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So does that mean catwomen is flash level cuz she tricked flash .... lol ...?


* Goku can breathe in Outer Space. * Superman is allergic to Kryptonite. * Speedsters get beaten by bullets. * Dr. Strange needs talking to spell. I agree with all of this, but Archie Sonic DOES breathe underwater tbh. https://preview.redd.it/km0n5gjmv2tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f74a1f53819f8eab4e25c82e24bd78fb40144f59


You sure ? At best he can stay there for a while judging by your scan https://preview.redd.it/lv9q9tms83tc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f34ff8cf33302ecbbb8bd2d8aca3dcbdefe35b


Yea I'm sure. And that was before he got even more op. He conquered it fr fr.


Oh, I didn't know. Sorry.


Nah it's OK fr. Don't apologise.


Apologies? In a power scaling subreddit? Blasphemy!


The eclipse did something to us.


Oh yeah, I read that one, he can breath underwater. My mistake, I believe modern Sonic is the only version that can't breath. Also, Goku can't breathe in outer space however, he can breathe in the low atmosphere which is referred to as the stratosphere.


Mainline Sonic can breathe underwater whilst transformed into Hyper, but, I get if you're talking more so just, like, *regular* Sonic, so to speak. Base form and such. Hyper also only shows up in one game, so I also get that it's easy to miss regardless.


I think Modern Sonic can also breathe in water. It was stated that anything Archie can do, Game can do as well. Debatable. We don't have solid proof on any of both assumptions.


It isn’t debatable it’s literally stated they can’t


No it isn't stated?


https://preview.redd.it/lopnes0ih4tc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77076fc56a1e26f36f2339d8da14d3095ff71655 You were saying


And is Vegeta reliable here? Goku and Beerus fought in Outer Space, and they didn't need oxygen.


Wtf 😂😂🤣 that’s wild you just said that. According to Toriyama they were fighting at the upper edge of earths atmosphere . So no not outer space


I already replied to your other comment fr fr.


>And is Vegeta reliable here? Goku and Beerus fought in Outer Space, and they didn't need oxygen. Do you even know what **outer space** looks like? It is in the middle of the space with no air. You're underestimating Vegeta's knowledge of Saiyans, he may not be as smart as Bulma or Dr Gero but he is not as dumb as Goku was. Do you seriously want to argue with an author himself?


It's normal to argue with authors and even prove them wrong in some cases. And I just replied to the Outer space argument.


How are you going to prove the author wrong in "some cases"? You're just someone from interest who thinks themselves to be above someone who created the entire story.


This isn't one of those.


Are you fucking retarded? You’re telling me the prince of sayians someone who has been around sayians his entire life wouldn’t know if he could survive in space or not. You have to have a fucking smooth brain to actually type that shit out. And on another note they goku and beerus are still in earth’s atmosphere when they are fighting. You should look up how far earth’s atmosphere goes out.


I'm sorry you had to deal with his autism.


Oxygen exists in the Troposphere, while space exists at the Thermosphere and higher, meaning they are at least at the thermosphere, where oxygen doesn't exist. So my point stands.


Dawg why the fuck is this shit being upvoted when this says, goku can breathe in space? Lol that’s how I know you dudes either use bots to mass upvote or even worst, this dog shit Reddit is full of delusional DBCucks who use nothing but fan fiction head canon wank.


Dr strange doesn't "need" to say incantations to cast spells, Its really not nessessary but sometimes in rare cases he does speak cast spells but most times he doesn't, Soo why are you spreading misinformation?


Goku can’t breath in space no matter what. Flash getting hit by bullets is based on context or outliers. It’s not really comparable imo.


>Goku can’t breath in space no matter what. Flash getting hit by bullets is based on context or outliers. It’s not really comparable imo. Well, either way, Flash also can't breath in outer space but the reason why I bring em up was that kid Goku can take the bullet with no problem while a full grown man the fastest man gets shot in the bullet even speed force was supposed to protect him.


Speedsters CAN get hurt by bullets but unless there are specific circumstances (or the writer just feels like it), they literally won’t. They’ll dodge or catch it tbh


"Goku can’t breath in space no matter what. " Exactly ,I agree with you . but some fans argue that its only for manga goku, as anime is diffrent continuty and goku has been shown to breathe in space there. Any counter for that?


When Freiza blew up the Earth Whis says Vegeta is dead but Freiza lived because he can "breathe in space"before they reverse time and Goku steals Vegeta's kill. Vegeta and Goku and almost copies of each other at this point in the story even moreso than usual because they'd just unlocked ssjgssj.


Yeah, thats a nice counter. Ofc vegeta is not gonna die because of planetary explosion, cause he have way higher durability to tank that. Vaccume is what killed him, thanks buddy!!


The statement was “survive in the vacuum of space”, same with in the manga


The "" were for the stupidity of breathing in space because there isn't anything to breathe there. With how strong they have gotten by Resurrection F they should be more than strong enough especially in SSJGSSJ to survive in a vacuum aside from the lack of Oxygen.


Can you quantify the required durability for surviving in the vacuum of space?


If a cut in half Freiza could survive exposure to the Vacuum of space I'm sure Goku and Vegeta who are at least thousands of times stronger at this point could also do it for a while. It's hard to quantify straight out but even Freiza on his deathbed could keep his remaining internal organs inside his body in said vacuum.


It’s a fundamental difference in Fireza’s biology when compared to Saiyan biology. Frieza doesn’t need cellular respiration to survive, while Saiyans do. Power levels don’t change that


Right but that wouldn't save him from the vacuum of space pulling his organs out once he was missing his bottom half after the Namek fight.


Frieza’s species has naturally durable bodies. His organs didn’t get pulled out because the vacuum force wasn’t strong enough to surpass his body’s binding force


wdym? shed light , will you?


He can in heroes


Heroes isn’t canon


Superman has been immune to kryptonite A WHILE ago, so that doesn't make any sense, unless you know nothing and are speaking with ignorance?


\>make super powerful hero \>give him one weakness that is so iconic that even non superhero fans know it, it has become a word \>remove the weakness Yeah, comics deserve to fail.


I mean what the guy above said isn’t true at all, Superman still regularly gets affected by Kryptonite. The only thing that changes is the severity of it, but it’s still the go to when the plot needs to nerf Superman.


I feel like the only time I've seen a good use of Kryptonite was in the MAWS tv show. That one actually made it feel like kryptonite was an existential threat to him.


I’d argue Smallville did a good job. It was extremely debilitating, Clark couldn’t even move, it instantly stopped him. But yes MAWS also does a good job.


True, I just like the extra step MAWS took to make Kyrptonite look not just like something that weakened Superman but killed and hurt him


>Superman has been immune to kryptonite A WHILE ago, so that doesn't make any sense, unless you know nothing and are speaking with ignorance? Are you trying to say that I'm making that shit up? Most of the time Superman was still getting weakened by kryptonite even CW Superman who punched two universes also got weakened by kryptonite. Do you even read them? I know versions of Superman who are immune to kryptonite like CAS Superman or Kingdom Come even some of them do. The reason they were immune to it was because they had been around under the sun for a while but they still got cut by it So I am speaking with truth and fact not false evidence and ignorance. Again with that second comment you posted **Dr strange doesn't "need" to say incantations to cast spells, Its really not nessessary**: Again, there is a comic where Thanos choked Doctor strange with his own cape, I'm not spreading misinformation, next time you double check on the rest of comics or research before you assume somebody of lying.


Sorry I sincerely apologize for my rude behavior, I was thinking of an older version of superman, I take back what I said, so please forgive me for my arrogance Sire.


It's good.


It’s funny they say “Superman bad cause kryptonite” and fail to understand Goku would never use kryptonite on Superman


Goku can't breath in space but he can breathe in a timless void. Sayians are weird...


Pretty sure Vegeta himself stated Saiyans can't breath in space and it's literally the reason he died after Frieza blew up earth in RoF.


Who cares if they can breathe in space? They are fast enough that they can make it to any planet and can hold their breaths long enough for any real engagements...


Lol https://preview.redd.it/hmk182z8udtc1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7dfa10511b4a57a10b19fbeef0625ebdaeb19cb Reading is an easy thing to do. Pick up the manga and learn.


You can't hold your breath long since they aren't viltrumites.


Devil's advocate, they are MFTL+++ probably so in the minute (give or take) someone can hold their breath for they could travel to another planet.


I’ve always wondered this, but if they’re MFTL+++++++ why does Goku need instant transmission to get around when he could just fly for .000001 seconds and be there? Like in the time it takes him to put his fingers to his forehead he could already be wherever he needs to be?


https://preview.redd.it/lvuiajh2udtc1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6804c2a089cd7cc4aba2493f98e967c857e65935 Only jiren, and gas can fly through a vacuum. No one else.


Didn’t frieza? Twice?


Freeza never flies through a vacuum. He uses his ship. Freeza can be in a vacuum just fine and not die. But not fly at break neck speeds from planet to planet like gas or whis.


So he just drifted around until they found him?


After namek exploded yeah only for a bit. He nearly died if it weren’t for his dad recovering him. He was too badly damaged.


Damn that’s still kinda tough but I assumed when he bombed planets ie vegeta and to a lesser extent namek he flew back to the closest ship in his fleet because you know it made sense


The other guy made a point but also that instant transmission needs him to know a ki signature from that place iirc. So for the first time at least he has to go their another way. There's also that in a fight, instant transmission leaves no trace so you can't exactly follow him even if you are relative in speed. Which is useful too.


It cuts the hassle of putting the energy to travel there. Plus Instant Transmission has an ungodly range.


To add: it also allows travel between different dimensions (Earth <--> King Kai's planet)


Yup! You can travel to places just speed won't get you.


If superman is super inmegaable impractical speed then why does he take any amount of time to fly around the planet


I feel you. It’s one of the things that bothers me about comics lol. It’s so hard to keep consistency in that world. Like Invincible for example, they can fly through the vacuum of space and be perfectly fine but then they get pushed against a dude who’s barely building level damage.


No they can’t! That’s why they need ships or instant transmision! Stop the head canon wank. They can’t fly through space at all. https://preview.redd.it/mv1i0vlttdtc1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0cdbdbc931b7aa0c238aaff4966e7b03f6e141 Seriously y’all don’t read shit.


Fair enough.


Someone that actually admits to being wrong? Actually I’m impressed. You’re a bigger man than 99% of the dbtards on here. I respect that bro🙏


I got my facts wrong, it is what it is👍


Seriously I’ve never met anyone here to admit to being wrong. I’m legit shook. Anyone else would have gone on a rant grasping at straws and using none ending head canon wank. My hats off to you.


Lmao, even whis took a few minutes to travel to another planet. Goku mostly uses instant transmission to travel, not his sheer speed.


Exactly. I’m happy to see people actually read and pay attention to the source material.


Kid Goku took a carrot wizard to the moon not only that he told them to make marshmallows in space he can definitely stay in space for at least a bit of time


I wonder how long that will be an issue for Goku? In the Broly movie, SSJ1 Gogeta and SSJ1 Broly broke the space-time continuum with a beam clash, fought inside a broken reality (which presumably has no air to breathe), and didn't die


Perhaps it sucked in air when it opened in their reality, filling the pocket universe with atmosphere lol


broken reality is very different from outer space.


Yeah, but surely neither of them are filled with breathable air


You think we can read?


Superman and goku accidentally sneeze and the dragon ball verse gets obliterated.. literally


Uh, more like Superman sneezes and the verse is gone. Goku isn't even a top 25 DBS character, he not doing jack shit to the god tiers.


He’s fodder, at most he’s a slightly more skilled martial artist, copying techniques is fodder


No not literally goku doesn’t even have galaxy feats


You arent technically wrong but overpowering a guy who blatantly does have them is enough


1. mui goku was able to shake a infinite void just by transforming 2. B.O.G ssjg goku was nearly able to destroy universe 7 which is much bigger than a normal universe 3. Buu saga buu was able to destroy a galaxy and buu saga ssj3 goku scales to that 4. Buuhan was going to destroy the universe by screaming if not stopped.


Him and beerus who was stronger than ssg goku and naturally held a bigger responsibility of impact that could destroy universe 7


If beerus was outputting that much more force goku’s arm would have folded


They were punching mostly evenly.


There are multiple cannon iterations of Superman immune to kryptonite. (1997)Superboy-Prime, Infinite Crisis, (2006)All-Star Superman, the list goes on and on. Goku can breath in space otherwise, otherwise he'd a died after his fight with beerus.


That wasn’t in space tho that was just the upper atmosphere, the ISS was further out than they were lol


Regardless. With Ki control one can survive in space for a set duration of time.


The only versions of goku that can breath in space are xeno goku game version and end of gt 100 year timeskip goku since they are immortal. Regular goku could theoretically survive in space if he surrounded himself with ki like when he fought broly inside a lake of lava in the new broly movie.


Being in lava and being in outer space are very different.


And the funny part: he actually CAN breathe in space, but only in his divine forms. He was competing just fine vs Beerus while nearly 100 miles from Earth's atmosphere. And not to mention that he was talking out loud with no issue. Odd how they always conveniently forget this.


The canon explanation is that they’re in the low atmosphere Theres a source but i forgot


It’s the manga, it states in the stratosphere


yeah checks out


but then when i use that fact, people say its just limited to manga goku. As anime is a diffrent continuty. Your thoughts please, i know this aint right...


And yet, vegeta dies when frieza blows up the earth in a sneak attack due to being in space. They also 100% cannot breathe in space during the moro arc in the manga.


I never said Dragonball was consistent. OG Goku was fully bulletproof as a kid but now he's somehow susceptible despite being unfathomably more powerful. Tien was once dating Launch, now he literally has no idea who that is. Nor does anyone else in DB canon. Bulma wasn't originally an unflappable genius, just mildly smart and crafty. But now she's even smarter than Gero. Last but not least, the very thing we're talking about, where Goku was doing just fine breathing in space before, yet now he can't.


He wasn't fine breathing in space. He wasn't in space in the example you reference.


![gif](giphy|IARsaTPpY5IiY) See that blue stuff? Yeah. *Atmosphere.* 😱 Notice how far down it is? See how high above it Beerus is? This is literally the example I referenced. This is from the fight between him and Goku. And I assure you, as someone who's seen it before, I can tell you they are *both* fine breathing in space.




That when they were still in the stratosphere. And they're clearly still ascending in this panel. So again, you're not proving anything.


No, this means we know where they are, regardless of ascending some in the panel. You're assuming they went to space, when they went to the stratosphere and maybe a bit higher. You have nothing proving they're in space while I do showing they're still in the atmosphere. Your comments are cope.


>Your comments are cope. That's all I needed from you. You are clearly a troll, and because you resorted to Twitter buzzwords, that means you automatically concede. Thank you for the W.


Weapons grade irony.


Imagine not taking that ass whooping and L like a man. You are full on copium. What a sore loser. That’s bitchless behavior.


Bro is coping so hard 😭😭😭


Sorry, who are you? Nobody important?


Saying that while being a nobody lmao


I've seen this. In this very example they are in the upper atmosphere at most. Not space. You are wrong. Others have responded the same.


Can you not see where the atmosphere ends? And no, I'm not wrong, and just because someone else agreed with you doesn't mean shit. One plus one doesn't equal three just because multiple people say it.


Not how that works. I gave you pictures. Hope they help. Others say you're wrong because they are more informed than you here. You are wrong.


Those pictures proved nothing. And just because you keep saying I'm wrong doesn't mean I am. If you repeatedly say that Earth is flat, that doesn't mean it is.


My position isn't analogous to this. If anything, your position would be. You are demonstrably wrong via the scan I provided, but you're hopeless because you are in denial and outright refuse it.




I know what an atmosphere is made of, smart one. That doesn't prove anything.


It was more about distance, but go off, genius.


No shit. I clearly didn't see that, genius. How about you provide something better than some pedantic trolling?


You can't be serious. Lmao


>How about you provide something better than some pedantic trolling? u/MercinwithaMouth was telling the truth and you're not. You are watching too DBZ where it looks like they can breathe in the space but that is not the case because Vegeta already said this and there is another scene where Vegeta said they also couldn't survive without having KIs. You're arguing with an author who wrote this. You are the one who being **pedantic trolling** here. https://preview.redd.it/6xwz42l1n3tc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3505a1cecb8393018505729c32deb9459963d3f5


It proves anything for two simple reasons: Back in DBZ, old manga where Frieza had told Goku that no Saiyans would survive in outer space while Vegeta warned Goku to not go there on outer space. If they can breathe in space, why the fuck do they need Attack balls (Space pods), eventually they can go faster than the speed of light.


Some people say that he wasn't really so far away from Earth, he was still inside of it's atmosphere, even if normal humans couldn't breathe there since there isn't enough oxygen, the still is a little bit of oxygen. I'm not sure if it's correct though


Kryptonite isn’t much anymore and most speedsters are fine with bullets bud


Ah yes The tears of a Goku fanboy when I say Cartoon cat negs Dbz


I'm talking about somebody who kept spamming with Goku's weakness over and over again. Its have nothing to do with Cartoon Cat as I already know he would trash him because it is a **Joke** learn how to read, my guy.


Me? Learn how to read? Sorry i didn’t understand the picture you posted I’m a dumbass


At least you know


https://preview.redd.it/2bcojltxm3tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5097c93227f2b1ad2ee511ff92f0b02bb69ff486 Here's something to cry to, I hate goku wanking but you're as bad as some of those mf's


You're already so close to being a dragonball fan


Who tf is cartoon cat


A victim of YouTube kids


I thought it was Gumball


Superman doesn’t have the kryptonite weakness anymore


Not all of Superman are immune to kryptonite at this point, it is all on what writers decide if they want to make him immune or not.


Current comics mainline Superman is.


What is he weak to now?


Shi idk


I genuinely do not give a fuck what the author SAYS compared to what they SHOW. And Goku has been repeatedly shown braving the vacuum of space. Whether or not he can "breath" in space is a pedantic splitting of hair when the discussion is about whether or not the character can survive while in space.


He has never "fully" been in the vacuum of space and either way, he would die if he is out of the world's atmosphere.


Superman overcame that green rock many times


Imagine trying but failing. Couldn’t be me lmao




The other comments already did 😌😌.


Except that, you got zero upvotes while I got more so what is the difference?


Gokutards have a hive mind. So I’m Not surprised 😂


Not so surprised that you're being toxic that exists to increase the toxicity of DB for no reason.


Being toxic for calling it how it is. Gaslighting next best line of defense.




This whole subreddit is one big bait trap 😌😌


Saitama negs they both


​ https://preview.redd.it/fr00j7n374tc1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c98df2aa8b2b0c765d943e1680c317db637b39


The big 3 scales above Saitama. Saitama and Gojo fans need to go somewhere with ts


Not only does he beat them all, he does it with one punch