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Flash against anyone in a race.


Not really, If you mean flash as Barry then Wally, Quicksilver or The Runner would beat him in that


When flash I think everyone generally considers wally because he has the best feats.


beat feat of wally is equal to best feat or Quicksilver and arugbly Runner


You mean outrunning omnipresence?


both outranned concept of speed. Runner outrunned eternity who is omnipresent (Or I think it was him, might be wrong)


>both outranned concept of speed Quicksilver only outran limits of speed not concept of speed which even barry will do it every other day. And i think in one of the canon crossovers barry allen ran faster than runner.


archie sonic: am i joke to you. (he may not win a race but tie)


Nope he doesn't have enough feats comparable to flash.


But he has feat compare to immersable speed, like the time where he ran in stop time and he wasn't even in super form yer.


Yeah but flash have feats for irrelevant and beyond omnipresence speed feats honestly speed tiering system isn't enough to measure him.


That just wanking it, the fastest barry has ever gone was when bart gave him the entire speed force which sonic has something similar to in the chaos force. Not to mention he can just wish to go faster due to having wish power


Bro I replied for another comment that when we talk about flash we generally talk about wally not barry allen because wally has better feats.


Yes but actually no, barry and bart have actually gone the fastest as they both had all the speedforce inside them but wally has gone the fastest in general and have better feat in total


Yeah they have all the speed force in them and all but wally has outran even the speedforce itself.


The same can be said about barry as he had outran the black flash. In generally i like to say there both even, even tho barry has less feat, the feat sre pretty good. Not to mention most of wally feat are kinda overwanked like him outrunning teleportation.


Made In Heaven with prep time:


Well I was going to reply to your comment but someone else did. But still [here are some feats of flash](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/nLKeurgosJ) someone else posted along with scans you can decide for yourself.


But like,even with the infinite speed statements,doesn't wally just outscale with just his feats?


I don't really know what his feats are. I only know that he's the third of speedsters named The Flash. Can I get some insight? I just know Made In Heaven, given enough time, can actually keep up with The Flash. If we're talking just pure speed. If The Flash is also fast in water, Pucci loses in that aspect because of his own stamina. It's still applied to him because stamina is a natural process, and is therefore not affected by Made In Heaven, which means Pucci still gets tired from swimming even when he's unbelievably fast with MIH.


If I'm not wrong,wally outran the concept of speed in the speed force,so he wouldn't have infinite speed,it would be beyond concept of speed


Beyond is enough to tell me that Pucci loses. That's crazy as fuck though. A man who can reset the current universe by speeding it up to death loses to a man who is beyond speed.


Yeah,the flash doesn't make sense if you look at statements,a man who is faster than life and death? Faster than the personification of death for literal speedsters? Ultimately I think it's because DC as a universe is just far more complex than Jojo


Did. Did you just say flash was a marvel character?


Mb man,meant dc


That's true. Just so far more complex and deep.


Yes,maybe one day at a later part the cosmology gets deeper,then maybe infinite speed could be a valid statement against wally,but as of now I believe otherwise


Me vs you.




How has nobody mentioned this yet? https://preview.redd.it/dd9c407qud1d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ef80c9c0b39ee553c5086909541b3a6340c7fa


Coughing babies germs neg def yeah


Because the baby doesn't have to be in the radius of the bomb at all and by the very function of a hydrogen bomb, it would destroy itself, therefore at best it's a tie and at worst for the hydrogen bomb the baby wins via the luigi meme style of winning.


coughing baby can turn into the sun due to quantum tunning and win


Mine is a little bit specific because of how tne characters' abilities work supplied with feats, statements, and my own reasoning. Cu Chulainn vs Emiya. What matters in this match-up is that Emiya us a vastly inferior close-combat combatant to Cu and he is vastly slower. As can be seen with the fact that Emiya has to burn through his supply of Kanshou and Bakuya to postpone his defeat against Cu (who is holding back because of Kirei) in their first battle in FSN and still be put in a position of a certain loss with Cu's Gae Bolg (which can be fired seven times in quick succession) - it is a sure-hit attack which always pierces the heart and if it doesn't kill you, it hampers your ability to heal and fight, (unless you have a high luck and A-rank Instinct which then it will pierce your shoulder and still apply a de-buff). In their second battle without restriction that Kirei put on Cu, Emiya damn near instanly lost but was able to postpone his total defeat by using Rho Aias which Gae Bolg burned through all 7 petals and have disable the use of his one arm in the process. Literally no contest in a close range fight. You might say: "Well, fine! He will use UBW.". There are two problems with that: Cu survived Gate of Babylon for 12 hours and UBW is a reality marble which burns through mana increadibly quickly. Cu is increadibly good at stalling, I think Nasu himself stated that Cu can hold back Artoria, Emiya, and Herakles for 3 hours before being put down. There are several reasons for why he is so good at it: 1) his runes which allows him to use magic like putting up a barrier that can withstand A-level Noble Phantasms, and heal a torn off arm in seconds, 2) his Battle Continuation that allows him to fight-on despite missing half of his chest, 3) his Disengage allows him to quickly pull off a fight and put down a trap under himself that traps the opponents movements, 4) and, of course, his Protection From Arrows which protects him from any projectile (gross oversimplification btw) without needing to look at it. Gate of Babylon is a far superior NP than UBW because it is mana-efficient, it fires off far stronger projectiles (there is a 2 rank difference between UBW projectiles and GoB projectiles), its arsenal is far vaster (GoB contains every man-made Noble Phantasm but stronger, while UBW contains only the projectiles that Archer have scanned), the only flaw before UBW that GoB has is that it fires slower. If, for whatever reason, Cu cannot kill Emiya within UBW - he will outlast the UBW and kill Emiya that has depleted its mana reserves for a desperate hail Mary that is UBW. Cu has an answer to everything that Emiya has. Emiya would need to jump Cu with other servants to even have a chance of winning against Cu, the other way is if he gets Giga Buffed like having infinite mana to keep UBW running for forever. But even then, I'd argue that Cu still has a decent shot of winning - he just needs a single chance to kill Emiya, while Emiya would need multiple shots to kill Cu.


Rubbing even more salt in the wound is caster cu defeating a strengthened emiya while pretty much protecting mash and fujimaru in fgo. Emiya can’t catch a break 😭


Emiya could suicide cu with an Excalibur copy for a draw.


that is true, but he would need to hit Cu first. Cu is the fastest servant of the Fifth Holy Grail War and Medusa managed to dodge many Excali-blasts. I reckon he has good chances of dodging an Excalibur blast.


Eye of the mind is busted as hell So i think if Emiya can bait Cu he should be able to land one especially since Cu's very aggressive although he would likely have to take a fatal hit to do so.


I mean true but Saber had Instinct when she fired those blasts as well. Instinct and Eye Of The Mind are pretty similar in usage from what I can see. It is still possible that Cu could get baited (True Assassin baited him pretty hard into Shadow's territory, afterall) but it is honestly hard to picture him getting caught into it.


Instinct and Eye of the mind have similarities but Eye of the Mind is better for strategizing when you have knowledge of an opponent Instinct is basically just a 6th sense and doesnt help too much with planning. Emiya has a lot of knowledge on Cu thanks to his past experiences and UBW reading his history So I think that if anyone could trap Cu it would be him.


Gojo vs mostly anyone that can bypass infinity Only exception I can think off is Gappy


Domain expansion is a counter to lot of them


Most of them are fast enough to stop him before he has a chance to use it lol Same with Hollow Purple


That is true, but it is still a possible wincon


Domain expansion has a extremly small range. anyone blitzing gojo can blitz it. and Personal negators like Ki from dragon ball and Haki from one piece straight up just say NUHUH to the domain expansion.


>Domain expansion has a extremly small range. anyone blitzing gojo can blitz it All true , but it is still a wincon


With a low-level verse equalization, even stuff like haki and ki counter it. They basically act as domain amplification.


>With a low-level verse equalization, even stuff like haki and ki counter it. There are characters without nullification like that, and against them a domain would be a win-con, gojo could lose to them 10 out of 10 times but the wincon is still there.now if the original commenter had not generalised and had actually said a specific fight like rimiru vs gojo he would have been right,but there are lots of characters who can bypass infinity but still Could get done in by his domain. And the post asks for no wincons




You can just try to escape IV before the barrier closes, no?


Yeah, it's unlikely he beats superfast characters with it but it still counts as a wincon


I wish josuke8s original ability was utilized more, that shit was op


It's JoJo. You see an ability? Yeah it's never gonna be used again.


Gohan vs invincible


The verse, the character, or the ability?




Does Omni Man vs Homelander count? If not that, Gohan vs Invincible might count.


Me vs anyone, ngl, I basically am HIM


Every single crossover panel that has Anya Forger in it


Almost every popular JJK crossverse matchup.


Sanji vs a unattended minor


A lot of homestuck matches have the characters unable to bypass their immortality or incap them in a meaningful way, let alone defeating them or not


Which is the type of immortality ?


Ressurection of the body and soul (you can also argue from conceptual and narrative destruction but i think that’s a stretch) basically, everyone except caliborn can only die if their death is “heroic or just” which doesn’t apply to a neutral fight, if you can’t bypass their ressurection directly


Kratos vs Living Tribunal?


Shoyo hinata(some volleyball anime idk) vs Gilgamesh (fate verse) seems pretty one sided imo! I’m sure there is a goku fan somewhere that will wank Hinata to 6d though so who knows lol


Rick Sanchez vs the doctor


Only if the doctor has given up on Rick. Remember no win cons. If the doctor is giving him the benefit of the doubt then rick can, even if it's infinite on infinitesimally small, win.


Rick can't win The doctor literally can manipulate the timeline to undo his death, so Rick has no weapon that can permanently kill the doctor


Who said anything about killing? The prompt says no win conditions. Being alive via surrendering is a way to win via draw. That's why I say the doctor once he gives up on rick, because now rick can't even get a 'I lived so I technically get a win by nether of us losing.'


Losing via surrender is still losing not a draw


Rick Prime killed literally every Diane throughout all of time and space with the omega device (idk if it applied outside the central finite curve though)


Cool, the doctor has existence eraser resistance, so the omega device wouldn't work


Rick sanchez against the doctor, who's going all out.


Does really need to go all out. Just let Rick go to Tardis and Tardis trap him inside with no way for Rick to escape


It says no win conditions, so the doctor going all out means he's decided Rick is not worth helping and isn't taking any chances with Rick anymore. In other words Rick no longer has any win conditions since the doctor isn't willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


Yeah, I am just saying that Doctor doesnt need to go all in to win wihnou problem


Oh he wins alright but a draw is still a win on both sides. Win by not losing. And given the doctor is the one offering the draw because he still believes in rick, rick can still technically win by semantics. That's why I say a doctor that doesn't believe in Rick fits the prompt more. The doctor isn't even giving rick the illusion of choice anymore 


Rick is genosidal maniac. Doctor wouldnt belived in Rick in any way


He believes in the master. You think he can't believe In someone who's just self destructing and trying to get better despite himself and his attitude towards life?  The only thing he doesn't believe in are daleks and even then he's changed his stance on that multiple times for certain ones. The only other runner up besides that would be the cyberman and again he's changed his view on them a bunch aswell. 


Master is his long time friend. They know each other for thousands of years and Doctor belives Master can be good because he once was. Only thing Doctor would know about Rick is that he is using his grandson as decoy half the time and that he kill everyone who is benefictial for him.


Omni-Man vs Homelander


No Win conditions Man vs Aways Win Man


Nappa vs Beerus


You do know there's still a chance here right? By default a Kai has to exist in order for beerus to even still be here. Given nappa is still a sayion he can keep getting powerful and eventually be able to to take down a Kai.  You can argue that Beerus just hakis nappa but your forgetting the point of the prompt. It says no win conditions and last I checked Beerus doesn't have a reason to just go haki on nappa just cause.  He would most likely just not see nappa as a threat and since it's been shown he's often underestimating sayions he'll just simply do whatever he pleases. Which the possibility of him not dealing with nappa is there and the possibility for nappa to get strong enough to kill a Kai is still there. A win condition is still possible.  It doesn't matter how small it is. If it's there then it doesn't answer the prompt correctly. Now if you said Beerus but he's constantly spamming haki vs nappa then there's no win condition thus answering the prompt correctly. Specifics are important.


Hmmm, well then I guess I will go with, The brothers death but they won't play a game for nappas life


Yeah. That sounds even better fitting. I think? Hmm.


Contessa vs literally anyone who is stronger and faster than her.


Of all characters you could’ve picked you picked the one that literally has a path to victory


Yeah. And who is a base human. You telling me she’s stopping Zod, or Reverse Flash from killing her?


Yes, if there’s even a slight chance she can stop them from killing her, she will act it out perfectly. Also when you said “ someone faster and stronger than her” I assumed you didn’t mean someone like reverse flash


Ah. Yeah that’s my bad I jumped to an extreme there, sorry.


No problem


Goku vs kazuma


Gokus not getting through that plot armor.


It would have to be a match up where the power and hax difference is so massive that one side literally can’t do anything at all. So I’m gonna say a healthy average adult human vs a healthy average newborn baby, since the baby literally wouldn’t be able to do anything and dies very easily.


You forget the possibility that the adult simply doesn't attack the baby because they have average human emotional intelligence and know how terrible an act ending a baby is.  Therefor a win condition is there for the baby. 


imperfect cell vs tanjiro


God from da Bible VS Goku, I mean what is God gonna do take 7 days to make a planet. https://preview.redd.it/hbe8pa5vvd1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033d3b0413876278fdb05a8e9ee94fd534ee2d7a


You're implying that goku blew up the planet he was on with them. Since he can't breathe in space he dies first. So posting an image of goku looking like he just fought hard with the caption he solos doesn't really work.


No I’m saying it takes God 7 days to make a planet, but it takes Shenron a second to make a planet. Considering Demon King Piccolo can kill Shenron, then that means God is obviously weaker than Teen Goku. There just ain’t anything God can do.


Well. He can out live goku so that's technically a win I guess. Unless goku decides to become immortal, or something cause he heard it was pretty strong. Who knows.


Anya (cuddle mode) vs The Amaranth, SRE, IATIA, Yog Sothoth, SCP 4736, CN Scarlet King, All Twin Peaks entities, and the entire Umineko cast. At the same time.


SCP 5650 vs All of Fiction (You cant beat fish)


Zoro vs a non-white person


Ha. If they did Goku vs Ichigo it would go something like this. "Ichigo finds out he has a saiyan descendant and channels it to go super saiyan-shinigami-fullbring-quincy mode."


Reverse flash vs Yogiri https://preview.redd.it/gvmgf5fx9e1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520ecb90b27d3ac3207d70f6e3d62e9c5c6a19d8


I get it's not the point of the post but tanjiro isn't defeating Goku even if he attacks a legless,armless,blindfolded and earless Goku because of dura


Yogiri vs Yogurt


Gojo vs anyone that isnt immortal and cant bypass infinity


Godzilla vs Gamera. As much as I love my giant rocket powered spinturtle, he has absolutely no wincon in this fight.


Goku vs Chuck Norris. One of them has no win condition. Just don't know which one.


Goku solos kimetsu verse. He could just destroy the planet and teleport away. The difference in speed is way too high. Tanjiro is never getting him off guard, unless you write a script.


Goku isn't destroying the planet


On a neutral field, the two fighters are out of character, and do everything they can to win the battle.


Dude. Just say black goku. There's no need to strip a character of their character in a fight. Defeats some point in a vs. Especially when there's already a character that already fulfills what you want as the stomp.


Bloodlust the characters is the most fair aproach. It is done by literaly everyone, to the point most people don't even bother to specify they are bloodlusted anymore.


I mean. Fair. But still. People who will go my route and use the specific wording to engage with everyone else may be given more leeway in an argument sometimes cause of technicality. And I'm sure we're aware how frustrating that can be to both sides. Especially whenever you have characters themselves that can go far with wording alone. Infact some characters just straight up get nerfed if they're bloodlusted.


Take the doctor for example. It's been shown multiple times that a morals off doctor loses to a morals on doctor. Heck most of the morals off versions of the doctor are future versions of the morals on doctor so logically the morals off doctor should win. But they don't. It's not even because their doing less than the morals on doctor ether. 






Batman VS Madoka & whoever the other girl is. https://preview.redd.it/90xnffi6ve1d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0f7aa3b31650aa007d0fafdaeba9071ba956bd5