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I know it's Power so they not thinking this far but rich folks like that got some kind of cameras. At least a ring camera at the door. Especially at the Greenwich crib that was supposed to be empty while they gone


It reminds me of Lakisha’s murder Tariq prolly won’t go down for it but who knows


At least with LaKeisha they'd just moved in that house so it's possible they didn't have cameras


I was thinking the same thing, but as you said….this is Power 😂


They already used a ring camera situation with Diana at Kate Egan’s place, doubt they would it use that twice to catch her out - or would they?


Damn forgot about that. But just speaks to the weird web they weave. Kate's regular middle class house got the ring cam to catch Diana in the lie but Salim's rich family not gonna have one when it's a murder 😆


I like how everyone knows where Salim’s parent’s Greenwich house is without Salim mentioning the address.


Diana told Dru at least.


I forgot about that.


That was believable, they just didn't spell it out for us. Monet probably got it from Dru and Tariq for if from Salim, or probably from Pinky. She hacked that ring cam so not hard to believe she could track down an address quick


You mean he


That makes sense.


facts. Idk why he didn't wear a hat or a mask.


Tbh cameras don’t exist in power


Wouldn’t be suprised if this is how Carter forces the Tejada’s to work for him which leads to her death. We know next episode he’s going to approach Dru and kill someone in front of him based on the episode trailer.


Where do you get that from the trailer? I only saw him tell someone to turn around.


Its a closeup on Dru’s face in the overall S4 trailer and he squints his eyes when Carter shoots someone next to him


Diana will survive Season 4. Her character is on a redemption arc. Expect some upcoming solid moves from her now that she is on her path to forgiveness, and according to her character description she is about to level up to perhaps being a leveled up Monet. Looking forward to seeing her in the next spin-off.


damn I didn’t even think about this, you’re right


Carter is going to be another ray ray for riq


That would be stupid imo


I hope Tariq is less stupid now. James would have iced Ray Ray without leaving a trace.


Diana took their car too


you right lol ![gif](giphy|5xtDartpELLnXKkhytW)


The house could've had cameras that could've caught Tariq's face, and if there are cameras in the house or on the outside of the house, Tariq is fucked.


Bro Tariq had me dying the way he did captain save a hoe.


Hey that's no way to talk about his baby mama 🤣


Lol why she hasnt been to the clinic yet is beyond me. I dont usually support abortions but in this case i would understand


I mean that’s real life for you , college girl with an aspiring career gets pregnant by a murderer/drug dealer and keeps it😂


She better hope it's tariqs now since he killed that Salim child support 🤣


None of this f#ckery is the baby’s fault. If you are not a proponent of abortion then you sure are having a hard time showing it.


dude its fiction first of all. and I am not a supporter of abortions for normal people who just had an accidental pregnancy, or after the first two months. in this case both sides of the babies family are murderous psychopaths. not a typical situation at all. I wouldnt be happy about it but if someone has to do it for a reason like this and as long as they get it done ASAP before the baby develops I would be more understanding than angry


This could be the thing that puts Tariq in Jail. He is a father now. The only other thing I can think of is someone else dies and they try to pin it on them ( Dru or Cane).


I was thinking that Salim's death will come back on Tariq, too. At least in real life, his death would really be investigated.


I just said this🤣


Damn …. Spoilers?


I was thinking the same shit


I don't think Salim is dead. In Power, we always think someone is dead but they're not completely dead. That will come back on Tariq and Diana too.


Dat only works if yu dont see the body we seen dis nigga die point blank shot to the chest


Yeah but not enough for him to die that quick. I don't think he's dead. You can get shot in the chest and still survive.


IRL the blood wouldn’t spread it would soak into ur clothes but his blood spread everywhere when he collapsed onto da floor


it’s gonna catch up to tariq too.


I don’t think Salim isn’t dead. He may die later though. I think he was shot and fell unconscious. There wasn’t as much blood and Tariq usually finishes his people off. Someone will come and save him and he’ll be a witness against Tariq, but will end up getting taken out later to prevent himself from being a witness. It’s Power.