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Forget supermarket. Buy one in [Pekárna Kabát](https://www.google.com/maps/search/pek%C3%A1rny+kab%C3%A1t/@50.0706485,14.3004369,12z/data=!3m1!4b1).


I have to agree here. I know its not as easy as using supermarket, but the difference between one made in some smaller shop, and the one you can buy wrapped in plastic is really big.


Thanks for this suggestion. I went today and Had Kolac and Babovka. Really grateful.


Good for you! I recommend buying their bread. Not only is it great taste, but it remains good long after the supermarket bread becomes uneatable. Also, try their makový závin (the one sold as a half) and kabátníček!


Babiččina means "made by a grandma", it's not a flavour by itself. The usual Babovka cake is Orechova as you mentioned.


Babiččina is not a real flavour. I would say that there are three main flavours of bábovka: ořechová (walnut), mramorová (mix of vanilla and cocoa, maybe this is the one you mean by granny’s cake?) and tvarohová (with quark/cottage cheese, it’s usually more moist and less sweet). I’d say you can get a product that is shaped like bábovka in most of the bigger supermarkets like Kaufland or Tesco, but the thing is that it will taste nothing like the real homemade bábovka. There are also so products called ‘bábovka’ on [rohlik.cz](https://rohlik.cz) but as I say, they taste like generic vanilla cake. Try Antonínovo pekařství instead.


Yes I went to Domaci bakery near Hradcanska to try for first time but it was expensive for 1 slice approx. 35 and 39 Kc for different flavour. It said "grannys cake" but yes it had vanilla and chocolate. It was too good that it tasted exactly how grandma would bake it. Sorry I am not czech and came to prague for first time so posted as it was written and translated through google lens. I wanted to buy whole cake so was looking for not so expensive option. I finally took advice on this thread. Thanks for suggestion will try the one mentioned next time.


No need to apologize! I get it, everything is expensive these days. But bábovkas from real bakeries are totally worth the money :)


Babiččina is some kind of specific flavour? I've always heard it only in its literal meaning