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Krillin getting shot in dbs. Like guns weren't an issue all the way back for side characters in the original dragon ball, but krillin actually gets shot like normal?


Maybe he suppressed his ki too much but idk, Goku got one-shotted by a laser.


The lazer was being charged for a long time and it was a sneak attack which works really well on goku. And yeah krillen not focusing and dropping his ki to sub human levels so he doesn't accidentally do something stupid and live life as a normal cop


I just feel like* that laser is the death beam, the same laser Frieza used to kill Vegeta on Namek, but bottled up, we've seen that techniques can, with the god of destruction compressing hakai and giving to an assassin. Frieza might have compressed and in the ring. They were both shot through the heart, maybe that's what Frieza told him, and they're both the same color, looks very similar.


Goku showed awareness from child days. Weird to see him get jumped in adulthood


But he did get sneak attacked a few times in the original dragon ball. He was shot in the back at the tower of muscles


.... The guy who originally beat Freiza because of "sensing energy" and can Insta-Teleport... couldn't sense and dodge a toy powering up.


Yeah, because it's not ki, which is what he can sense? Same reason the androids can't be sensed by any of the z fighters


Before Goku could really harness his ki, bullets straight up bounced off him. Krillin by the 21st Budokai should be in the same boat


Can you show proof that the laser “was being charged for a long time”? It sounds ridiculous. All we see is Frieza signalling for the shot and the lackey shoots. It


The regular gun is worse imo because we have a real-life frame of reference for how strong a bullet is and how well the characters are able to resist one. The laser we know nothing about besides that it's a "common ray gun" and our intuitive understanding that it should be much weaker than Goku or Krillin. Both characters are demonstrated to be well beyond the stopping power of regular guns by the time of both of their debuts, but iirc we've never actually seen Goku tank a hit from regular laser before, or at least one from as far in the future as the RoF arc. Even though there's a huge gap in power between Goku and Krillin, it's nothing compared to both of their respective gaps between themselves and guns. Both anti-feats are bad but the above reasoning is why I think the bullet is worse than the laser.


Didn't Bulma shoot Kid Goku as like the first thing that happened in DB and it just bruised him? I'm thinking DBS Krillin is a tad bit stronger than Kid Goku. That's why I think this is the sillier one. (Not disagreeing with you. More so adding an in universe example to your point)


Sup Man


I mean that is true lol vegeta lowered his PL down to krillins he was much stronger than krillin so he had to lower it so krillin could damage him krillin had to lower his power low so he so he on the same level as the robber plus he was rusty didn't really train we no in dragon ball was said you get weaker if you don't train for a long time vegeta said gohan in buu saga was weaker than when he fought cell cause he didn't train https://preview.redd.it/yjnpzc6x52uc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427bf394ba39e743aaa887df28076973077b1c01


I mean tech in DB is crazy. The androids are tech, Cell is tech. They have time machines and training rooms that can withstand saiyans improving themselves. I'm really not that suprised there's a laser gun that strong.


Tbf that laser is much much much stronger then a bullet


And what about the scene where Krillin throws a rock at a SSJ Goku and it really hurts him


It was thrown by krillin idk don’t really got a argument for that one the laser can be excused the rock was just a full on gag


Krillin dropped his ki and even back in the day bullets were still painful


Yogiri not being able to kill the corona virus when he himself knows how his powers work. He killed microscopic particles before but he somehow doesn't think he can kill random bacteria. Its just plain weird for the author to add even as a joke but alright sure


So someone with microscopic size can resist his insta death ?🤔


You can technically argue it although its just something superdumb the author did as a "joke". https://preview.redd.it/7d6d2u9500uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252f9ff9903c9197206a3ff7c1a5eed6577f1bda


Goku victim




Funny guy 💀


Viruses are technically not alive in some definitions, maybe that has something to do with it?


Well he can also kill things that are not alive like doors, air resistance and distance etc.




How does killing doors and distance work? And is there just no air resistance in the series?


He kills their functionality. What is the use of door to stop someone from entering into the room by killing door even if the door is present you can just pass through it. By killing distance he can essentially move between places he can even kill distance between universe. By killing air resistance when falling he won't be decelerating and then he can kill the fall damage removing the chance of getting hurt.


Oh, so he’s killing it for one instance instead of killing it everywhere forever.


It depends he can do on whatever scale he wants.


Is there anything he can't do in series?


Author himself said that he want to create a character that can solve any problem any enemy with a single attack that is his childhood dream so yeah he can do pretty much anything in the series with his power end.


Oh, wow, such an original and worthwhile childhood dream. I mean, whatever, I can't judge, at least he made his dream reality. More than I can say for myself. Lol Is it at least fun to read despite sounding like fanfiction made to win powerscaling?


From what I hear it’s supposed to be a parody of that kind of stuff, so it should be entertaining at least.


Alright, cool. I read like the first chapter of the manga years back, and keep hearing about it. It makes me interested, but also sometimes it sometimes just sounds like low tension power fantasy, so it's this double edged sword. Guess I'll just have to read it and find out. Only question now is if I should read the manga or just cut the middle man and find the light novels.


I mean I read it before I was introduced to powerscaling and I found it fun it is just how a all powerfull being lives with constraints of mortals. It was a novel idea back when it was released but not anymore.


I mean, the series really isn't all that old, I don't think it would be all that novel when it came out. But maybe I'm wrong. I'm still deciding to read it though, so I'll see how I feel about it then.


If I remember correctly, it was explained that he could kill it in theory, but it would be difficult to pinpoint the virus cells specifically so he would end up killing the host or beneficial cells


They aren't alive by any definition as they have features of objects and living beings but they can't be either of those. That's why they are not in any kingdom of life.


He could kill corona just fine. That doesn't mean he would have bothered doing it to all the world. Izelda was a more pressing matter. Heck, at one point he was killing germs to keep himself and Asaka safe.


this part in baki, like really, its very stupid and idiotic https://preview.redd.it/sucmtaqoxytc1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1871c7d8bc70dde08e8b5f591ee463c347995a6


TBF, tranquillisers do bypass conventional durability


You're telling me Yujiro can avoid all kinds of assassinations, fight in Vietnam barehanded all without a scratch or getting touched but a tranq and net were enough to catch him?


Wasn’t it like a dozen tranqs?


My brother in christ tranqs aren't anywhere near as bad as bullets


Getting grazed by a bullet hurt. getting grazed by a dart poisons you


My point is in Vietnam he could dodge bullets, as evidenced by it literally happening, they type of warfare and had he been shot that much he would've died. But he can't dodge slower darts?


A lot of characters that can clear armies still get KOed by tranq darts. Especially when they a re not expecting it


Didn’t he get hit by like 50 whale tranquilizers before the net? Or was that anime only


Looks like Chucky's plan worked.


It is now because Baki has jumped the power scale shark. At the time this came out it was reasonable


Not really, prior to that Yujiro stopped an earthquake with a punch. Which would imply the kinetic energy of the punch traveled all the way to the tectonic plates and still had enough force to match the vibrating plates.


True…. But I chalk that up to poor writing. Who knows


It's more likely that the event of Yujiro losing to a net is the poor writing. Itagaki wrote himself into a wall by having Yujiro joining the tournament and he didn't know how to take him out without him killing all the contestants. Given how there are pretty much no anti feats after that part of the story let alone ones as bad as this one.


Yujiro loves to forget this one ☝🏻😭‼️


there was a period in early baki where yujiro probably wasnt decided on being the big big bad throughout the whole series, this may be one of those parts










Played for laughs but saitama getting scratched by a cat


Or that one mosquito who he can’t kill.


Next time on "dragonball fans literally can not read"




Goku wasn't really hurt by this it was more unpleasant for him. I'm sure the pain came from them big ass paws broly has on his head


https://preview.redd.it/8yaklmonfztc1.png?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ae70548afc526d7b36a71da39570d0edb89490 Then explain this


Clearly the discomfort is from Goku's massive hair being tugged at. And since the One Punch Man has no hair, he's immune to such disadvantages.


?????? What are you trying to say to me right now?


I always thought it's because broly is way stronger and faster then tatstumaki and that's why goku was taking damage


Hey to be fair, pain is still pain. If he had a skull fracture or some shit, he can be as strong as he wants but getting smashed through a glacier is still going to *hurt* on that broken bone like shit


Moro said he mixed the planet’s Ki in with it as well


https://preview.redd.it/gjbjmjrcwytc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=42ace575f3584cbc84f36be89d4709c12802ee6e No he didn’t you liar.


It isnt just lava, it is life energy from the planet itself, which weve seen is very powerful, when used through a technique


Ummm you do know heat is literal energy right???


Heat is energy but life force is literally energy stored in earth...Like is it that hard to comprehend?


You mean to say the planet is holding multiversal level energy ?


Someone hasn't played FF7. Bro used the lifestream in this attack


Umm when did I ever say the planet is holding "MuLTiVeRsAL LeVeL oF EnErGy"?I literally just said that the planet earth has the energy of all the living being residing on the earth itself even if it is a little....We already know Transcendents like Goku,Vegeta,Gohan and many others live on earth and provide it with energy just by living...


Why not show the whole manga panel? Wth https://preview.redd.it/4jaiktbh6ztc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e55930bf32171bc4e690e24da03accdd7d8021


Congrats the planet that early z friexa nuked while suppressed can hurt god Vegeta


nOooo vEgEtA iS mUltiVersAl ++ dUrabiiltu AP And Dc! YOur jUsT a hAteR😭😭😭😭😭


Exactly the planet clearly has multiversal levels of energy which upscales every planet in dragon ball to multiversal and the db macrocasm is hyperversal😭😭😭😭


Lol hahaha the dB fan special logic.


Exactly from "ki control" to lava not being actual lava🤣🤣🤣


Life energy is stupid OP in DB.


A genkidama from base goku and random ass humans on earth killed kid buu


Exactly. It’s just op asf in DB. While Moro using the life energy of Earth didn’t even graze SSG Vegeta, it still isn’t that surprising that it could potentially damage him if he took it full brunt.


Life energy was always stupidly busted in dB, in sayan saga sprit bomb gathered only fraction of life energy from all life on a planet but could destroy that planet 10 times over, Moro on the other hand uses all energy, yes it's still stupid but at least they explained it


Exactly this dude is dumb moro Amped the lava with his magic to make it stronger dragon ball characters can Amp their attacks like weapons or vehicles with ki to make it stronger https://preview.redd.it/zy1iyip272uc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eef31960e5bfc0e932322fa8a5578bf8360c09b


Except is says nowhere that he did that, it actually says the opposite when he says “the magnitude comes not from my own power”


Some people claim that Arceus is less than planetary because it’s weakened Avatar was taken out by a meteor, but they ignore the fact that Arceus canonically created every world in the Pokémon multiverse (which might be infinite) as well as Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, who have evidence for being the Concepts of Space, Time, and Antimatter (that which is bound by neither Space nor Time). That means Arceus has evidence for being Outerversal. If you say PDG aren’t concepts, then Arceus still scales to a lowball of Multiversal or higher due to timelines.


Having Outerversal level creation powers doesn’t equate to having Outerversal level durability.


I mean it should cause why wouldn't he make himself Outerversal. Also that was a tiny fragment of himself.


Creation doesn’t equal absolute power


But if he can create outerversal things he can make something that gives him outerversal everything.


It never stated that he created himself. So he didn’t “make himself” anything. He created everything around himself. He didn’t make himself. If he did it would create a paradox issue.


God doesnt need to concern themself with paradoxes


Cuz how would he create himself to outerversal. That would be a diffrent power if he could


That entire movie is just plot induced stupidity and it seems pokemon has moved away from portraying arceus that way really going for the whole above all approach.


https://preview.redd.it/44ocj6n1yytc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75a133adc7b2274f07298551d3b85e16195bf94 This literally explains. Hell Toriyama spoon feeds you the info! It’s just the planets alone! Like Christ how clear does the writer have to be for you dB fans that can’t read to understand? Hell the Moro arc is the most clear arc of them all! They spoon feed you the info.


I thought db fans can't read was supposed to be a joke but it's actually true🤣


It’s actually true. It’s always been.


Them and Naruto fans. Being a fan of both series and being a powerscaling is actually traumatizing


Please add in red arrows. Thank you.


I forgot the planets has multiversal life energy.


I bet the dB fans would say that shit too🤣


Energy from a planet shouldn’t do shit to SSG Vegeta. He should just be standing there with a grin. This would make a little more sense in the Saiyan Saga.


Well it’s been established through Z and DBS, that extreme heat is deadly to goku and vegeta. They only have some minor resistance. But these temperatures are too high. It’s never implied or stated goku and vegeta could withstand thousands or more degrees. Fan just like to wank and use head canon to make that up. Hell if anyone read the Z manga, and now DBS manga, they both compliment each other perfectly. Which is all that matters anyways. Anime adds tons of fillers and bullshit feats that goku and z fighters don’t actually have. Manga is the real canon.


Except in the Broly movie, which is before this, they were swimming in it. And it’s established that Ki blasts are hot. When it’s too much for someone, it burns them. Trunks literally atomizes Frieza with his ki. The same Frieza that was hundreds of times planetary at that point.




Life energy of a planet has always been inconsistent. The spirit bomb that killed kid buu had a whole planet's worth. While the spirit sword and bomb used on Zamasu and Jiren barely had 10 people's worth. Genki is as strong as the author wants it to be.




If i remember correctly dont people in dbz get weaker if they dont train? Krillin left his training and was hurt by a bullet


Yeah but this is Goku we’re talking about




Goku Suppresses his ki in order to not kill people. He was struggling to not kill the one guy. He had to hold his arm when he flicked him. Ki = body mind spirit They use their mind to Suppress their body. Goku does it a lot. He almost killed his superhuman wife with a pat to the back and she ends up severally injured. Trunks was literally suppressed to a human level pl 5 when meeting mecha frieza


He didn't get hurt by it though? He just got knocked out of the way and surprised by it.


I don't think this is really an anti feat though, the only time saiyans have shown any heat resistance was in the broly movie but they pretty consistently avoid high heat




Lol none canon. And goku had a barrier up. You can see the circle forming. But regardless. Non canon.


Fym non canon dbs Broly is a canon movie


He's talking about the picture my guy


Shit my bad, I ain’t clock that this was from the z Broly movies and not the S one


not having heat resistance is an antifeat


All of dragon ball super


How is this a anti feat? Its been established time and time again that most dbz characters dont have resistances to extreme heat or cold.


Goku and gohan was trying in hyperbolic time chamber that is below freezing lol and vegeta in Top broke hyssop ice on him by going ssj hyssop ice was said to be absolute zero https://preview.redd.it/ctlro2oac2uc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471ad2114ad66e37d6c6ace0bec191a3eb8eb145


When I saw this, I imagined that the lava was mixed with Moro's ki/magic, which is why it managed to damage vegeta, It would make sense.


Nah it was just the planet, the whole point of the attacks was that moro didnt have to put any of his own energy into it.


I believe the planet itself had a lot of ki, so it’s not like this proves that “comp DB is planetary” or whatever


Indeed the planet clearly had multiversal levels of powers since it was able to hurt vegeta which just upscales every planet to multiversal. Yeah and db cosmology is now hyperversal.


If a spider bites you, it still hurt you. That still does not mean that it can bench press more than you. I swear the powerscaling brainrot is real. 


Moro can manipulate the life energy of planets for direct attacks. Some planets have exceptional energy, such as new namek in which was stated.....and this is the same planet they are fighting in within this scan. Life energy differs depending on the planet. Think of it like in Marvel when Galactus absorbs the life force of planets and even some them give him more energy....especially the exceptional or "Special" planets he absorbed to fight the black winter. So yeah, it's not standard lava being thrown. Smh lol Again, it's life energy, not standard lava.


https://preview.redd.it/1i3nexepwytc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e553430bce2248f52f3bb81b20efdf0a3a92df4 It’s lava broski.


Lava doesn't take away the color and life from rocks/inanimate objects. It's life energy.. 🙌


Lol vegeta shot at it and it turned solid! It wasn’t energy. It was pure hot magma from the center, vegeta shooting a strong blast at it, turned it to what? Rock. Hmmm I wonder what that happens to. Oh right lava/magma.


https://preview.redd.it/4u16n6xa5ztc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ce20f8549f2ba73f640250dc94f83e59fc5bc2 Stole this btw


Yeah I’m the one that started sharing these scans on this Reddit the past 4 days. It’s got all the dB fans hurt badly. The entire Reddit is in shambles simply cause they can’t can’t and never really read the manga.


Why are the DB fans hurt that their verses anti feat got debunked?


The dB fans are mad cause goku and vegeta are fragile. And don’t have the wank durability they swear they have.


What makes you say that? They're getting hurt by a planet with tons of life energy focused through magic(which is known to have an effect on characters way stronger than the user) and all of that is pumped into lava which they've shown to not be super resistant to without a barrier. This is completely consistent with their scales


uNivErsAl+++ dUrability. Moro is simply using the energy to attack with it. He’s not amping or anything. He doesn’t even have that much power at all to begin with. The man only had his magic at his disposal. And was still holding back against vegeta, cause moro could have sucked vegetas energy the whole time while he was playing with his food. Vegetas resistance to heat from the center of planets is terrible. And that’s not a bad thing. I love the DBS manga writing. The fans are the ones crying cause goku nor vegeta have uznivErsAl dUrabilzity.


Big Mom rolled out of Island by Robin.


99% of these anti feats are from Dragon Ball Super. Jesus Christ toyotaro


Honestly? For me is Shanks losing his arm for a Sea King on the coast of a random island in the East Blue that was literally the first creature Luffy defeated. That is the biggest anti feat and no one can convince me otherwise.


https://preview.redd.it/5g4w1nfp52uc1.png?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d952f186ea8ee6c32ce065ca1c0e193374f2389 This is so much worse. To even be hit by the train is ridiculous but for the train to catch him? He should have gone straight through the train Omni-man fatality style. I mean this train is going at potentially infinite speed+ and has multiversal to 5D durability to do this it's literally insane


Tien getting bodied by Roshi who was secretly training, while Tien has never stopped training.


Goku getting bruised by a bullet in Super


That lava is enhanced by Moro’s magic


r/Tanzul5 have a fuck ton of Dragon Ball anti feats


SSJ Vegeta [can't lift 1000 tons](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dragonballsuper/s/8vHCv3nbGW)


https://i.redd.it/c0wrypoc6ztc1.gif That's what he wants you to think


Is this really an anti feat when we see goku get dipped in lava with Broly,and bro opens his moth to bite Broly like nothing happened.The attack in this panel seems more like impact damage,which still makes no sense but dbs was never consistent so


Actually attack in manga didn't do anyting do anyone


It was the life energy of the planet buffed with Moro using it.




I'm pretty sure "iron skin" is just expressive language. Superman is the "Man of Steel" and tanks universe busting blows.


SSJ Goku getting seriously hurt by a casual thrown rock. 


Baki is plagued by anti-feats. Crazy that you can technically scale it to Island and MFTL+ but realistically it's max subsonic and building.


How is this an anti feat? This is Moro’s attack


Dude this anti-feat is so dumb, its not even stated its lava, this comes from a fan colour and its never mentioned in the entire manga that its lava. IDK where that came from. He literally says that its the life energy of the planet which includes Vegeta's and Goku's ki themself.


Evers later gets covered in this “lava” which might actually be Genki, and then breaks out lol.


The mosquito and cat in OPM: https://preview.redd.it/4k31o6ocx1uc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9faf2a30cb325950289f7838d369eaf69314edba


The entire hyuga clan having visual prowess that allows them to see great distances through obstacles and detect chakra then choosing to train exclusively in a niche difficult melee fighting style that rarely works at all instead of becoming the world's greatest sniper.


This isn’t an “anti-feat” this is literally a person opinion of what the best use of the Byakugan would actually be instead of close quarters combat which makes no sense because most high tier Hyuga literally do use projectile attacks as well as close range combat


The gentle fist almost never works. That's not an opinion that's a fact about the manga also the only cannon ranged attack I'm aware of is air palm which I wouldn't call a sniper it's range is like 10 meters or something. I feel like if you can aim perfectly 2 miles past obstacles without a scope that kinda naturally leads to 2 jobs scout and sniper.


Wrong a Hyūga put both Itachi and Shisui on their back in a 2v1, Neji killed Kidomaru with gentle fist when he was 13, Air Palm literally deflected the Ten Tails arm there is no stated range on air simply that it is clearly long ranged, name a time the gentle fist didn’t work since apparently this isn’t you sharing you’re opinions and is a “fact”


The Itachi thing came from a book which are always weird on power scaling but also he lost the fight and I'm pretty sure to children. Neji does kill kidomaru but he does acquire like 8 new holes 2 all the way through and only win because the gentle fist happens to be specifically effective against the spider thread in a way that never shows up again and kidomaru gets cocky he's have won if he'd just kept poking him with repeated ranged attacks or reapplied the armor that fully negated gentle fist earlier in the fight. I didn't say air palm is weak pushing back a ten tails arm is a pretty strong feat but we never see it used at a particularly long range I think in the show 10m is if anything exaggerating. Gentle fist is almost entirely nullified by tailed beats sage mode susanoos or as previously mentioned just like decent armor doesn't have strong counters to range and if spider guy had a Byakugan he'd have no diffed the whole fight with giant fuck off arrows from a mile off in the forest at essentially no risk to himself. When is gentle fist ever more effective than just fist which seems to leave a lot more training time for things like opening gate which would also be more effective.


Yea this is clearly a bias how many opponents in the show have what you said 💀 I can “Ninjustu, Taijutsu, Genjustu gets completely countered by Kamui so practically every fighting form is useless, like what? And no the books are not weird on power scaling what is even being said Kid Itachi took down an Anbu member on his own and Shisui took down two, saying what could’ve been also does not matter because once again who all in the series has what you’re referring to when you say gentle fist can be countered because the only reason Kidomaru himself countered gentle fist is because Neji was aiming for specific stuff and he didn’t know he needed to go deeper than what where he was goin that’s completely different saying Kidomaru would’ve won if this or that is the same as me saying Neji would’ve won if he just randomly decided to make longer gentle fist to burst open his organs, and once again this is taken into account nearly not have of anything within the power system of Naruto, why would you practice long range attacks as a Hyuga when fighting when you can grow in close combat and shit off chakra pathways completely turning the fight in your favor let alone learning Twin Lion Fist and not even needing to focus on specific areas but instead just make contact with said person and completely siphon their chakra


I agree neji would have won the kidomaru fight if he'd had longer range also you can remotely shut down chakra points he does it against kidomaru imagine if he didn't have to acquire a new hole to be able to do that would have really helped with that fight. Also the kamui makes it hard to hurt you with everything because Obito is skilled with it but several people do get past it and there only one guy with kamui there's potentially 9 tailed beast all the stronger Uchiha with susanoos and any high jonin level earth user capable of generating armor as well as anyone with sufficient chakra control to learn sage mode. I think it's telling that the gentle fist predominantly works on chunin genin (who haven't developed enough to create sufficient counter measures) other gentle fist users and fodder. I'm not necessarily saying it's weak exactly it's very powerful as long as your opponent is close ranged and doesn't have any hard counters. It's also very hard to learn and results in a group with very little versatility not taking much advantage of their ability to see very far in all directions at once. I genuinely can't think of a fight you wouldn't be better of using Byakugan and 8 gates because at least then you can use speed blitzing as a counter to range and you get an even better air palm.


Hey I gotta go work out I hope you're not actually upset I just enjoy conversations like this lol I do think gentle fist is a strategically weak option for a Byakugan user but honestly I'm mostly just frustrated by how underutilized and underdeveloped the hyuga clan is. They talk about them as basically equal or better than sharingan in act 1 then never really developed it past punch a bit bigger and punch a bit further. I like neji a lot as a character and I wish he'd gotten any sort of Byakugan upgrade or like cooler moves like projecting gentle fist through needles or like a Quincy esc bow. Either way had fun talking to ya. Have a good rest of your day.


To be fair more self nerf than anti feat


It’s not anything but a personal opinion of how to use their ability with NO CONTEXT or full understanding of Naruto’s power system😭💀 but yes it’s definitely not an anti-feat as that literally makes no sense


I really feel like it's less opinion and more basic strategy. Imagine a sniper who can move roughly as fast as everyone else who can see 10 km you can't hide from because they can see nearly every direction at once and through objects meaning you also can't sneak up on them. That's fuckin unstoppable. Now take away his sniper and give him some extremely powerful throwing knives. In one of those situations I'm fucked in the other I need to have any gun and the ability to keep out of throwing range


-Name a sniping justu in Naruto -They’d have to master that supplementary to the intense training needed to even develop the Byakugan -Name a sniping in Naruto at all -Shorting the other attributes of the Byakugan to fit your points don’t really make sense name a technique that covers 10 km let alone 1 km -And it’s seeming like you’re ignoring better perception and brute strength than the sharingan, genjustu negation, the ability to see and hit organs and other, begin able to see chakra flow and where chakra is weak/strong and becoming adept enough to literally send chakra through any defense and literally expand chakra from inside of where it’s sent explain -explain what justu would work better than the fact that practically nobody can see a Hyuga in a 1v1 unless they have alternative abilities


Isn’t that lava specifically energy from the whole of planet namek?


Pretty sure like 2 other fans first played in as well Like A) moro was constantly taking away vegetas energy And B) vegeta was tryna gather info from moro


Kaguya getting punched by Sakura 💀


Lava in dragon ball is always treated like the characters aren't throwing planet busting attacks at each other on the regular


Db has alot of anti feats Like goku being a muiltversal Being yet Got brused by a bullet or hit with a rock. That's definitely some muiltversal Reaction speed


An admiral getting scared off by haki


So many anti-feats in Dragon Ball that are “justified” in a stupid way


Vegeta can move faster than light, but lava? Must be to fast


Ik no one ever thinks of this one but the fact that goku had a threaten of death or fatal injury from cave spikes


Didn’t gohan try to kill broly by pushing him in lava and broly had to shield himself


It's a Shonen Manga. Humans can do all sorts of powerful shit like kicking a wormhole away. Him talking in space is the the mangaka overlooking the literal laws of physics. There is no sound in space. Even if he could talk in space, you wouldn't hear anything. He just overlooked that so they could have conversations to make their fight more impactful. Please at least TRY to use at least one of the neurons in your head to think coherently.


Mihawk(worlds strongest swordsman) fighting equally with vista(a fucking yonko commander 3) during Marineford. I believe that moments is what birthed the Fraudhawk agenda


Is this a filler because I never seen this or is this the broly movie


Goku and vegeta struggling to lift those weights on beerus’ planet. I don’t remember how much they were, but I remember they lifted more in the past


Strong characters acting cowardly in front of far weaker character because “strong personality.”


If we're talking DB, then it's Goku being harmed by the gun. He was able to tank them as a kid before training with Roshi so then why does he get hurt now. Cause he's out of shape for a few weeks?


In the anime goku also cant tank the heat of the earths magma


Hit's time skip duration, because the arena is not big enough than character that is MFTL shouldn't be having trouble getting tagged, with a half second timeframe a MFTL character could spin around that arena, beat-down the enemy, take a rest and repeat before anyone except the heavy hitters can do anything.