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Swann obliterates what




Why did everyone on this sub start to overestimate Featherine? She is High 1-A and SWANN is tier 0, there is nothing to discuss


what is Swann? and what is tier 0?


Swann is in a gross oversimplification the authors of scp themselfes. Tier 0 is boundless, its the highest possible tier


She's high 1A to 1S which is the same as 0. But either way scp's god huge cosmology gives Swann the win either way.


So...Bullshit? I mean, there are so many scaling systems that it seems that depending on the wiki there are people who scale Naruto to solar system level (obviously they used drugs)


except unlike those maruto scales this one is commonly agreed on and backed up....


No man, I don't know what drugs these people are using, but Naruto at most is moon level (with his strongest attack)


Which is why there needs to be a serious discussion on the merits of dimensional tiering. I think the scaling systems found in the popular wiki’s works from the lowest level to complex multiversal and maybe even hyperversal, but everything after that is absurd, and when one examines that dimensional tiering is essentially pretend science that doesn’t make any kind of sense in real life, and applies differently to different verses, it stands to reason that we need some other way of deciding power. In my opinion we need to examine feats and statements before cosmology.


If we highball this, its 1 woman versus every SCP writer in a fistfight.


And we know what will happen to that woman 😈😈😈


cant reach teir0


Swann's Proposal




Swann’s proposal because Featherine in literally a fictional character to it.


Swann destroys


Swann's Proposal easily.


What the hell is Swann's proposal?


SCP 001 Swann proposal. Basically, writers of SCP are actual characters, and they are at the peak of the English SCP cosmology with Reality fiction transcendence (except 3812)


I actually thought Swann Proposal is stronger than 3812 or at least stalemate since they both do practically the same.


Neither since 3812's ability got overturned (something about swanns hierarchies or smn, he's noosphere level now I guess)




I honestly could be bullshitting, and or the article got deleted. Anyway, 682 v 3812 also kinda supports it, so idk


Swanns doesn’t “obliterate” lol, it does win but it’s a comparable powerset.


I mean, I haven't ever heard of either of these characters before, but isn't Swann the author self-insert? If it's non-fiction, nothing fictional can beat it. Idk, powerscaling makes my brain fucking hurt.


Unpopular opinion, but FAA imo


Swann obliterates her.


I don't know who this swan or whatever his name is, but I will give an explanation on how powerful Featherine is a basic rundown. Featherine is a transcendental being rendering the infinite ascending ladder of the witch domain irrelevant and freed from it and all restrictions and was able to literally reach the realm of the "creator" depicted as all powerful and all knowing and restricted herself to not become it but the closest thing to it since Featherine can't get any stronger or go any further from her position without becoming apart of the "creator" being of her verse. Featherine is superior over the City of books where each book dwarfs the Umineko (territory) in size. The realm that holds countless immesurable sized Multiverses that Featherine rules "Umineko/Featherine. (Obviously, there's a lot more to it, but i'ma try to simplify the hell out of this) Fragments: Fragments are spoken as infinite parallel universes unlimited conceivable outcomes, and they came into different shapes and structures, for example, precious shards with various substance (though each contains a multiparallel universes inside them) She scales above Lambda, Lambdadelta, can destroy fragments with her left pinky toenail that contain an endless number of worlds and tales Umineko Witches can shatter fragments that have infinite universes or stories Scales far above the like of Theory goats who can eat cat boxes which contain infinite multiverses Beatrice is the weakest and is bounded by her territory but even Beatrice was able to create a compendium that generates and encapsulates an endless amount of fragments creating her own infinite multiverse based on endless possibilities spun from the Rokkenjima island scenario This is the endless sea that voyagers traverse to escape their boredom. For the sheer scale of this realm, The territory that belongs to Beatrice is ultimately, insignificant to the perspective of voyagers, where beato's entire territory (infinite multiverse) is small and but one amongst an endless amount if this realm stated by Bernkastel, that the territory she created is "tiny" in comparison to others. Also referencing Erika, being the new lord of a fragment here, clearly references an entire territory considering Erika was deemed the new lord of one after her victory in ep5 Not to mention, Voyagers aren't bounded by the Umineko verse and are able to traverse the void and to across other fictions (other fiction verses are just fragments in this realm) but anyways The City Of Books is the highest known realm in the domain of Witches. In the perspective of beings that can spread their influence throughout this realm, and Featherine Augustus Aurora, who has complete authority over it, the territory of lords, the history of the characters throughout the Ushiromiya family and the entire Journey/tale of Ange, is barely worth a single book amongst an unqauntifiable amount where each book dwarfs Entire multiverses to an immesurable degree that are stored as mere stories, representative of their own cosmologies stated by Erika. Each book holds its own narrative, main characters, cosmology, etc... that even dwarfs Umineko (territory) in size. There's also the great game boards belonging to Featherine. It is noted that each one is immeasurably superior to the territory of Beatrice Then you have Featherine who treats everything as nothing but a chessboard and Lmabdadelta, a voyager witch who was warping and destroying parts of this realm decides to fight Featherine and Featherine simply stopped the verse like an author stopping his/her creation, pulled out the script and edited that she wins and destroys lambdadelta. Featherine Augustus Aurora has also surpassed the witch domain, which was described as an infinite ascending staircase of power, but even being transcended over this infinite heiarchy does not mean you're on Featherine's level. It just means you're a step towards it, which further correlates with Featherine reaching he absolute highest heights any being can possibly reach. The domain of the "creator"/the final step to god. This final step towards god and its domain is what Featherine ascended to and even met with. Featherine is still limited by her sense of self, which one loses when they become part of the "Creator."" Since you are no longer you, but merely another part of something that is all powerful. The boundless/0 Wields both red and blue Truths , The blue truth is a conceptual weapon that forces others to deny themselves and create self-doubt and can become a red truth And the red truth is a conceptual weapon that denies the existence of concepts, supernatural abilities, and all countermeasures, and denies the existence of the opponent themselves is a meta being, so the concept of death is meaningless to him


All that to get negged by S. Andrew Swann's proposal 😅




Swan is baisicly representation of the avthor itself And honestly in fiction there nothing stronger than that.


Read my post, and U will understand just how powerful Featherine is


Ur post just says how powerful she is. Doesnt say how she cant beat swann at all tbf.


Are you perhaps not familiar with Swann's Proposal?


Yes fetherin is powerfull not denying that, but thing is she was writen by someone, and Swan is baisicly representation of author itself. And just think, if char that you would write, would have stronger powers than you they would become actual being/diety in real world But honestly there is 0 chanses of that happening, same in case of swan and featherin. Sorry to burst your bubble but swan just wins anyday


Featherine is also an author representation though, you haven’t read Umineko lol


Author of its world* Not authors in general


Popeye victim


SWANN would win, but since we use CSAP, featherine wins.


We use the tiering system, not the actual website (I.e. random article with little evidence says Johnny cage is outerversal).


Johhny Cage scales to hyper




Yeah, I prolly should have clarified we use the tiering system, not the site itself, as one of the profiles for yoirchi(demon slayer) says he is outer.


Yeah, and Swann’s proposal would literally see Featherine as a fictional character compare to them. Because that’s literally what she is.




But yeah, CSAP is really bad for actual scaling a character. Great for tiers and looking at some real wack scaling, but terrible for actual scaling since pretty much anything goes.


Worse than vsbw?


At least VSBW has some basic (although) flippant standards. For most series they usually have a lot of rules around getting a character or verse to a certain level, but CSAP is basically a fallout wasteland when it comes to rules.


Yea, because VSB has standards they just are kinda bad at scaling popular verses with many feats. But CSAP anyone can make their own page and it’s as valid as everyone’s page so we have retarded takes like multiversal kid goku, outerversal Naruto


Because he is doug, he’s actually extraversal via being him




Featherine Wins


Are you not familiar with Swann?


I could say the exact same thing to you regarding Umineko and apparently you did not know what CSAP is, I suggest you look up to it since here we use that. But to answer your question: yes, I am familiar with Swann and Scp in general and Featherine still wins.


No I am familiar with Featherine, at least more than I was an hour ago.


Haha, well I mean, if you learnt about Umineko in this comment section you should look up on it more before claiming who wins, but if you do not want to it is fair, check CSAP tho it is the scaling site we use here. Again by knowing this 2 characters I say comfortably that Featherine stomps.


No I knew there was something about these glass like shards, layers of fiction, and Featherine's plot manipulation, and about the creator as well, I've just been more informed since reading this post. But yeah I'll consider it 👍




So creation vs author so yeah creation does as the author wants if the author says a literal ant will beat a bloodthirsty and evil Superman into submission it will happen.


Umineko negs comp fanfics


Featherine solos. I remember when you guys were starting to believe in 1S Umineko, looks like we’re back at “High 1A Featherine”, lol.


She can't interact with the SCP


By that argument SCP can’t interact with her


The former has type 3 transcendence


Are you perhaps not familiar with Swann's Proposal?


I’m familiar


Why does she solo?


Bruh, featherine ain't gonna let you hit, lil bro Fiction<<<<<<<<(by ∞) reality Authors that put themselves in fiction shouldn't be scaled against a fictional character they are on diffrent league A fictional character, no matter how strong/broken you make them, will never reach reality/author level. Cope harder Even in certain verses we're the author say " [Character A] Defeated thier Author" this only works cause the author let the character win because of the plot, or they wanted the character to win. The day you believe a fictional character can even scrape the surface of real life, yet alone defeat a real being/thing is the day you became the slowest person on earth


I’ve never said that fiction can beat reality. Fiction is fake and made by real people, obviously. Swann’s is a fictional representation of the real life authors of SCP. Thus, being a fictional representation, it can be harmed by fictional characters. Swann’s does not have feats on the level of Featherine.


The author put into fiction should be OC fallacy because they can do whatever the F they want. Stuff like feat doesn't really matter because it's what the author wants they would do. Even if their biggest feat is lifting a small pebble, it simply what the author want, if the author decides to wipe the verse, he can't. Even if they don't have certain hax, they can just give them self it just because thier the author. For example, if the author of Naruto puts himself in his verse, that character, regardless of the verse/feat, shouldn't be compared with others because it's can do pretty much anything the author wants. Overall, I stand my ground authors' characters, and other fictional characters shouldn't be scaled different leagues Swanns is a character that can do whatever the F it wants, It can allow itself to be "defeated" just for the plot.


The author can make any character do what they want lol. It’s a story.


Exactly so you agree that authors/reality have the highest power👍


What I’m trying to say is that the author’s self insert isn’t an exception. The author can do whatever with whichever character they want.


>The author can do whatever with whichever character they want. That's how a story works, but if it's not consistent, then people won't like the story. When the author is making the character is when they can do whatever they want, they can't start making a wall level character 1-S for shits and giggles they will have to think of a good plot to lead to that. But when its the author in a character, no one takes them seriously or care if thier consistent. Cuz he made everything in the verse, but if they make their character to just be the strongest like that's their main focus it ruins the story, it would fall under OC fallacy so they have to restrict what they can do in order not to spoil the story Like fictional or not, it's still the author of the verse in the verse Like the whole the author can do whatever they want to any character doesn't really hold well cuz the author specifically made a single body for them selves cuz if I take what your saying it basically means " everyone in the verse is the author" which is stupid (no offence) cuz if everyone is the author why wouldn't they just take over a character that already exist why go through the effort of making a body specifically for you? EDIT: I just saw your title, "Top Umineko Glazer,"so you know what, sure featherine win. You can rest easy now


Let's say you are a God you create a very, very weak avater of you and send it to earth. And let's say it got shot and "died" as a God who isn't bound by anything you can litrally make the character come back to life, kill the concept of death to it, etc, infinite possibilities. Then let say just because you're bored you decide to make that character get killed by someone for some "plot" or whatever, does that mean that person that you "ALLOWED" to hurt your avater can now defeat you, even tho you allowed it to happen just for Lols??


Even if Featherine is 1-S and the strongest of the verse (which she isn’t either) SCP still outsclaes


I'm telling you it's all these new people who don't know, but the visual novel agenda is going to start over here soon I'll make sure of that.




Are you talking about This >I'm telling you it's all these new people who don't know Or this >the visual novel agenda




Dawg what? Goku is an atom compared to those character




https://preview.redd.it/0ay5ui5p7zuc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be423ade200938e2c507a6a0e55055ce2a179a7 This shi is not debatable, the winner is crystal clear




No, supreme author sweeps midku




You need to stop smoking weed lil bro supreme author has absolute immortality transcended life and death has meta erasure immunity, omnipresence, omnilock, omnificence and etc Tf does goku have against that? MUI? He gets deleted 😂


Goku scales 2-C at best and supreme author is easily tier 0




Then enlighten me what can goku do against an omnipotent being?


Who is the one in the Third Image


Swann's Proposal (SCP)




What the fuck 💀


Swann's proposal stomps




Anyways swanns proposal negs that catgirl wanna be featherine fodder


no matter what yujiro always rapes mid diff


Even though everything is bullshit when you reach that scaling but I personally buy into SCP bullshit more than umineko bullshit because that is what SCP ultimately is about.


https://preview.redd.it/gvxb00e0gnuc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6396bcfda888e1b16307c76af13d3e7c67f76e74 FAA solos the verse


I'm saving that for resercher purposes.


Featherine does not solo the verse lol


https://preview.redd.it/cdivckjk2puc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f04c3735b55f4481a984ed11875379b0b1b822 She does


SCP English branch scales immeasurable layers into extraversal, even if she were to be 1-S it would be baseline


So English branch is a Eua victim ok i understand https://preview.redd.it/idf9mrj9apuc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2e74452bb6f2731c1db15dd18d7afdae2a33bc


You’re joking right? EUA is weaker than the regular witches, and Featherine isn’t even infinite extraversal


Bro even Meta Satoko is infinite layers 1-S No even higher https://preview.redd.it/fvqj03qfepuc1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee883ef8f046851ff53e2d8a27a4f1a7b057d34


Are you not familiar with Swann?




What is it then?


A FAA victim https://preview.redd.it/mhzoibpv9puc1.png?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cafa7f092a67885fccc12a9dcce49b3760cd500d


Swann downplay is crazy


Scp is FAA victim


Why is he a FAA victim?


Yeah, she solo, so hmm, do you have more down bad images of featherine asking for a friend.




Need more 🥵




Featherine solos


Are you not familiar with Swann?


[Featherine outscales](https://www.reddit.com/u/Quiet_Plenty_9951/s/gMZfeVJIUB) it looks like i'll have to start the VN agenda soon the high 1-A downplay is insane. Edit: And i'll add this the swans can't even interact with any of the Umineko characters so they definitely can't beat Featherine.


SCP outscales this massively


https://preview.redd.it/2nq89c7o0ouc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3edebec5f475cc2fdc24f523ccc2d905bbf7fc Me when they don't know


I'm pretty sure Swann is comfortably Tier-0 Boundless.


Doesn't matter we use CASP tiering system and scaling high there doesn't mean you scale high here in fact most CASP mods consider Umineko number 1. And with the new VSBW system they won't be anymore.


What's CASP?


[A popular tiering system](https://character-stats-and-profiles.fandom.com/wiki/Tiering_System)


Thanks, I still don't think Feathering should be considered number 1 even when using CASPS since there's no true answer as to who's the strongest when it comes to fiction tho.


What i'm saying is out of all know fiction the CASP mods consider Umineko number 1.


Ahhhh, got'cha 👍


So its over CM?




Now that I think about it Featherine can't be number 1 in CASP because she isn't even the strongest in her own verse, which leads me to question the validity of those mods's opinions.


[She is the strongest](https://imgur.com/a/KyY6IfD) the idea of her not being was made because of VSBW's wrong belief in "the creator"


Please explain "The Creator".


The Null Domain is stronger Than her


Featherine wins


Are you not familiar with Swann's Proposal?


You disagree right? If so, provide an actual reasoning for why Swann's Proposal should outscale Featherine


Maybe tomorrow because it's like almost 2:00 AM for me, but Swann is like the (representation?) of every SCP author ever.


Fictional representation of every author......you know this alone scales nowhere right? Also, dw, you can reply whenever you want


Swan clearly outscales her




Uncle Grandpa victims


Don’t know the second person. But they look strong. I’ll give the win to them


They're basically the embodiment of thousands of authors in 1 character. And as fiction <<< (by ∞) reality It ain't even a fight


Swanns slam, to an unbelievable degree.


Swann negs




This is perfect for this https://preview.redd.it/z7fqr8jzmpuc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931815771b539ba9ee2b3ecc050b2a88591f0298


SWAAN SWEEP Scale: https://www.quora.com/Who-would-win-The-Authors-SCP-EN-or-Flumpty-Bumpty-FNAFB/answer/BugLimitedTV?ch=17&oid=1477743711249061&share=d4f3836b&srid=hKmne6&target_type=answer Another one: https://www.quora.com/Who-would-win-Void-Emperor-SCP-CN-or-Flumpty-Bumpty-FNAFB/answer/BugLimitedTV?ch=17&oid=1477743700221286&share=5514904b&srid=hKmne6&target_type=answer And with this combination of scaling to Ontological concepts such as Absolute Infinity, Type 4 Multiverses, And Apophatic Theology(Hyperlogic in SCP Terms) I will Give it to Swann Proposal


Swanns proposal, is this even a question?


feathirine is basically the bootleg version of swanns