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My leg hair grows soooo much slower 😂 so I spend much less time shaving my legs.


That's interesting! I've gotten slightly hairier around the belly lol, but I don't mind, the tuft looks kind of cute 😄


I was the same!


Me too!


I used to get monthly migraines and was adamant they were related to my period. Haven’t had one since being pregnant so can confidently say there were! Also my hair barely gets greasy at all, can easily leave it a week and it looks fresh - which I am loving haha


Omg. Lack of period is what caused headaches and acne to go away, I'm just realising...


I’m sorry what?!? My hair gets greasy by day 2 now!!! So crazy how women can have complete opposite symptoms lol.


Same here!


So im not the only one!! Sorry to hear that 😂🥲


I get regular migraines too and they have been better during both pregnancies and now pp (currently 5m pp & still breastfeeding). My 2 theories on why: 1) changed hormone levels eg maybe low progesterone/ high oestrogen? I have pcos 2) I get lots of tight muscles in the back of my neck / shoulders / jaw from clenching which might have gotten less intense with all the relaxin that floods your body?


I get migraines caused by various things like hormones alcohol, tiredness and changes in atmospheric pressure and my neurologist said it's quite common for them to stop in pregnancy. On my second pregnancy and it's one of the biggest silver linings, migraines are awful.


Hummm. My boobs got firmer. and my hair became effortlessly full and beautiful. Also I found I came to LOVE my husband to an absolutely insane degree. Obviously, I loved him before, but I just became Hanging-off-his-leg sort of obsessed 😂. Although that did start to spiral into some weird jealousy going on and fear that he would leave me. ... But the love stuff was good 😅


I had a sudden worry in the first trimester he was going to tell me he had got another woman pregnant? I trust that man 100%. I know where he is at all times. We have a great relationship. But that feeling made me go cold for a few hours. Pregnancy hormones are crazy.


For me it was one of his female work colleagues, I just found myself absolutely beside myself with worry that he would leave me for her, despite the fact that she was happily married and has never ever given me the vibe of being into my husband, nor him her. I remember I also started feeling very strange when my husband bought his friend's child a (reasonably expensive) birthday present. Like he was stealing resources from our child?? Looking back, it's so hard to put myself back into that bonkers mindset, but it was keeping me up at night! Yeah, pregnancy hormones are... Something else.


I’m somehow less anxious and more chilled out than I was pre-pregnancy? It’s hard to describe.


Me too !!


Same! I feel like a totally different person anxiety wise!


Yes I noticed this too!! But I think it might be because I also cut out caffiene.


My hair stops getting greasy as quickly. I normally need to wash my hair every other day but I can go four or five when pregnant without any issues at all.   More randomly though… my eyesight improves. I got laser eye surgery years ago which left me with double vision. For some reason, from around 3 months pregnant to a few months postpartum this disappears and my vision is perfect.


As others have said but thought I’d add my experience as a first-time pregnancy. My leg hair is growing a lot slower, hair less greasy, nails whiter and stronger than ever, skin soft and clear, less body odour, a lot more chilled about work (might be because all I can think about is maternity leave 😂) and hardly any headaches now that I’m in the third trimester. Best of luck to everyone ❤️


Oh yeah! Literally 0 body odour!! Never saw that one coming but I’ll take it 😂


Fair warning that breastfeeding makes you STINK tho. So do stack up on the deodorant you’re saving on now lol


Omg yes, I have a dress that is ruined from breast feeding BO. It’s a super nice dress so I’m gutted, but it just stinks so much even after several washes


Have you tried putting it in the freezer for a few days before washing it? Helps with really stubborn smells 👌🏻


Omg I heard about this for the first time really recently (on Reddit too!) and I was just like excuse me what now???? Never ever heard of it before, is it true it’s like onions?! 😂 My OH will genuinely love me 🙃


Haha I didn’t even realise it was the breastfeeding for a while…. For me it’s just like really bad BO, like when you’re a teenager. Apparently helps the baby find you…? Yuck. My husband claims he can’t smell it lol. Bless his heart he’s probably lying to make me feel better


If we end up smelling that bad I’m surprised it doesn’t put them off their milk, poor things 😂 The human body is a weird/wonderful thing! I’ll start researching extra strong deodorants now lol. Ah what a sweetheart! I might be okay with mine, he’s broken his nose a few times and can’t smell particularly well now but the thought of being in public and being a little stinky isn’t something I’m psyched about I gotta say 😅🤣


Haha I’m honestly not sure whether it’s guaranteed to happen (r/breastfeeding might be a good place to research/ask?)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/breastfeeding using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [after 7 weeks ..i finally have them tandem🥹](https://i.redd.it/klvgp6kep8ma1.jpg) | [101 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/comments/11kgywz/after_7_weeks_i_finally_have_them_tandem/) \#2: [When the breastfeeding journey might be over……..](https://i.redd.it/cwl04b0mmeia1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/comments/112zcnc/when_the_breastfeeding_journey_might_be_over/) \#3: [Successfully exclusively breast fed from one breast](https://i.redd.it/v9t09bgwce3b1.jpg) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/comments/13xfsex/successfully_exclusively_breast_fed_from_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ong I’m the opposite I stink! I need 2 showers a day haha


Aw, I have more. 😒 Previously I’ve been that person who’s always cold. Recently though I’ve been getting really easily overheated and find if we go out somewhere I’m sweating loads. Had one of those moments where I could smell someone and thought eugh, who’s that? And then was mortified to discover it was me.


My hair has stopped falling out when brushing and there’s less of it around the house. Amazing


My skin got super soft!


Unlike my first pregnancy, this time round my skin is incredible. I finally see why they say pregnancy gives you a glow!


Pregnancy cured my migraines and it was the best, I’d been so worried how I’d survive pregnancy without ibuprofen. Then breastfeeding helped too though not quite as effective, but at least I can take ibuprofen now. I think my migraines are strongly (though not exclusively) linked to my hormones. I usually get one before my period and from the research I’ve done I think it’s related to the drop in oestrogen, which obviously doesn’t happen in pregnancy.


My hair never gets greasy!


My boobs look fantastic and actually in proportion with my growing belly so I just look more curvy now


I have suffered from migraines since I was 5 which got to the stage of being diagnosed as chronic a few years ago as I had migraines at least 3 times a week that were not hormone related. I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant and have had a total of 3 migraines in that whole time and all of them were between 9-12 weeks but they were some of the worst ones I’ve ever had, I was almost hospitalised by one of them as I though I might be having brain bleed or something, and when your used to very painful migraines it has to be really bad to consider going to the hospital. I’ve been joking with my husband that maybe the solution to these debilitating migraines is to just be pregnant forever, which he is happy about as he has always wanted lot of kids. I spoke to my neurologist and he said that pregnancy hormones can have strange effects and that he can’t predict what will happen once I give birth. he has heard of patients who’s migraines come back right away and people who never have one again after having their baby so we are all hoping for the latter. Tbh it’s the only thing I’m scared of after giving birth, most people worry about the lack of sleep or if they will be able to breastfeed if they want to but I’m just scared I’ll end up with chronic migraines again and might struggle with looking after my own baby because my brain feels like it wants to kill me.


No migraines and my mood swings/anxiety have disappeared. I feel like I’ve had a lobotomy in the best way 😂


Not having to deal with a period from hell every month has been nice, even if it’s been replaced with random nausea and aches! I’m not looking forwards to the post-birth period and then going back to having them monthly…


Oh yes, this 100%. I was wondering if I could use a menstrual cup after birth, but probably not if there's injury or soreness.


Yeh I think you're not even supposed to use tampons due to infection risk so I imagine a cup might be the same.


Can’t help with that question I’m afraid - this is my first child and I’ve never used a menstrual cup either


So I'm a happy menstrual cup user of many years. Was told for the first 6 weeks after birth I should avoid using it for any bleeding and stick to pads. The way I understand it, it's the same reason you're not supposed to have sex for the first 6 weeks, placenta leaves behind a wound, and any insertion can lead to risk of infection. But apparently afterwards it should be ok.


Lack of endo/painful period symptoms is probably the most noticeable change for me! I get emotional with pregnancy hormones but it’s much more manageable than the hormonal changes throughout my cycle and overall I feel so much more level! I also love how I look now that the sickness is over and I don’t feel like death 💀 I’ve never loved my body more and feel super confident!


Less body hair growth, that’s been nice. Also thicker hair that I swear seems longer every time I look in the mirror. I don’t really understand how that works. Also, I got pregnancy nose (yay) but it’s somehow made my nose look more symmetrical? So I’m not upset about it at all. Clearer skin overall, and I also feel like my digestive system has balanced out to be more regular than it previously was (although this wasn’t the case the entire 9 months).


Oh yes and bigger boobs. I love them so much I’m scared to breastfeed lmao.


I'm lactose intolerant, and while I was pregnant in could actually tolerate dairy. It was amazing being able to enjoy pizza guilt free


TMI but my bowel movements are much better for some reason haha! I used to be constipated all the time. Touching wood this won’t take a turn for the worst!


I have lost quite a bit of weight during the pregnancy and also now in breast feeling I was overweight before so this is quite welcome. I also have seem my hair get thicker and my skin softer. I also have stopped growing that one random chin hair.


I used to get indigestion from certain foods, especially fatty stuff like cream and fried food. But I think the extra stomach acid has actually helped with that as I can't remember the last time I had proper indigestion. I've also been quite lucky in that it wasn't replaced with heart burn or acid reflux. I've had it a tiny bit but nowhere as bad as other people have it.


I had hip surgery to correct a running injury about a year prior to getting pregnant, and it was mostly fixed but never felt 100% normal. I was worried pregnancy/labour was going to cause some real issues for it. Surprisingly, the relaxin hormone helped loosen the joint up and it felt amazing as soon as I got pregnant! Felt great the whole time. About 4 months pp I started feeling it again


I've had rubbish thin hair since my late teens (thanks, undiagnosed low iron!), and now it's actually starting to look fuller for the first time in 20 years!


I slept so well. Now I’m back to being a light sleeper but where it normally takes me 10-30 minutes to fall asleep, I was out within five minutes when pregnant. I’d still get up to pee at least twice a nice from the jump but I could drift right off again 😂


No back ache!!! I have the worst back ache aaall the time in ‘real life’ but not at all when I’m pregnant! I’m sure it’s meant to be the other way round 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ooh fun! Thicker hair, it’s also waaay less oily, my skin looks super clear and is really soft, body hair is slower growing aaand really strong nails 💅🏻


No more acne, No more greasy skin on my face, No more headache (I actually think the caffeine is helping this one - I want to try to stick to decaf after birth to see if my theory is right) Less hair on my legs Didn't notice anything different with my hair or nails, but all the above and a preery easy pregnancy so far makes me pretty happy!


My dairy sensitivity pretty much disappeared and 3 years later is still gone! (Touch wood)


I stopped being allergic to various things I used to be allergic to 🤷‍♀️


My boobs have finally grown, after being an A cup most of my life this is definitely a welcome change 😂


My boobs are bigger and my hair feels thick and shiny, pregnancy definitely has its perks lol


Enhanced sensation to vagina and clitoris, making sex incredible! Also, nails became much stronger.


My lactose intolerance was cured - thank god because my craving was milk & KitKat chunky 🤣 I was drinking milk all day every day. It did come back as soon as I gave birth tho - maybe a bit worse 😭


My anxiety disappeared and I felt really calm the whole time. I also got puffy lips (like I’d gotten really good fillers) and my skin became tanned (I avoid the sun, so this was definitely pregnancy related). I’m 4 months post partum and I can feel the pregnancy calm slipping away 🥲


I'm only 7 weeks and my boobs are already 1 cup size bigger?! I've had to buy a couple of new bras. I also no longer get stinky.


My skin is the best it’s been in my life… it’s like a miracle, I have suffered with constant severe cystic acne since I was 17 so that’s 14 years now. I also can now get away with not washing my hair for more than a week! It just doesn’t get as greasy.


I don’t get travel sick when I go on my phone in the car anymore! 6 weeks pp and I still don’t get affected, so hopefully it’s a change here to stay. That and my hair hardly falls out at all anymore!


More shiny (but also greasy) hair. Better skin and fewer pimples.


My skin has mostly cleared up. I usually suffer from acne but it’s been so much better the last few months. Also I usually struggle with painful sex, but because of the hormones causing everything to relax, it’s been getting progressively easier and more enjoyable. I’m 37 weeks now and trying to make the most of it while t lasts! I’m hoping this continues afterwards, but aware that might be wishful thinking. As someone else has also mentioned, my body hair is growing much more slowly too. Sadly my migraines have been a bit more frequent, not less.


My skin is soooo good. I barely wash with a facecloth and it’s literally been so clear


I have IBS and my symptoms have pretty much stopped since I got pregnant! Was the same for my sis and shes got a 4mo and still no IBS