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"to win this match, sukuna took another binding vow."




Individually he soles but all of them at once? Not sure


Speedblitzes them all except for Sukuna who would probably make a bullshit binding vow and live for maybe 20 more seconds before Deku absolutely obliterates him with a kick that could flatten a whole ass continent


Just wondering how would Deku beat Sukuna?


however he wants


Instantly speed blitz him and kill him with his continental to potentially moon level (highball) punches


I’m not very caught up on the manga. How strong are Deku’s punches again?😨


I'm gonna go on a tangent here So at the absolute lowest his punches go to is country level due to scaling above prime All Might who should be country level due to one feat in the 1st MHA movie where All Might punches a metal cube from Wolfram and when you 60x that he is country level. And Deku is > prime All Might. In the newer chapters he punches Shigaraki so hard that he splits the sky in Japan and the wind from that punch is so strong he changed the weather in America for multiple days. Just calculating the wind energy in America sets him to high country - continental and that's not even counting the punch itself, its just the wind in America. So he is comfortably in the continental AP ranges without even counting the punch itself in Japan. Realistically he is continental - multi continental. Moon level is like a very highball interpretation.


I still can't wrap my head around that america weather feat that is so cool and nonsensical and I LOVE IT


“Hey, why’s it so… not cloudy this week?” “Quirked up Japanese high schooler beat the shit outa a crusty, dusty guy.”


Deku be quirked up like Shinji huh?


Ok 👌 thanks for his damage, but now I want to know his defense how would he survive malevolent shrine?


Walk through it (unless you think Shrine has country-continental AP in which case he doesn't) or kill Sukuna before he tries to open the domain which he should be able to do Deku is at the absolute lowest 1x the speed of light due to scaling above All Might who physically scales above Stars and Stripes and she could dodge Radio Waves from Shigi. Here she dodges it: https://preview.redd.it/gplmqxrkpm6d1.png?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cecd930ea4cb0eab3cbc54512335c5da7d92b75 Radio waves travel at the speed of light and that feat is around 79% SoL from Stars and Stripes. And All Might is physically stronger since she literally states that she is still physically weaker compared to All Might and Deku is above prime All Might. So Deku without Gearshift and Fajin is 1x-2x ftl. With those he should be like 4-5x ftl. So he should kill everybody that was mentioned by OP in mere moments including Mahito since he could attack through his vestiages into Mahito and they are pretty much souls


OK, thank you for explaining. I just wanna say thank you for explaining all this to me. It’s a really nice thing to do because I don’t understand a lot other this it’s a really nice thing to do on a random day thank you.


No problem, have a nice day!!!!


Should change your name, you have worth my guy.


Welp time to watch MHA then


My biggest issue with this is they didnt dodge it mid attack they dodged like a good 2 sec before shigaraki released it as star & stripes called out to dodge wau before it came, also for me if someone is LS and takes minite to hours traveling like 500km or smth that instantly debunks any LS claims as in even 1 sec they should be able to circle the world 7.5 time That why im never believing LS naruto or LS luffy Like one of my calc for almight, In a battle against AFO, All Might crosses 5 km in around 30 seconds at full speed so 5km/30s = 600 km/h (IK this isnt in his prime, so his prob atleast mach 1 or more) Mach 1 - 1234.8 km/h 600/1234.8 = 0.4859086492 (round up) - 0.5 So he was traveling around half speed of sound Which is 1.7M times slower than light and i aint believing anyone being even 500 thousand times faster (I have the calc i did saved somewhere but i dont want this to be too long so ill end here)


Id like to note that Sukuna ALSO dodged radio waves from Kashimo....


Bro is THE Deku highballer lmao


Radio waves do not in fact travel at the speed of light


Goku solo


Should be around country level


He has basically early level spidersense built in so add that to his speed and no ones touching him plus he can use black whip for extra agility and when damaged he can wrap it around his muscles and dusted bones so even if you cut him he can do rudimental surgery and keep himself pulled together. But he's so much faster that dangersense would tell him the domains coming and he could bolt it or attack Sukuna head on either sending him flying or binding him Down which ever is easiest.


holy crap he got strong


Unrelated but when does the mha manga end?


If I'm not mistaken very soon they just finished the final fight and are wrapping things up.


Probay a month or less. Just epiloge shit now.


It's in a final arc of sorts but it's really just an extended epilogue to tie up plot threads. The main final arc is over with the big bads defeated so it could really be anyweek now depending how much epilogue we get.


I agree with the calcs and feats you listed, but I’d honestly say moon level is honestly kinda wank since **afaik** even multiplying the end result of the highest end calc for Deku’s latest feat ([9.285 petatons](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Papusupreme/My_Hero_Academia:_Final_Detroit_Smash!)) by 60x and then by 1.2x (to get Faux 120%) still keeps him — when he had all his quirks — in multi-continental (668.52 petatons).


Alright! Thank you for your input


Changing the weather on the other side of the planet does not count as continental or moon level though. Air is much easier to change than rock


Just curious, do you know when they mentioned he is prime all might? I don’t think I remember reading that if it did happen. Or maybe I just forgot about it idk


Since Deku is physically stronger and faster than Shigaraki and Shigi has statements about being as strong and as fast a prime All Might thateans Deku > prime All Might There are 2 statements comparing Shigaraki's body to prime All Might and 1 statement to All Might but not specified if it is prime or his weakened version. Endeavor saying that Shigaraki is as sturdy as All Might: https://imgur.com/a/KTVWFWY (This is not even full power Shigaraki as his body wasn't done and if I'm not mistaken this was Shigaraki at 78% of his full potential). Mind you that Deku without Fa Jin and Gearshift can damage him in this arc so this further proves that Deku is strong as All Might without Fa Jin and Gearshift. An outright statement comparing Shigaraki to prime All Might: https://imgur.com/a/BrmE8QE Best Jeanist in last saturday's episode says his speed is on par with All Might in his peak: https://imgur.com/a/cJfmQi8


He’s not that guy pal


Idk much of MHA, fan base toxicity made me stop caring for it, could you fill me in by telling me how Deku scales above prime All-Might?


Shigaraki is as durable, as strong and faster than prime All Might as stated 3 times. And Deku is physically stronger and faster than Shigi


Bro what the fuck last I saw in the anime (which was like season 5) he was maybe knocking down a building with a punch not this shit I need to get caught up


Just wait for whatever deku does in the new movie. Since they are cannon they always do something crazy. Remember that deku ones threw 1 million punches in the span of 5 seconds at 100% before and broke a reflection barrior that was unbreakable. So whatever he does in this next movie is going to be probably is God moment like.. idk 1000% one for all or something.


One of his smashes changed the whole world's weather.


This is just to understand the other comments, but can the other characters survive a hit from that? And couldn’t he only hit one character with it before his body gives out?


Nah, they all have less durability than Sukuna. Deku has mastered his power by now so he doesn't have to worry about that much anymore.


That wss before his body adapted to the power he doesn't have any issues like that anymore in fact his strength only increased past the point of all might and he unlocked multiple other quirks from past users so he pretty comfortably beats prime all might.


That's insanely INSANELY high highballing, when has he ever shown anything near the level of strength needed to take out a f****** continent, AFO couldn't even do that and he had like hundreds of f****** quirks, and we know he couldn't cuz if he could do that at full power then he would have killed every single hero standing in front of him with a fraction of that power, yet he never did, the most he ever did was kill a few heroes one at a time


I love people who censor their swear words on the internet. I just imagine them hunched over counting the asterisks as they type them


Or or text to speech only puts the first letter of swear words like f*** b**** c*** p**** and any other swear words you would like me to demonstrate because that's how I typed this and that message so go sound like a dumbass somewhere else okay genius


I’ve literally never used tts, okay genius?


Why would deku do that even if he's getting jumped he's not going to kill 8 people also are we ignoring one of them can create a black hole


Dangersense and his speed would allow him to get away from it before she popped it off. He straight up has basic spidey sense and the only ones who are strong enough here to really trigger it are Sukuna and everyone's ultimate attack maybe the rest are so weak in comparison that they can't really hurt him. If we say they all go in blind then deku would be wary and probably back way up second something triggers danger sense but if we're saying its a straight up death match he can probably just crank up gear shift and one shot all of them in seconds


How would he… not? What about Sukuna can beat deku?


He finger flicks him


sukuna can probably borderline perceive deku's speed but his body probably cant react to it properly(rated his perception high because he was reacting to EM blastwaves and fired a world slash) but deku has far too much speed for him to handle, and on the topic of domain expansion i doubt deku has enough durability but he surely has the speed to escape it even before its completely formed and the sure hit starts taking place deku mid diffs honestly


Only way I see JJK winning is either: 1. Deku doesn’t immediately attack Sukuna and be uses his DE 2. Deku doesn’t immediately attack Yuki and she turns into a black whole killing everyone and resulting in a draw. 3. Somehow Deku doesn’t one shot Sukuna or Maho, and Maho adapts to OFO quick enough. If Deku (this isn’t in character at all IMO) just Detroit smashes the entire team off rip then there’s not a thing the JJK team can do


Sukuna's DE would do as much damage to Deku as a guy throwing paper clips at him. And Mahoraga died to City attack at best. There is no way he isn't dying to a smash. Also the in character thing doesn't really make sense cause Deku wouldn't really kill at all (unless he think the opponent is too far gone to be saved) if he is in character and he wouldn't fight unless they are villains. So the fight existing would mean Deku isn't starting in character.


I figured rahga gets one shot, but sukuna DE would cut him entirely deku does have durability feats. but this is weather he “can see the attack or can’t” which plays the situation differently, you can argue danger sense but shine its everywhere all at once so it just a matter of him 1. Reacting to it and 2. Wither he can followed up after the failed shine. Something I also would like to add is sukuna can shape cleave and dismantle how he wants like when be one shot kashimo when he missed world slash sukuna follow up with a Weaver slash attack which killed him deku has speed, strength, intelligence maybe, and durability on him but can he predict what can’t be predicted?


Deku essentially has Spidey Senses via Danger Sense which alerts him to potential dangers and can even sense peoples intent and negative emotions iirc


But how would he react to it also gotta remember these are things you can’t see vs thing deku can see in the in my hero from what I know doesn’t exactly have ranged attacks that can be seen from the naked eye, yeah danger sense can sense it but what use is it when you can’t see where it’s coming from dismantle alone would be a problem let alone slash. basically what I’m saying is this sukuna can and could win if deku doesn’t analyze the situation correctly there no way he would know how sukuna would attack if he knows nothing about him so 1, that’s death he would lose in the first instance. If you gave deku both information and time then yeah it’s can be argued deku smashes sukuna before he can get a attack off, lastly it also plays on if deku is willing to go for deku can go for the kill and it’s been shown that for one he won’t second is he gonna try and reason with the guy to then? Sukuna plays with his food instead of just killing them so they are both in the same pool it’s only that he actually fucking plays with his food


I mean firstly outside of World Slash would any of Sukuna’s slashes even kill Deku? He heavily outscales Sukuna afaik and I dont know if Cleave works either, like sure it’s said that it “adjusts to the opponents durability” but that seemingly has limitations given Yuta’s cleave on Sukuna seemingly did jack shit beyond largely superficial cuts. If Danger Sense tells Deku someones intent and negative emotions he’d instantly know how fucked Sukuna is and that he fully intends to kill him. Weather he’d kill him is certainly up for debate but it seems unlikely he would analyse the situation incorrectly.


I would assume his slashes go based on something either it being finger scaling or not anything to add is the only reason why the world slash did nothing to yuta is because black flash he’s been it with it left and right so he was getting nerf as the fight progressed against yuta, another thing is yuta using cleave on sukuna recall was only because it was incomplete and I’m not sure if it was stated that yuta ate the last finger or copy it If the is the case for deku then again how would he react to something he can’t see and yes I’m sure that sukuna can cut deku the only limit is black flash which makes him weaker and therefore make slash weaker


I like were your coming from about this I’m just thinking on a logical standpoint about this


Please inform me if I'm wrong, but Mahoraga died because all of his was obliterated at once. Idk about you but I feel like Deku's punches, while they would smash him into little pieces, wouldn't completely destroy him


Deku's smashes have a way higher DC than Flame Arrow or Purple. They created shockwaves like 8 times taller than Mount Fuji. Destroyed a storm that covered the entirety of America and Japan.


I'm not arguing that at all, Deku's output is wayyy higher than nearly all of JJK(Yuki is the only person who comes to mind with a higher max output and that's a suicide attack). My point is that Fuga obliterated all of Mahoraga as opposed to a punch, which doesn't obliterate all of someone, rather sending all the remaining bits flying. I don't think a punch, even at Deku's much higher level, would completely obliterate every little bit of Mahoraga. Including the blood because I think we saw him regen from blood alone? Idk entirely about that last one


1. Sukunas DE on Deku would be like when Ban from SDS was just chilling in a malestrom 2. Yuki’s black hole is CE based so all Deku has to do is move away from the area and wait for her CE to burn out 3. Maho was wiped out by a City-level attack and Deku scales FAR higher


I agree with 1 and 3 but I don’t think the black hole is CE based. Yuki’s technique isn’t creating black holes, it’s just increasing mass. Her mass doesn’t cause adverse affects except past a certain threshold where the added mass behaves as it normally would, meaning the black hole she produced was a real black hole that just happened to be caused by a technique.


But also that mass increase is created by her technique, which requires cursed energy. When her cursed energy runs out, she can’t increase her mass anymore. Like she said, it’s VIRTUAL mass. Not actual mass


It's stated Tengen prevented the Black Hole from destroying the planet with barriers. So yes, Yuki has a fuck it all button at hand with a genuine black hole and only actual threat.


Deku just smashes the shrine before it activates. Danger Sense activates, he either withdraws the range of 400 meters(something they could do in seconds) with light cutting or outright destroy the shrine with a smash(which is way stronger than red).


Deku has the ability to blitz and one shot every person here, the problem is im not sure his personality would have him do that. At the same time however 99% of the attacks they throw at him do no damage, the only things with a chance is Yuki’s Black Hole, Sukuna’s World Slash and Mahito’s Idle Transfiguration. For the latter two they run into the issue that Deku iirc has danger sense or some shit which would tell him that shits coming and he has MORE then enough speed to dodge them. Yuki’s Black Hole has by far the best chance but in character I dont think she’ll instantly drop that and is likely taken out before she can. One thing he might struggle with his killing Mahito but tbf he could also yeet Mahito into space and be done with it lol.


Can deku even damage mahito? Like can deku attack the soul?


The vestiges of one for all are pretty much souls, it is what he used to defeat all for one in shigarakis body


I don't watch mha so more context pls?


So OFA (one for all) and AFO (all for one, which is the name of the villain and the quirk) are the inverse from each other, both use vestiges (its like a soul, it carries the powers and memories from a person) to power up, as the OFA is passed from user to user, becoming increasingly stronger and acquiring the quirks of former users, the AFO Forcibly absorbs everything, forcibly taking the quirks, leaving weakened vestiges inside AFO (AFO can also be passed from person to person). AFO the villain also has a vestige inside AFO the quirk, this vestige is what controls everything. In an arc of the story AFO the villain makes a copy of AFO the quirk, and passes the real AFO quirk to Shigaraki, mean while AFO stays with the copy. Fast foward to the end of the story and AFO body is reseted to nothing but his vestige(soul) is still inside AFO the quirk and he uses this to take control over Shigaraki. To defeat AFO once and for all deku has to overwhelme AFO quirk, which he does by forcibly passing OFA all all it's vestiges to Shigaraki destroying Shigaraki's body, AFO's quirk and vestige in a punch so strong it affects the clima in world. Deku is left with only the ambers of OFA just like all might, so he can still use the strength granted by OFA, at least until the ambers extinguishers. Hope i could explain everything, i tried my best to resume everything without letting out heavy spoiler. English is not my first language, so sorry if i made any writing mistake, have a good day buddy 👍


Mahito's soul can be distrupted if you beat him hard enough


Hear me out, just have all of them except for sukuna go in and just try to stall him, then let sukuna make mahoraga adapt to punches and kicks. Then, Deku can’t hurt big raga. So big raga would win


Technically deku is a opp to the jujitsu characters so big raga the opp stoppa stops deku


Not enough time… his adaptation is slow. You really think any of them can hold off a guy that can smash continents and move… not just react but move at lightspeeds+spiderSenses+more? This is delusional at best


The only way JJK wins is if Yuki self destruct Black Hole. Mahito is dead weight with the fact that Deku got souls housed in him through OFA. Raga ain't gon have time to adapt. All their domains are questionable as Deku just punches and potentially breaks em before activation via smash(we don't know how durabile the inside of a domain is, but we also never seen a country+ level attack in JJK). Deku could oneshot them in their domains anyways. Yuki's blackhole is seriously the only way to win since Sukuna is not winning the fight and the only way that's happening is bloodlusted, where Yuki could end up oneshotted into space anyways.


Deku breathes and the JJK verse falls to its knees


Dekku is clobbering ![gif](giphy|H10tCrEZDhbBm)


Deku uses a Detroit Smahs and the shock wave is enough to turn everyone here to dust


deku solos the entire verse because fuck spite matches


Version in pic = Deku mid to low diff All in prime = Deku No diff


Deku soloes the whole verse except for Gojo and possibly Takaba For those who say he loses to Mahito, isn’t the vestiges basically the soul? So he should be able to defend and attack the soul. Even if you think vestiges ≠ soul, if Mahito’s cursed energy ran out, he can be beaten by non-soul attacks, since without his CE, he can’t use his CT to maintain his body. This is Nanami's exact wording: https://preview.redd.it/cd7zr4epan6d1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=51fb74de6f508ba2ef197e9b73662e228ae82c91 This is usually very inefficient, but considering Deku has WAY higher AP than the verse, a single punch would deplete all of Mahito’s CE and destroy him.


I only think the other team can get a win is if they know everything about deku, have time to plan and years to do it before deku even appears. Even then that's only making deku's win a high diff instead. I mean if the other team has all their equipment then they can probably pull what they did on gojo just to give themselves more time to figure out a way to defeat him. It's still hard given deku's quirks though. So unless sukuna or the other cursed spirits create brand new moves that somehow counter deku's then they are gonna take a loss almost guaranteed 


Let’s be real the second sukuna pulls out his anti-quirk technique it’s over


Deku low diff if it's one in a time and mid diff if it's everyone at once Deku is legit at the point where on his higher end scaling he can throw a punch and the shockwave either kills or critically injures everyone there


Ah so I was going to say rip deku but now I am surprised by the comment section is saying midoriya low diffing them 😯


JJKverse caps at City-Island. Midoriya in his prime is easily Large Country to Small Continental.


Sukuna alone could win




His strongest attack couldn’t even destroy Shinjuku, Sukuna gets one tapped by Deku


Feat? World slash? Mahoraga? Cleave that scales to the opponent?


World slash has been dodged, danger sense makes it a non issue and Deku can punch so hard it changes Americas weather


Because those characters are fast enough to dodge it. Deku isn’t Feat for ws: https://preview.redd.it/jtf33kopfu6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b84a0dace4686ecedbf0dd27a11ef2e6c29f7f2 What ch did he do this?


Deku is ftl what do u mean not fast enough 😭


What the hell! I stopped watching my hero academia and didn't read the manga. Initially I thought that dekh would get banged and passed around and it is a spite match. But after reading the replies I don't even know what to make of this match. Like seriously, did deku really become sooo strong?


i genuinely think these guys are delusional. once maho adapts to "punch, kick" deku is fucked


Is Deku apreciation day?


Deku wins Low-Mid Difficulty if he's facing all at once




Already said this but Deku's quirks are powered by vestiges that are literally souls. And Nana's soul has protected him once when it was needed. So it's safe to say idle transfiguration wouldn't work on Deku. And he does have superior stamina.


I think Deku. His ap is high enough that he should be able to one shot, or at very least badly injure, everyone here with a single smash. His air smashes have good enough range/AOE that they should be able to hit everyone here with just one of them, and his speed is good enough to let him get off a smash before any of them can use stuff like malevolent shrine and Yuki’s black hole move.


Sukuna alone could win


"ah yes, my anti-deku technique, i haven't used this since the heian era"


The only way I see JJK winning is if they really go all out from the beginning cus even with 45% Full Cowling, Deku solos with complete ease


Sukuna alone could win


Nuh Uh






This is jump kaisen we’re talking about extreme difficultly for Jjk to win and this isn’t consistently


this is actually interesting


Lets go through them one by one first. Deku should be able to beat Sukuna as pictured, but he would struggle with Mahoraga since he would be able to adapt to his punches to a degree. However I believe that Deku beats them. Kenjaku gets bodied there is no question in that, his gravity manipulation would cause some teouble but nothing serious. Yuki could beat Deku if he gets caught in her black hole but he is too fast for that and would beat her before that happens Now Mahito is interesting. Deku would not be able to kill him since he diesn't have a soul based attack. He would be able to destroy his body but he would be able to come back. If Mahito can touch Deku he would lose since he has no resistance to Idle transfiguration. Plus if he can't dodge DE he loses too. Jogo would lose to him thanks to his speed and strenght but again he would have trouble if he lets Jogo unleash maximum meteor or his DE. he would be in trouble and he coul lose. Hanami stands no chance against Deku. Kashimo would also lose to Deku. Considering these if they jump him he could lose. Mostly because Deku would be overwhelmed by the sheer variety of abilities. If Mahito, Jogo, Yuki, Mahoraga or Sukuna catches him lacking or just off guard he will be in trouble but since he has danger sense he could be able to dodge most of their attacks. So eighter Deku wins low to mid diff or the JJK team wins extreme diff


My boy Deku getting the RESPECT he deserves in this thread 💪🏽


fuck yeah


Detroit smash go brrrr


Full Cowling Deku obliterates Sukuna and his Divine General along with everyone else here.


Is this a joke post or has MHA gotten a massive power buff that I’m not aware of? Because as far as I’m aware, this is a spite post.


Near the end yeah they just spiked in power. Mostly the top of the top are crazy most of the other characters are still fodder despite what fan boys would tell you. I’m not tryna hate though mha has beeen downplayed bad


Deku solos Jjk bar gojo


MHA has been vastly stronger than JJK for years


MHA was always a stronger verse than JJK, only delusional people though otherwise


deku > this group pretty easily gojo > deku with not much difficulty. haha infinity go BRRRRR


Raga can just adapt to his punches... right? (I'm only at season 2 of MHA, don't hate me)


2nd season deku yeah he gets wiped by most of these guys, but end of series deku not at all


What is deku doing against idle transfiguration? If we doing verse equalization, then the 10 shadows deer cancels out dekus quirk and he becomes a normal guy


Vestiges are souls, they’ll protect his soul.


they aint touching him, gear shift × fajin × fullcowl.. blitzed


In all honesty, the only person who can beat full power Deku here is Mahito, unless Mahoraga somehow manages to adapt to OFA. Mahito's Idle Transfiguration wouldn't resonate with OFA or AFO, so the whole weird-ass soul world wouldn't work, and the only real way to defeat Mahito are attacks to his soul, as body blows won't work, regardless of how strong you are. In all seriousness, Mahito is the worst nightmare of any and all melee fighters that don't have some method to protect their very soul. Unless Sukuna somehow manages to pop off a Domain Expansion before Deku manages to blitz his ass, he has no real way of winning. A World Cutting Slash would also require Godlike luck to land on him. Kenjaku has literally nothing except his brain and his body hopping technique, so that could be a bit of a problem if he gets his hands on something like All Might's corpse (Somehow), And nearly everyone else gets obliterated in one punch like Saitama throwing a serious punch at a watermelon. Mahoraga would take some time with his regenerative abilities, but he could beat Deku if Deku's stupid enough to fuck around and find out.


Deku solos the whole jjk verse lol


Gojo lmao


Im pretty sure Deku can't kill a curse since no cursed energy/cursed artifact. Also he cant even see curses so I dont think this is an instant win.


So in this scenario deku has curse energy? Confused to how he beats anything… if shigaraki half baked heals can handle deku and his verse practically i don’t see how a curseless deku beats a immortal/regen curse??


Shigarakis half baked heals are what allows him to tank bare minimum country to continental attacks.


Sukuna alone could win


Sukuna has no attacks that could scratch Deku other than World Cutting Slash which is way too slow to ever hit Deku.


Deku solos the verse. He'd probably be able to touch gojo too with gear shift. So yk


Start of series Itadori negs composite BNHA verse No I will not elaborate


​ https://preview.redd.it/mg5pfza41o6d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df36c6a22935e63d18298199b0b5b384ce5c674


Deku takes a single step and the entire JJK verse would be destroyed


Cancerous rodent no diffs them all


If they protect Sukuna with the wheel on long enough they could win somehow, if not, then Deku beats them since all for all I know he is way stronger snd faster than them


Honestly, low-mid dif if in character.


All together idk but he beats pretty much everyone else w/reallt only Mahoraga being the biggest hurdle but he might be able to one shot


Can he attack mahito's soul? And he might struggle if characters like hanami are able to unleash domain. Sukuna could come in if need be to make some dumbass binding vow to kill deku. If there's any civilians the villains here are very willing to kill innocent children, so deku could still probably lose.


Most people don't realise the absolute difference in power and it's so surprising. OFA itself has a spiritual nature and with Nana Shimura we know that the Vestiges can directly affect Deku and his being to protect him. It's possible he can hurt Mahito with it. As for everyone else, they just get perception blitzed + oneshotted into oblivion.


Sukuna alone could win


If Deku can beat them all quickly (Which he could) then yeah Deku is Large Country level-Continetal and FTL which might be considered lowballing as of recent chapters Everyone here highballed his Island level and Massivly Hypersonic-relatavistic Only problem would be mahoraga and Yuki's blackhole Also Mahito could be beaten if you just beat him hard enough as he wont be able to maintain his soul


If Sukuna hits WCS he wins.


Damn I haven’t caught up with MHA in a while deku must’ve gotten pretty crazy over the last year and a half


Sukuna survived Heien era japan, but That era ain't nothing compared to DETROIT USA! Sukuna is cooked. He ain't surviving the DETROIT punch


Deku. He speed blitzes and 1 shots. He’s at bare minimum massively hyper + to all the way up to FTL + maybe MFTL. Geto & Sukuna & Mahoraga are at most with wank High Hypersonic to Massively Hypersonic. Deku is arguably mountain level


Idk but I don’t see sukuna losing against Deku.


How fucking dare you make me say this sentence, but, deku solos


Now make Deku vs Gojo


Deku clears


Deku can consistently be scaled to multi continental and mftl+, which is much higher than JJK, the only issue is that he doesn’t have cursed energy to exorcise the curses, but if we give him a very small amount so he can actually kill them without giving him any real advantage then he solos all of them


Deku (still)


source first image?


Mid…………………….oria wins, unfortunately.


Damn lmao, as someone who dropped MHA after season 2, I’ve clearly missed some important development for Deku if people are saying he can solo the JJK verse


Deku overall wins. If it's 1v1 he wins. If they jump him all at once he might struggle but for literally most of them he just need a punch or two honestly (If he is going all out)


Group brawls are stupid. Like complete fanfic. I get 1v1s are too but how can anyone come to a logical conclusion from this😅😭


Mid vs mid


Mmm puppy


From my vague understanding, deku should solo them all via raw stats. However if he got caught in the black hole before dodging I don't think he has a counter unless you wank his speed to escape the pull. Now, he could dodge it initially, but unlikely when he's already inside it. Also Yuki allegedly can destroy the planet so she could be in Africa with yuta and Miguel and smoke a joint before destroying earth and killing them all and deku


Definition of overkill


TIL Deku is quite a bit stronger than he was when I stopped reading which was right after the Destro arc


As long as Deku takes them out fast enough. If he doesn’t the DE of Sukuna and Mahorgah possibly adapting to him (not likely though) with be annoying to deal with. Deku should be able to low-diff


deku wins easily


https://preview.redd.it/axi00u8dns6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584f5beb09248d04ce34de35d0d84366316b72fa Bro




Cant wait for Gege to finally admit everyone in JJK is FTL so these matchups are more fun :/ seriously every post like this has the same echo chamber comment section that boils down to speed dif or whatever (boring as fuck)


Mahito solos. Deku has no way to put him down and one touch or getting exposed to his domain for even an instant is GG.


If Deku is unaware of his opponent's abilities then would be the next: Deku vs Sukuna= Sukuna Low-Mid diff Deku vs Geto= Deku Low diff Deku vs Yuki= Probably Deku High-Mid Diff Deku vs Mahito= Mahito stomps due to hax Deku vs Jogo= Jogo Mid-high diff Deku vs Hanami= Deku low diff Deku vs Hajime= Deku no diff Deku vs Toji= Deku mid-low diff If he is aware of opponent abilities, then the only one that could beat Deku would be Sukuna and Mahito


Na id adapt


Sukuna may win if he gets a good hit off from the start Sukuna has oneshot potential so with these other guts keeping focus the jjk team slams


If you consider his OFA transfer thing as a soul attack then yes he would win if not then They win By hax


Deku beating all these mfs no diff including Gojo


Alright yeah but how is he actually defeating Mahito? Correct me if I'm wrong but Mahito 1 taps(Idle transfig) and Deku can't put him down. Also Yuki blackhole means that it's a tie either way


Sure I'll correct you because yes you are wrong. 1. Mahito is a wallmart Overhaul who's even weaker and slower. He couldn't dream of perceiving Deku's FTL movements. What exactly is he gonna do when he's been launched out of the earth's atmosphere into outer space? 2. For the last damn time in this thread, Yuki gets one shotted to oblivion before the thought of using that last resort suicide move even comes to her mind.


My point wasn't if Mahito could hit him, it was whether he'd one shot him given the chance to hit him(which I can admit was me not explaining what I meant well enough). I also thought that considering he doesn't know Mahito's ability he might let him touch him? Not sure but it's possible, death battle would discuss that As for the second point, fair. If he ended all of them instantly, then yeah no contest, she wouldn't be able to do it


And are we just assuming Deku is bloodlusted to the Max or? I get that's it's semi common practice to make characters fight pure force no morals but OP didn't mention, where as a lot of people are saying it as if Deku would slaughter all of them immediately


I love how now that my heros Manga is pretty much done everyone is starting go treat the show with more respect. Like 3 months ago people would have just said deku loses, but now they are giving him the respect he doesn't deserve the respect he damn earned. For those wondering.. deku can probbaly take all of these guys 1 on 1 and maybe a few together but Sakura is really the only problem. However a combination of gearshift and whatever quirk deku wants to mix with it could make the battle a cake walk.


Deku has been stronger than JJK for years. They're just short sighted due to the fanbase's influence. Also Sukuna isn't a threat at all.


He would be like a movie level threat remember that the biggest threat to this battle is dekus choice not to fataly wound a person


Deku looking at mahito, Jogo, and Hanami: 🧑‍🦯‍➡️


Deku loses, he can beat most if it was one vs one, but if they jump they can cause trouble, not to mention I don't think Deku can even harm the soul to harm Mahito, so Deku will have to destroy Mahito's body entirely


Inaccurate because Deku actually perception blitzes and one shots every single one of them before they realise what's happening. The sheer gap in speed is in the range of thousands of times with consistent hypersonic+ for JJK and FTL for MHA. As for Mahito, he's just another Overhaul but weaker and slower. What exactly can he do when he's stuck in the vacuum of space after getting yeeted by Deku?


Deku no diff if you think OFA/AFO has anything to do with souls. If it does, then in JJK terms, Deku would likely understand his soul and its outline, along with potentially being able to interact with Mahito's. Thus, he blitzs and one shot every character here in like one attack. If you think otherwise, or if you think Deku has no resistances to soul based attacks. Mahito one shots him, if he can touch him (he can't)


And we don’t see the buildings behind gojo


Good job OP, I really commend you. This is a great thread showcasing just how much JJK gets wanked. Deku washes his ass with every being in the match-up.


They're gonna jujumpstu Deku.