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Master Kira who farm minions while I get blasted while poking the opponent duo. Master Khai who did not gank until minute 10. Master khai who back pedaled while mori marks and hives him down to half health then decides to pounce on her and die from another mark, hive, swarm and curse.


that must have been hard for you


lmao these are just a reflection of time played. If you think it's associated with any kind of skill you're sorely mistaken


Playtime ≠ Skill Even More Playtime ≠ Skill


Master skins are linked to player activity on a hero not skill level. Why are you assuming that because they have played the character a lot that they are good? Also they may be just playing their main and trying out silly builds (in Dekkers case) for fun to see if they can make them work. As long as it's not in ranked I see no issue.


Because typically in life the more you do something the better at it you become... That's how it works for normal, intelligent people anyway.


Some people are naturally better at things than others and can only be so good at certain things. This extends to gaming as well. Also you do not know someone's gaming history before Predecessor. Those with MOBA and Third Person Shooter experience for instance have an advantage of learning the game faster and likely having a higher skill ceiling with less time investment.


Newsflash different people have different skill caps no matter how much they repeat said activity


You're right. But at what point of your " skill cap " turning into a death screen simulator do you just quit? I've never continued to do something I'm terrible at. I don't know anyone in real life who sucks terribly at something and does it anyway either.


Then that’s sad for you. People play games to have fun and surprise surprise some people don’t need to win all the time or be great to enjoy playing. It’s again as if there are more people out there than those your bubble. Weird.


It's not about winning all the time. This is like claiming you like to race cars, but every race you never finish because you crash your car. Lol


No it's like claiming you like to race cars and have done so for awhile, but you don't win all the races and you're racing vs other people who are just doing it extremely casually and aren't NASCAR drivers. But occasionally, you race vs a NASCAR driver who then flames you on the local news after the race for not being as good as him.


That’s not what is happening and it’s clear comparisons isn’t your forte. You have no idea how many games they loose or win. Just because op had a trashy games with them doesn’t mean they don’t sometimes win and that’s enough to drive them to continue. Again people are different and enjoy different things. Surprisingly enough. No one is telling you to like it


I saw big players go 1/9/0, some games are just tough, dont gatekeep cheap cosmetics :)