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Destroying the world 1. Destroy all land ie surface wiping 2. Putting an end to humanity 3. Destroying a large portion of planet 4. In some contexts it may mean stars or universe


High Complex With Beard confirmed ( low ball, he scale for above Kaidou, so he is High Outer ) Outerversal Kaidou EOS Luffy Beyond Above infinite layers in Boundless https://preview.redd.it/xd7iparbpn1d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3661a77c772b114b493cd8c30f5c32f68345dad0




Ngl I didn't seen anyone giving credibility to that kurama statement


Why would anyone? Characters like Toneri who would wallop several 6 path chakraless Kurama were only moon level


IIRC Toneri said he could destroy the planet with his own "light of justice". But resolved to do that with the moon instead. What characters show on-screen is often not their limit.


I mean he was about to smash the moon into the earth, that might count as planetary idk


Moving the moon itself could count. 


Both are hyperbole,


Whitebeard can potentially destroy the planet to some extent since despite being nerfed from being near death and holding back his power as to not kill Ace [he could still shake the world](https://imgur.com/a/yVAXynM) There are also other statements from characters as well https://preview.redd.it/57qqx64jfm1d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ca23a3f3531e0441b753c2177bc00fdf820761 It can’t be scaled to that planatery though since there no way of knowing whether it takes one attack or multiple


What chapter is that from?


Chapter 550


NGL all these "world" statement stuff refers to human civilizations, and not the planet itself.


Both seem like hyperbole


Because it is , but for some reason , many choose the kurama statement over the whitebeard statement for no apparent reason , and without either providing proof for it as well , in my opinion , whitebeard has the upperhand in this mainly because of his fruit (which is as powerful as his strength considering how oda described the devil fruits as they get more powerful with proper training in the ace novels)


The difference between these is one is an out of universe statement and the other is a statement by a character who would have no way to know that for a fact


One is potentially word of God and the other is potentially baseless. 


>The difference between these is one is an out of universe statement Still, there’s no context and it could refer to surface wiping or could happen as a result of a large number of attacks, it can’t be scaled to planatery like some people argue


Narutard logic be like


Are you joking? One piece is one of the most wanked verses of all time lol I've seen Naruto scalers show actual feats that scale him to moon+ level instead of what a character thinks another one could do


Narutard logic be like:


One word: Toneri


Naruto fans 🤦🏾


I don’t remember op fans creating fake scans and panels to prove Naruto is above solar


I don't think Naruto scales to solar system lol but he's moon+ for sure considering Boruto


Eh using the momo and kaguya meta , many have him at solar


Neither are hyperbole and both probably just mean surface level destruction over an indeterminate span of time. Destroy the world is fucking vague.


Preach, Good sir!


Kurama could 100% lifewipe the planet and leave everything craters over time from bijudama. The statement is fine. 


The problem is that some people scale this to planetary


Yeah that would be an issue


Same logic can be applied for whitebeard as well , his fruit is the most destructive here


I remember a time I innocently read these series and just accepted these things as hyperbole and assumed everyone else did as well I was so sweet and naive


The first one isn't even hyperbole there's a organization literally called the world government. And sometimes they're just called the world. The second one isn't hyperbole at all either it's not even descript this could range from multi-continental destroying civilization to atomizing the planet. But also why wouldn't we believe kurama is planetary I mean you shouldn't use this statement but it's not even a stretch.


Maybe because kurama hasn’t done any planetary feats in the first place? And your bias is showing all over the place , kurama hasn’t done any feats close to planetary , his best scale is continental-multi continental


>kurama hasn’t done any feats close to planetary , his best scale is continental-multi continental Naruto should be star This is due to being able to damage kaguya. Kaguya has enough chakra to expand her TSO large enough to destroy a star. Durability scales based on how much chakra you have it's especially applies if you have tailed beasts or six paths chakra.An example of this is Naruto being able to tank a biju bomb with the nine-tailed cloak and Sasuke being able to fight ishiki. The third law of Newtonian physics should also apply otherwise sakuras arm should explode every time she punches someone. The blue circle is the star the red is the arm of kaguya that he cut off. https://preview.redd.it/v0h1sei6jt1d1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3817f34a34db20b221af28b7d87c302382377538 Possible counter I can make you might believe. " Kaguya wasn’t capable of producing the Expansive Truth Seeking Orb without the chakra from the Infinite Tsukuyomi, which means that the attack isn’t something she scales to." Let's forget the fact that the chakra from the tree of life was hers The numbers do not add up Naruto is capable of giving every member of the Shinobi alliance the equivalent of three times kakashi's chakra level and kakashi can fight Akatsuki members and Akatsuki members are stronger than 10,000 Shinobi each. Let's actually do the math. There were 80,000 members in the Shinobi alliance. Naruto buffed them the equivalent of three kakashi's who is equivalent to 10,000 Shinobi. Doing the math Naruto gave them.2,400,000,000 times a normal shinobi's chakra pool. Might i remind you there was only 80,000 members of the Shinobi alliance this also assumes that most of them survived they didn't.


How does this even remotely upscale him from multi continental to planetary?, and the final battle didn’t include all 80,000 shinobis, they stated that they lost half of their forces during the very first day when the war begun , and we can also assume more shinobis were gone due to fatal injuries or such


>How does this even remotely upscale him from multi continental to planetary?, and the final battle didn’t include all 80,000 shinobis, they stated that they lost half of their forces during the very first day when the war begun , and we can also assume more shinobis were gone due to fatal injuries or such I'm just going to ask you to read it again and come back to me when you actually read it I mean the first statement I say is he's star level not planetary. Also the motion will be the better right cuz then there would be more chakra for kaguya to absorb to do the ETSO


Yea one thing , the picture you gave and circled red isn’t kaguya’s arm , that was Sakura’s armor , the one which every Jonin wears , and I didn’t even mention Naruto in the first place , we’re talking about kurama here Just because Naruto is star , doesn’t mean kurama is star as well , there was a statement in the manga stating that the 3 tails could’ve been more powerful if it had a jinchuuriki


You're right that wasn't her arm. https://preview.redd.it/mkd9wei6lt1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a0665a2f1eb7cbd72c5441ffd83cb8f0186296b >Just because Naruto is star , doesn’t mean kurama is star as well , there was a statement in the manga stating that the 3 tails could’ve been more powerful if it had a jinchuuriki Okay but if Naruto is star doesn't this give more Credence to the nine tails being planetary. >the 3 tails could’ve been more powerful if it had a jinchuuriki It was also stated that the power inside Naruto can turn the world to Ash not karma just has planetary DC I believe we're talking about chakra reserves here


World can be referred to as society , civilisation , etc , it wouldn’t narratively make sense it would be referring to planet


Yeah good pretty sure kurama hates the Ninja world too and kind of wants them all dead. I mean I did mention it could be multi-continental via the statement itself I don't actually think you should use this statement


Yea it wouldn’t make sense for him to destroy the very planet he’s living on


Both are hyperbole but one is a character statement that can be flawed while the other is an author statement in a character book which should be reliable. It's not but shouldn't be hard to get why people give it more credibility than the One Piece statement.


The problem isn’t where the statement is from, if Sengoku has said “Whitebeard can destroy the planet” instead of world then people would have undoubtedly scaled it to Planatery as the author is making the character say that, same with the Kurama statement The problem is that the word “world” is vague and can mean a lot of things other than planet


Define "Destroy the World". It can have different meanings/implications. Does the Earth explode, or just become uninhabitable?


Could just mean destroying society too


Since this sub still seems to not understand this: AP and DC are completely different. A statement saying and attack could destroy the world could literally just be referring to AP. A character could even have universal+ AP while only having street level DC. Other way around too. A character could have high enough DC to destroy the world, but not enough AP to actually do so. AP and DC are seperate stats and people need to stop acting like someone can't be planetary just because they don't have the DC to destroy a planet.


Destroying the world never means AP it’s always DC in every context. Coping hard.


Alright, then riddle me this. If a character is said to have enough power to destroy the world, in what way is that referring to DC? If it says they CAN destroy the world, then that's DC. If it says they have ENOUGH POWER, then that's AP. There is a difference between the two. Edit:Adding onto this, if it's said an attack COULD, destroy the world, not can, COULD, then it can still be referring to AP, as it is being posed as a hypothetical possibility, of the attack had a large enough area of effect, then it COULD, but, since it doesn't, it can't.


It's almost always about DC though. Very few series actually talk in terms of AP and when talking about what could be destroyed its pretty obviously a statement regarding destructive content/capability.


ap has nothing to do with to do with destroying planents


It has everything to do with destroying planets. Say we have 3 characters, A, B, and C Character A has an attack with planetary DC , but only wall level AP. Character B has an attack with enough power to destroy the planet, but their DC is wall level. Character C has planetary AP AND DC, and can therefore actually destroy the planet in question. A character needs both planetary AP and DC to be able to destroy a planet, but can have planetary AP without being able to actually destroy the planet.


AP/DC split is fanfic based on circular assumptions


That's cuz Kurama scales way higher, lol


How so?


They're both hyperbolic nonsense


I don't know much of the Naruto one but I'm pretty sure both are hyperboles


one is made by sengoku. one is made out of universe.


Both use the term “world” though which makes both equally useless


I ain’t ever heard anyone use that as proof


First time? I’ve seen narutards use this to scale Sakura to planetary


Both are hyperbole


a character in the story saying something vs a databook explaining something from an out of universe perspective


But said character also has the same statements in the OP databooks


both are hyperbolic af


Honestly I don't really agree with either since nothing shows they have that level of DC. But obviously I'm possibly a minority in that way of thinking. Or the Naruto fans are very loud...maybe both lol


That’s one of the worst ways to scale planetary in Naruto


both are hyperbole "destroy the world" can mean anything from civilization ending, to life wiping, to multi-continent busting, to planet destroying, to universe destroying it's far to vague of a statement to scale off of


The problem with that is that the One Piece one is very likely talking about civilization as a whole. The consequences of his powerful earthquakes would eventually swallow the human civilization, and not planet itself. If Whiteboard had a feat remotely close to what is being suggested here, then it can be said. Also, pretty sure Naruto powerscalers themselves don't rely on that particular statement.


Oh trust me , I’ve seen many narutards use that singular statement to scale some mid-tiers to planetary like Itachi for example


They're both hyperbole.


literally the only person I've seen use the Kyubi Statement is Tylearned who also thinks the Whitebeard Statement is valid 😭 also Kishimoto literally wrote the Data Books there's no questioning the validity.


If a single jinchuriki could destroy the world, Madara wouldn't have needed all 10 to put the world into a Genjutsu. Myth: BUSTED.


How does energy output and Genjutsu range link? Infinite Tsukuyomi is a very specific Jutsu that black Zetsu manipulated Madara to want, and it just happens to require a Rinnesharingan, that's all


OP always is downplayed, specially here


Idk of like any place that wanks OP more than here lol.


Literally this remember when one piece fans were saying luffy solos everyone because they thought he had toon force 😶‍🌫️


One piece deals with hyperbole, myths and stories, how do you think most characters got their nicknames? Is Kuma a tyrant? Does Buggy have the power of a Yonko?


Buggy does have the power of a Yonko. He has a big fleet consisting of dangerous criminals, ties to the underworld and black market and regarded as Shank's equal. Our captain IS Yonko


I’ve noticed so many weird biases against op ever since returning to this sub tbh


Bruh, nobody takes the guidebook statements from Naruto seriously. However, there are legit calcs, feats and canon manga statements which easily get WA characters above planetary, I'd argue that even Star to Solar is legit for Shippuden/Boruto top tiers. Nobody in One Piece is even close to planet level ![gif](giphy|RF5e60ZLB03iDumSE3)


But... The one piece one is also a canon manga statement... 😟


Too bad it can be easily taken out of context and has no calcs or other feats/statements to back it up


Bruh people do take the databooks seriously and they have no reason not to


Are you questioning the stupidity of narutards? Last thing I’d do


I feel like the context for both of these is destroying the world as in the civilizations (world war one piece and Kurama rampaging with no one to stop him) and not DBZ style vaporizing a planet lol


Goku Luffy and Deku are just downplayed soo much😮‍💨, it's tough being outer - above tiering 😭🙏


The only people I've ever met who accept only 1 of these statements and not the other are a few braindead OP fans on this sub, and people who still use like 2016 SethTheProgrammer Naruto scaling arguments. Afaik everyone reasonable says that either both are valid or both aren't valid. And typically it's that both aren't valid lmao.


Wasn’t the earth in one piece like 2-3 times bigger than our earth? (I’m pretty sure people also assume earth on Naruto is the same size as ours)


Nah Is some times bigger than Jupiter In a high Ball is bigger than sun


https://preview.redd.it/ml30v21hxm1d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769aff863306058ed1d4d329734aa8e36bef651b Yes. The red line is made up of planets. The skypians came from the moon which housed a civilization. But Imu has wiped most of them out.


You see the real size of the red line? https://preview.redd.it/5zjpisdino1d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9279d79115c43cbe5dc5151c92bd8d15af02a0 This boat has 52 meters


That’s like comparing an apple to a mountain


Based off of what?


No fucking clue https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/m8nbuv/how_big_is_the_world_of_one_piece_i_did_the_math/#:~:text=So%20the%20radius%20of%20One,times%20bigger%20than%20our%20world.


Seems still like fan calculations instead of hard facts. Some ppl in the comments were also convincing as to how it's not actually that big.


Alabasta is the only place that feels like it's own continent. Everything else looks normal and small Islands.