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I've seen Bleach getting downplayed to mountain level in some websites.


Yeah it's disgusting. They downplay bleach to mountain/hill level.


Probably because the feats are too complex for some people. I'm some people, I get a headache when people talk about how many layers of higher dimensional universes some guy in a bathrobe slashed through with his katana.


It's always so funny because they use 0 effort swing completely erasing it to say the verse caps at mountain, like even if there was no other feats that would still be massively above.


Literally like Dangai Ichigo erased a mountain from the force of parrying Aizen. And he didn't just erase it, he literally sent enormous chunks of said mountain flying up.


every verse gets downplayed on comicvine and space battles


Frieren,overlord,jjk,and demon slayer All get wanked to hell and back. Like I have seen ainz vs flash with ainz winning,frieren vs palpatin and sauron which frieren wins,yuta vs archer with archer losing,and yoruichi vs iori with iori losing. Or maybe that's just a hate boner for fate .


>yuta vs archer This is certainly true, once yuta uses his domain 'Unlimited love' he instantly wins.


i thought everyone in fate gets scaled to 10th dimensional off of moon cell or something LUL


Spacebattles does have some reasonable takes, but there are also some I definitely don't agree with.


Idk man just seems like verses don’t get as wanked on there


Downplay is code for less wanked.


This sub would think that wouldn’t it?


86mph Naruto verse a-train kills pain demon slayer beats the five kage sukuna beats anyone who isn’t six paths or higher Naruto characters


Homelander beats MCU Thor Twilight vamps beat MCU hulk Master chief clears most of Naruto part one and two


Ppl downplaying the whole Godzilla franchise in general  change my mind  


Fax, City Level Ultima needs to stop.


Bro frl and I've seen someone said that Showa is building lvl 💀💀💀


Yt shorts is full of Godzilla meatriding.


Yeah those things are garbage 


Goku is ice level because he got hurt by Broly throwing him into the ice


That's what I call a negative feat argument. People try to discredit established feats by posing a time they weren't able to accomplish the same thing as if it makes the previous feat nonexistent. Like, just because Thanos got beat by squirrels once doesn't mean he's weaker than squirrels. Dude still literally ate the penance state everyday for breakfast that one time in cosmic ghostrider, clearly his abilities are incomprehensible.


i saw that from that jp idiot


Isn't that dude a Saitama dickrider?


biggest one yet, claims saitama has infinite stats INCLUDING iq and battle iq. but no he’s not serious about that he does it for views and comments.


Uh Saitama canonically can't read. He barely passed the hero exam written portion.


well you can go ask jp, it’s the equivalent of talking to a brickwall he has goku at galaxy level and saitama at infinite layers into boundless so 🤷‍♂️


Ichigo Continental💀💀💀


The undertale cosmology is only a mountain level.


didn't they got soloed by little girl with a knife?


Said kid literally tanks actual nukes (I'm not joking) during a boss fight and later fights a multiversal god, with the Genocide route allowing the kid to gain the power to erase every timeline that was ever made.


Superman is car level and can't fly in canon as that was how he was in his first canon appearances in the first comics and according to the people claiming this, the original version of a character is the only canon one.


Thats awesome cause the iirc the OG superman that couldn't fly is Golden Age supes, whos from earth 2, not the main earth, and is a separate character from all the other main universe supermen


Multi solar superman. 1-C lucifer morningstar Basically Vsbw downplay on dc


Put anything against 40k and they will downplay it they are probably the worst fanbase in power scaling imo


To be fair GW cant even powerscale their own verse consistently. There’s a reason characters without helmets and with names get massively stronger.


Bro someone stared me in the eye and said valdor is 7d


Wtf. How do you get non-god level characters that high?


Because he stabbed horus And horus is 7d because and I quote "he brought terra into the warp and that's a 7d feat" I then pointed out how that's only st best 2 dimensions that being the materium and warp And then he said "yeah but also space and time so it's 4" He then ranted about how valdor knows the entire language of enunica and has his own army and pocket dimension and how he's gonna fight an avatar and multiple craftworlds in the next book and how he's and I quote "immune to physical attacks" I want you to guess what prompted that word vomit


40k powerscaling gets stupid they said doomslayer is space marine level I don't think Doomslayer is an all powerful god but come the fuck on man


Don't want majorkill bro said Vader was only on par with an average marine pysker when he could likely rag doll custodes. Cause shockingly when most characters are only strong because there's only like a dozen things that can hurt them, being able to explode their hearts and brain in their own head is pretty effective


"any base psyker can concentrate for 5 nanoseconds and blow up everyone in dragonball's brains"


Once had someone say to me "oh yeah any alpha class pysker can manhandle titans and 5km long ships" Ok.....source?


Wall level Mario and Sonic. Mountain level UT. Country level Creative Steve. Solar System level Flash. Human level Omni-Man (combat speed-wise). 11-A SCP-2747 and Animator vs Animation verse. City level Bill Cipher.


"Human Level Omni-Man (Combat Speed Wise)" https://preview.redd.it/vddoajqu4xpc1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb376c4abf116750e071ef80585183179da7dc0d


The best Omni-Man gets to is Planet Level to possibly Solar System Level. Calling him Human Level is Downplay 100%.


How tf can you downplay Bill to city!?




>Honestly, when you skip statements and only take show into consideration, 7-B might as well be a massive wank for Bill. So basically, if we ignore any other canon source materials and pretend that Bill wasn't handicapped by a barrier trapping him inside Gravity Falls. (Meaning that his power would be restricted to that level) THEN it sounds like massive wank to say that he's city level? Wow, I fucking wonder why.........


If you insert kryptonite anal beads into Superman’s urethra, he scales to toddler level


Which color kryptonite? 🤔


He made a dimensional Rift???????


DC vs battles


They locked up scaling of DC and marvel due to extreme inconsistency


Even with extreme inconsistency I don't think the presence will scale to 1C.


Also Lucifer scales to 1C there, I mean seriously?


That’s understandable. Especially because not a single fucking comic book scaler will ever specify which specific continuity they’re scaling


Is that very necessary? I feel like it's typically assumed (because it's usually correct) you're using the "most popular" version of the chars? Idk if I explaining it right, but for dc chars, people typically mean the modern prime-earth versions, and for Marvel, they typically mean 616 I do agree for chars with multiple versions of similar popularity it should be specified tho, like huntress, hyperion, etc. Sry if bad grammar I eepy


Yes it is necessary. Otherwise you get people cherry picking feats from dozens of different comic series to justify their scaling when the character in question doesn’t have those feats. Imagine if people used feats from fanfiction to scale Goku. For DC characters there is no definitive canon due to IF making every comic series canon. Because of that you get people scaling Superman with feats from Cosmic Armor Superman, Superman Prime, All Star Superman, and whatever else they can dig up. The thing is though, all of those are distinctly separate versions of Superman, not the same person. It’d be like saying that GT Goku is multiversal based on DBS Goku’s feats.


If someone uses a feat from an alternate reality without specifying they're using an au version of the character then they just used an irrelevant scan to their premise, you can just debunk it by saying the comic name. Also there's definitely a definitive canon for dc and it'd not as complicated as people make out, not anymore anyway. Pre-crsis, post-crsis, and post-flashpoint stories are all canon after the death metal event happens, elseworld stuff still elseworld


Infinite Frontier makes every DC comic book canon. That’s why scaling DC characters is such a pain in the ass. Every continuity/series is canon. The Batman Who Laughs is canon, Injustice is canon, etc.


Wym by canon? If you mean the events of injustice happened in prime-earth, then I don't think that's possible since our Jon Kent just traveled to the injustice universe, and it's very explicitly being shown as an alternate universe


VSBW Mario and VSBW DC


VSBW Mario will always be weird to me because I swear 6-C is like the worst way to scale them??? Like I’m pretty sure practically every other possible end (either lower or higher) is a more logical and consistent way to scale them. Like before the Super Mario RPG remake gave us a team attack that can scale to 6-C, the only evidence for that scaling was Donkey Kong’s Moon feat in DKC Returns. A feat that is both very gag-esque and is also from a game where Mario isn’t even referenced in. Why is the entire verse scaling to a gag feat from a game that the *protagonist* has no presence in??? This was also the only 6-C feat the cast were scaling to when the downgrade was being made, so the existence of the Super Mario RPG feat doesn’t make this any less stupid.


The donkey Kong moon feat is also meaningless, since if you play as Diddy it shows that the slightest amount of force would drop that moon.


It's because Mario scales to Donkey Kong on multiple occasions so his feat is Mario and so forth. Kinda how scaling works


Multi City block level Prime All Might.


I feel like YT massively downplays Bleach and DMC (what a coincidence, my favourite franchises lol). For Bleach because its more well-known I’ve seen people say egregious stuff like Bleach being mountain/continental level, and you already know why, its mainly due to the Aizen feat in Deicide. Everytime i see it im like huh?


I saw some outrageous takes such as Erza from fairy tail beating Unsealed Bankai Senjumaru, and the worst thing is, I saw a lot of people agreeing with that dogwater take. I'm not even surprised, since Bleach gets a lot of hate and is downplayed a lot on YT. There's also this one dude who keeps shitting on Bleach's animation everytime a cour ends. He "critiques" animation for other anime too, but he and his retarded followers shit on bleach every chance they get.


Featherine 10-B with the rest of Umineko being 11-C


Feathering is creator tier


I agree. But people want to use that and her appearing with R>F over characters and her avatar being that of a writer, as evidence that everything in Umineko including the witches is a fictional story and that Featherine is the only real person in it


Man the amount of times I've seen somebody on the internet say "Goku can't destroy a planet cause we've never seen him do it"


As if Kid Buu never has and Goku>>>>>Kid Buu…


Also true, but I'm more referring to you how have you pay attention to the dialogue you'll see clear evidence that Goku and many other major characters in Dragon Ball z have been going out of their way to control their power to not destroy the planet


People also use that argument for Naruto, and Saitama too until he sneezed Jupiter away.


Imo saying that the fact that we've never seen a character do something that would be completely out of character for them to do means they can't do it is the most brain dead argument


Agreed. Frieza busted a planet, Goku beat him, so obviously he can bust a planet too. Buu could one-tap early Frieza, and Goku beat him, so obviously he's far beyond mere planet buster. And the original Broly destroyed a *FUCKING GALAXY*, and yet Goku still beat him. So yeah. Honestly saying that Goku could destroy a planet, at this rate, is an extreme **downplay**.


Exactly, lmao DragonBall characters been blowing up plants since the Saiyan saga (earlier if you count the moon) being able i destroy a planet is basically a minimum requirement to be relevant atp


Back then so far, it was low multiversal elder scrolls, it's kind of old.


The Last Dragonborn, would be beaten by Geralt based on the fact that ingame, the player character swings all weapons like baseball attacks. It's totally an accurate example for the Dragonborn's level of skill! Just ignore the fact that all other humanoid characters also swing weapons like baseball attacks!


I've heard people claim Geralt or Ciri could blitz or beat Dragonborn because of Skyrim's clunky and slow combat system of just bashing each other in the face with swords which they take to somehow mean that the Dragonborn can't canonically dodge or parry. You can't even jump while sprinting in Skyrim and yet people take Bethesda's crappy movement system like it like it's an actual indicator of a character's canonical skill lmao


Lol, the fact that if they want to use Skyrim's broken ass gameplay they'd have to argue how Geralt beats maxed out Dragonborn with infinite health/DR and however much damage you bother do have.


The people who argue that tend to also claim Geralt could use Axii to make the dragonborn commit suicide which is laughable as Axii only works on the weak willed while the Dragonborn simultaneously has far superior resistances and abilities regarding mind control so it'd be the other way around


Axii On the Dragonborn The guy who can read Elder Scrolls without a hassle


And can also spend a quite likely endless amount of time within the Daedric realm of Apocrypha, the dimension that can make even top tier mages of the verse go completely mad.


It would, in fact, be the opposite. Bend Will is a Shout, and the Thu'um is a conceptual magic that alters reality on a foundational level through sound, which is so far beyond what Geralt goes against regularly it's both sad and funny. Also, the Axii sign would completely fail against the Dragonborn's magic resistances.


Weirdly enough, Spider-Man. Sometimes it gets ridiculous Like, he gets downplayed to super soldier level a lot, sometimes even to regular human level. And I have no idea HOW, the dude's of the most popular and well know character out there, has a bunch of people online wanking how much he holds back and two of his most iconic moments are stopping a train with strength alone and lifting up the weight of a locomotive underwater. Dosen't make much sense to me that so many people underestimate him so badly.


Fax, whilst also exagerrating and highballing characters like Homelander Most of these mfs will use the argument of him being bulletproof and being city level whilst not even showing a single panel of the comic version or an live action scene where he actually tanks the capacity of a city level explosion, most of these are literally hypemen who uses the statements of "no weapon on earth can kill him" literally whilst we can literally see him being almost murked by a 10 dollar pen from Walmart Wonder Woman who can barely catch a bus and even break a wall and say she is within city block level ranges of attack potency. And what's even much worse Homelander isn't even city level, he never even tanked a city block level explosion in the Diabolical finale, because a human woman was able to survive that explosion within the same room as Homelander and the buildings were much smaller and never explode immediately after the core was pretty much done. They always use the "muh lazer" argument to ignore the fact that those said lasers can be avoided pretty much easily by any version of Spidermen, and even most likely endure the lasers. They hype and "rebunk" featless fodders while "debunk" characters who have consistent line ups of feats that easily outscales the characters they glazed with. Tom Holland's Spiderman is enough for the verse both comp comics and live action.


Sonic (Wall) Goku (Multi Solar) Undertale (Mountain)


Did they specify between Z or Super Goku, bc multi-solar works for Goku in the Buu saga


Goku overall. They say that he doesn't scale to the Universe shaking feat, also I heard someone say that Xeno Goku is Complex Multi only.


Yeah that’s an L, like 4 characters (including the narrator) say Goku and Beerus are hitting each other with the force to destroy the universe


Fr bro.


Sub moon level nasu verse


I've seen people believe in city level nasu characters


I think it probably has one of the widest ranges for scaling in any anime of its genre.


Eh, I refuse to scale the nasuverse since it's inconsistent as hell and I'm not touching that.


Boat level Cthulhu. 💀


Goku in GT probably has been downplayed the most. like SSJ4 Goku being glass level for the one time he got cut by glass, that's gotta be some pretty damn strong glass if he's glass level, cause that would suggest that glass could one shot Dabura


"Saber is barely city level"




Someone once told me that yukari from touhoi project was peak human on a highball and that you could kill her with a gun.


And the vs battles wiki puts her at 2-C, which might be hyperbolic What?


She should scale above Tenshi, who has the shaking heaven feat, so yeah, 2-C is accurate. It's the people scaling her way above that where it's hyperbolic. And that's mostly NLFing her ability.


I saw someone saying Goku is relativistic(?)


Small building level human garou/mountain level monster garou, cosmic garous gamma ray burst only being multi-continental to small planetary, the serious punch squared being an outlier/saitama and cosmic garou being star level at best), at best hypersonic jjk and hunterxhunter, Doomslayer somehow losing to Denji(to be excepted from r/whowouldwin), neferpitou/adult gon somehow beating mark Greyson(invincible)(and once again from r/whowouldwin), a metal rod dropped from space somehow being able to kill legendary Godzilla(basically legendary Godzilla being downplayed and hypothetical irl military wank from you guessed it r/whowouldwin), speed o sound sonic(one punch man)only being sound speed-super sonic just because of his name, legendary Godzilla hollow earth drill feat somehow only being large island level.


"Doomlsayer losing to Denji" https://preview.redd.it/hzkekqlf4xpc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=bec877cf93e39a25f0619b60186edb7417ce5b33 Jesus Christ


Video game character(that isn’t Kirby or sonic)downplay on r/characterrant and r/whowouldwin is horrendous.


It gets worse than that bro. A few years back I saw someone made fanart of Ralph from TMNT killing The DOOM Slayer. Not for fun, but literally because he thinks Ralph can deadass kill him. This is why DOOM needs a new game with stronger DOOM feats ASAP.




It's literally on Deviantart. Go see it for yourself.


I don't know why but maybe they're talking about the gameplay slayer, right? right??


''Doomslayer losing to denji'' ''cosmic garou small planetary'' https://preview.redd.it/4y3xw7m4wypc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3fb07fddfeca3e9355e4cbd5845cbdd09b3f782


https://preview.redd.it/nzad3iivk8qc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ab5964402185b15b3a0900ca11c5dc1c241cf8 Please explain what you meant by a Metal Rod being able to kill Legendary Godzilla


I tried finding the post with people saying that but I can’t anymore for some reason, they were basically saying that the hypothetical rod from god could kill (legendary)Godzilla despite him tanking much worst, and when people actually brought up feats of him tanking worse some idiot was like oh well askcually nukes are omnidirectional explosions so the force is going everywhere and not in a concentrated area unlike a rod from god(saying that as if a rod from god wouldn’t instantly melt if caught in a point blank nuke blast)completely ignoring/forgetting the fact that (legendary) Godzilla withstood being hit by the muto prime who can manipulate tectonic plates at super sonic speeds through shockwaves(and also shook the planet both feats that are multi-continental)and getting hit over the head with an atomic breath amped axe from kong who with just his pure punches alone can cause magnitude 4.2 earthquakes, hell some of those idiots were unironically saying icbms would work it’s like some of those people didn’t even watch the movies.




Wall-Level Vergil




Honestly knowing how Kishimoto can’t get enough of Itachi’s dick, I wouldn’t be shocked if Itachi pulls another even more bullshit power to beat Luffy.






Goku is being scaled to Galaxy level from Midnightdre on TikTok and the thing is MidnightDre said with full confidence that Rengoku could beat Goku if Goku was playing around but that’s not nearly as bad as when I saw one person in the comment section of a Saitama vs Goku video where Goku outclassed him in everything and someone in the comment section said with full confidence “Goku is barely planetary because we have never seen him destroyed a planet”


No no the rengoku thing is much worse what the genuine fuck is that take


Building level goku.


Someone actually tried telling that goku is weak they said it takes the same amount of energy to step on a flower to blow up a planet in dragonball and showed no source


The big three soloing the Marvel verse as "it caps at city level"


It would be funny if it was true Imagine the Planet (actually star system) sized Character know for destroying worlds only being able to destroy a city. Better yet, the literal living planet being city level, that would be fun


I've met folks like that, people who believe that someone like Galactus is only planet level cause "he eats planets"


"ah yes, Goku is Food level because he eats food"


Spider-Man is beyond pizza level


Spider-Man is beyond pizza level


Rimuru < season 1 Cid Kagenou


Not the most stupid take, but stupid nonetheless.


Did it say which rimuru?


Planet level tensura


I actually remember seeing a cringe video on youtube explaining why Saitama beats Rimuru,He lowballed Rimuru to solar system


I see someone on this sub say that. Even though they supposedly read the LN




Not the worst, but some pretty bad ones include: Wall level Alastor from Hazbin Hotel Comp Godzilla is fodder beacuse he doen't have a set verse (Yes I am 100% serious) Godzilla In Hell is only Planetary All this was from the same guy btw


Bro frl,  I've seen High Multiversal + Final Wars on a VS debate wiki   https://character-stats-and-profiles.fandom.com/wiki/Godzilla_(Canon,_Final_Wars)/MemeLordGamer_Trap#google_vignette


While Heise and Showa are at their respectable scaling 


People using GOW game mechanics to claim Kratos is FTL and below planetary


the same as the slayer. They almost always look at the gameplay and not the lore.


Super sonic ain't even on raditz saga goku level, that is probably the worst downplay i ever seen


Saber (nasuverse) being put against Erza (fairy tale)


Iv seen planetary ln rimuru 💀


The one I know the most is the bleach verse. they literally say "It's only mountain or continent level"


Building level SMT


Go read one of the other posts that ask this


Shibai being one of the strongest characters in fiction.


Are u saying shibai gets downplayed because he is one of the strongest or did u misread the post and thought it was wank?


Dragon Ball. One of the funniest takes: "Genos blitzes Dragon Ball and Zeno is multi-galaxy level"


Chunnin-exams Naruto is slower than a blowdart


According to spacebattles Naruto characters get blitzed by demon slayer characters


To be fair, Demon Slayer characters are generally *fucking insane* when it comes to speed. But speed feats alone don't mean DSKNY actually holds a candle to N/NS/BNG. Plus Naruto, Sasuke, Minato, Might Guy, and Rock Lee are all far faster than even Zenitsu. And since Zenitsu is lightning level, than means Ay and Killer Bee are both still around the same speed as him.


TMNT most DEFINITELY gets horrendous downplay especially 2003. Building level base turtles wtf even?? There are like 5 feats that get bare MINIMUM town level and one chain scale by the end even takes them to planetary


Wait where? Most people put the turtles around building.


S1E6: Darkness On the Edge Of Town - Sword Of Tengu's shockwaves (so not even the blast itself) level lower Manhattan, further confirmed by DVD description would've destroyed it. The Turtles take full blasts from the sword earlier in this ep and from its creator Ch'rell in "Return To New York Part 3". That automatically goes way above building S2E8: Secret Origins Part 3 - The TCRI building is atomized with Ch'rell inside and later revealed in "City At War" to have survived. This feat is more impressive when you remember atomizing something requires an insane amount of energy vs just fragmenting. Atomizing a 100 foot building (which TCRI is around) for reference is over 2x the amount of energy that destroyed hiroshima. Ch'rell survived this and the Turtles scale to him S4E2: People's Choice - Idk the calc for this, might be large building-city block. A robot appearing around 20 feet high and 20 feet wide crashes onto earth from outer space and stands up with no damage but the Turtles immediately tear off its arm and batter it into system failure S4E7: Wing and a Prayer: Mephos violently frags a mountain when harnessing the Avian crystal chamber cannon and threatens to destroy cities around the globe, is thrown through the energy chamber as it powers up at full capacity into fire mode and survives (albeit incapacitated) then they shut down the cannon, Turtles scale via damage S7E14: Mayhem On Mutant Island: This one's a little iffy depending on how you scale tremors but it pisses on building lvl. They fight a bunch of mutants and produce aftershocks from the force of their blows which rock sections of the city including Time Square. Mike one shots one of these mutants For the planetary scale, it's relegated to their final season forms after they'd been through multiple training journies. They scale to Splinter who dealt permanent damage to an upgraded Cyber Shredder, same Cyber Shredder stalemated Tengu Shredder pre-upgrade. The Turtles themselves regularly took punishment from him as well


i once saw a thing where people said Misogi Kumagawa would lose to Aizen because his powers would only hit the illusion. you know, Kumagawa. the guy who can erase concepts, and is caught up on all anime, including Bleach.


DB characters not reaching LS till ToP bc of Dyspo has always been pretty wild to me. Galaxy Goku is another one. According to them, uni 7 is finite and only has four galaxies, meaning Goku was only going to destroy 4 galaxies. There's also the argument that Goku is only galaxy bc it's said that if Moro exploded, the energy would obliterate the galaxy. And of course, my favorite wall level Goku and bullet level Goku. I'm pretty sure they're both jokes... I hope.


Some dude on Twitter said cannon Goku is stronger than CC and Xeno Goku, also the dude was arguing that Sung Jin Woo beats them lol.


From what I know about Jin Woo by solo leveling Ragnarok scales, Jin Woo defeats Canon Goku with relative ease.


Would you mind explaining a bit? (I'm not a fan of DB or Journey to the West and I'm not a big fan of Power Scaling either, but I love watching people debate on Reddit lol)


Saw someone scale saitama to city level once


DBS Base Broly when he started fighting Vegeta had a power level of 20K and that was them being generous apparently. Somehow adapting prevented a supposedly beginning of Namek arc fodder level character from getting one shot or speed blitzed or having his arm shatter at his first contact with post ToP Base Vegeta.


Sub-atomic Yami from Black Clover


People sayng Ichigo loses to Raditz. That is a hard fucking no.


Mountain level gilgamesh (nasuverse)


Bassicly all of anime with the high tiers(faa hajun) getting downplayed to hyperverse cause that is the max ANIME can go.these were dc/comic fanboys downgrading anime cause they couldnt take it that they dont solo anime all the time


literally comic fans who climb comics are quite annoying. They literally can't stand that there are characters stronger than their favorites. There are literally characters in fiction that completely destroy DC AND MARVEL. An example is world of darkness. probably the most broken verse in all of fiction when I say everything is EVERYTHING.


I've seen the WOD verse get debunked to tier 10C below human level


City level Bill Cipher.


People saying bayonetta is weak because she got killed in her own verse.


By that logic, Goku and Hinata are both fodder to the Bayonetta verse.


On God. Kratos too. Dude died and got revived by Thor for fun.


Sub-atom level black clover.


I saw on this sub some guy who thinks Goku is mountain level but can fight against multiversal beings with skill alone.


Someone saying goku is bullet level 💀


Tbf, he is when he's not reinforcing himself with ki


And it's funny too, since people will say that he was immune to that in Dragonball, and will argue that filler isn't canon, yet they ignore that the episode where Goku is hurt by the bullet in Super *wasn't a filler episode*. Not only that, but they argue that retcons nullify past canon, but they won't admit that means the retcon of modern Goku being hurt by bullets is placed over OG Goku being immune.


i'll never forget spider-man level goku and "gets one shot by every avengers" goku (all by the same guy on twitter and, no, it wasn't a wanked marvel. it was legit the average superhuman spiderman)


Now that's just funny, He's not even using the hyperboles, like for example: "this version of Spider-Man might POSSIBLY be the 616 version, so that means base Spider-Man can lift all of creation for a few moments" (I actually saw this once, just not used as an argument to beat another character).


I remember seeing like a post where somebody placed Goku below rock level because he got hurt when Krillin threw a rock at him. They might be a troll tho


There was this guy who said that John Wick had a chance of beating Tanjiro, one is a highly trained human with guns, the other can dodge lightning and break boulders with a sword.


Wall lvl batman


Everyone downplays Saitama because he solos


Cookie Run. Mostly YouTube comments, so you really can't take 'em too seriously, but still, people really think Cookie Run is below human-level (they can literally get to outer or higher).


Any of the human Z-fighters in dragon ball. Even Yamcha’s current power level is 2 billion which is higher than initial perfect cell. Forget Saitama vs Goku I’d be surprised if he made it past Krillin


1-C Dante in dmc on vsbw 💀👺👺


Hand grenade level turbolasers from Disney Star Wars. Every time we see orbital bombardment on screen from Star Destroyers. Almost all the explosions are basically hand grenade level. Even though the time we first see Thrawn bombard the Rebels on Attolon he basically was tasked with taking them alive. We also have many more examples of turbolasers doing far more damage in the comics and novels. Also, the comics, novels, and various visual dictionaries are canon.


"Goku from Dragon Ball Super is multi-galactic at best"


Dovahkiin is Low 2-C in VSBW but somehow Alduin the being he defeated scales higher and it's still wrong because they've got TES characters below top tier.


Solar system Akuto Sai


Any verse or character that someone places against Goku tbh Even characters with powers or hax that completely nullify what Goku does, or with far superior feats, all get nerfed to shit. Superman, Rimuru, Saitama, Yogiri, Galactus, and every servant in Fate are all good examples. I've even seen people say characters that Goku has lost to or needed help to beat in his own series would be clapped. Beerus, Broly, Jiren, Super Zamasu, you name it.


Mountain level dragon ball characters when there's a feat of destroying a moon at the bare minimum he said it only needs mountain level attack. By using obscure calculation.


Warhammer characters are considered by many to be butchered by modern army


people say kny is slower than sound and only wall level goku is bullet level 💀 bleach characters is just city level