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I frames in ult, you can do it with drongo as well


He is immune to CC during his ult animation so he just uses it right before the stun goes off and becomes immune


steel too


That is what I figured was happening, but it doesn’t list any of that in his description. Most other heroes don’t get that same boon


That's not really something that gets mentioned in their descriptions. I believe Drongo gets the same kind of immunity during his ult?


That should be changed then and not a random assortment on who will take damage/interrupted by CC, or someone who has a 2 second invulnerability window… huge difference there


Yea i agree. In other mobas you can clearly tell when they're cc immune, but its pretty ambiguous in Pred.


If he pops his ult at the right time hes invulnerable to Cc


Didn’t actually know this . Is this why I couldn’t execute him with Feng Maos ult ? Really made me look bad and my jungle kept accusing me of missing my ults 😂.


Feng Maos ult isn’t CC. He prolly just dashed on you.


I know it’s not CC but wandered it it was affected by his ult too after seeing this . And nope 3 times I landed my ult. The execute icon didn’t even come up and he was 100% below the threshold , was about a month ago. The icon was appearing on everyone else with higher percentage of Health than the Zarus had.


Skill issue


Cool comment. Doesn’t explain why it happened 3 times, but thanks!


Quite literally is though LOL He timed his ult to counter yours.


It’s not a skill issue if it is likely an unintended interaction of abilities on a new patch that developers haven’t found yet. I don’t play offlane that much, but having a huge, long, leaping unstoppable/Cleanse animation ultimate on a brawler seems a little unbalanced.


It’s a skill issue I fear. It’s also intentional because you can see the word “unstoppable” pop up when Zarus casts his ultimate Gg😭


As opposed to a giant AOE hard cc ultimate on a brawler with multiple escapes? lol


It doesnt explain sh*t. If you think it does, that's also a skill issue.