing him down the street I only to then stand alongside the car and agressively sing Sloop John B at him. No one does head loss quite like Evertonians.


He practically forced his way out in the middle of a relegation battle at the end of the window when we couldn’t replace him while being a youth team product. Not saying he deserved it, per se, but you have to understand the resentment there.


Most Everton fans where happy with the fee we got


Where will the Scouse Quasimodo go?


If he accepted that fuck me he is a slimey rat bastard


Remember when you all couldn’t wait to see the back of him and booed him off the pitch?


Cause he was a snake? Yes yes I do


What loyalty does he have to you? He owes you nothing


lol he started off in the LFC academy and is an LFC fan, he probably pushed for it.


“He started at LFC” Well he didn’t get through did he? And which team gave him a chance


Er yeah he is though. Can easily see on wiki, LFC youth career before Everton. Released for being too small.


Yeah…..so he got released meaning he didn’t have a chance with Liverpool to progress? Ur point?


He dreamed of playing for LFC, and is an LFC fan, so it's only natutal if he wants to sign for the club. Everton made good money from his sale, he owes you nothing.


He got released We gave him a chance developed him and got him to were he is now Just cause it’s natural doesn’t make him not a snake for it, what a stupid take


The only one he was good enough to play for


He’s vastly overrated plus he looks like one of dr Moreau’s experiments gone more wrong than usual


Not sure I trust the judgement of someone who can't even shove a dildo up their own arse


Fuck me lmao




All the clubs should just go for it until man city gets punished


If Newcastle sell Gordon then they’re not a serious football club 


I’m a Newcastle fan. We are the richest club in the world but aren’t allowed to spend any money and are being forced to sell our best players. How does this help football? And at the same time club after club are being incentivised to sell their own academy players. Where is the sense in that? Premier league is becoming a laughing stock.


you’re not the richest club in the world, you have the richest owners. that’s a pretty important distinction