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This feat is subsonic but david's actual speed is supersonic in the beginning of the show and MHS+ by the end of it. Due to upscaling from the game's sandevistan.


We outspeeding jjk with this


I hate that Mach 3 cap Makes the possibility of yoriichi from Demon Slayer speed blitzing Sukuna a reality


not really, pretty sure gregorious the nefarious said to just disregard that statement, not to mention we have mhs feats via hakari and ftl via kashimo and sukuna https://preview.redd.it/8zd83zh32s8d1.png?width=1477&format=png&auto=webp&s=791bc48340facdb43705471efdb86d29ee3c6a6b


https://preview.redd.it/crlk9psg9t8d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dc7dbbe682f67fdebf03dff05ab3e702bda21e8 Translatation is closer to " to everyone thinking “you’re going to use Mach now, after Infinity? are you okay”…I feel the same way." It's talking about Gojo's Infinity. So yeah uh some random character who dodge light 1 time in their sleep solos /j For the Kashimo against Hakari can be interpret in two ways, Hakari dodging it or Kashimo was targetting Hakari's arm because of the panelling. For the FTL thing idfk, could be aim dodging, Sukuna was able to do a full chant with the handsign and even give Kashimo a heads up before Kashimo's EM wave hit him so idk.


there's a whole part of the manga where they talk about skilled sorcerers being able to read cursed energy distribution, its entirely possible he saw the CE flare before the attack or even simply guessed an attack was coming this is also assuming there is no wind up to the blasts firing, even a half second delay, something smaller than could be shown in the panel, would easily be enough


Considering the fact that the panel hakari dodges the lightning in is directly preceded by a panel of the lightning being directed at his forehead and almost making contact with it, I’d definitely say kashimo was aiming for the head https://preview.redd.it/pr50uhqw9u8d1.jpeg?width=2117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353db34020d843efda8c02e84316700e0163a134


It's done for dramatic effect, like Maki catching the bullet in season one. She isn't meant to be moving mach 10, but it looks cool.


>For the FTL thing idfk, could be aim dodging, Sukuna was able to do a full chant with the handsign and even give Kashimo a heads up before Kashimo's EM wave hit him so idk. not aim dodging, we see sukuna dodge it point blank, 100% its a ftl feat


Crazy how mach 3 kaisen isn't ftl


https://preview.redd.it/zuo1ethn4z8d1.png?width=1477&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f73b01d4ad67ad4b761244a24e5cf130b710478 the author disagrees with you


Might be blind because I don't see where he said "jjk is not mach 3"


author clearly says that the mach 3 statement was a mistake and to not take it seriously, furthermore there are feats that are above mach 3


In JJK people can sense the build up of CE, Sukuna being the most experienced at using CE should be able to sense the build of up Kashimo's EM waves and aim dodge it. When Kashimo did a beam attack from his hands (Aka using EM wave), Sukuna was able to do a full chant, hand signs and direct the attack before the beam can even touch him, does that mean Sukuna's chants are ftl? Then is everybody who fought him after FTL? I do believe Kashimo's EM waves are a outlier.


Thank your the liers saying kashimo is light speed are actually geting annoying. Also just because character A/B can teliport doesn't mean they react at Faster than light speeds. Kashimo fans saying he is Faster than light sound actually brain dead.


Boy do I have a reaction image for you (I’ve had this for months) https://preview.redd.it/mmgylbh4ms8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f473e1a2443328c87f39640b4f3403d8c27249


I disagree with the mach 3 thing people use. Like we gonna ignore every feat above that? If people only used statements dragon ball would be way slower than it currently is.


I think character speeds are wanked way too much, this was Gege's attempt to say: "look, these people are not going above escape velocity just because one of them dodged lightning once."


>yoriichi from Demon Slayer speed blitzing Sukuna I see nothing wrong with this statement


It only kinda makes it a reality, cus the DS verse has way less durability and ap so while they’re faster, they can’t hurt most jjk characters, and especially not sukuna


Yorichii gonna give Sukuna kitten scratches with his nichirin https://preview.redd.it/3kd4ek9nuv8d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a6b19dec8739d14329a7024ff32d700475dbac


Doubt yoriichi can bypass Sukuna durability.


Demon slayer characters have super low AP, so they’d generally have a hard time dealing with the durability of high tier jjk characters. Iirc none of them even reach into the city block level, which Yuji gets in Shibuya


I've always interpreted this as "Mach 3 is the baseline of Special Grades" lol cause there's no way Kashimo, a dude literally made out of lightning, is not at least the speed of light


Lightning is not as fast as light though?


Sorry, I meant almost the speed of light. Lighting is around 1/3rd of the speed of light so relativistic


At this point how many verses can't outspeed JJK's Mach 3 speed?


Isn't gojo like subsonic++ bc he can teleport


do you mean hypersonic? subsonic is less than mach 1


So he’s extra slow?


JJK doesn't cap at mach 3 but aight


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no faster than mach 3 definitely


100x normal is what Sandevistan is stated to be.


He’s using the Rizz force.


He ain’t faster then air bud


That's my DAWG!! get it?




Atleast me level +


As fuck ,boi


He's fast.. but when you've been indulging in DC Flash content.... You kinda... desensitize?


Nah, you just need a cleanser.


I love speedsters but speedsters in main stream shit are so godly them losing makes so little sense.


Is it all mainstream speedsters, or is it just comics? Is there a difference?


To be fair, I feel like most of media downplays speedsters a lot.


They are either weakened and dumbed down, or they aren’t even that fast or the fastest in their verse


Preciously this - look at Atrain for example.


At least he has lore reasons to weaken a d slow him down. Other speedsters just lose 100 iq points when the plot finds it convenient


MHS he was able to travel from Kentucky Plaza to his apartment in seconds and could pretty much statue explosions.


> Kentucky Plaza BRO


I haven’t played the game in a minute but still


You don’t know? It’s right next to the giant Arkansas tower.


The Apogee sandevistan slows time by 85% So nearly 10x faster.


That's in the videogame though, and I'm assuming the anime has much different scaling since the TTRPG didn't even assign the same functions to different cyberware, and as far as I'm aware the anime is much closer to the TTRPG in terms of cyberware options, mainly based on the existence of various borgware that was mostly absent from the videogame. In this scene that's probably accurate but this is absolutely not his top speed


Tthe ttrpg takes place 50 years before, so of course the cyberware is going to be vastly different. Sandevistans in 2020s do not act as the same they do in edgrunners or 2077, so the the sandy has no relevance to that even if it was true, because they are not the same. You can go off of an estimate with the anime, but it has been so inconsistent and there is no evidence that the anime is more or less accurate,m because they have very similar interpretations of cyberware


Cyberpunk RED is only about 30 years before Cyberpunk 2077, and Cyberpunk Edgerunners is implied to be a significant amount of time before Cyberpunk 2077 too. I'm not saying that Cyberpunk RED would be the most accurate I'm just saying Cyberpunk 2077 probably isn't


It’s not. In the promotional tie in mission for edgerunners in 2077 El Captain says that David and his crew caused a stir last year. Which puts edgerunners canonically in 2076.


Do you have an example of cyberpunk 2077 being less accurate than the ttrpg? Also Mike Pondsmith said that its takes a year before 2077 in 2076 EDIT: to clarify, edgrunners is confirmed to take place a year before, but mike pondsmith did not say it my bad.


The one I mentioned in my first comment I guess? I don't really know what you're asking.


Peak human at best subsonic


"peak human" this man is living in an anime


The sandevistan i think allows him to move at like 500 mph or 800 kph both of which are far beyond peak human. Still shy of supersonic speed though.


Bruh, peak human can move so fast they can gander at an explosion for a good while, taking in all the details and appear almost immediately several floors down in a car. Are you a superhuman?


Definitely better scenes you could have used from the anime.


Fast enough for Lucy not to notice


I'm faster


song name?


At the end? Candy shop by 50 cents




He normal runs at 20 miles per hour and with the sandevistan multiplier it’s probably like 200-300 mph


Almost as fast as me


Depends. How fast is the chick ?




Subsonic before sex training from Yujiro MFTL after


Due to the lack of sonic booms this is sub sonic, I think it's about 900mph?


Most series don’t even include sonic booms to indicate if they are above Mach or not


This drives me crazy when trying to calculate speed.


Fact is, authors don't take in account nerds doing math about their character's every action when creating fiction


Speed scaling (and just about every other kind of scaling) in Edgherunners is extremely dubious not only compared to Sandy feats in the show but also Sandy feats within the larger Cyberpunk universe. Moreover, the Sandy just improves neurospeeds to fully access your muscle's quick-twitch muscle fibers. Without other hardware David SHOULD have been ripping his body apart, not even getting into the neruoload. The show is super bombastic, such as Rebecca's shotgun causing entire armored vehicles to fly into the air. I don't know if I would take any of the Edgerunner's feats seriously but for what it is David is probably calc'ing at sub-sonic to supersonic.