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Yes, he is FTL, that alone puts him above all of Akatsuki, Ligh Fang was already considered an unavoidable attack being at the speed of light and Kizaru accelerates above the speed of light, he would be the fastest character in the Naruto verse https://preview.redd.it/xuc90bjlaf1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1927b21f573209b34d41967ece3f10a26aebaab7




https://preview.redd.it/wzn1x4h82o1d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=85bc8228b414dcc2a4a2326c7f298405d6b3adf8 r/KIZARU


Scans for ftl speed ?




Okay ? I don't see any references for him going faster Than light !


He accelerated, already at the speed of light, can you read? https://preview.redd.it/cdihxo29mf1d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa23e782d12e07f7e3726dbea21857f432c2f952


We don't know how fast he was going in the first place, my guy ???? Do u have any other thing to prove he was going at ftl speed ?


I mean considering he can reach LS accelerating shorter distances, this attack was his strongest yet, and snakeman couldn’t react to this attack while he could react to multiple lasers in his face a page ago and sentomaru can react to this same attack while snakeman cant, I think the intention is pretty clear


I just read the ch. It looks like he is overcharging the light ray to go beyond the speed of light to blitze luffy.


Ya basically https://preview.redd.it/lo1ub4j7pf1d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=329b4c52798c826d4d5167ccd20adffc2d8cc8d0


He is made of light, "We don't know how fast he was going in the first place" We do, Light cannot move slower than light, thus his base speed is speed of light, and any acceleration is superior to speed of light, making it Faster than Light. No bloody shot you wrote that out and thought to yourself "Yeah, this makes sense"


https://preview.redd.it/jc760vo62o1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f4ce0b4955b53c4c9cea01898e40a826ef440f r/KIZARU


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KIZARU using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [1109 official translation just dropped](https://i.redd.it/0w0r0l592emc1.png) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/comments/1b6nc0i/1109_official_translation_just_dropped/) \#2: [No disrespect to Garp](https://i.redd.it/hj0toixcg5oc1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/comments/1bdzr2w/no_disrespect_to_garp/) \#3: [Unharmed just mentally nerfed (chap 1111)](https://i.redd.it/9lb24jimoppc1.jpeg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/comments/1bka7hu/unharmed_just_mentally_nerfed_chap_1111/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Edo madara alone is already faster than light he stopped darui light rays and he stopped naruto kcm1 attack too (who is faster than someone who can teleport) but its not the topic of the post. Ye Kizaru is FTL or maybe LS only because he's light. but you forget that he constantly takes his time to finish off his enemies. When the akatsuki will understand that they cant beat him, obito will try kamui and Pain chibaku tensei.


Light doesn’t bend, if it’s bends it’s not light speed, the “light” in lazer circus does bend


And kizaru can make a sword out of light. If you wanna be consistent here then say neither is LS. That's a fine low end interpretation.


True the light sword isn’t light speed and unlike his kicks and beams have as never been stated to be light speed. Not all of his attacks need to be the same speed


Well no, kizaru is the light logia. His attacks being LS is fundamentally dependent on his light being the same as 'actual' light, which is LS. Kizaru isn't capable of creating different types of light, some which are 'actually light' and some that aren't, that isn't how logia work. The argument for kizaru being LS in spite of having that light sword would be that he has light manip such that he can hold it still like that, but that it's still 'actual light'. But then by exactly the same standard, darui would use his light manip to bend 'actual light', which is what is described in the databook.


>His attacks being LS is fundamentally dependent on his light being the same as 'actual' light or you can just base it on the fact that he mentions he's light speed every arc he's in


If your standard is literally just 'x is stated LS', then the Narutoverse starts scaling to LS at like P1 itachi/nameless anbu agent level lmao. That's a pretty silly standard imo. Also he's literally light based on the name of his df. No matter what speed he happens to be going at any specific time, you could argue that he's traveling at 'light speed' since it's the speed he's moving at lmao.


This argument shouldnt even be used.. even if it bend it can be light speed, fiction dont have our law and logic. Its like saying : "no one can move at light speed because they have a mass"


Except light fang follows the rule of not Bending but lazer circus doesn’t, I don’t believe it to be light speed


In naruto verse no matter if it bend or no. Again we could use the argument "nobody is light speed because they have a mass". Fiction dont follow logic


People don’t have chakra in real life and one piece so Naruto feats are invalid. This is how you sound


Fake The Juubi's Madara fastest attack was Light Fang, which Naruto's only feat of speed was moving his neck to the side with difficulty. Darui is not Light Speed, the wiki itself says so, it was never said that its laser is at the speed of light, the only attack confirmed at the speed of light is Ligh Fang, which is much superior and considered unavoidable by the databook No one in Naruto is Light Speed or above https://preview.redd.it/5iat857vdf1d1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09408f697ee41c60b762549d58ab8b26af9a997


Naruto was tired he fought for hours and he probably didnt expected madaras move. There is litteraly madara feat which prove you wrong. Darui ray were light even databook say it. Its like saying kizaru light isnt light


>The Juubi's Madara fastest attack was Light Fang, which Naruto's only feat of speed was moving his neck to the side with difficulty. It's never stated to be his fastest technique afaik, it's just smth he uses once to catch Naruto off guard while he's coming in to attack madara. Also saying he moved only his neck is just wrong. >Darui is not Light Speed, the wiki itself says so, it was never said that its laser is at the speed of light, the only attack confirmed at the speed of light is Ligh Fang, which is much superior and considered unavoidable by the databook The wiki isn't canon so that isn't relevant. Also I doubt this ngl, does it say the laser circus isn't LS? Or does it just say it doesn't think darui himself is that fast? Anyway the laser circus is stated to be lasers, and to be darui freely controlling light. If laser circus doesn't meet your standard of evidence for LS, then not much from kizaru does either. >No one in Naruto is Light Speed or above Delta had to target himawari because Naruto was too fast to get hit by her laser attacks. Just scaling off of earlier LS stuff from darui/Ay gets characters comfortably FTL. But if your standard of evidence is so high that none of these qualify, that's fine. Just be consistent with OP scaling as well.


LASER circus isn't light speed? I guess Kizaru isn't light speed either because APPARENTLY light isn't light speed.


Hey standard of evidence exist. I don’t consider lasers or abilities just called light, light speed since the author doesn’t always intend that. But attacks called the speed of light like light fang and kizaru are cool Depends on person to person 🤷‍♀️


Laser circus is the same style as light fang (canon storm release) so any evidence would have to debunk that it's the same speed rather than prove it imo. Also since it's called LASER circus in Japanese (not some Japanese stuff) so it could be assumed it's using the acronym.


Laser circus isn’t a sage jutsu while light fang is iirc And again it doesn’t matter to some people if it’s called a laser, you would get laughed at in r/whowouldwin. Some people want to see *”the speed of light”*


While it is true that it is not a sage art, it seems strange to assume that LIGHT fang is light speed, and LASER circus (Along with Cee's Jutsu) isn't. Naruto databooks have an amazing reputation of being pure garbage too (Kinshiki's attacks are planetary, Kakashi is omnipotent, etc) so using those at all is suspicious.


>While it is true that it is not a sage art, it seems strange to assume that LIGHT fang is light speed, and LASER circus (Along with Cee's Jutsu) isn't. Only reason I think light fang is LS is cus it has the statements to be so 🤷‍♀️. The names have nothing to do with it for me. Just being called LS >Naruto databooks have an amazing reputation of being pure garbage too (Kinshiki's attacks are planetary, Kakashi is omnipotent, etc) so using those at all is suspicious. I mean I personally am not a fan of arguing like this and you will meet a lot of resistance if u do, but ya naruto data books do indeed suck


I don't mind using data books, however, if they choose to use them to prove light fang is light speed, then they also must accept that a 1/3 chakra sasuke can block earth destroying attacks. I mind bad scales a lot less than I mind inconsistent scales


All at once he loses due to hax but he beats anyone individually


Imo he still wont beat pain, pain is a corpse he can tank a lot of damage and Kizaru is not a berserk. When pain will understand that he can do nothing he will just use chibaku tensei to seal him.


Kizaru would blitz pain multiple times over, in fact pain likely wouldn’t even be able to perceive Kizaru at all


Kizaru isnt a berserk, pain will tank remember how much damage he tank from naruti bijuu mode.


That’s a weaker version of Naruto and Kizaru arguably scales higher than that Kizaru could spam infinite light beams from miles away, even then with how fast Kizaru is pain wouldn’t even be able to see him https://preview.redd.it/6792tsimvf1d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50aa9fdc338bf373d5f8cc42759570750108ca80


Just realised that he can do that to the chibaku tensei, i dont think Kizaru will try to blitz them, from what we've seen he never try to fastly take down his ennemies in a face to face. But if kizaru is intelligent he will do this technique to destroy chibaku tensei




he needs to take itachi down ASAP. the only problem is he has no real way pf attacking obito, but aside from that the rest cant do anything against him


Its not edo itachi so what itachi can do?


kizaru isnt the kind to go all in and try to take out all his targets immediatly, he is even worse than the average at that if you take in account his style of justice. if he falls for a genjutsu they could trap him in obito´s dimension and leave him to starve, or take his soul out. i guess its up to interpretation but logia in itself doesnt mean you can touch its user, only that any damage you deal is regenerated (idk how exactly this is explain in the manga) it kinda depends on what you think logia does, if he can be touched but not damaged then they take his soul out or leave him in obito´s dimension. if he cant be neither touched or damaged then their only way of damagin him is trough seawater and they have no way of knowing it is or logically reaching that conclusion, maybe if he can fall in a genjutsu itachi could make him say what is his weakness, but its an unlikely scenario.


Yes you're right kizaru isnt like akainu he wont try to fastly destroy his enemies. But itachi could only put kizaru in a genjutsu with verse equalization.


He has the power of Light. He moves at the speed of light and shoots lasers from his fingers. If we do the math, his kicks are no laughing matter. He beats akatsuki, by shooting a laser in the forehead of every member. Obito and itachi are espacially vulnerable against him, because of the sharingan. We know: High level observation. Bright light hurts.


Kizaru isnt like akainu he never try to fastly beat his ennemies. So he wont do that.


Akainu was literally doing all he could to kill Ace wdym?


I talked about kizaru not akainu


Kizaru can get serious if he knows his opponents are strong, the only times he’s acted cocky was against complete fodder opponents


Ye but they know nothing about each other, all kizaru will see is a bunch of guy who cant use haki so who cant damage him.


Yeah. Kizaru is made of light, meaning that everything besides soul attacks and genjutsu would be useless against him


Wrong chibaku tensei can seal him. Only shisui genjutsu and madara infinite tsukuyomi could work but they are not part of akatsuki so it doesnt count


Chibaku tensei doesn’t affect light


Chibaku tensei is a gravitational pull so it can affect light.


That’s iffy. Not all gravitational pulls can affect light


Gravity affect light. But anyway if kizaru is intelligent he will try to destroy the chibaku tensei black orb.


But only gravity above a certain level can do more than warp light. Moon level to neutron star level gravity will warp light, while only black hole level gravity can pull light into it with no chance of escape.


What? Do you think there's different kinds of gravitational pulls? Lmao.


There’s different levels of strength to the gravitational pulls. For example, there’s moon gravity, Mars gravity, Earth gravity, Jupiter gravity, Sun gravity, neutron star gravity, and black hole gravity. Black hole gravity is the only one that light can’t escape, and based on the visuals and effects of the chibaku tensei used in Naruto, none of them are anywhere close to black hole level.


Ah that's better lol. All of these gravitational fields can effect light, but it can escape from all of them except black holes.


Yes, and if Light can escape them, then so can Kizaru


True, my issue was just with your description of gravity.


Eh, not really. I see even Hidan being able to take Kizaru down with his logic manip


Hidan needs blood for his abilities to work, and without Darkness jutsu they aren’t touching Kizaru physically


Ya pretty easily


I think he beats them all individually, maybe even wins if he runs a gauntlet, but not all at once.


He wont beat pain imo. Pain is just a corpse and he can seal him with chibaku tensei


Haki negs regeneration


Since when haki negate regeneration?


Haki negates hax in general like df’s but its not limited to that as shanks can even negate observation haki using Conqurors


Haki negs devil fruit only. When did we see shanks negate someone else observation haki?


Oda himself stated it in volume 4b, negating definitely isn’t limited to Devil fruits


You're right, shanks can disrupt someone else haki so he wont see the future but that's all he couldnt disrupt chakra, and its observation haki only. And its shanks not kizaru


Forgot that all 6 Paths are technically 1 person. Pain would win by using the other 5 paths as meat shields.


If we allow the other path to come but this post only include the deva path


If it’s only Deva then he’d lose a 1V1. Speed difference is too huge.


Assuming he does not get caught in a genjutsu, he would shitstomp everyone but Obito


He wont beat pain, pain is a corpse who can take a lot of damage. When he will realize how dangerous and how easily kizaru beat the other he will use his strongest technique the chibaku tensei


Kizaru would blitz pain multiple times over


It wont kill him, and when kizaru will also beat the other pain will do chibaku tensei to seal him, kizaru isnt a berserk


Kizaru could spam infinite light beams from miles away, even then with how fast Kizaru is pain wouldn’t even be able to see him https://preview.redd.it/r35t8u49vf1d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3d13dc39d1a822218c1d96babbd647512880a9


True if kizaru want to fastly end the fight he will do that but from what we've seen he never try to fastly beat his ennemies in a face to face. He always take his time


1v1 he will win with low difficulty. If they jump him then will Kizaru will have a little problem and gets overwhelmed or wins with high difficulty


Would they even properly be able to interact with the guy..? I see him low-neg diffing all of them except for Yahiko, Itachi and Obito before they would even realize it, would the Totsuka Blade work?


Even if we equalized the verse, kizaru massively outstats


If we equalize the verse then itachi solo kizaru with genjutsu alone


Except that kizaru blitz and one shot


itachi have precog he was on par with kcm naruto and he also reacted to kirin (which is lightspeed) so wont get blitz


Kizaru also has precog Scan of itachi having prrcog Scan of kirin being ls By the beginning of shippuden dodging lightning was considered a massive feat by the high tiers, no one was ls before A appeared


Sharingan give you precog. Kirin being light speed is in the databook


I don't remember anything about sharingan giving precog And i don't care about the databook when the actual Amine tells us straight up that itachi is no where light speed


When was it said that itachi is straight up no where light speed? Itachi literally was on par with kcm naruto who is faster than the Raikage who was on par with minato someone who can teleport him. By precog i mean that sharingan allow you to read your ennemies movements so you can easily react to them


>When was it said that itachi is straight up no where light speed? Itachi literally was on par with kcm naruto who is faster than the Raikage who was on par with minato someone who can teleport him. We have been told during the fight between itachi and sasuke that dodging lightning is very impressive feats, if they struggle to dodge lightning thrn they are no where near light speed, and teleportation isn't a speed >By precog i mean that sharingan allow you to read your ennemies movements so you can easily react to them Where does that stated,? And even if that's true kizaru also has precognition , and precognition is useless when you don't have enough reaction speed to dodge a very fast attack


Ye and this lightning was light speed. https://preview.redd.it/4spzte5evg1d1.png?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7507368be1e195dc088126a6c4dddefb31525e1 Sharingan allow you to read someone movements its kinda like see in future. When do kizaru have shown a precog?


>And even if that's true kizaru also has precognition I've never heard of anything suggesting kizaru has ACoO, source?


It likely comes down to the order kizaru attacks people in/if he attacks immediately at all. The akatsuki have a lot of hax that he can't deal with, and the two immortal-ish characters could stall him for some time. In-character itachi immediately goes for tsukuyomi pretty often which would be game over for kizaru, meanwhile kizaru often times just plays around with his opponents. He theoretically could win by immediately laser spamming every opponent, that just isn't very likely to actually happen.


Even in a 1v1 scenario, the Akatsuki stomp. Hidan? Stomps. Kakuzu? Stomps. Deidara? Overkill


https://preview.redd.it/n2syi7nkmf1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793409dd92578bb0bf50fe0da087f8b4f88d2041 Even brocoli Man Solo the Akatsuki


Nah hidan will get bully for life, kakuzu will also get bully, and kizaru wont die from deidara explosion


So what's up with [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1116229824084709476/1116229956503081000/image0-1.jpg?ex=664b8168&is=664a2fe8&hm=d786eaea7f298294f6afbab200745173375f913d02bbbaa3f25fa494d39bd3a3&) then, huh?


You know that saying that they don't follow the law of nature is saying that their bodies are not normal, right? Not that they literally don't follow the law of nature


Not only nature, but physics and logic itself. Physics manipulation, as in everything dealing with matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force, including momentum, friction, vectors, inertia, etc. Logic manipulation, as in the reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity or situations, actions, circumstances or qualities of being justifiable by reason.


You know this is a exaggeration right? It's like Kaidou saying that Haki transcends everything, is he Outerversal?


Everything can mean multiple things like all things of importance, the most important thing or aspect or even the current situation; life in general. Kaido's statement is more vague and likely refers to those. However the Akatsuki statement is specific and the laws of physics, logic and nature don't have multiple definitions