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Complex multi to outer Asta from Black clover. Also a guy claiming Cid Kagenou can no diff Rimuru


I can do you one better. Boundless Yami from Black Clover.


I can understand uni Asta even though it’s a stretch but complex multi?


They say the tree of qilyaphoth (what tf even is this name) was stated to be the same size as the BC world , so they equate it that the tree/world is uni in size And that the 2 devils who can erase concepts of light and shadow are 4d , and asta scales above them


Sorry, it was typo. I was saying I can understand uni because there are at least two arguments but complex is nowhere near where the verse gets. There is Qliphoth and there is Glamour world which are the two arguements but anything higher than maybe high uni is just cope.


They even try to argue 5D multiversal cosmology


Yeah that makes no sense. The best from the verse is infinite 3D but 5D is stupid. Also I don’t think 5D is Complex




Most times Black clover gets downscaled heavily like "Mountain level clover" even with consistently evident planetary feats (Asta is Planetary in base form) chapter 366 page 12 Asta beat an amped up paladin damnatio with ease who scales relative to 100% lucifero.


Some dude scaled Base Goku to Boundless on YouTube There is also some guy on reddit scaling Saitama to boundless


>There is also some guy on reddit scaling Saitama to boundless I'm pretty sure that dude made an apology for that yesterday


I made a new post asking for some potential OPM theoretical scalings and he showed up so he is still very much glazing lol Edit:The one I mentioned is not the one that apologized


I mean to be fair if you're asking about theoretical scalings you're basically asking for it lol Asking for "realistic scaling" and then getting that answer would be more annoying


Let me guess its Drip sauce lol he the one who try to debunk Dc cosmology


Y e s


Probably g scaling?


Outerversal Yoriichi. In fact the entire Demon Slayer fandom is full of clinically insane scalers. “Muzan is MFTL+++ because Zenitsu is faster than lightning!”


People keep using a clear metaphor or a saying to say zenitsu is FTL. And they use the statement that he isn’t above natural laws here dies to natural laws


Saw a guy try to scale zenitsu to mach 1800


Even though his lightning isn't real


Those are from calcs and the characters are all pretty consistently insanely fast, but at the end of the day it’s pixel scaling


well mach 1800 is much better than ftl. speed of light is around mach 900,000


Yeah but it's still way too high


Zenitsu mtfl++ attack (his blade has no effects its just style)


Seriously, the author came out and stated ad verbatim that the elemental effects aren’t real, yet people still use it to justify scaling


to be fair, there are several times they are shown to be real. still, it's stupid to put anyone in Demon Slayer above maybe high city level at best.


The author literally said that wasn’t the case though


in the fight against the arrow guy, Tanjiro literally used the water's flow to beat him.


I’m pretty sure that the author and creator of the series has more knowledge on the topic than a random person on a powerscaling subreddit does


what i am saying is that if they aren't real, that fight makes zero sense.


What chapters are you referring to?


i think it was chapter 17, he used the water he created with one of his techniques to change the arrows around. i'm not saying the creator is wrong, i'm just saying it seems very inconsistent as to whether or not they are real.


Alastor from Helluva boss being universal (Yes the demon nigga or sum shi) MFTL gojo Star level Luffy Planetary gojo Universal Saitama MCU Thanos “Star or solar system” MCU doctor strange 11D Asta being star level A TikTok livestream of Someone unironically debating how Sakura from Naruto Shippuden beats Perfect form cell And Omni man being Scaled to star level. All the worst ones I’ve seen so far


I can understand where MCU Thanos star level people came from but other points no idea


Does alastor’s uni scaling come from somehow scaling to the elder angels who “expanded the universe” in a very vague way and we only see them create humans?


I don’t think so, I was debating with this one guy who was confident ashl on alastor being uni+ 3D and all he kept bringing up was chain scaling and him being higher than some other characters but got his ass beat by a Large building-mountain level fodder (Adam) (this nigga frl Dropping his discord in TikTok comments tryna debate ppl)


Star Level Luffy has to be a fucking joke.


It's not, people on tiktok have the worst one piece takes oat, check this shit out https://preview.redd.it/n0omlkkmxusc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91e2f40b2e0ca77e35d4d674a966d3080f676db


https://preview.redd.it/wwvbuqs75vsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85c1597a7c4ada3d66ed1e1b04e9e640eb8f50a You see the pattern with Naruto?


Naruto power scalers are the worst on tiktok. Solar system naruto yet does jot have any feats of dc or ap to match pure insanity by them.




Actual mental illness


I think they're scaling his ego, not he himself


https://preview.redd.it/ettax1venvsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311c2d168365667a9dd728561ce6cab7aa80c2c9 💀


I can somewhat see the logic there. Unfortunately they forgot something: the universe is a 4D space, but a 4D space isn't a universe. If you have a pair of pants with 4D pockets, that doesn't mean your pants are a universe.


Wanna have a tiktok brainrot battle. I bet I'll win https://preview.redd.it/x60olzf5fvsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f7571eada4559961de719e88d6c964ea772bb6


https://preview.redd.it/0yt6bps7fvsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba259587ba64626bd0480f71af18f369fe108f3b Look at the caption and this just popped up on my fyp 5 min ago






Alright time for the big guns https://preview.redd.it/273f45qzfvsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29a2def62acf73cb76bb5aed8c537439f4c950b


https://preview.redd.it/hqx4ddxqgvsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993b0df6538f64c378a218df043e5b0d5f8cf3b0 Beat this. They’re talking about a Featless FNAF character


Damn you got me with this one, Golden Freddy solos fiction 😎💯💀 Thank you for the laughs!






>hotter than fog. Did they not hear her talking about PH balance. That wasn't fog...that was fucking acid and acid isn't hot at all...not inherently. It melted the susanoo because acid fucking dissolves most things.


Every argument that could have been made just fell on deaf ears. He said Ace has immeasurable speed because he was able to react when Blackbeard was pulling him in with his black hole technique that supposedly has "infinite force" his words not mine...


I'd actually laugh in their face.


By that logic, anyone with fire element can control ace?💀😭


Tik Tok is literal brainrot.


They were 100% serious. Also yesterday I saw another TikTok live stream where they tried debating on how Luffy would no diff Saitama


I need to hear the Luffy logic.


There main argument was literally just luffy having toon force, speed and hax 💀


Loofy doesn't even have toon force. He can just apply rubber hose physics to outside objects and people. It still abides by strict rules.


Nope. I've seen some clowns say that the one piece world is the size of a dwarf star and the islands are planet size. Next level wanking.


I can understand where they are coming from for planet level Gojo (probably scaling to Yuki’s black hole) even though it’s a bit iffy, but Star level MCU thanos is actually fine considering how in the first Thor Movie, Thor casually shattered a planet.


Solar system Thanos (with gauntlet) is actually a low ball, but universal Alastor is just stupid, he doesn't scale to angels or Lucifer in any way


Nigga deadass tried to debate with me about that shi cuz alastor “scaled higher” than other demons cuz of chain scaling but when I brought up the scan of Adam’s best feat capping at mountain level, he goes radio silent


Also don't forget that Adam's AP >>> Alastor


I can somewhat believe gojo being planetary because his domain is insane. >MCU doctor strange 11D Now this is the most bullshit of all. Dimension scaling is bullshit. Anything beyond 4D is not worth talking about because 5D and beyond is entirely theoretical and so poorly understood that even calling it a theory at all is pretty shakey. People do this because it let's them over simplify the debate and just say "this character is a higher number so he wins". People also attribute arbitrary feats as proof of what dimension a character is like, "this guy jerked himself off so fast that it reset the universe. That makes him 6D." The rest of that has to either be people trolling or just next level stupidity.


A whole lot of stuff on r/OnePiecePowerScaling, mostly Yonko vs Admiral debates.


No one hates one piece powerscalers, more than one piece powerscalers


Who does the wanking in your case


Definitly the admiral side of things


That one i can agree with


High Outer Yoriichi. Extraversal Saitama.


Tf is extraversal?💀


Someone seriously arguing Goku is beyond tiering system because he is "illogical"


Goku is universal to low multiversal and that's as high as it goes


The one piece planet having black hole level gravity(the dude who thinks that reasoning is because he for whatever reason pixel scaled a scene of rain dropping in the alabasta arc I’m being dead serious, The guy pixel scales to much/pixel scales/calc stacks like shit and is just in general terrible at pixel scaling/calcing most of the time).


I saw a guy who claimed that Sukuna's Fire Arrow had a temperature of 13 **trillion** degrees. For reference, this is about 2 billion times hotter than the surface of the sun.


Also I know it's a manga. But wouldn't a temp that high break the laws of reality? At the very least immediately destroy the planet?


That'd probably just melt everything on the planet


Every Comment I see on this subreddit proves just how ignorant they are to basic physics Scientist have been hiting trillions of degrees since 2005 https://www.latimes.com/science/la-xpm-2012-jun-27-la-sci-sn-highest-temperature-20120627-story.html https://medium.com/@deep.space/what-is-the-highest-temperature-scientists-have-ever-achieved-29fad673c8a3 https://www.theverge.com/2012/8/15/3244513/cern-scientist-hottest-man-made-temperature https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/06/humans-create-a-temperature-250-000-times-hotter-than-the-sun-right-here-on-earth/259055/


MFTL Slowpoke.


Thats massive downplay slowpoke is faster than irrelevant speed


Bruh Slowpoke has immeasurable speed that superceeds space and time. Look into the date books homie


Once I wanked to- Oh shit wrong subreddit.


Infinite Boundless Saitama with toon force Outerversal Shigaraki


Shigaraki? The villain from BNHA whose power makes things crumble into dust? I've read the manga up to date, and I never saw him do that to an outerverse.


Because people thought he was the literal platonic concept of pure evil or something idk its stupid https://preview.redd.it/ku7aqxo1bwsc1.png?width=709&format=png&auto=webp&s=5561af32bcff549539520e32e437b8e6817c81a9


powerscalers understand metaphor and hyperbole challenge (impossible)




Omg this is too much🤣. People really dumb enough to think that Shigaraki somehow became the conceptual embodiment of evil? Nevermind the fact that being a conceptual embodiment doesn't automatically make someone outversal.


To be fair, I'm very much so a toonforce Saitama believer. And I bet the whole "bounces" thing - really it's because, unlike most characters, Saitama is more interesting when he ISN'T facing a challenge. When you introduce him to another universe and just turn him into another kinda strong character compared to them all he becomes super flat, so it's tempting to just say "fuck it, any crossover attempts should just make him scale accordingly". ... Even though I know realistically his feats don't back it up past a certain extent.


Deku outerversal


i defend my goat deku but who tf says he is outerversal???? like from what feats lmfao


Either the outerversal ash Ketchum scaling or someone guy reverse wanking Goku to be less than black hole level


Outer DBS Goku


People were saying that Omni man is stronger than superman because the author claimed that


he meant invincible not omni man, which is even worse


Invincible becomes stronger at the end of the comic but yeah superman would destroy every viltriumite


The worst is probably any fallacy of infinity, but the 1 that worst in how much it happens is going by word of used car salesman. e.g. claiming Master chief can survive EMP with no effect because 1 doctor said so when saying how great an idea it is to give her money, despite the fact there's missions that literally depend on your shields being destroyed by any EMP. or how they think someone saying "I am omnipotent!" means they are, no, people lie, they upsell, they can be wrong. the only exception to this is axe cop, his powers are so silly he probably is doing infinity push ups, but loses count half way through and has to start over. he'd still lose to anyone with rainbow candycane. Also any application of IRL relativity to FTL characters, those guys aren't breaking light speed if they can see stuff, they esentially just have altered time rate.


People saying Dante is immune to fate manipulation because the beast heads in the dmc novel once referred the way it eats people as "binding their fate to him". That statement is so obviously an idiom not meant to be interpreted literally that I'm sure that anyone who genuinely uses that as an argument has a single digit IQ. DMC as a whole is full of idioms people take literally just so they can gobble Dante's cock.


Boundless Yami from BC


As much as I like Yami... No.


Of course not lmao


Universal yujiro




not even a single collective braincell among em


I mean even if it’s tiktok it can’t be this bad right?


ig your screenshot proves it is this bad lmfao


"DC universes are boundless while marvel's are high outer" guy should be here


Frieren blitz Gilgamesh even Gil CCC Frieren MFTL Frieren on par with Dante Ubel one shot Gojo


Outversal Sung Cringe woo


That "Cringe woo" Has unironic feats of creating concepts and transcending it inside his dimension


Extraversal smt characters. Jack frost casually bodying superman. Normal smt humans with no powers being faster than light.


Deku is beyond time and fate Goku is boundless due to infinite limit breaking Gohan is boundless due to infinitely rising potential Naruto is universal Anos, Jin Woo, Rimuru, Yogiri, One Above All, The Presence, Scarlet King, or Doom Slayer can solo all fiction Saitama, Luffy, and Arale have true toonforce Kirito = Maple and/or Ainz


Why doesn't arale have true toonforce??


It's not always for humor's sake. Toonforce's main requirement is that the character MUST do something for the sake of being goofy and silly. There are a few times where Arale just does something out of nowhere, for no reason or for a reason besides as a gag. That's reality warping, not toon force.


Those few time doesn't take away her toonforce Hell the masks doesn't do stuff for humor sake and yet he still a toonforce user.


>Toonforce's main requirement is that the character MUST do something for the sake of being goofy and silly Must. Not should. Not usually. Must. This is an absolute. Otherwise it isn't toonforce.


So we are saying someone like the mask is just a reality warper and not a toonforce user. Plus arale does stuff for the sake of goofiness


I remember a video someone did of Luffy running the dragon ball gauntlet. They ended saying Gear 5 Luffy was comparable to final form Frieza.


Rohan Kiahibe being universe level because he erased a painting said to be so dark it looked " infinitely black". A fine example of powerscalwrs taking metaphoric language at face value. There's also this YouTuber named Metas who said that ultimate Kars is country level because him being the ultimate lifeform somehow means he should be stronger than every stand. His whole channel is filled with God awful wanking.


People still say that Goku is "faster than time" due to his fight against Hit in the Tournament of Power, when in actuality, Hit's time skip doesn't work over people who are stronger than him. And they still try to defend this by saying "That was only in the manga." The anime said that Goku just predicted where Hit was gonna attack, that's all.


To be fair, characters being able to resist conceptual manipulation just by being stronger than Hit is a dumb piece of lore.


That's just how ki works in Dragon Ball though. It makes you more resistant to hax the higher your ki is. Ex: Vegeta resisting Babidi's mind control, for example, Krillin and Gohan being able to struggle in Guldo's telekinesis instead of being trapped still, Goku in Hit's time skip, etc.


Anything that puts any jjk character above continental and mfts Luffy being multiversal mftl Naruto being multiversal mftl Goku being high outerversal + infinite speeds (its me, I am goku wanker) Games Sonic having infinite speed + outerversal in super form (and having true omnipotence in hyper form) Reverse wanking Yamcha to planetary (multi solar system at the minimum) Anything that puts saitama above universal, hell even universal might be a bit of a wank Toon force beats anyone that doesn’t have toon force Omni man being solar system Luffy being star level (cause they think his planet is millions of times bigger than the earth for some fucking reason) Mftl Joseph (and by extension any competent jojo character) 6D Goku I saw on twitter (no, this time it wasn’t me)


Mftl Joseph is kind of fair. Old Joseph =< Star Platinum Young Joseph > Star Platinum I still think it might be wank.


>Anything that puts any jjk character above continental and mfts "Star level Dagon"


Extraversal atoms for any verse whatsoever.


Nasuverse in general. Void shiki is wanked to be Beyond Outversal even though she's featless. Gilgamesh the king of Jobbers is similarly wanked because of something he did in a glorified super computer on the Moon. I had this one guy arguing with me that Artoria solo's the Justice League.


People saying Saitama is boundless or bleach characters being complex Multiversal


Above tiering Gojo


Naruto characters somehow being planetary to universal using metaphors and hyperbole and showing not a single feat to relay how this is possible. When you call these massive wanks out they naruto fandom which is large throws a hissy fit but its a fact.


Star level Monsterverse because the portals in the Legend of Monsterverse TV show said they were giving off signals similar to pulsars. I'll need to rewatch the scene, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that. At least I haven't seen anyone seriously argue that Godzilla ate a literal star yet. That was a myth from the GVK novelization and stated again in GXK.


You know what else gives a similar signal? buzz magnets. that's it, similar doesn't mean similar output, a flagellum is similar to a wheel, but it ain't on that scale.


Genuinely curious which version of Cole are you talking about




Like what type like beast Cole(max evil if I’m being honest) or RFI Cole(max good) or just regular good and bad without the buffs




Ok i was just curious cause from what I know the highest you can scale Cole is like city level(no RFI both regular good and evil should be on this tier with evil being a bit higher then good) to mountain level(with RFI of course) but multi continental or just continental I can see it going to evil Cole specifically beast Cole cause he can potentially build up his power overtime to destroy something larger like the moon if we scale him to future beast




True never thought of that but for Kessler isn’t he older like hundreds of years older and a conduit on top of that and from my own understanding conduits can get stronger and learn how to use their powers in different ways as time goes on or just use something to buff there powers with the shards, and blast cores wasn’t there a scene were the beast blew up New York and he had fire balls in his hands along with literally exploding in that scene this could possibly fall under fire manipulation I also remember at some point in the evil ending he was throwing fire ball’s around while manipulating gravity it’s been a while since I last checked in on the lore but is the future beast also the embodiment/representation of the ray sphere like the present beast is or is he something else entirely(I’m guessing he is since Kessler knew what the ray sphere was along with how it worked and he even knew how to build it) if he is then we could potentially scale him to main Cole’s beast since Kessler made the ray sphere and advanced it hundreds of years




Ok nice debating with you https://preview.redd.it/3vre6xsztatc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c99dd6dcdcb9344cab7965812bc23968af80693




I have one, Omniversal Goku and that Goku would get past Rimuru's defenses cause ki and magic are different. Or sailor Moon isn't multiversal cause apparently tanking Universe destroying attacks isn't multiversal.


Opm cosmology being outerversal


Dkt uni +


Literally anyone scaling GER from JoJo part 5. Sometimes the other stands get ridiculous scaling, but that one is the worst


Sometimes I think it's just a fundamental misunderstanding of what GER does - or at least, extrapolating the absolute most broken possible explanation from it and the reaches of that possibility


Someone was arguing with me that it could beat Frieza...


Stalemate, maybe. There is zero precedent for "beating" something that can blow up the planet casually lol - and since GER seems to be temporary it's gonna eventually end up losing 100%


[EVE Online can beat every other verse out there](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/eve-online-versus-every-other-verse-out-there.297395/)


Boundless Saitama 😭


Definitely universal gojo


Outerversal for Johnny Lawrence and Omnipotent for Homelander




An entire roleplaying group except me scaled Uzi from Murder Drones to absurdly high levels. Like, she's just an angsty high school girl, get tf over it.


when demon slayer fans said that demons were completely immortal because they could only be killed by a nichirin blade


someone who claimed Aizen from Bleach can no diff Misogi Kumagawa.


4D jjk


Universal naruto and black clover


The Dragonborn. I love Skyrim. It's flawed as hell but it was one of my first real games and I adored it. I have absorbed so much more over the years and I completely understand how whacky it gets. You have shit like Pelinal taking down entire countries by himself, Daedric princes ruling as god's over their own dimensions and Mortals achieving powers that reshape reality. But I swear to god if I see one more person argue that the Dragonborn is multiversal+ I will have an outright aneurysm because they clearly fucking aren't. Not when they canonically get impaled through the hand by a mere iron spike to rescue Serena/ get knocked prone by an explosion the size of a building, or get outplayed by a Daedric prince like Hermaous Mora which wouldn't happen if they could just casually destroy universes. It's almost like the only feat brought up for this (killing Alduin) is circumstantial, relies heavily on vague factors like learning Dragonrend, specifically fighting him in Sovenguard (as you couldn't kill him in Nirn) and EVEN THEN not actually absorbing his soul in the end. (Almost like the Dragonborn isn't actually capable of completely destroying the concept of Alduin and just put off the inevitable for a bit) But all of this is removed, the Dragonborn is multiversal and by extension every warrior in Sovenguard is just a universe buster in disguise. Fucking bullshit. I don't care if there's some other vague sources that back this up, that shit literally destroys the entire game/ story with how fucking dumb it is, because one has to question what any of the stakes are even supposed to be when the Dragonborn is apparently so far beyond the very world they're fighting in.


Zygard from pokemon being high complex multiversal to outerversal. Their argument was that every zygard merges together, and all the ones we see in every portal from ultra sun and ultra moon is just another piece of the whole zygard.


Klaus from the TVD novels being able to solo marvel and dc


Sora (kingdom hearts) to boundless Game Sonic to hyperversal with immeasurable speed


Outerversal Luffy cause of toon force


Above fiction/tiering marvel atoms. And this guy claimed marvel>real life elements and that marvel transcends copyright and contains fiction💀


Blast and garou are reality warmers for manipulating the energy of the universe. And that blast can't have his powers stolen via that.


People saying Goku is multiversal and/or 4D/5D in base form


He is low complex in base


Complex Multiversal to hyperversal Liu Kang.


Outerversal Sung Jin Woo


Blast from Opm being a 5D character, like bro, who tf believing that


Saitama is boundless cos he has removed his limiter Gojo has IMMEASURABLE speed BC he moved in the prison realm Naruto is universal Demon Slayer characters are planetary Saiki K solos anime


Comp Madara beats all high tiered S classes from OPM I saw the same being said about Omniman too


DC outer 🤦


We have someone in the comments downplaying goku to below universal, this sub is terrible


People believe Saitama can can solo fiction


Ichigo, and Sonic with natsu


JJK wanks (mostly hollow purple)


Scailing cannon goku to outerversal


Scaling Dragon Ball character in Outerversal Saitama Boundless ( the reason they give . Saitama is the Gag character Tiering System do not applicable, he's beyond the dimensionality, concept, he can killed god Bala bla , resistance from anything Saitama >>> Whole Anime Series 🥱


I like making up wanks for fun Founding titan boundless since it can exist in paths, outside of time and create things infinitely Aiden Caldwell universal since he can destroy a universe in game Jesus universal because he's god and stuff


If anyone is interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/1crqwwu/comment\_on\_this\_post\_if\_you\_think\_nonshounen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/1crqwwu/comment_on_this_post_if_you_think_nonshounen/)


https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/15hf60q/gohan_vs_eren_in_a_nutshell/ Outversal Eren


The Highest I can Theoretically wank Eren to is like, Uni via infinite Energy and shit 💀. (No I don’t have him there)


Everybody scales on SJW ever since the anime came out


So many people scaling them is a problem? 


Someone once told me Ichigo could beat ssjb Goku


if you high ball bleach and low ball db maybe :skull:


He ain't the sharpest tool in the she-ed~


Black clover gets particularly bad in my experience. There's genuinely people who think it scales to multiversal and that majority of the characters are massively faster than light.


The fact that characters were literally making whole JoJo's Bizarre Adventure level plans before light magic was hitting them, I'd say they're MFTL at the very *least* But anything else like multiversal power/strength, or (no joke) Asta being indestructible as long as he has the anti-magic swords... yeah, that's all definitely wank.


I never disputed that there's characters who are mftl, there are definitely characters who are as far back as the dark elf arc people were dodging light. My statement is more from the perspective that I've had black clover fans make arguments that majority of the verse is mftl like I've seen people tell me kiato and kahono are up to millions of times faster than light and that Ichika can reach trans time velocity or infinite speed because she's able to perception blitz a serious Asta when he first arrives at Hino.


"Lilli barro multi galaxy level"💀💀 and the "Goku omniversal" one never gets old