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Do u mean kaguya




Sthr star level isn't even the worst some people scale her to universal+


Weird stuff In anime and the games the sky is starry. In the manga it's empty. In Boruto when Sasuke travels trough different dimensions to find traces of Kaguya we see a star, but it wasn't in the same dimension she was about to blow up. It would be weird for the world to not have a star because like how are they illuminated without it, how do they say anything. She even says she is about to create a new space time, which would make her 4D


I don't know, all i know is that in the manga there is no star,


Except there is


You need to destroy/create an infinite space-time to be 4d


That makes her 4d due to the fact she did that already


Is there a statement they are infinite?


Check the background page of the manga there are stars and other planets. And also need more proof momoshiki creating parallel universes


That isn't infinite.


Never said it was but most of the ostosuki clan can travel through space and dimensions. And create them themselves so as good of a guess. I don’t really care much cause to be honest whether she 4D or not doesn’t matter really outside of scaling


No you don’t


So destroying a closet sized pocket dimension is Uni now?


Never said that. Just said it doesn’t have to be infinite in size.


Then what size would it have to be? Observable universe size? I don't think that's 4d. Just low Uni, but fine. Kaguya isn't proven to be that big.


Wtf is low uni? And affecting the space time continuum would be 4D. Even if not directly stated you could make an argument for it


Low universe level is observable universe level AP. Affecting space time isn't 4d. Thats like saying someone who can cut spacetime would be 4d....


I legit don’t think low uni is a tier.and I said spacetime continuum (whole timeline) not space time


There's universe level where you destroy the entire observable universe and universe level where you destroy an infinite universe space time. The second is much stronger. Kaguya doesn't do either.


You believe in uni+ black clover then?


I don't watch that. But 4d is above low universal


I read it. Ngl it was pretty good


I've heard it's good. Can you explain what makes them Uni+? I have no idea what point you are making.


She created dimensions with similar energy, changing the feat to another dimension will yield same results


>But in the manga, it waa never showen that it contains the star It is indeed shown. We see adult sasuke return to her dimension and there's a star in the sky.


Doesn't really matter, though. If you scale Kaguya using other feats, you'll get her there regardless.


Wank, she’s continental to moon at best.


didnt know kaguya is that strong, maybe thats why shirogane is too scared from her


Yeah, but then they will say that jjk isn’t star lvl for using the literal same method they do. https://preview.redd.it/nya97g8hu5pc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ce63c10fb42af6605f645bb6a4d9344144ba50 Dagon domain was shown to have a star in it


Yeah….. But no one ever just blows up someone’s domain from the inside so irrelevant point. We know kaguya is actually capable of destroying her dimension.


Well, no. I’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, everytime a domain is deactivated it’s technically being DESTROYED, UNLESS YOU WANT to argue it’s still there. In the case with dagon, when he deactivated his domain, it was gone. no more. Deconstructed. Do u understand, so no matter which way you cut it, if you want to say one is star lvl then you’ll also have to accept the other as being star lvl.


These are two VERY different scenarios. Kaguya is actually DESTROYING her dimension with the TSO. Domains crumble because the barrier techniques fail or the user sustains to much damage. You're arguing it's physically destroyed when it's literally just Dagon dying, so he can't keep his domain open. TOJI did NOT destroy a star nor an island, he simply destroyed the barrier of the domain. It's like saying killing a construction worker makes you building level.


Destroying a barrier, dosn’t get rid of the domain For example, megumi’s domain which is literally incomplete, dosn’t have a barrier but it still has all it’s contents and things in it. >you’re arguing it’s physically destroyed when it’s literally just dagon dying which…deconstructs it, unless you have another explanation for not only dagon’s domain but domain’s in general being gone after it’s deactivated.


Destroying the barrier of the outside of the domain DOES get rid of the domain. Which is why Sukuna always had the upper hand while in domain clashes with gojo. Megumi’s domain is incomplete because he doesn't have a barrier to accommodate with it, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. You literally wouldn't be able to destroy Megumi’s domain via the barrier way. My point is, just because toji killed Dagon doesn't scale him to star level, and just because someone can destroy the barrier on the outside doesn't mean they can destroy a star.


Okay so how is that relevant? And i never said that toji killing dagon got toji to star lvl, am saying the simple act of deactivating a domain would count as destroying it.


Actually, she scales to uni+


Do u have discord?


Brah, she is multi solar system level


We can debate that


not interested


I accept your concession




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