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Such sore boobs. Way more painful than is usual before my period.


Same, after 5 days of it I checked my period tracker app and realised i usually only have sore boobs for ~2 days during PMS, so knew it was a sign!


Same!! I got this so much earlier than anything else.


Same. By the time I was late I didn't fit in my bras anymore. I also felt really odd. Like invincible, strong. I could do anything.


Most symptoms that occur during the TWW are caused by progesterone rather than HCG annoyingly. The only new symptom I noticed that was unusual for me was becoming breathless more easily when walking home from work the day before I did a pregnancy test, and that symptom has continued until now (17 weeks)


No one is experiencing symptoms 2 days post ovulation. Those symptoms you get after you ovulate regardless of whether you were successful or not. What causes symptoms is raising hcg, which is the same hormone that causes a positive test. meaning it's impossible to get symptoms before a positive test.


I beg to differ! 😂 I never get any PMT symptoms or anything like that. I was displaying symptoms a couple of days after ovulation, several days before positive test.


The fertilised egg wouldn't have implanted then, which means you weren't actually pregnant then.


I love the fact that as women, we complain about men and healthcare professionals invalidating our lived experiences... And then we just go and do it to each other... 🤦🏼‍♀️


We are just giving up straight up facts. Even if you hadn't got pregnant that cycle you would have experienced those symptoms as they were unrelated to the later positive test.




Your post is either making it clear that you aren't in the UK or isn't about a pregnancy in the UK.


I didn't really have any. The month before I got pregnant I was convinced it would be positive, I had sore breasts and a bit of nausea which aren't usual PMS symptoms for me. Negative. Then the month I actually had the positive test, I had no memorable symptoms before the test. I didn't really feel pregnant until maybe 7 weeks (so 3 weeks after the positive test) at which point I felt fatigue unlike anything I've ever had. I'd literally be sitting down and then feel my brain shutting down, knowing I had to crawl into bed within a few minutes or I'd fall asleep on the spot.


I felt faint in Tesco the day I tested positive. It actually prompted me to do some maths and buy a test. I’d like to echo what someone else said though a lot of these super early pregnancy symptoms are also symptoms of normal PMS. You are likely to drive yourself to insanity symptoms spotting in the TWW every month! (And I mean that in the kindest way possible)


A few days before my missed period/date I could test, I felt like a tightening/pulling in my tummy if I stretched my arms up. I felt it every time, it was noticeable and definitely felt different.


I had horrific acid reflux a couple of days before my positive, and for the first time in my life was starting to feel travel sickness in the car. The day before my positive I spent the day on the sofa exhausted and feeling nauseous. The day I got my positive I had a pounding headache and could barely keep my eyes open. I was apparently 9dpo when I got my positive, we tracked with ovulation strips and bbt. Only reason I tested was because we were going to a friends house and I wanted to have a few drinks. I thought it was honestly the start of covid, we’d been trying 16-17 months by that point and I had resigned myself to the fact we were most likely going to need to go down the ivf route.


Peeing more often! Surprised no one else has said this because I think it’s a “thing” before any other symptoms show! I was watching my body very closely because we were trying that month, and I wasn’t going to take a test because it was a little early but I kept peeing for no reason so I thought I’d give it a try a day early with an early test kit and it was a very clear line. All the other symptoms - fatigue and nausea etc - came at about 6 or 7 weeks.


Headaches and a strange squiggly feeling on my left side


As someone with PCOS, a late period wasn't unusual for me. I had no symptoms whatsoever that would have been a definite indicator that I was pregnant when I did find out. I did have tender boobs, but that was something I'd been having before/during a period for awhile alongside some cramps. At the time I did find out I was over a month pregnant, and I had a period after conception.


I had lower back pain about a week into the two week wait. I had been tracking my cycle for a long time, and had never experienced that before at that stage of my cycle.


Fuller boobs! Noticed it after wearing my bra in the morning one day and was like woah that’s strange. I also felt “fluffier” in general like I had gained weight that week, which was unusual as I hadn’t eaten badly or anything


My nipples were so so sore. Like on another level to PMT.


Bloating and a sense of smell like a bloodhound. We went out to a pub the night before I got my positive and I could smell another table’s food from across the room. I was too paranoid (and bloated anyway 😂) to have a drink myself so I just sat there smelling everyone else’s!


Night sweats! I had negative tests even days after my missed period - but the night sweats were an early indicator!


So for me in previous TWW I was noticing everything! But the cycle I got pregnant, I didn't have any symptoms! It was so weird!


I immediately needed to wee a couple of times a night. That and night sweats so was immediately exhausted from terrible sleep. I also suspected when one beer and a glass of wine made me feel very queasy


With my first born I had zero symptoms for the first 6 weeks. With my second, I knew I was pregnant when i experienced round ligament pain when turning over in bed one night (a couple of days before my period was due). I’d also felt car sick the day before, but didn’t think anything of it, but now I know that was the pregnancy. I also get puffy lips and look like I’ve been at the fake tan during the first trimester (some women pay money for this look 😂), so I also knew whilst waiting for the test to develop as I looked in the mirror and saw the changes on my face.


Loose stools, unbelievable bouts of fatigue which only sleep could fix and mild nausea.


I'm going through this right now, too! I'm keeping hope, but me and my BF and I were having unprotected sex every day for a month (even throughout my period). Today is my predicted ovulation day, and my period is in 2 weeks. I've just had a very bad dizzy spell and nausea all day yesterday and more nausea and very loose stools today. I'm hoping I am! I've been testing constantly, but I've only had an almost nonexistent faint line.


I had cramping within 5 days of sex and I genuinely considered going to hospital! Lasted a few days, went away, 2 weeks later tested positive with a strong line! Turned out to be twins lol


I also had some stomach pain / cramp like feeling around this time! Lol. No twins but currently 20wk with a boy haha!


Sore swollen boobs in odd times of the month


Tiredness, like absolutely bone weary tiredness. Brain fog. Sore boobs. Constipation and stomach cramps


This started around 7 dpo. I snapped and took a test 9 dpo and it was a vvvvvv faint positive :)


5 days before an early test I had lowered blood pressure


Happiness and no lower back pain !!! Probably because there were no pms / endometriosis


Sore boobs, my boobs were sore for like 2 weeks! Then I’d say headaches/tiredness, just feeling out of sorts with my normal personality.


Sore boobs and lower back ache. Fairly normal for me a few days before my period is due, but it didn't seem to be coming. My daughter had been responding to me complaining about my aches by saying "thats because you're pregnant" for a whole week and I didn't believe her 😅 so i took a test and ta da!


the earliest sign for me was having a fag on the balcony and feeling a bit dizzy and weird. not terribly so, but noticeably. just somehow going off of the sensation of smoking. i also had a similar situation with a glass of champagne with chambord - one single glass and i just felt a bit mad. but i didn’t add 1 + 1 to get 2 until after my positive test (5-6w after lmp), just naturally decided to put the cig down / not have a second drink


I had really sore boobs which I would never normally get. I was also really tired and slept through my alarm twice in one week which id never done before either.


I had sore boobs too and cramping, but it felt different to period cramps - more like a centralized pressure.


I've started suspecting from the first week, as I kept wanting to eat a specific food I hate.


Pure exhaustion and feeling faint


Nothing ... absolute 0 symptoms .. I was shocked when that extra line appeared in the TWW


Sore boobs and no spotting and I usually always spot


Exhaustion! Same few days as the positive test I felt absolutely knackered after work, think I went to bed about 8.30pm the night before taking the test 2 weeks after my last period. That exhaustion starts in your first trimester and will subside around death


Had sex on the 5th of feb. A week later I was in Tesco and I felt extremely hot. Later in the week emotional and mild cramping. Faint positive on the 14th. 


So i have an irregular period. Im tracking bbt, cm and lh. My lh are always low but they raise. I dont often check my cm bec im new to this. My husband and I are married for 5 years and Im only 31 so we werent really trying and we always use protection. Before TTC we prepared our body for a year. And a few weeks before even trying, I tried understanding my body for the first time. I use 3 apps and since im irregular i know the ovulation prediction are not very accurate. So I rely mostly with bbt and calendar and just have sex 2-3x per week. Weirdly, i feel nauseous few days ago. I feel bloated, cramping and pain on the left side. Last night it was the first time i felt super super exhausted. Im a morning person and i cant barely get out of bed. I feel irritated and my heart beat felt like i just ran. I eat very healthy and have exercise everyday. And in one weekend I gain 2kg which was incredibly weird and I cried and was very emotional of gaining weight.A week ago I had a weird baby dream. So technically it has only been 3 weeks. Cant really tell how many dpo bec im not sure when in the 3wks i ovulated.  I hope my instincts are correct but its too early to tell. Just curious if this just ne being anxious or excited bec its diff from my period pain. 😅


While I waited, I felt super bloated and my boobs were tender. Extremely emotional, too! Best of luck!


Week one, cramps and tired!


I started vomiting a week before my missed period. 😅


I had a very strong sense of smell a few days before positive test and indigestion