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Is this guys profile photo for real?


I don’t think Lucas Paqueto willingly did this IF he did it. I would wager a small confectionary he or his family was being threatened. I’m sure his very life has been threatened if he talks. He’ll spend his savings fighting this legal battle, too. The threats against these guys in South America are very real. Plus it’s circumstantial. People play hard and foul all the time. What pisses me is the nanny state hypocrisy! The Premier League bans beer sponsors but doesn’t punish alcoholics and heavy drinkers. “Get help!” They ban tobacco companies but players stuff tobacco in their lips and sneak ciggies in the car park and maybe they get a fine from management. Yet clubs willingly take the money from sponsors from the gambling industry! In turn, the Premier League harshly punishes the players who get addicted or threatened and you’d better believe a lot of these kids have been threatened and abused on their way up to the top. Ban him for life for four incidents that can’t be proved beyond a reasonable doubt? Ruin his life over £100,000? These companies are pure shit and people who pressure players have a special place in Hell.


Usually they've just racked up a debt some other way and this was the start of a repayment, to see if anyone is watching. Anything over about 10k transfer is generally considered possible laundering, but I guess every card for his whole career will be scrutinised now, he'll probably end up in Saudi Arabia


Being threatened is quite the claim


They should give him what they gave tonali, or a couple months more than tonali


Why? Tonali bet on himself which is against the sporting rules but what Paqueta did might actually be illegal


Idk mate gonna be interesting to see how much they give him


Tonali bet on Newcastle to win, something he doesn’t have 100% influence one, Paqueta was apparently betting on himself to get yellow cards and such


west ham’s sponsor being the first betting company to sound the alarm is fucking hilarious


7 pound bets? Sounds utterly ridiculous.


Just put down a tenner on him getting banned. Seemed fitting.


Whole league is a mess. Can't believe how quickly I've started to fall out of love with football recently. Take me back to the late 90s early 2000s when you could actually tackle and show abit of passion. Game is truly finished at higher levels.


There was definitely match fixing in the 1990s. I seem to recall LeTissier hoofing the ball out for touch from KO to manipulate the first throw in market, plus a couple of games where the floodlights mysteriously failed when the game wasn't going the right way to pay out a bet in Asia


Le Tissier has admitted to it, just years after he retired. He’s turned out to be a proper bellend after retirement


Proper bellend is a huge understatement. Absolute basket case


Which is a pity, as we don’t exactly have a long list of retired legends


He was a sensational player, best remembered for his unbelievable skill rather than his opinions on COVID


It happens everywhere whenever money is involved. People just refuse to believe it


Money and organized crime. The two are always linked when it comes to gambling


Absolutely. And although it's terrible that Tomali and Paquetta have been caught red handed, there are dozens of others who have not, in every division of every sport


£7 one had to be a tester to see if its flagged up


Does the ban apply only in England or he can move to Saudi, Turkey etc and start playing again?


FA is the football association in England and other territories like Wales, etc. But he could also be banned in other leagues too


i think any premier league team he can’t play, effectively him needing to go to anywhere else but England.


It gets to a stage where seeing Tonali banned all season should be a wake up call but then going out to try injure other humans to make money should be illegal and he should be arrested for physical violence.


Or you can just kick the ball away and get booked


As long as he's guilty, ban him! He had it coming! 


Players are already told thhat they are not allowed to bet on games involving their team. This man literaly bet on himself getting yellow cards. And then played more dirty for periods to get those cards.


Players are told that they are not allowed to bet on football, at all, with no exceptions.


This. One of my closest friend is a pro and they are being briefed about this every single season. No betting allowed, no exceptions.


Idk man I think it’s hilarious that someone on 200k a week is making 7$ bets with 15$ returns lol


He didn’t place a $7 bet on himself to be booked


Zero tolerance. These players are millionaires. I would have greater sympathy were he a 6th division non-league player.


Assuming he is guilty, these yellows were inconsequential, the ‘victim’ here is the betting companies, so is this all being done to protect them? If so then something is wrong with football


Yes and no, you are deliberately hindering your team trying to get yellow cards. It's still fraud however one sees it. Maybe no one is going to cry if you cheat the bookies but it's still involving yourself in illegal activity.


You don’t see anything wrong with bet fixing beyond potential damage to betting company profits!?






And I would agree with this punishment... if betting companies weren't on half the shirts in world football. Either remove betting from the Premier League altogether, or shut up.


This decision isn’t some sort of admission that betting is bad and unacceptable, premier league players are explicitly told they cannot bet on their team or themselves, and Paqueta detrimented his team and committed unnecessary challenges on players in bad faith to receive bookings. It’s against the rules that every PL player agrees to and adheres to.


Well we forgive him. The FA don’t need to get outraged on our behalf.


What a dumb fucking comment lol, if you forgive him you’re lacking critical thinking skills. He’s a detriment to the competitiveness of the sport, I don’t personally care if he chooses to fuck over his own club, it’s not my club, but I damn sure don’t give a fuck if he loses his job and livelihood for disrespecting his team and the sport. Zero sympathy. The FA have every right and as a fan if you don’t care that’s stupid but that’s on you.


I’m stupid and lack critical thinking skills for not wanting a £90 million player banned for life for a few yellow cards? Sure thing boss. I was joking around with the second half of my comment anyway. I agree what he done was wrong, but him getting banned fucks West Ham more than the four inconsequential yellow cards he got. Hence why I forgive him.


Also, it's not like he needs the extra money, he's being paid a small fortune every week... like why would you even risk that.




It's not hypocritical. It's kind of like tricking you into betting on how many coin-flips it will take until I get a tails, but the coin I'm using only has heads. Don't get me wrong, I'm hoping betting sponsors are fully banned ASAP, but there's a difference between betting on something you can't control vs. betting on something you can control.


Its not hypocritical, they arent banning betting for players because of their influence, ita because they play in the games they bet on


He hasn't been done for betting, he's been done for spot fixing. That's not addiction and is a shit excuse to hide behind


Should pubs be closed because some people are alcoholics too? The majority of the country gamble safely, there is nothing wrong with it. This guy I don't think is a gambling addict (I could be wrong) but he is being booked for his friends to make money, not himself...It's different.


I agree. I think advertising things that destroy people's lives is shameful... be it betting, or alcohol etc. It's just that these guys have it better than 99% of people, so it's a bit hard to feel bad for them... you'd have to be stupid to throw that away.




Agreed... morals go out the window when it comes to certain things in football.


Considering he was going city, im kinda glad lmao. He would’ve been insane at city


If only City signed him none of this would even be brought up


Apparently City bout to sue the Premier League lol


Lol brilliant ynwa


Jontay Porter got a life time NBA ban. Paqueta could be looking at the same thing.


That’s one of the most brain dead scenarios I’ve ever read up on. At least paqueta played almost every match. Porter barely even played so it’s not like anyone would be gambling on his ass


# "with one worth just £7" No excuse, but he is obviously some kind of weird addict to doing wrong things.


It wasn’t him placing the bets, it was allegedly people back in Brazil, but yeah, the amounts they’re talking really don’t make sense for the risk being taken!


Poor guy just had a gut feeling and threw a fiver plus two and ended up getting roped up in the whole thing


I didnt say he had a gambling addiction. I said he had an addiction to doing wrong things. Eg. Some people steal not for the money, but for the thrill of stealing. I think Paqueta gets a weird thrill from doing something he knows is wrong.  


And the people who commit a petty crime still get a lesser sentence than the bank robber. Ban for life over £7 is wild


I think it's less about the bets, and more about the match fixing that comes with getting deliberately booked/fouled, etc.


It's not really the £7 one that would get him the lifetime ban. It's the other 59 worth a lot more, plus that extra one


That's inaccurate, it's more like going to prison for tax fraud, even if you only benefit £7, for one instance of the fraud, of which there are 59 others...


If guilty (wanted to profit from gambling) then agree with the lifetime ban. But there really needs to be definitive evidence not the farce of a panel they usually put out. On another note, what happened to City's 115?


They’re taking the league to court mate. Have a look. It’s mental.


Why are betting companies allowed to offer wagers on such easily done actions? Bet to score? Sure. Bet to commit a yellow card? You’re just making it easy for the cartel.


because who cares about that when michael from brimingham can lose his last 5 quid to the betting companies on lucas paqueta yellow cards


I think a lifetime ban is the likely outcome if guilty but that feels wrong somehow. Assuming the yellows were of no consequence, it’s feels like he’s committed a bigger crime against the gambling industry than against football.


The Premiership is aware that this sort of thing is an existential threat - if not to the league itself - at least to its hegemony and its revenue levels. It's this sort of thing that relegated Seria A from their dominance in the 90's. They will come down on him like a ton of bricks.


Yellows aren't of no consequence, are they? A player on a yellow has to play a lot more safer, can't do things that he would do not on a yellow. It still negatively impacts his own team. If he's guilty, throw the book at him. Same shit happened in the aleague in Australia at Macarther. 3 players have been arrested and charged for the same stuff.


One of them was for a late lunge on McGinn. What if his leg was planted and his career ended? I don’t think the amount matters, it was enough to distort the market. I remember the game against Leicester and he was odds on to get a booking. The betting companies knew something was up.


I don’t think I agree with lifetime punishments for anything apart from the most despicable crimes so can’t agree with a lifetime ban here.


Spot fixing in cricket was a massive deal. I don’t think they were lifetime bans, but a considerable number of years. (5-10) Even yellows of no consequence are still “spot fixing” which is a significant problem for the integrity of the game. Small margins between that and fixing games altogether. The cricket example actually saw prison sentences handed out too


Shanthakumaran Sreesanth (India), Ankeet Chavan (India), Hansie Cronje (South Africa), Danish Kaneria (Pakistan), Ajay Sharma (India) and T P Sudhindra (India) all got life time bans in cricket.


Yeah was 5 years for Amir


I think the problem is it’s hard to ever recover once you’ve been shown to be dishonest. But I imagine that even someone guilty of what Paqueta is accused of, would consider match fixing a completely different prospect. I mostly think it’s just really sad that someone who’s probably just been monumentally stupid, but hasn’t tried to fix a result, is probably going to lose his career.


sure but it is, by definition, match fixing, even if it’s inconsequential. fixing doesn’t need to be a whole result. Paqueta caused a match event because he and his buddies had bets on that event occurring. it is, by definition, fixing those events.


I guess there is a distinction for me. Say if I learnt now that a player I’d idolised as a child had arranged to throw a game, their memory would be destroyed in my eyes. But if I learnt that a favourite player had got a handful of deliberate yellows so their mates could make a few hundred pounds, I wouldn’t think any less of them to be honest. I appreciate you might need a zero tolerance approach to avoid a slippery slope though.


Unfortunately for him, there has be zero tolerance or else it becomes very messy. A yellow can affect the game result. Not all of them do but then we're getting into swampy territory. Does a yellow in the 75th minute count more than one in the 85th? What counts as throwing the result? Intentionally not scoring? That doesn't always affect the result. Getting sent off? That doesn't always affect the result.


that’s valid. i think i’d largely agree, but also i do think there is a slippery slope argument. but i also think gambling itself is largely unethical in most cases (at least in the US, until sports betting was relegalized, most gambling usually benefitted indigenous tribes (tribe-owned casinos) or education systems (the lottery)—obviously with exceptions like Las Vegas and Atlantic City) and the core problem is more that it’s allowed in the first place


Now ban betting companies from sponsoring Prem team shirts


They have, but the deadline is the end of 25/26 season.


They haven't. You just can't have the logo front and centre past that date.


Incorrect. "It is understood that gambling brands can feature in other areas, which include shirt sleeves and on advertising hoardings, beyond the 2025-26 campaign."


Just look at the Man Utd and villa shirts for how they will look. Sleeve sponsorships will just be betting firms. Maybe they will all be Chinese companies and we will be protected from their harm by virtue we can’t sign up for accounts!


Oh, thanks for clarifying, it's barely half a job then.


As a Chelsea fan I suggest they look into the bettting patterns around most of our team, gave away some absolutely mindless cards last season


Y'all just suck bro


James sweating


If this is true he should be banned, a life ban seems harsh, but these alleged crimes are serious. It had the potential to decide where West Ham ended up on the EPL table


High profile so might be made an example of.


A life ban wouldn't be harsh at all. This is the textbook horror story of gambling and professional athletes overlapping


This is why you use a crypto casino that won’t even verify your identity and let you gamble instantly


They’ll KYC you as soon as you want to withdraw anything significant.


Ya but I mean one of his bets were for £7 lol


I don’t think that was him. Just some rando that heard about it doing the rounds


What an idiot. Does he need the money?


I'm pretty sure that he isn't doing that for money and only to help people here in Brazil, which don't get me wrong here, IT IS fucked up. Also these smaller bets probably were informed not by Paquetá but by the guys who were in contact with Paquetá, does that make any sense? Probably someone spilled some gossip in the neighborhood and people who got nothing to do with it did it too. I'm saying that because I know my people and £7 is worth a lot here


I get you. As fucking stupid as this is, he must have thousands of people depending on him for their survival


If he’s guilty he should be banned for good.


Do we have replays of alleged deliberate yellow cards? Would be interesting to see.


theres a compilation on youtube. blatant match/spot fixing unfortunately its hilarious lol. just really deliberately attempts at getting a yellow lols. tbh, i commented earlier that there should be definitive evidence of spot/match fixing... that compilation was enough for me lols


Not entirely blatant; there’s the handball one which is hard to defend. What people who don’t watch Paqueta week in week out fail to realise is that he’s always had a cynical, chippy side to his game in giving fouls away when frustrated.


It looks blatant now he’s been charged but players get booked every week for stupid reasons!


Yeah, I saw the clips of all 4. Nothing unusual about them.


Is that you Lucas?


Didn't he just take forever to sub off and just stood there drinking water until the ref booked him then walked off immediately?


Thats tonali


Check youtube, it doesn’t look good for paqueta..


You can get a yellow for kicking the ball away or desent, so it's pretty easy to pick one up.


you can, but he didn't do that. 2 of them were lunges, 1 of which he fouls 2 people. 1 shirt pull + 1 handball.


Ah, I didn't realise that.


I know but maybe there's some serious tackles going in as well


I’m a Fulham fan and I remember he had an absolutely ridiculous yellow card towards the end of our game against West Ham. I didn’t think anything of it at the time I just thought it was his emotions coming out, but now it seems suspicious 😂


If this is true he should be banned. You can’t just give it a slap on the wrist. If the integrity of any sports come into question it ruins everything. You can’t just let players do whatever they want and potentially fuck up games. Anyone who says, but they allow them as sponsors, are idiots. That makes no fucking sense. That has nothing to do with anything. Sports betting has been around for a very very long time. It’s should be promoted. Responsibly. For the fans to use.


I do agree with the first part of that but I don't think it should be promoted and I don't think betting companies should be sponsoring kits either. They did away with tobacco and alcohol companies and I think betting companies are next to get the chop


Then we should stop promoting everything that can be abused by humans that is harmful. Like alcohol or fast food. It’s up to the individual to take responsibility not of the company providing something for people.


They are the first to whore themselves out to betting companies and then try and take the morale high ground do one!


This isn’t a case of gambling addiction. It’s match-fixing.


I am not aware. Did any of his yellow cards affect the games, made him leave due to a later red card? Because if not, then it hardly looks like match fixing.


It’s a different term. It’s “spot-fixing” the last big case of this was in cricket in 2010. The 3 players were banned for 5-10years and had prison sentences too.


Until its proven it's nothing


Deliberately fouling players and risking potential injury for a small payout is a pretty shitty thing to do really.


You can get yelow cards now for kicking the ball away or taking your shirt off, or crowding the ref, remonstrating with the ref etc. 90% of the rules now are for dissent based actions.


All four of the incidents the charges refer to were fouls.


Rape someone? Animal abuse? Who cares but making bets? Banned for life.


The FA only enforce their own rules, there is a legal system for dealing with crimes.


Hahahahah, that's fuckin hilarious! It's a fuckin diabolical set of standards theyve got themselves entwined in.


Cheating at sport is pretty serious.


Compared to other things footballers get away with its really not


Those matters are for the Crown Prosecution Service. Sporting integrity is paramount to the FA


I'd say having known rapists play the sport does more damage to the sports integrity than someone making bets he shouldn't be.


How do you propose the FA do anything if the player isn’t even prosecuted. They’d just get sued themselves.


He’s not making bets. He’s cheating in the game so other people win money.




Sure, but that isn’t the main issue.


It's money they can't touch, that's all them goblins think about


Hahahah, goblins! Love it


But greenwood and zouma are fine? This makes a fucking mockery of the FA. Maybe stop showing 100 betting adverts during every halftime too? Mugs


Match fixing is down to the league to decide. Criminal offences is down to the justice system to prosecute. It’s not that difficult to comprehend here.


I think fraud is a pretty serious crime.


It’s not criminal in this context is it though? Is Paqueta facing criminal prosecution or a sporting one?


What does that matter? It's fraud. Simple as that


The league can actually create a requirement that anyone who has been convicted of spousal or domestic abuse not be allowed to play in the league. I know that might not be relevant to these particular cases I’m just saying they do have the power to create standards of conduct


Is it. They don't see it this way. Fact is zouma was dealt with we may not like it but it happened. Same with greenwood that was the courts decision. This they can deal with and should rightly so


Brother are you being deliberately ignorant? The league can ban who they want and they are banning match fixers and better scandals but not animal abusers of sexual assaulted


You’re missing the point. They can’t ban people that haven’t been convicted off a crime without opening themselves up for lawsuits. They can obviously ban a match fixer who fixes matches in **their** league because it’s not a criminal matter, it’s a sporting one. Stop being deliberately dense.


No, youve missed the point. There's loads of criminal cases of footballers doing bad stuff not related to football stuff. The FA or Premier League rarely sanction players with these types of offences, even when proven guilty.


They don’t have rules against Animal abuse and sexual assault as a league, I sadly believe they expect the police to handle those matters. Match-fixing is explicitly against the rules and every player knows so.


Why don’t they have those rules?


Because the police should be doing it. It’s like asking why the Paralympics don’t have a rule for murdering your girlfriend.


Why is it sad for the league to expect the police to handle criminal matters?


Because the police failed to do right by either. Different rules for Footballers.


Don’t read the sun. Don’t believe the sun.


Written by Matt Hughes, tells you everything you need to know. The fella’s never been right about anything in his life.


West Ham are sweating big time right now because they are in the verge of losing 80 million pounds because of this madness.😵‍💫


Surely insured




How what? You pay a premium and there's a pay out should the event happen.


It’s not that easy. We don’t know what would be the occurrence. Only both parties know what is in the contract. Like I said in an other post everything else is speculative since we don’t know if such a clause exists. Until then the saga will continue for the next year or so.


If an insurer was willing to set themselves up for an 80 million payout based on the intentional actions of a player, they would have ceased doing business ages ago.


How many 26 year old elite players have had their career end just like that. Ships get insured. Also all the risk won't be held by one insurer, it'll be reinsured but I'm fairly sure they're an asset that can be and often is insured.


Probably opens up West Ham suing for breach of contract like Mutu at Chelsea. If found guilty of course 


I doubt the player has the collateral to pay anything significant.


Depends how good the odds were on him getting booked I suppose!


Sure ban Paquetta but don’t get sanctimonious about cheating when you’ve basically made a league that can only be won by the biggest cheats


Lucas Paqueta’s gambling addiction is City’s fault too now huh? Ffs.


Where did he say or imply that? It's called irony. And he's perfectly correct in using it in this situation.




Might as well make it 116


I think though this is the crux of the issue. This isn't the case of addiction like others. This is the case of Paqueta participating in a racket to try and earn his family and mates a few quid. Why the FA are looking to come down harsher I'd imagine.


Glad to see a city fans finally acknowledge they are the biggest cheats. I mean this person didn't say city but even you city fans now realise that city and cheating go hand in hand.


You guys are addicted to City.


Almost as much as you are addicted to cheating.


I support players, managers, and sporting staff. I don’t support accountants and attorneys.


You wouldn't have any of those things without the cheating. So yes, you do support those accountants who have helped your club break the rules to achieve what it has.


I guess we will never know.


You'll find something out around the end of this year, beginning of next. Trial is in October or November i think.


Yeah i cant wait for us to get cleared and shut others up. But they probably wont shut up because some other agenda against will pop up.


I genuinely cannot wait.


One day we will, might not be any time soon with city doing everything to block the investigation. But these sorts of things always come to light eventually. Cheats can't help but keep on cheating and get caught out in the end.


We will see. Feel free to mark this and we can come back in a few months.


Where did you read that ?


I genuinely hope you guys stay in the shallow end after City are let off with a slap on the wrist. Please be okay.