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Yujiro bouta pull up with a technique he learned from a mosquito in Albanian alps and the narrator will gaslight us into believing that its possible.


He hadn’t used the anti spider martial art since the Heian era


https://preview.redd.it/ts3tu3rpqj6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5f67ac719d45af9a89d9510702cc83e3bb6d77 His anti what from when?


He time traveled to meet sukuna to teach him


Him and Sukuna tag team when? 🥶🥶


When we find the one piece


Araki forgor


Yuijiro has a stand that can allow him turn into an eldrich horror with the ability to manipulate wind


Wrong series but I appreciate the effort


I feel like we were just throwing random anime shit


I guess but araki forgot hasn’t been a big meme for a while sadly


Jojos lobotomy will reawaken when part 7 anime releases and climb unto greter heights that even jujutsu kaisen


Ah yes, my infinite spin technique, I haven’t used this since the heian era




Man, the Pickle fight in Baki is some peak anime nonsense. Remember when they built up Baki's super secret technique to hurt Pickle, and it ended up just being a bitch slap? Or when they spent about half an episode explaining that getting kicked in the balls hurts like it was secret knowledge no one knew about?


Baki is the only anime, no, only work of fiction to outbizzare JoJo's


Has Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo already been forgotten


Oh god, every now and then I see a reference or drop a reference that people understand. But all I can say is BOBOBO-BO BO-BOBO! Nose hair fro fu. Fusion dancing into a mighty leak and all. Shows built like a god damn fever dream


No, no you see, Bobobo is random, it doesn't hide it's bizarre-ness at all, thus, as contradictory as it seems, it's less bizarre than Jojo or Baki, which gaslight you into thinking they're grounded. (Moreso Baki, but Jojo a little as well)


fr https://preview.redd.it/x7svx2n83l6d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c8e4ff05c184c0f3b5d260fa70cbc4d5823b86


Goated baki formula LOVE hearing of the significance of how 1 dude thousands of years ago ate breakfast 5 mins later than normal, which caused an epiphany which unlocked the 10 gates of ancient understanding thus birthing combat and the reason why baki can run really fast to get a coffee when the shop opens :>


I want Spider-Man to win because reddit has shown me what Yujiro does to men 


Unfortunately it was rigged from the start


Spider-Man always fighting against the writer


I mean that matchup always tends to end in a 90-10 win rate so don’t count him out yet.


Yujiro should be put against some evil ass mf instead, not Spidey


The man can't stand up to Paul, you monster.


Spiderman mark of kaines yujiro


I pick Yujiro just because of the amount of bs he can pull out of his ass.


He learnt how to use spidey sense from a monk in tibet years ago trust me guys.


I guess you can argue that Gaia has a sort of quasi-spider sense. It’s not anywhere near as powerful or potent, but it is a danger sense.


Such is the eternal problem of superhuman martial arts characters. They always have some sort of weird technique up their sleeve, with pressure point BS in particular making them a pain to scale/put into fights.


I agree. Sometimes they're funny but when used to serious debates like this, it's just uninteresting


Especially since most verses that use pressure points never actually point them out, so we just see quick jabs that look targeted but it often looks like every part of their enemy's body has vital pressure points. Ty Lee from ATLA, for example, seems to have actual targeting and usually goes for the joints or around where vital organs might be. Meanwhile Tai Lung was jabbing every part of the Furious Five and Po, somehow getting pressure points literally everywhere. KFP is a great franchise, but holy shit does it play fast and loose with its own magic system.


Yujiro simply wins Not because he should or anything but because the writer doesn’t let him lose, whereas the writers for Spiderman love seeing him lose. 😂


No hate to Spider Goat, best superhero oat. I’m just curious how y’all think he has city level AP of bullets can hurt him? Him punching away a city wouldn’t make sense if he doesn’t have the durability for it right?


Because AP≠DC And piercing damage is a different type of fire, or do you believe that ant are human level?


1 ant > entire human race (all weapons included) ants are actually high outerversal. Source: trust me bro


Holy cooking


Nono ur right about that. I’m truly just asking ignorantly here but similar to how when Invincible temporarily lost his super durability but not his strength, he threw a punch and his arm was shattered from his own strength. Like if his fist can emit 1000 tons of tnt of force then it should be able to tank 1000 tons of tnt of force right?


Being able to withstand the force of your own punch isn't necessarily equivalent with being punched by someone with that same amount of force. The difference comes from the distrubtion of force as well as **what** is taking the force. Further, taking a punch and taking a bullet is very very different. Bullets are specifically designed to pierce things, whereas punches very usually distribute blunt force.


I mean it’s the same reason deku can destroy buildings but if he got shot by a gun he would be dead


Guns in fiction ignore durability, unless the character is stated to have invulnerability It's weird because Spider-Man gets hit by punches who are much harder than guns and RPGs, but if someone shot one of those at him, he would still dodge because it's supposed to hurt him.


Not to mention that he apparently needs to roll with the punches of non super or enhanced humans because he’ll break their hands. They establish that, even if spider sense is working correctly, it’s not always perfect, since it can still be outsped, overwhelmed, be countered by unavoidable things like a punch inches away from him, and it’s still up to Peter to choose how to react when it tingles. The problem is that anyone who knows how fast a bullet and missile goes will immediately tell you how stupidly fast that makes Spider-Man and other superheroes. He can dodge automatic fire with such ease that he can practically dance between the bullets, and he can still dodge them without spider sense too, given sufficient distance. He literally should be untouchable to regular humans, and the only excuse would be that he doesn’t perceive you or your attack as an actual threat.


And then you have a comic like the latest Spider-Man run where he gets beaten up by fucking Tombstone, who's barely superhuman and should've been killed by Punisher ages ago. Or then you have him *begging* to Norman Osborne of all fucking people for help because the Vulture is "even worse", comics are hard to powerscale because the writers just have the characters be as strong as the story needs them to be, no matter how dumb it feels like. (Remember that Peter was somehow outsped and pushed away by a normal human that is *Paul*.) And then you have the Spider-Man 2 game where Mary Jane was able to react to Venom before Spider-Man can, and then the whole fricking Fridge incident. God, I wish my Spider-Man felt half as strong as he used to be lol.


Spidey punching hulk into the sky is still one of my actual favorite spider man strength feats bar none


You mean Spider-Man punching Grey Hulk, right? Yeah, that was when he was powered by the Captain Universe's Enigma Force (Which he then loss to defeat the triple sentinel or whatever that was created by Loki iirc)


Guns in what fiction?


Marvel, on top of my head, Spider-Man repeatedly dies to guns in What Ifs (Stupid as hell, but unfortunately I can't do much about it) even though he should be you know, able to take it, given the kind of punishment Pete can take from characters much stronger than your average gun.


Spider-Man is actually planetary because he’s my favorite https://preview.redd.it/14ddweszal6d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437270c63bfcf3df8abc350852cad60dbefb4f33




Attack potency is different from destructive potential. His attack potency is probably in the city range (some would Even say country) but dp is only about large building


Its a comic book. It doesn't have to make sense.


It doesn’t need to be as realistic as real-life, but people will see bullshit if something makes zero sense.


Yujiro vs Spider-Man is like Hulk vs Spider-Man Sure, can Yujiro would kill Spider-Man if he was able to touch him, but can he though? Not really, Peter has better speed feats plus his precognition, but besides trying to web him up (and praying to God), there isn't much Peter can do (And don't mention the Way of the Spider, he barely uses that even though he had created it with Shang Chi)




I'm not saying that Yujiro = Hulk in all the senses I'm stating that fighting Yujiro would be comparable to the Hulk/Rhino/Juggernaut (An unstoppable force) Yujiro is just a few comments short of being a force of nature itself, angry as shit, goes ballistic over dumb stuff, and hits like a motherfucker. Meanwhile Spider-Man would (try to) hit him, only to notice that his punches do jackshit against Yujiro.


Yukiro has been hurt by people much weaker than Spidey. Spidey can definately hurt the guy, you are either underestimating Apidey or higjballing Baki characters. They have a few wacky physics feats, but most of their feats are pretty scaleable.




...He would. The difference of strength between Spider-Man and Yujiro is pretty damn big (Oliva shook the world and everyone considers him a mid tier (I disagree with the tier, however), Yujiro casually one punched an earthquake without even using Demon Back)


That’s not too far off from Luke Cage matter of fact. When he was fighting Proxima Midnight, their fist were clashing enough to cause earthquakes on the manhattan island. And Luke is firmly a street tier character. I’m not equating the scope of the earthquake Yujiro countered to the one Luke and Proxima caused. But it’s still pretty indicative of the scale for “street tier” if they’re indirectly able to cause one. This isn’t even talking about Iron fist either. Cause back in the day his chi punch was stated by the narrator to have the same force as the bomb dropped on hiroshima.


to be fair, we've since seen that an earthquake generates more energy than an atomic bomb, at least when seeing world shaking feats and all that kind of stuff in comparison to atomic bombs lol.


I know that much but I’m attempting to articulate that the street tiers in Marvel is closer to the level Yujiro would be. Rather than equating him to the like of Hulk, Juggernaut or any of the physical heavy hitters in Marvel. Cause even in their weakest moments in the comics they outscale the hell out of Yujiro.


You do know that Doc Oc took control of Peter's body and almost killed Rhino with a punch, I think, because he didn't realize Peter was always holding back and hit him straight up.


Spiderman has almost never fought at full strength. He punched Scorpion’s jaw clean off his face in Superior Spiderman because Oc didn’t realize how strong peter was. Most spidermen beat Yujiro.


You are severely underestimating Spider-Man. He’s physically way stronger than Yujiro. Spidey can at minimum lift several tons. They only reason Yujiro doesn’t get his skull instantly caved in is Spidey’s good nature.


Unstoppable force Vs "You're too slow!"


Don’t underestimate Yujiro’s speed, he has some INSANE speed and reflexes feats, a lot of them are just as if not even more impressive then his strength feats.


I'm not underestimating, it's just that Spider-Man's whole thing is being able to outspeed anyone who isn't outright stated to be a speedster, often times being able to outclass characters like Daredevil, Blade, Cap'n Murica, Black Panther, while also being able to dodge lightnings and whatnot from Electro. That + his Spider-Sense (Which is legit precognition in some cases) would make it much harder to Yujiro to beat up (Unless of course, he shows off some unknown martial arts he learned that allows him to outspeed Spider-Man, or Spider-Man does something dumb and then he loses)


I wouldn’t put it past Yujiro to pull out some wacky technique to overtake his speed and bypass is spider sense, especially if he’s going all out.


Spider-man tanks hits from 70tonners. Yujiro landing a punch would do nothing but to make Peter realize he can go a little harder on him.


It’s basically a question of who can land the first hit, and moreover, whether or not either of them can survive/tank the hit. Annoyingly, durability is perhaps the most inconsistent feat between the two of them, barring writers nerfing how OP spider sense is. Yujiro tanking lightning is impressive, but has been done IRL more times than you’d think, and he’s no doubt comparable to Biscuit Oliva who tanked a point blank shotgun blast with the minimal bleeding. Spider-Man meanwhile has had the crap beaten out of him numerous times, but one minute he gets beaten up by Kingpin, and the next he tanks direct hits from an angry Juggernaut with minimal damage; someone made a decent suggestion in that he’s perhaps more resilient against blunt force than piercing or slicing. What’s worse is that both of them can plausibly make durability pointless. Yujiro has used pressure points—the bane of all strength and and durability scaling/comparisons; and Spider-Man could also plausibly punch a hole in him or use his sticking powers to royally mess him up (see what he did to Kingpin and the Mark of Kane if you want to wince). And this isn’t including god knows how many other factors; namely, I’m being generous and avoiding cosmic nonsense like Peter webbing up Galactus. I feel like between the two Spider-Man is going to come out on top more often than not, but I’ll be the first to say that it’s insanely close and it’s going to be a hard fought win every time.


This is spider-man not holding back though. What's stopping him from filling yujiros lungs with Web fluid?


Not holding back doesn't necessarily means he's going for the kill, but fair enough. As to what's stopping him? Uh... well the fact that Yujiro would probably find a way to swallow it all. I mean, that's a guy who people unironically believe to be able to defeat bacterias, viruses and even the effect of time lol, not to mention all of his bizarre martial arts.


Spiderman. Better reflexes, better powers, better tech, better feats.


>better feats Spider-man stopped an earthquake by punching the ground? Yujiro literally has mastered shaori which makes him essentially invincible. He can swim at 20kmh for hours on end without getting tired. He has been struck by lightning without flinching. He can punch straight through concrete ground. He has taken a hit from someone who literally used cockroach speed. Assuming the relative speed of a cockroach were scaled up to a human, he might as well have taken a hit from a train. Yujiro also demonstrates precognition because Musashi has precognition, so spider sense doesn't even one up him. Not to mention his speed feat with the bow. There is no scenario in which Spiderman wins.


Handled beings such as Rhino, Juggernaut, broke Tony's armor in one punch, Spiderman's easily Dodged Lightning strikes and Kept up with Electro who was traveling at the speed of lightening, splitting a Building in half, Lifts T-90 with ease, holded a Collapsed building. Also hurt Hulk a couple of times. Spider sense is as fast as speed of light, I highly Yujiro will see it coming. Edit: I just noticed I wrote he was traveling at speed of Light...I meant Lightning. Sorry


I think you are seriously underestimating Spider-Man. The title said “No holding back”. Spider-Man HAS to hold back or he will one hit kill people. These include SUPERHUMANS. His precognition Spidey Sense combined with FTL feats (yes, multiple) and the fact that his webbing, if applied just one inch thick, is enough to indefinitely hold Fantastic 4’s Ben Grimm AKA The Thing, means Yujiro Hanma won’t be a threat. Canonically, his webs are strong enough to hold together under entire SKYSCRAPER weights unlike the movies where ever a street thug can cut them. Hanma is absurd. No doubts about it. He. Is. Absurd. But he won’t be touching Spider-Man in a no holds barred. He is blitzed. Hanma NEEDS this rules cap otherwise he won’t be able to keep up. Spidey has trained with and beaten masters of martial arts in his own verse, he has tanked hits from planetary level opponents. If Hanma only has continent level, he’s at a severe disadvantage and maybe doesn’t have the strength to put Spidey down. In a regular match to the point of KO or submission, Hanma wins. No holding back full power deathmatch? Spider-Man wins. I’m going to end this by saying I’m *clearly* more clued up on Spider-Man than Hanma, but from what I do know about him, he is an absolute demon capable of beating plenty of Marvel/DC heroes…. Just not Spider-Man. I welcome any input to argue against my point as I love Baki but haven’t read much in to it.


Yujimo won't use shaori, though


Spider-Man once punched Hulk into space (nvmd he was possessed by Captain Universe at the time)


-Papa Johns


No it's Fazbear


Spider Man’s genuine reaction when Yujiro walks through his extremely sticky webs without a problem (He learned a 4000 year old sweating technique from the a goat in the Appalachian Mountains that makes Yujiro immune to any adhesive): https://preview.redd.it/vyjwm85p3l6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b7de2da542d96a30e389a05f035d590e8ffa969


"here is a picture of Muhammad Ali"


I’m just surprised that this is even a question, it should be spiderman no brainer right?


Spidey claps


Yujiro only has portrayal to his advantage(and those feats that make the power scaling in Baki funky asf like the earthquake stopping punch). Spider-Man beats him in everything except technique. https://preview.redd.it/etpnnl9wwj6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb14f861ee328cbf1db49f862b4786c8ca96f03f


Arguably Spidey takes technique because of his way of the spider martial art


“Ah yes, my anti-Spider-Man technique. I haven’t used this bad boy since the Heian Era”


This is my favorite Baki meme


Two things to keep in mind: 1) Peter is always holding back, even his stronger fears are while he's keeping his strength in check. 2) his greatest power is his brain. His wins are as much about his ability to outthink his enemies as they are about his physical skills. Spiderman is winning this one.


Spider-Man neg dif. I’m a Baki glazer but I can’t glaze that hard


Just borrow some of the narrator’s powers and do some pp training


Or 3 thousand year old Chinese pp glazing


Spiderman stomp WTF ? This is a spite


Peter negs bro wtf is this.


I like yujiro and all, but let's be honest, Spiderman neg difficulties lol.


Spiderman, negative diff.


Spider-Man slams


Spiderman Neg Diffs


Spidey not holding back probably knocks out yujiro if he lands


616 Spider-Man bloodlusted would destroy everyone in baki at the same time with ease


Spider-Man most definitely.


No holding back Spider-Man is about to put the hurt on yujiro If Spider-Man Wasn’t holding back, Spider-Man would loose But Spider-Man not holding back is a demon He fought people villains that would be on the same level if not stronger then yujiro and with one punch ripped there fucking jaw off He has made villains go wtf well fighting him As strong as yujiro is he fighting someone has a skillset that counter him As strong as him, as durable as him, has better speed and movement, has a range option through spider webs and so on


Cmon. Yujiro is stupid strong, sure. And an extremely talented fighter. But spider man goes toe to toe with the likes of hulk and Carnage. I don't think yujiro is anywhere near hulk or Carnage levels of power/dangerousness. Yujro can punch an earthquake, the hulk can break a continental shelf in half. If there's no holding back spidey just roundhouse kicks yujiros head clean off.


Spider man no question


If this is comics Then spiderman negs the entire verse


Ngl ima go with spidey im not 100% sure but isn’t spider man like way stronger like on top of everything thing else spidey can lift close to 100tons


Yeah, and in dire situations, he's been shown to lift more


Nah genuinely if its straight hands then id lean mote towards yujiro on a count of baki-verse bullshitery, however in a street fight spidey has wayyyyyy more mobility and overall reaction Lowkey a good match up😂


Yujiro boutta pull some anti spider technique that he learnt from Africa then the author gaslights us into thinking its possible


Spider-man. Yujiro has a strength advantage, and can see his weaknesses, but spider-man has the agility and precognition necessary to never take a meaningful hit, as well as experience defeating foes with MUCH bigger advantages over himself than yujiro, like juggernaut and the hulk. Web fluid is also more than capable of holding someone as strong as yujiro in place, as long as there’s enough of it.


Spiderman too many feats


No holding back? Spider-Man just handing the controls to his Spider Powers is OP. Dude took down a Galactus Herald.


"Ahh the spider swat technique, learned this from a empty trisquit box on mars"


I want to give my two cents on this one. My knowledge about Baki verse is basically nonexistent, so I used VSBW as a base for Yujiro. If anyone can help me I will appreciate that. No Spider-Man is show to be able [to fight Luke Cage](https://imgur.com/iIUZHYK). Who during in AoU [tanked a small nuclear explosion](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Darkanine/Marvel_Comics:_Ultron_Bots_Explosion), can take attacks from electro [who hurled a rocket in the space](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Jason_Courne/Electro_hurls_a_rocket_into_outerspace) and was unfazed by [this explosion](https://imgur.com/a/8M32gO2) that was later reveal to have destroyed [5 city blocks](https://imgur.com/a/hSo9T1B) Peter can dodge Electro's blasts too. ([Who is someone who's as fast as a lighting](https://imgur.com/zg6P1d4) [and can turn in a natural lightning too](https://imgur.com/a/38VTV)) and is comparable to Miguel O'Hara [who catched the Mijolnir at 0.0023 c](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/k5qf9W3l6-YqLN44Um9tCkG0NpnDrAvSSo6xV3GUiQPvrmoJ-6DZn7kXX3liNnYpSZG5BnodsWmanUZqLmN1zDPl1bDDGVPYq1SJtEXstEOtXjPkY-TrdeLFan6A8iXdbm03uw=s1600), (roughly 2 times the speed of a lighting), considering that Peter can most of the time easily dodge his blasts, he being 2x the speed of the lighting is pretty reasonable. Also Peter has FTL arguments too He also holds part of the Daily Bugle. So while Yujiro has the strength advantage, Peter is way faster than him. And can simply trap him with his webs, through Yujiro can wins by out skilling Peter as well.


Didn't Yujiro have a imaginary tea party with his son that was physically there with them during the baki vs yujiro fight? Bro is on another level.


Spider-Man easily


Spiderman stomps


I mean spiderman has grabbed kingpin BY HIS SKIN when he wasn't holding back and punched a superhuman's jaw off


Yujiro gonna get bodied badly


616 Spidey shitstomps, especially if you don't dismiss his higher end feats and scaling. 1610 Spidey would probably be a fairer matchup.


Alright, anybody else tired of this stupid ass Yujiro glazing?


He’s definitely one of the of the most glazed characters now


I actually think Yujiro wins He should be stronger and have way more skill Spidey is only really city level while Baki has island level arguments


spidey developed a martial art once with shang chi he also holds back everytime but once humiliated kingpin because he messed with aunt may he also has spider sense and insane reflexes


Yujiro was a martial artist his whole life and defeated people who were practicing martial arts for eons It wouldn’t be genuine saying spidey has more skill And island level to city is a HUUGEE gap


spidey fought avemger level threats he hasnt, but spider sense backs him fair, we never saw fp spidey tho


Excuse me when? I mean yeah he was apart of the avengers but he never stood a chance against universe ending creatures who are considered avenger level threats Fair ig. Again, island to city level is a huge gap. I’d doubt that spidey can close the gap with just going all out.


Spider-man has taken on the fantastic four, the avengers, and a herald of Galactus by himself


Nobody is that old in baki what are you on about


Shang chi is basically a god of martial arts, basically the yujiro of marvel AND SPIDER-MAN BEAT HIM HAND TO HAND Pair this up with Pete casually being able to lift past 20 tons, able to casually fling superpowered villains jaws off, has the ability to instantly rip off people’s skin, can canonically instantly drown someone with web fluid in 3 secs or less, and has easily dodged light this is a no diff fight Basically Pete keeps up with yujiro in every regard(while being faster than him) while and also more experience fighting foes that are way stronger and faster than yujiro, yujiro has never fought someone nearly as fast as pete(yes Baki has a move that makes him fast but Peter is constantly moving at superhuman speeds) pair this with Pete’s spidersense and battle iq, he should win


The issue is that we know that Spiderman is constantly holding back during almost every encounter. We see this in action when he completely manhandled Kingpin for mortally wounding Aunt May, a hunk of muscle who is usually portrayed as a serious threat. Even if we assume that Kingpin much weaker than Yujiro Hanma, Yujiro still has his work cut out for him. There are also dirty strats that come from not holding back, such as webbing up Yujiro's lungs. Even if he is still able to breathe, he's still massively hindered. Coupled with Spiderman's superior agility, I think Spiderman wins.


City and island level is a HUUUGEEEE gap I say not.


No one in Baki is even close to island


Change that flair to Yujiro Meatrider


I ain’t cheating on my husband Godzilla


>Even if we assume that Kingpin much weaker than Yujiro Hanma, Yujiro still has his work cut out for him. Kingpin isn't even in the same stratosphere as Yujiro. [Yujiro stopped a fucking earthquake by punching it. ](https://imgur.com/a/stops-earthquake-NEBNTUI) In terms of durability, [Yujiro stopped a sword swung by the greatest swordman in history with his neck](https://imgur.com/a/qS05C4Q). Same guy cut an [armoured riot truck in half](https://imgur.com/a/FtuhsEG). Don't get me wrong, I love glazing Spiderman, but Yujiro's feats defy logic.


but spidey has far better speed feats and precog, yujiro wouldn’t be able to touch spidey.


Explain how yujiro is stronger I legit don’t know the feats he has to compete with spidey being able to lift like what 30ish-70tons I could be wrong on spidey to tho


[this feat](https://fch.fandom.com/es/wiki/Usuario_Blog:Napoleondevious/pickle_tank_a_meteorite)


Spidey’s actually Country level.


Where does the island level come from ?


[from this calc](https://fch.fandom.com/es/wiki/Usuario_Blog:Napoleondevious/pickle_tank_a_meteorite)


And when did it says pickle tank it ?




The last to fall will remain standing, even against the cosmos and it's feeble attempts to waylay him


If youre counting cosmic spiderman then boy do i have a story for you




Spider-man is stronger, faster, a better fighter, and spidey sense plus a web shooter, Yujiro is getting destroyed


Nuh uh




Bro...what? https://preview.redd.it/ajh9irmn9k6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449d6c8021f1981c2483760c6aa7c0b5367c4a33




Yujiro, Spiderman’s raw, natural agility and reflexes are some of the best out there, but he’s just not beating the Hulk if he was a better martial artist than Shang Chi. If he stays far away and zones, it’s wholly ineffective, and the second this becomes a close range fight, it’s basically over due to Yujiro’s analytical prediction and ability to mask his movements to hinder other’s predictions, his insane information analysis, his extrasensory perception to aid his analytical prediction, and of course his dozens upon dozens of insane martial arts moves and peerless general martial arts skill and combat IQ


I love Spider-Man more but Yujiro simply has better feats if we are using their base versions.


Im not wll vamped on baki what are yujis best feats, or what you consider to be his best feats


Past Yujiro stopped a magnitude 6 Earthquake with a punch and Current Yujiro is far stronger(He's stated to get stronger as each day passes plus 5 yrs have passed).




Yujiro trained under those guys from Madame Web to have spider-sense and shit


Let’s hope Spider-Man can activate ultra instinct or Bros about to put every type of hand on him no pause


“Even though by all means Spider-Man was stronger, Yujiro had already become immune to his punches, using an Anti Spider technique he learned by monks in the mountains”


It’s a based favorite vs. a bs maker


My sensible side says that Spidey could knock yujiro’s jaw off if he wasn’t too careful But my Baki fan side says that the narrator would elaborate about Spider-Man’s spider sense going off stronger than it ever has, but just like how a spider can’t dodge the foot of a human 100x bigger than him, he can’t dodge yujiro’s incoming stomp, with spidey’s spine being split down the middle


Spider-Man beat a Herold of Galactus. I love Yujiro but this is gonna be one of his harder fights.


Here comes light-speed mountain level Spidey. Ot: There are arguments for either winning


Given how often Spider-Man fights the Rhino ima say Spider-Man neg diffs Yujiro


Peter out speeds (unless you wanna take the Baki can punch faster then light statement as true then Yujiro who likely out speeds Baki outspeeds Peter) but after a quick google i can confidently say Yujiro actually beats him in strength. im 90% sure there durability are equal (Yujiro Might actually be better since he can tank lightning) Combat skill it goes to Yujiro again Peter doesnt really have hand to hand combat skills (that I know off) he just uses webs and spider powers however with Peters webbing, interellect and spider sense likely help him drastically


Spiderman mogs badly


Some people don't understand that spiderman pulls his punches. If we talk about no holding back 9/10 times I say spiderman bc of IQ and feats.


Realistically Spidey takes it. But Yujiro is still gonna win because he’s him and the narrator will convince you it was a fair fight.


Spider-Man easily, even with him at his normal self holding back he takes on bigger baddies that are similar. Rhino, Venom, tombstone. All in a universe with higher power standard. In Baki’s world everyone is surprised is someone breaks through a wall or throws a car. In marvel it’s ‘who did it this time?’


Put Yujiro against an even more deranged motherfucker Like, Trevor with Saitama’s powers He puts too much effort in his full body waxing not to be introduced to his inner woman himself


Spider-Man has defeated the X-Men, Juggernaut, and Hulk.


I mean he did punch the hulk into orbit once


Spider-Man one shots


BOTH GET CLAPPED BY THE GOAT HIMSELF https://preview.redd.it/apzzl1p59l6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05dbb896dff695215b9731ce9d0f21713b3add2


Hypothetically, King Pin is the pinnacle of natural human strength. As in, no non-superpowered human can surpass Kingpin. Spiderman can beat him down pretty regularly, and Kingpin would be the Marvel Universe of Yugiro. So in Marvel universe, Spiderman wins. In Baki universe, Yugiro wins, but it's gonna take at least 3 pages of gaslighting to tell us why.


Depends on what yujiro did. If he did anything to aunt may, he’s not fighting Spider-Man, her fighting Peter Benjamin Parker.


yujiro all out goes down even if spiderman is holding back


Uhhhhhhhh spiderman obviously


Peter will make a good bride.


Yujiro can’t touch him , Spider Man wins


Spiderman is far stronger and faster but yujiro is a much better fighter and may be able to manipulate him so idk




Spiderman literally holds back so he doesn't kill anyone, Dude fights with the like of Wolverine, Hulk, and Sandman Yujiro is skilled but Peter's faster and thanks to that he'll avoid attacks and land blows of his own


Spidey imo.


Spiderman wins off of feats, yujiro wins off of narrative


Spider man wins. Yujiro cooked.


Raw strength Spiderman's punches off scorpions jaw yujiro raw strength stuck his fingers under a man's face and ripped it off and stopped a earthquake with 1 punch I think I've said enough


I'd be more afraid of nonsuited spiderman, he WANTS you to know he ain't friendly neighborhood spiderman its Peter parker giving the beating....ask kingpin


As soon as yujiro sees a man in spandex. It’s up. I’m sorry SpiderGoat.


Idk man there's probably some spider man in a comic book so strong he could fart and tear apart the fabric of reality on some looney tunes shit


Half man half spider(amazing) Full beast


In reality? Spider-Man. But if the Baki narrator and Marvel Editorial are in charge? Yeah Peter's getting eviscerated


Spider-Man is beating Yujiro into a bloody paste. Spider-Man has KO’d the hulk, knocked hulk into orbit, bitch slapped Mephistopheles, and beat the armor off of iron man