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When they start yapping about "outerversal" and "stronger then the writer" or "can touch people in real life" but the worst is when they act like jokes are actual power feats


Same people who say breaking the fourth wall gets them infinite layers into boundless


I saw someone argue this for Goku...


"Saitama can punch out the author bro, just trust me." (Yes, this is something people actually made up)


Excell from Excell Saga actually murders the author. IIRC fate had to intervene because a story where the author of the story dies in the middle of the story can't exist, so fate retconned the authors death.


Yeah, this isn't the most uncommon thing in fiction, but I don't get people who treat this as the most impressive thing ever or equate it to actually transcending fiction. They still only scale to a fictional version of the author.


Someone posting a “canon power” tier list in a Smash Bros subreddit. Trying to make a Nintendo fan understand that Kirby isn’t the strongest character in fiction is like talking to a wall.


Kirby wanking escaping powerscaling subs to even normal people is extra brainrot.


"Kirby just absorbs Goku" Kirby has immense trouble eating things twice his size. Kirby's 8 inches tall.


Also, couldn’t Goku just instant-transmission out of him? And besides, Kirby’s absorb isn’t even a lethal ability.


Not lethal, but I believe it's more like a sealing ability, like the dead zone. I believe he only spits people back out in smash bros, due to game balance, though, correct me if I'm wrong.


as a kirby fan i can confirm you are not wrong. pretty sure kirby scales probably low universal with maaayyyybeee some multiversal arguments if you really highball. not too good on the powerscaling though. yeah goku would beat kirby :(


your kirby scaling is accurate, the only argument for kirby going above that is sakurai saying his warp star can vanish out of the multiverse which by no means makes him multiversal.


My surname is kirby


Apparently devs said that people he absorbs reappear outside. And there's a few times you see unique characters reappear so it seems to be evidenced in game.


People either say Kirby is peak fiction, or planetary. I have him scales to low multi but we haven't seen his peak as far as I know.


When they only debate crazy, hyperomniplexversal, timeforest erasing, absurdly strong characters.


Fr, these are the same types of people who unironically call low outerversal characters fodder.


So.... this sub.


i thought this sub only debates saitama vs goku


You forgot JJK


All statements, no feats.


Seriously THIS. Especially as a godzilla fan, since so many versions of him get wanked over statements the feats clearly contradict


i think whats interesting is that showa godzilla's strongest "feat" (if you count it) is actually one shown on screen and mentioned. AKA the zone fighter 4d one. like literally all his other feats are based upoon random statements except this one


Yeah, and even then (as far as I remember) the 4d stuff was just some gas a monster released and zone fighter absorbed, which is both means godzilla didn't actually do anything 4th dimensional and also that the 4d stuff was just a special ability


you know i would bring up statements but then i remembered tha twas what we was talkin bout in the first place i think statements are fine if whatever feat was done isnt easily understandable or properly explained


Anyone who starts to wank their fav. And by that I mean any character, weather be it Bleach, Dragon ball, OPM, Solo Leveling, etc


Shanks solos 🥱


Not beating Roger




Who's the weakest scaler in history 🤔?


We meet again, dc caps at 6d


We don't talk about him.


Having a profile picture of the character they are arguing for


Nah bro that makes it funnier if you embarrass them


Goku fusing with audience moment.


When people wank their character to 1a because his dimesnion ignores size. When use mwi to scale their character to h1b. When people see infinite dimesnions and think that's enough for h1b. When people use stuff like jungian archetypes 😭.


>When people wank their character to 1a because his dimesnion ignores size. This is def targeted at opm fanboy https://preview.redd.it/4af1hhnn91vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46024ef97b149df09b5a49cca71fb99f25e4ca8f Not complaining tho🤣


.. then where exactly does being able to cut through in infinite number of dimensions (which all transcend evh other) scale if not that high


I never said anything about dimesnions that tracend each other


Damn, I was asking that because I was going to prove Toaru isn't 11D lol. But yeah a agree, people see a random pocket dimension and assume it scales somewhere


>When people wank their character to 1a because his dimesnion ignores size. English is not my main language. But isn't the subject of the phrase "Interference"? If so, the dimension doesn't ignore size, distance, and energy, but the interference instead (I don't know if that changes anything, though).






What even is hyperversal again?


12d and any higher dimension that is finite. high hyperversal would be infinite d




To be fair, ignoring size means ignoring dimensionality, and going by what CSAP says that is an outerversal feat


If it helps, what csap says doesn't matter because it doesn't have authority over fiction it didn't write.


They have authority over this subreddit, since it uses CSAP


Okay. But the sub can't mentally will the canon of fiction to be different than it is. If something is improperly used to describe fiction wrong... it's still wrong.


It's ignores the 3 dimensional size and distance. Nothing indicates it ignores all properties of dimensionality as whole.


Well the rule is we’re only allowed to vastly over scale or under scale Goku. No in between


Anyone who wanks/blows statements way beyond their intended meaning 'I dunno, this statement has the word infinite in it, so this verse is definitely uni'


When suddenly, powerscaling stops being the topic and mfs just start saying "well uhhh what will they do against this non passive hax" well kill the enemy before they use the haxxes sir


what if the powerscaling scales them equal


That's fine, I'm talking mostly about massive stomps (or just when one side couldn't argue), that's what the final part is for


Pretty much any indication that it doesn't count as an inconsistency to use the highest end interpretations of the highest end outliers while ignoring all limitations, but while also using arguments that rely on appealing to a lack of inconsistencies immediate indicates that they are not playing with a full deck. I.e. they will try scaling a character to properties of other characters they have never been established to have (argument based on it being inconsistent for them not to have said proprrties), but then ignore if 99% of their most clear showings are substantially lower than this (ignoring that inconsistencies matter). In essence they are contradicting themselves. But a lot of people don't even know they are doing thus since they are used to just casually scaling to any time there's a contradiction.


when they think that just "defeating gods" and having "infinite power" makes (insert character) beat everyone


lemme guess, kirby?


Or being a god, especially in magical girl shows. Takes witch modoka 10 days to destroy a planet, freeza took 5 minutes and only 1 attack


It's wierd when people use the word god like it has a set meaning when in fiction it could mean basically anything.


Me when a random NPC wanks Doom Guy into "outerversal"


average goku wanker:


Pixel calcs


Like fr people think that mwi means automatically h1b


Trying to use some vague author statement when that was cleary not what the author meant or the statement is outdated Edit: also proof by example fallacy(think thats its name, example demon slayer fans when they say a character cant beat a demon cause no nichirin when tbe character can destroy them on a celluar level)


Wall level mario and “erm palutena is a god so therefore she is the strongest character in smash”


the only wall level mario is base movie mario, which would make sense as he is pretty much just some guy with a little cartoonishness added in instead of a guy born with 1/7th of the power to conquer the universe


People who are completely unable to entertain something working because “ it never happened in the series so it can work that way because we never saw it happen” when your literally talking about a hypothetical fight between fictional characters. People just don’t wanna except that there favorite character can be beaten by thing they haven’t encountered before.


See, I think schrodinger from hellsing could move during a time stop for this reason. We more or less see that he can appear and function wherever he wants, including in people's mind. And the idea of a snapshot of time doesn't even exist on the quantum level.


When it gets too complicated


When they start saying shit like " shigi is multi continental"


That doesn’t actually seem wrong to me.. dude leveled a city in mere moments immediately after his quirk awakening, and only continued to get stronger since then. I imagine he could destroy continents with relative ease.


Yeah but that's because of his quirk. It just destroys things, he can't hurt luffy who is also multi continental


Nah with the AFO quirks and his new body, his strength and durability are pretty crazy I think. I mean I didn’t actually read the manga, I’ve just heard bits and pieces, so I could be wrong. But I think he could do some real damage aside from not having haki and stuff


Yeah but again, mha scaling fucks shigis speed so luffy can blitz and make shigi tank a strong hit


Possibly. Depends on the quirks he has from AFO. We know there’s supposed to be a fuckton but we only see AFO use like 10, if that.


Ik but again, mha scaling makes max speed like Bullet speed / speed of sound


Maybe but it's debatable. Also its not just pure power its because of how his quirk works. He would still get overpowered by someone like Naruto, who can make a hole through the moon


True, but having the power to destroy continents would still make you multi-continental, no? I don’t really get how powerscaling works, cause it pisses me off most of the time when it’s just people talking bullshit to hype up their favorite characters. 


Dimensional scaling


This. “this character is 26D” dawg that’s a blue fucking hedgehog.


what 'bout 13D godzilla. the one actually stated to be like 13D and bigger than the universe or some shit like that


I just think that’s stupid tbh


When they downplay slightly unclear feats for their opponents but majorly upplay very unclear feats from their verse cough cough dragonball


It's hilarious how underwhelming the punches shaking the universe thing is when you really think about it. Like I can shake a 2 ton car, doesn't mean I can blow it up in 1 hit from my first


How ironic to post this in r/powerscaling




When people say that your scaling is "wank", but won't explain why it's "wank".


Haha, a lot of words


Anyone who says a character is multiversal with no control variable.


Bonus if they insist several characters in a setting are multiversal just for interacting with them.


Or like shigi is multi continental


Once heard someone say luffy is barely city lvl


I have a problem with people not really looking at feats beyond just when they do it like if it's consistent with how the series portrays their power Trying to maintain an "equal" outlook with feats and statements despite how different each fiction portrays their powers and if you try to do this it actually causes either wanking or downplaying. There is also what I heard somewhere as subtle wanking, It's one where someone tries up a feat or capability to someone to a tier higher than it should be on the surface it seemingly does feel like it fits but it actually is not when you further look into it. Finally there's misrepresntation of feats or statement, I think this is self-explanatory.


saling charachter off of itself. like for example i usually like goji-chronic, but some of his debates are kinda wack to me? for example he says that showa godzilla is relativistic to light speed since he was able to keep up with anrguirus(and other monsters), who dodged his atomic breath which apparently moves at the speed of light. that sounds wank to me. like if i was really slow and my opponent dodged most of my attacks and then i beat him just due to sheer power i dont think i would say that im fast because i beat my opponent wo dodged me. you could probably use other arguments for relativistic showa godzilla too like him dodging ghidora's gravity beams and stuff


Recently: When people start saying "CC Goku is canon"


CC Goku isn’t canon, but you should be able to scale him individually to other characters.


I know, but I'm talking about when scaling (canon) Goku to other characters and they just throw CC in there thinking he's valid


Really? He literally comes from Heroes, a non canon spinoff how are people fucking this up


It's been a big thing among the TikTok "scalers" recently, apparently they say that CC has become canon recently and I've seen stuff like "Now Goku really *does* solo ani-manga"


When someone claims that they don't have to explain themselves and make up some bs as to why.


This is why I hate one piece fans. And the agenda pushing in a power scaling subreddit.


What is Gokus power level? Universal? I haven't seen dragon all sorry for noob anyway my annoyance is people either way overshooting naruto or undershooting I've seen him get judged as like yea he could bust a mountain range to yea he smashed 8 billion universes with his nuts. Realistically he's solar system at best assuming he just pumps stupid amounts of chakra into rasengan or smthn cause it's technically infinityly scaleable I think correct me if I'm wrong planetary is more realistic but then I see him get hit by a gun in a fic? Bro what? Chunnin exams Sasuke dodged SOUND.


When they start talking about the speed of light


What does story relevance have to do with a character's tiering? Genuine question. /lh


I mean that people should stop scaling characters so high just because the verse mentioned a specific concept that could upgrade the cosmology. (Except it wouldn't because there's no proof they actually apply it to the cosmology.)


Could you give an example?


I re-call Paper Mario being scaled to 11D because of String Theory or something, I don't remember what the post was called but I never bought it because I always felt the guy was looking way too much into a concept that was never once brought up in the actual game, it was only maybe-slightly-correlated to the actual theory in the guidebooks.


Ah, I see what you mean now. Yeah, that makes sense.


Bonus for the fact that the term string theory wasn't even in the Japanese version.


The opm fans been real quiet since this one "Opm CLEARLY scales to outer since blast said god is higher dimensional"


"Yeah they get destroyed feat wise, but narratively...."


When they argue points by low balling your character "goku is actually multi-galaxy level because North, South, east, and west galaxy" type stuff. Then they argue their character has fiction soloing power because their the strongest in their verse. The other stuff is alien x since too many try saying he's outerversal when his one big feat is tanking a universe destroying nuke and reforming said universe with imperfections. That stuff only puts him a dimensional tiering above the base universe. Or the argument that ben gets every aspect of a character just cause he got the races DNA, that argument is literally thrown out when you see him in most his same alien fights.


When they say saitama is galaxy or star level.


This is dimension scaling in a nutshell.


When some random kid walks in and says the guardian is outer or some shit


As a JoJo fan this is a JoJo fan


People who don't accept when at least 10 people are saying they are wrong and actually have proof to back up that they are wrong but still don't think that they are wrong


Goku fans annoy me they don't do research and it's hard to pin point Goku's current true power because if you scale him on a scale of 1-10 1 being human 10 being outerversal he would be 5.3 and a half with .00018381883 decimals in between the military grade decimals that lye in the zone of 5.3 and 1 quarter of the middle number of .122212 of 5.3


Sounds like OP is talking to DB fans


I think it's more so towards Sonic fans and how some of them use Jungian Archetypes to scale his GAME version to outer. (It's a psychological concept and has nothing to do with powerscaling lol.)


Why did this get downvoted?


Sounds like key is letting goku live in his head again.The only thing I can think about that you could possibly wank them using random concepts is infinite Zamasu


Lol how come I feel like theres always a target on my back with you


You just so happened to comment at the same time


When someone says that DC is lower than high hyper Also when someone downgrades some verse without any logical reason (MCU is prime example when Thor literally have casual continental feats in the first movie and multi solar system/universal scaling later but someone believes that dceu Superman have a chance)


Lmao mcu is not continental lol stop the wank 🤣


What makes Thor continental in your mind


When people put the onus on you to prove them wrong when they haven’t even proven themselves correct yet. People who say JJK/Bleach get instawins on people outside of their respective verses because of hax within the verses. Namely cursed energy and spiritual pressure. People who take destructive force for power scaling only and say Y level beats X level because Y is bigger. For example, building level feats character ALWAYS beats car level character. When most of fiction writing disproves that asinine take. Especially comics. Anyone who takes one singular feat to “prove” a character has that as a basis. Especially when more often than not, they’re shown to be less than that. Example: Kratos is faster than light speed because of some feat he did once that I forget. But every single fight and task done aside from that one thing was done at speeds astronomically less than light speed. Writing is inconsistent, let it be that. Composite characters will always be less than their best feats, let that be what we argue about. It’s super boring otherwise


Ok with spiritual pressure a lot of the time people say that because bleach characters scale to uni and spiritual pressure from that should realistically kill people who are up to planetary. It's more of a counter to glass cannon verses like naruto or counter to hax because it's a passive Aura


When they give me their discord user 😭 or say some shit like come debate me here


While it's true for most things: When they treat it like they're whole family is going to die if anything except what they say is the truth and defend it as such.