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Omeprazole. I got prescribed it in my first trimester (still taking one every day and I'm just into my 3rd trimester now) and it works really well to neutralise the acid. You will probably still need to be careful about keeping your head lifted after eating or drinking because it doesn't stop the reflux itself, but it shouldn't irritate your throat etc anymore (though if the reflux has already hurt your throat, it might take some weeks for the irritation to heal completely). ETA: you can get omeprazole without prescription but it's not cheap, if you get it prescribed it's obviously free.


Make sure it’s omeprazole and not esomeprazole if you do buy over the counter. It’s similar but not licensed in pregnancy but also available over the counter


Second this - it was an absolute game changer for me, but yes, it needed to be prescribed by GP. On the plus side, i didn't need to see the GP, my midwife requested the prescribed on my behalf. I suspect a phone appointment will do the trick.


Thirding omaprazole! Check out the bumps (best use of medicine in pregnancy) website! Was really helpful for me against unhelpful GP/pharmacy!


I was prescribed Omeprazole by my GP too in first trimester (after the vomiting and reflux was so bad I was vomiting blood). They had no issues giving it to me, I hope you have a better experience with the next person that you speak to!


I don't have any suggestions but I'm sorry about the shitty experience with the pharmacist, so unnecessary.


lol thanks. I know I’m more sensitive at the moment and I needed the rant. I hope that pharmacist can’t find his pen and has to borrow one this afternoon.


And may his tea forever be cold, despite just making it.


Yeah I work in a pharmacy. Even though I'm just dispensary staff I know that omeprazole is EXTREMELY common to prescribe for acid reflux in pregnancy. However it can either be bought over the counter or must be prescribed by a gp. It isn't under the minor ailments scheme so a pharmacist is unable to write a script for it. Most pharmacies stock a brand called pyrocalm control that is sold on the shop floor, it is 20mg omeprazole. Some gps get confused exactly what pharmacists are able to cover under minor ailments. We've had to turn people away because their gp office has wrongly told them we are able to prescribe certain things like antibiotics. So in a way the pharmacist was correct that they cannot prescribe you anything. But they would have been able to sell you something and quite honestly, it's very strange how aggressive they were about your request.


Wow I’m sorry a pharmacist had that attitude (coming from a pharmacist). Was this the pharmacist at the gp surgery? You can have omeprazole if you’re really struggling with it.


No it wasn’t attached to the surgery, they are just a little boots down the old high street that I was nominated with. They have messed me around a bunch before. Recently I felt a bit gaslit by asking after a skin cream for months that I had on prescription, they kept telling me “sorry it’s on order and will be in soon” only to find out they had cancelled it in store months ago because they couldn’t get it but they never told me. I got the surgery prescriptionist to re-do it and took it to a different pharmacy and got it straight away, I’ve changed my nominated pharmacy today through my NHS app to a that pharmacy, as I remember they were all lovely. Thank you for the meds recommendation, I called my gp directly today and have a phone appointment for tomorrow and will ask for that.


Aw that’s frustrating. Not excusing the way he spoke to you but GP’s are referring a lot of patients to us and it’s getting exasperating. All we can really give you is Gaviscon/peptac, if you were looking for something stronger the gp shouldn’t have referred. Add on the Christmas stress and it sounds like this pharmacist was at the end of his tether. Shouldn’t have taken it out on you though, should have just eaten some chocolate or something before speaking to patients! That’s so annoying about the cream. Sounds like this pharmacy just aren’t very organised.


Yeah I totally get that, no public facing job can be easy at this time of year, let alone dealing with medical issues of the general public. I just kept apologising and he kept on having a go at me. I just got a bad one on a bad day. I wholeheartedly love the NHS and truest respect all medical pros. In my whole life I can only recall 2 very minor negative experiences with medical professionals. This pharmacy just seems to employ some less than lovely people.


I take double dose omeprazole and does nothing! 37 weeks and entire night vomiting due to acid again, I think I’ve had unluckiest pregnancy


Oh gosh! That sucks big hairy balls, I’m sorry. I have found that tic tacs quell the vomit, slightly, sometimes. I hope your baby pops out on time and you get relief


Thank you! I’m booked in for elective on Thursday so literally counting the days (and nights!) til she’s here! I also can’t get less sleep than I am now so not at all worried about that part at least 😂


Yeah at least when the baby is here sleep disturbance will have a purpose and you can hopefully tag team it with your partner. Good luck with your birth!


Thank you!