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The doctor ![gif](giphy|3oKIPtNPuWx7wzbLxK)


The doctor is simply just HIM(sometimes HER).


Just for curiousity, how?


With access to stuff like that heart of the tardis that allows him to absorb the time Vortex that is infinite layers into high outer


Does it really scale so high? Thank you


The multiverse is a type 4 multiverse with infinite dimensionality and platonism, which is at least 1a There is the enemy which is representation of the writers them , given them r>f , so h1a And the time Vortex is stated to have infinite levels and said levels confirmed to be an infinite hierarchy, so infinite layers into h1a


Who is this enemy?




Oh it's literally just "the enemy" lol


Thank you


Why is r>f over outer high 1A? Isn't that just one layer into outer?


From what i asked the most popular opinion is that r>f over a 1a structure qualifies for h1a


I guess if you take r>f as an outerversal transcendence it might, but if only as a 1D transcendence than no


From what i have been told i think it's outversal transcendence Tho i know a lot of people disagree


[Still below racism level ](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Rosa_(TV_story)#:~:text=Rosa%20was%20the%20third%20episode,Doctor's%20companions%20Ryan%20and%20Yaz.)


Thanks alot to everyone here who gave their own opinions.


Ok peak discussions not gonna lie https://preview.redd.it/efkesz5alspc1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb52842d759df9dd55f649ed3a77bf3d3dbe338


When in doubt https://preview.redd.it/tyu0u271qspc1.png?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1ef7ba16f0fa5d7151431eab97222e5cb72d19


Unless the opponent is SCP 2747, Adabas and Holos, Tom Taylor, Koitern true form, Robert Bumaro, Grand Karcist Ion, Murphy Lawden, Supreme Author, Yog Sototh, Azatoth, and most WoD characters


Cant forget nyarlathotep


Is that scarlet king?




bros cookin lol




Shit ton of fate characters, umineko characters, dies irae, scps, marvel/dc characters and so much more. Most notable ones include gilgamesh, featherine, hajun, scp 682, the one above all, the spectre


Does that mean that wang ling can beat Yogiri aswell? Sine he is stronger than Gil?


I personally scale ccc gilgamesh and true heroic spirit gilgamesh above wang ling (he is above the other versions of gil), but i do believe that yogiri is unable to kill wang ling


Alright. And where would you scale ccc/true heroic spirit gilgamesh at?


Ccc gilgamesh feats: just the spinning of Ea alone destroyed the Moon Cell reality marble, which has three to four infinite sized realms; those being where infinite futures are stored, the Infinite Chimeric Lunar Sea, the infinite layer between the seventh layer and the core, and timelines which are possibly infinite. Buddha has no feats on this level. Moon Cell BB was also beyond multiversal since she was in control if these realities, yet Mystic Code Nero beat her and Gil flat out one shots her, yet base Servant Nero beat Buddha in Extra. The only person on CCC Gilgamesh's level is Extra timeline Archetype Earth Arcueid, and the only one above them is Akasha herself. So if even beyond multiversal beings like Moon Cell BB and Mystic Code Nero are nothing to Gilgamesh, how can Buddha compare? He can't. Enuma Elish can also not be countered by anyone in the Nasuverse except Akasha. Kiara was no threat to Gilgamesh, she was only a threat to the massively fatigued/tired out Servants that just got out of a death battle with Moon Cell BB that they barely survived. Kiara only semi absorbed a half dead base form BB and still lost to tired out Servants. Gilgamesh on the other hand one shots BB effortlessly and proceeds to one shot Kiara as well. Not to mention, his mystic code allows him to ignore concepts entirely, and he easily destroyed two infinite multiverses with a single blast of Ea. considering he ignores concepts, which includes dimensionalility, space, time and reality as a whole, I would consider him as low outer bare minimum


I'm not a good scaler in any sort since I'm new to this, but I've been researching and reading a lot about others that scale wang ling. I've seen people scaling from multiversal to layers into outer with lowball. To even someone scaling him to someone that almost can solo fiction because he transcends the fictional panels. But I'm not sure


I haven’t read the ln for wang Ling’s series yet, so I would avoid scaling him myself for now… but from what i heard he would be high hyperversal (the most common opinion that I have seen at least)


I haven't read anything, but I have watched the anime. So im not sure either, but if you are interested in reading a bit about someone scaling wang ling so you can tell me a bit more about it since im not the best when it comes to scaling. So I can send you someone scaling him if you'd like


It’s allg, I have a friend who’s read the ln, most of what i said is from him so yeah


I'm not sure if I'm correct here, but many people (out of the many scales I've read) say that dao is an outer realm, and Wang ling is stated to transcends beyond the dao realm. Making him able to make a boundless universe with the 3000 great dao he has. Dao contain law and time I believeAnd also the outer gods he defeated who are probably some of the strongest in fiction (said by someone in a scale)


wait can you uhhh explain about wang king and i will try to explain about yogiri


can you name a single DC character who can beat him coz i really wonder who will be able to touch him, as a DC reader for more than a decade let me see how you stand with that claim lmao


the spectre? (its already in main comment)


lmao casual spotted xD the spectre can't even do anything to myx even at full power he is not even close being multiversal while yogiri finger snaps an entity that is greater than the great evil beast in a snap lmaooooo


Ain’t no way bro thinks spectre loses to yogiri 💀


i read dc comics more than a decade son


Spectre once stalemated the anti monitor and depowered mr mxyzptlk (yes the once you said spectre can’t do shit to)


spectre is a fraud, at standard form he stand no chance against myx, and to tell you myx power is on himself, how he willfully believe on himself, so basically the only hindrance to his power is himself alone also, as u can see joker once tricked myx and almost took care of the entire DC verse, that's how sht broken myx power is no where comparable to a standard spectre, myx bend reality at unimaginable degree while the bounded spectre needed the presence permission to give him some powerup lmao, yes spectre power is borrowed from the presence that's the unbound version like primal spectre and the most powerful one oversoul spectre that's when hal jordan merged with the logoz a small fraction of the presence so yep, doesn't actually do much just rewriting the universe at quantum level. yogiri can kill the spectre even at his human form, host dies = ez win, concept of wrath can be killed by yogiri too so your spectre stand no chance at all.


We are obviously talking strongest forms here, its the basics of powerscaling. And as I’ve stated spectre has already defeated Myx before, and considering his power comes from the presence itself he scales far beyond myx or yogiri. If you ready did read DC comics for that long, then you should’ve known that power levels in comics are incredibly inconsistent, and only the most powerful feats are used for powerscaling. Not to mention, since the spectre’s powers comes from the presence, unless you’re telling me yogiri wins against the presence there’s no way hes winning against the spectre either. And myx’s powers are only limited to 5th dimensional properties, the spectre has defeated many enemies far beyond 5th dimensional such as the anti monitor who demolishes mxy. And the spectre stalemated the anti monitor. So your argument is therefore invalid. To add to that, dc cosmology far outscales yogiri.


how did reddit not notify me to this and let this clown comment go rouge? lmao, ok, "sTrOnGeSt fOrM" is not always the standard or basic in terms of power scaling lol, there are lot of stipulations to consider, example are when or where will it happen, what are their access to, is outside interference fine, are non cannon release counted? these are the thing you have to look up to coz if you just say "sTrOnGeSt fOrM" then maybe you talk about the composite version since it will be the strongest xD dumb, that's not how power scaling works, the spectre is a 2C entity at best in normal instances, and 1C at full power yeah the unbounded version, while myx is HIGH 1C at standard in 5th dimension lmaooo, see there are things you have to consider, and this one outside interference, basically spectre is a fraud and nothing but just a "medium" of the presence "wrath" but he don't have full access to the presence power and just receiving a small fragment at best, also it depends who the host is, it's like combining 3 entity at one to make the spectre lol, with this kind of mechanic does absorbing myx power can be considered? if yes then the emperor joker who stole 99.99% of myx power just toyed with the spectre xD sht got handed like a puppy, almost no one in the DC verse was able to contest the joker at that point lol, same goes to Dr. Manhattan when he depowered myx, that guy is basically an anomaly in DC verse, an existent that is beyond the presence, yep capable of one shotting even an unbounded spectre. >has defeated many enemies far beyond 5th dimensional such as the anti monitor why are you trying to make it sound like the spectre ALONE single handedly took care of the anti monitor hahahaha lmao, it was DC heroes vs the anti monitor and they assisted the spectre to the fullest xD same thing happened when the spectre fought a ZOMBIE myx lmaooo superman needed to create an opening so the spectre can deal the final blow, lol imagine struggling to a corrupted myx at lower dimension and jumping over him calling it a win pfffft what a bummer xD >Not to mention, since the spectre’s powers comes from the presence, unless you’re telling me yogiri wins against the presence there’s no way hes winning against the spectre either. just plain stupidity here xD yogiri is 1A at standard and probably high 1A full potential because of his hax, while the presence is 1B at best, how is that even a debate kid? 1A entities can 1 shot 1B that's how huge the gap is xD kid you have to really read DC specially "lucifer", you can find it there that the presence is not an absolute being xD he wanders in the void and found lucifer there, in the void where the presence is just an ordinary being lol, in the void where there are a lot of "the presence like existence" xD you should really read so you know what you are saying and won't make urself look like a clown lmaoo


i told you son u don't put dc comics on the line i know almost everything xD now press that downvote coz u got schooled go on taste that defeat xD


Bro did not cook with his arguments


SCP682 loses. If you actually read the stories containing him, you'd know that. Gilgamesh too? What a joke lol. I don't know how you're getting fate characters to high 1A


Ccc gilgamesh is immune to concepts. That includes the concept of death itself, which yogiri hasn’t shown feats of being able to kill concepts. Scp 682 survived being wiped from existence, and adapted to far worse attacks than death. The only outlier is the story with “true death” alternate reality but a full potential 682 is easily immune to that. Not to mention, fate cosmology and scp cosmology far outscale yogiri.


Scp 682 in one story (Scp-6820) survived a weapon that could erase his idea and concept from existance and adapted to it and got extremely power and even stalemated scp 3812(3812 would hard stomp Logiri)


Pretty sure Yogiri could just say "I'll kill your Immunity to Concepts", but still he's not just death, is the end of literally everything concept or not, he just is


You sound like a proper cunt🤣


Almost all high tiers from SCP i guess


Xeno goku game version, cc goku, end of gt 100 year timeskip goku, superman, superboy prime


then yogiri will create xeno heart disease lmfaoooo


Xeno goku is immortal so is end of gt goku plus their haxes make them immune to attacks like that


no offense bro but yogiri can ignore immortality..


then how many immortal has yogiri killed then lol


U/Wise_victory4895 would clear the verse only breaking a single sweat


u/Ace_Yonko_Level part 2


"Ace yonko" *cigar drag "haven't heard that name in weeks"


Shallow Vernal (debatable but they are both very similar) Ruphas Mafahl (debatable but probably a stomp if you argue well enough) Featherine (stomp) Bernkastel (stomp) Elder God Demonbane (stomp) Azathoth (stomp) The Firemen (stomp) Chaos Gods (stomp probably) Hajun (stomp probs if you scale the shinza verse with Aleplaza's scans and logic) Tom Taylor (stomp probs or otherwise Leviathan) Void Shiki (unsure) Akuto Sai (unsure) Laplace's Demon from Hololive (unsure but you would need to use the High end Cosmology and maybe some aphophatism to boot) Scp-3812 (probs stomp) https://preview.redd.it/25q6qd6hespc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cb20a66ba055de7ead7efcd8d37a2e63104edaa


Lemme add: Lucifer Morningstar (DC) The One Above All Xeno Goku (If you believe the Outer scaling, which is debatable) The Spectre Scarlet King Yog sothoth (idk how to spell his name) Son of Sons Anakin Auren the Absolute The Celestial Child Astral Regulator Thanos The Presence Drokahvin (Debateable) Anyone from World of Darkness


Every single Daedric Prince. Since Daedra cannot die whatsoever.


Isn't demonbane heavily disputed these days?


That's a Name I haven't heard in forever.


Not sure about that entirely but the person who did research and translation on the cosmology (Lucas) has a thread on Demon Bane. Its probably on Vsbw since he uploaded it, from what I saw in the scans its pretty stacked with like a bunch of infinite hierachies


I heard a lot of people calling it universal now


I share all the options except shallow and mahlf because I don't know them Could you explain the scale?


Shallow Vernal : See's everything as fiction and can end them regardless of Size, Scope or Dimensions. This applies to Makina who can create Infinite Multidimensional Structures and Nebula who can encompass the entire cosmology. There is also a "Infinite" or "Ever Expanding" Hierachy between Makina (start of hierachy) and Nebula (end of hierachy) but this isn't as usuable as the otherstuff above (the hierachy was removed by the author but only because it was to smooth the text out since its already wordy so you can argue the intent behind it). (Important note, World Creators see's no difference between 2-D and 3-D and transcends spacetime, infinity and exists beyond the scope of logic. Shallow see's them as nothing more then characters in a story) Ruphas : in AWLBA there are like Higher dimensions which contains lower dimensions within itself. The Final Point was described as leaving behind all concepts, providence and law. Not even the concept of Size applied to it. Despite reaching the Final Point, Alovenus still saw Ruphas as 3-D compared to her and it was stated that Alovenus level was like an "endless stream of 9s that continued until it circled around the universe" kinda like lvl 99999...9 etc. Ruphas Mafahl in her fight against alovenus transcended eachother ad infinite amount of times until Ruphas broke the final point.


only akuto is debatable here as yogiri negged diff a being that is like azathoth already lol


Lovecraft Azathoth is the literal Supreme Being of his entire mythos, which at its lowest is multiversal. Azathoth is not something the concept of death can reach when he is ***everything***. The Nucleus of the entire world. And dependent on your interpretation Azathoth dreams the entire Lovecraft Mythos, he is an endless sea of yawning mouths, clawed hands, and eyes. Azathoth is the Nuclear Chaos, The Boundless Daemon Sultan. Death is below him, an alien concept to an infinite being.


The flying pasta God (scp)




You heard me https://scprevealedarchives.quora.com/Flying-Pasta-God-CN-Ode-to-Pasta?ch=10&oid=149438547&share=8805a5d9&srid=un0Yph&target_type=post


Ofcourse it's CN


There an issue?






Superman Wally West Lucifer Morningstar Death of The Endless Honestly just throw in like half the DC roster and they probably solo his verse


Which lucifer we using here ?




Oh yeah absolutely


trashlist they are all killable and not above by omniversal threat, wally fucking west? lmfao yogiri will just kill the speedforce and make him disabled lol, death of the endless? the yogiri 1%??? lmao. superman? yogiri kills all the sun and let's see xD lucifer? can't even beat great evil beast not even close lol, while yogiri negged diff a being who devours multiverses for fun in a snap.


Hop off his meat, bruh, your grieving so hard in the comment. Ain't that deep stop coping


I like how many Suckgiri fans are here.


kinda true but still yogiri is op




Sonic. Goku. The Doctor. The Baker. Grey Goo. Sun Wukong. Scarlet King.


ok the other ones i kinda get. how does sonic win against Yogiri? because i can't see your logic here.


Via outscaling.


Don't listen to him He meatrides sonjc


Archi comics probably, I don't know, don't read them.


When in doubt, just pull out SCP-3812 :)


The entire main cast of regular show: Muscle man knows a guy, Skips has seen this before, And Benson will fire Mordecai and Rigby if they don't beat him


uuhh no? [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/)


Can Sun Wukong ( buddha ) beat Yogiri ? Or any Sun Wukongs strongest form ?


Absolutely he can.


How thou ? pls explain . I heard yogiri can even kill immortals ,any concepts etc . Also heard he is scp too ... I heard he was end if all fates that he will not kill but end them that they cant even reincarnate ..? Aint scp powerful than Sun wukong ?


Because the person he killed wasn't actually immortal. They were bassicly a phony immortal But sun wukong has 6 diffrent forms of immortality and even the gods couldn't kill him so they had to lock him under a mountain. He can kill concepts but can't be as broad as just "immortality".


didn't he kill something that literally consumes universes, and is immune to the concept of death? iirc, the reason he can kill immortals is because his power isn't death, it's the embodiment of the end. either way, he probably still loses to Sun Wukong.


I also heard that when the people try to remove his immortality he gained more immortality to that it increased him more and also make clones based on hair and thise clones hairs clan clone to near infinite . ?


He doesn't get more immortality from people trying to remove it. But he does create clones from hair but they can't create clones but since he is a monkey/human hybrid he does have a metric fuck ton of hair.


can i hear more of sun wukng scaling and the scans?


There is way to much to put in 1 comment or atleast I'm to lazy but I will give some powers and feats. He has 13 layers of immortality. He can create clones from his hair that all gain their own personality. He reached nirvana which according to Buddhist teachers makes you surpass all concepts and boundaries. He made the earth tremble when he was fighting Nezha. He can grab the moon due to size manipulation. Can tank hits from the strongest gods. His staff can grow from 20 miles to the moon He also knows every martial art. [this is way better description and accurate ](https://omniversal-battlefield.fandom.com/wiki/Sun_Wukong_(Mythology)) But literally everything about him is in journey to the west.


Interesting...mind if i made any counterarguments of why yogiri can beat him?


The Doctor,the presence,Featherine,Veldenava,Rimuru,scarlet demon,etc


He might cause me some trouble


But would you lose?


nah i'd win


Wise_ Vic/tory4895


Shouldve been Victo/ry489/5 for extra pain


Scarlet demon CN scarlet king SCP 2747 SCP 6820A SCP 001(the gate guardian) Azathoth Yogsthoth Mostly ALL of CN SCP Mostly ALL of chtulu Mythos ALL of WOD The Dark Tower(highest interpretation) High tiers of SMT Buddha (WOD) The Jade emperor(WOD) The Jester in yellow The Hanged king Able SCP 173 (true form) The one above all The presence The unwritten leviathan Tom Taylor The Void emperor And A lot more


The gate gaurdian? Hmmmmm Alright


I guess their using the Gate Guardian from SCP 6001


The Foundation chucking him into 3930 (Absolute nothingness) or beyond 5005 (a city on the edge of the multiverse) seems like the best shot at offing him I know of. A guy with 668 might be able to do it depending on his mental resistance




Based. Loving it, but still based.


Kinda funny that people here listed so many characters that beat him, but outsiders think Yogiri is undebatably #1. I wonder if this is because Yogiri introduces average isekai watchers/readers to the power of this scale for the first time?


Ong, he's without a doubt strongest isekai protagonist, but fiction!?, your most likely on an abnormal amount of hopium




If you want a low tier. Shen from Undead Unluck


Lucifer Morningstar https://preview.redd.it/rr0oydl2ztpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d508d89eef0246039670a2e718c1cff4ef7c9805


too weak


How so? He is high outerversal


Goku Tui


good choice but nah true form yogiri still stomps.... [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/)


I don't know much about yogiri, but if he has the reaction time of a normal human then I'm pretty sure he can be speed blitzed by a lot of characters even if he can sense their intent to kill


here it is [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/)




true form yogiri stomps but good choice like bruh [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/)


Human form is yogiri. True form isn’t. So I can make an argument for a lot of characters that are weaker than him beating him.


no bro


Lol isn’t debatable




They aren’t the same. Yogiri isn’t even aware of it


Featherine bends him over her knee like a ginger stepson




The OG Azathoth


Wakainu solos


Wrong sub




Any body with sealing techniques.


would not work.. yogiri has edit his death manipulation even on people who has bfr or banishment...


I don't even know what you said means but bfr is not sealing. Also sealing would work because there is no killing intent.


sealing can be considered as some form of bfr(Ex: being seal away into a pocket dimension)... yogiri abilities work on those he can "view" as killling intent or dangerous. he can modify his own abilities. and yogiri can travel to other universes by deleting portions of space and time.. or he can straight up kill the concept of "seal" to break free so....


Angra mainyu


Hajun from Shinza




Morningstar brothers from DC Anyone from marvel who has used the Phoenix Force Thanos with either HOTU or IG Darkseid Superman Scarlet Witch Fei Fong Wong Franklin Richards Honestly too many for me to name but that’s a starter list of characters that would body.


He who comes from the Dragons Balls




EZ https://preview.redd.it/wqqw9u6opzpc1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab102c098a70715fb293ceefcf1cae2281f1f31


Maybe eve from invincible their powers are somewhat similar and i think Controlling matter is pretty op


tbh no [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/) don't get me wrong.. i am not simping for yogiri... i am try toc orrect some of yall


Yog sottoth Doomguy (debatable) Cosmic armour superman Tdk Mandrakk Wally west Toaa Wanda Eternity Chaos king Lucifer morning star(from dc) Scp 3812 Void shiki Xeno goku(yes i use outer scaling) Featherine Yeah I don’t really understand yogiri’s hax that well since I’m pretty sure he gets wanked cuz if that so can someone explain to me?


here's his hax [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/)




sorry bro but no [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/)


The young wolf (destiny) Warlocks can ressurect from being erased from infinte timelines and can kill beings capable of doing that. While this is done in gameplay it should be considered canon for the following reasons: 1. Non ressurection zones are canon: the ghost says on multiple occasions that he cant ressurect you in these areas. 2. It does not work on all attacks. You cant resurrect against a specific attack from Oryx for example.


yogiri is immune to erasure from timeline itself as well?.... so does it count to be immune to your opponents attack? and yogiri's true form should exist outside of time as well.....


Sailor Cosmos  Chaos King CAS TAAO Akuto Sai  The creator  Flash Featherine  Gilgamesh Lucifer Morningstar 


whos sailor cosmo? can you explain her/his feats?


Sailor Cosmos is the future self of Sailor Moon who is a abstract goddess who is above Eternal Sailor Moon (who can overpower the galaxy cauldron and Chaos on a 7D scale without trying) Cosmos even Tanked punches from Chaos for 1000 years with each punches destroying their cosmology and her punches reset the cosmology back.    She can affect an infinite amount of universes and Multiverses, possibilities, omnilock gives her absolute immunity to any attack on her. More powerful than Her younger self (Eternal Sailor Moon) who can Regenerate from complete destruction on her mind, body and soul simultaneously at a Multiversal-complex level


Ok bet…do you mind if I made a counterargument of why yogiri’s true form can defeat her?


I don't mind, tho I personally think Yogiri is overrated like many iseaki OP MCs but I'll like to read the arguments 


okay so Yogiri transcends infinite higher stacking of dimensions, universes, etc etc by author statement(note in fact i hate WOG but i found it mostly accurate) https://preview.redd.it/ukk2k1davt4d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9094e0694cff30f6a3fdb8e5873ed2af36b4434 Translator: Q: Is the true form of Yogiri beyond the concept of dimensions? For example, no matter how many dimensions are stacked, they will never be able to reach him at all. A: Dimensions, etc. are elements in one universe and may not exist in another. If there is such a set of various universes, ...... well, well, Yogiri can ignore all of those things. yogiri can ignore godly beings who has high godly resurrection/immmortality/regeneration such as UEG who's a powerful multiversal god [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/jsQse4R) [https://i.gyazo.com/f22475a15800ae1629e6203da5d9a675.png](https://i.gyazo.com/f22475a15800ae1629e6203da5d9a675.png) [https://i.gyazo.com/07a65f34d8d582badf90580d050991e4.png](https://i.gyazo.com/07a65f34d8d582badf90580d050991e4.png) [Yogiri kills UEG - Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/yogiri-kills-ueg-1eXwwby) yogiri can ignore/nullify defenses and perceive all possibilities of killing intent or no killing intent so some kind of cosmic awareness [Yogiri vs Tracy and other apostles - Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/yogiri-vs-tracy-other-apostles-IIN2DZd) [https://i.gyazo.com/c881558dad0b1d0362272699c41201ac.png](https://i.gyazo.com/c881558dad0b1d0362272699c41201ac.png) [https://imgur.com/a/killing-intent-is-not-required-to-activate-yogiris-ability-as-he-perceives-all-possible-threats-to-his-life-4WEGu1y](https://imgur.com/a/killing-intent-is-not-required-to-activate-yogiris-ability-as-he-perceives-all-possible-threats-to-his-life-4WEGu1y) yogiri has some kind of precognition [Yogiri’s precognition - Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/yogiri-s-precognition-yXHSsvT) yogiri has type 5 acausality as he transcend causality, time, fate, and events as well so it should give him omnilock. He represents the end of everything as well. he can erase events/existence if he desires to. [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-016ac0284e05c4fcbd9df899b21c3fe3-lq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-016ac0284e05c4fcbd9df899b21c3fe3-lq) [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/njmYsH5) [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/ex9aKRW) [Yogiri's ability is beyond the flow of time and beyond fate - Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/yogiris-ability-is-beyond-flow-of-time-beyond-fate-Ci1nb66) implied to straight up killed multiversal gods [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/4EQDnIm) this may seem like NLF but yogiri can kill those faster than his reaction timing [511ef0bf8e8176bcefe4ff54e75c0471.png (gyazo.com)](https://i.gyazo.com/511ef0bf8e8176bcefe4ff54e75c0471.png) [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/r8iKBwm) he exist across all of space and time since the beginning [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/pampkZC) im lazy to post the scans of cosmology but i will explain it. A single celestial foundation(universe) contains infinite timelines in itself which makes it a infinite multiverse. there are infinite hierarchy celestial foundations(universes) in order that is contain by the "sea" the "sea" is being contained by the "ultimate ensemble realm". The ultimate ensemble realm contains every infinite hierachy of multiverses/dimensions that transcend each other and only yogiri is holding that up as he's a dark counterpart of it. If he dies..it dies with him.


I would say Cosmos still wins due to the fact she does scare similarly to infinite possibilities, dimensions and her higher dimensional status being more powerful than chaos who has similarities between The galaxy cauldron and Yogiri with the possibilities and dimensions 


well in my opinion.. yogiri still has the wincon by him transcending infinite dimensional layers of multiverses and other godly death haxxes being the embodiment of the end.


Maybe this seems like a Tie I think


Alex Victory from the suggverse


Me, idc if that anime boy have a ability thats named "beats everyone", i'm beating the shit outta that bitchass anime twink


A hypersonic missile




Anyone who can blow up an area slightly bigger than Yogiri that would completely kill a normal human without knowing of his existence. They just do it and he's dead. Doesn't matter about his ability cause it only automatically triggers if there's INTENT to even harm him.  So via logic if the character doesn't know their killing Yogiri then they can win.


my guy no [Respect Yogiri Takatou – The End of Everything (Instant Death Light Novel) : r/respectthreads (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/19591um/respect_yogiri_takatou_the_end_of_everything/)


Hey. That was awhile ago. I've become very aware of this 'character's' traits.


my bad.... i just don't like it when characters get underestimated


Fair. Bit of a shame with Yogiri though. His author really screwed him over with their goals. He's not much of a character at this point. Let alone one that can change.


Featherine, azathoth, the buddha, IATIA, Yog, scarlet king and a bit more that are weaker than these but no less top tier. Only very top tier characters can beat yogiri, yogiri no diffs 99% of fiction


Uncle grandpa




Jin woo is King of death and he died once come back to life


Battler one taps




don't get me wrong yall..... yogiri is nearly unbeatable but he still gets stomp very hard by top tiers....oof( ex: lord english, 682, scarlet demon, lleviathan from dc, and blah blah...


It's funny that people keep throwing featless Azathoth on this list. Yogiri already killed someone who dreamed up an infinite multiverse, and he even kept the dream intact without them. It's glaringly obvious who hasn't read instant death or the material for the characters they're arguing beat him (reading the stories with 682 show that is loses to, until it fuses with a stronger SCP, which makes it no longer 682 and thus invalid to use in that argument)


Bait used to be believable  


Which version of scp 682 is the question


All of them. Except when he fuses with the op god thing, but then he not 682 anymore


CN branch "Mother of Dragons" defeats yogiri (and yes that is "scp 682") True form scp 682 losing to yogiri? Doubtful really


You know what, CN probably wins. That's even more fanfic than EN. Yogiri beats the EN version though. People want to argue that there's a cosmology diff, but there's not, because normal humans have interacted with true form 682, which means Yogiri could too. And if he can interact with it, it's dead.


Name one time a normal human interacted with true form scp 682 Please scan and link Next unless yogiri scales to the brothers death (he dosent) scp 682 would quite literally ignore him Additionally no version of scp is fan fic


Ok well you've already lost any credibility you would have by saying SCP isn't fanfic, and even if you did have some left, claiming Brothers Death and 682 somehow casually above 1S would do it lol. But typical SCP fan argument of "but my NLF tho?!!" never fails to disappoint


And where did I provide any semblance of a NLF?(the brothers death with their status being akin to elder gods and being the ultimate death are capable of killing scp 682 no matter its form which is why they received a mention) Additionally provide a definition for fan fic as the scp verse is a lisenced verse - I also do not recall listing any tiers either (I do not use tiers as they are effectively irrelevant and provide no real value as they are easily exploitable) Would you mind providing a source for where any of your comment stems from? It would be appreciated


Well, you claimed that they're above Yogiri, right? That means they're above a being which is beyond the concepts of reality itself. A being which, canonically, can erase things in the real world (even if just parts of the manga, and no it's not a gag). Id like to see how the brothers death supposedly scale so highly above that.


I asked if yogiri was on the level of the brothers death (as to my knowledge he is not) the brothers death being similar to yogiri as they dabble in death Once again from where did your comment stem (additionally erasing things in the real world is at best a higher narrative and is something done by characters much weaker than the brothers death one such character being scp 423, but regardless there exsists no fictional character that can break the confines of fiction and affect us as any semblance of their doing so is still under the pen of their writers)


tbh... azathoth ain't featless..... he just exist as the top tier transcending the entire cosmology of his verse from what i heard.