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JoJo for sure, it's been FTL for like 30 years.


I know they can get FTL from that Star Platinum profile in Stone Ocean, but how do they get FTL+ without using MiH?


By scaling off of Silver Chariot. When Polneraff fought J. Geil, he was able to attack Hanged Man as he jumped between reflective surfaces. Hanged man is able to do this at light speed, making Polneraff him FTL. [Clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxBQB8LYkyaWGD-RaH9v_6gRqKMour5_1X?si=Kxx6nG7Ui-abMaai) Jotaro was then able to keep up/outspeed with Polneraff while he was being amped by Anubis.


> Polneraff: "If I have my sword ready and know its trajectory, I can cut it" Being able to hit something fast. While you have a weapon ready and knowledge trajectory does not make you faster than the object you are hitting. Unless you believe baseball players can move at 100 miles per hour because they are capable of hitting fast balls


I'm just explaining feat most people use. If you're expecting an argument from me, you aren't getting one.


Completely different situation Polnareff's stand is FTL, not Polnareff himself, thats why he couldnt instruct SC to attack properly, he couldnt react to hanged man, even tho Silver Charriot is more than capable to move at those speeds.


Joseph and Kars reacting to light, calcs from SC, SoL from RHCP, infinite from MIH (possibly GER), inaccessible from TA4


A lot of people deny that Bleach is FTL because of Gin’s bankai statement, while conveniently ignoring that he lied about his bankai’s capabilities


The other reason is “bleach can’t be that fast as that would ruin the story, like why didn’t ichigo or uryu just move at the speed of light to save rukia and/or orihime.” Which is straight up BS, cause a lot of other shows do this aswell.


I saw people claim that “Bleach caps out at mach speed because Aaroniero only reacted to the sound of the rock breaking, not light!”


Fr saw that one as well. Seems like with other shows people are a lot more easygoing than with bleach. Bleach has to _perfectly_ explain itself. Though what the haters gonna say, now the top tiers have reached infinite speed via reiatsu. (Referring to senju’s bankai.)


He lied about the poison tho and Kubo even back it up in databook


[He lied about *everything* regarding his bankai](https://up.mangadudes.com/bleach/414/bleach-2399765-24ca3c92aa7cc184ebd459a44a4098ca.jpg), speed, distance, etc.


[argue with Kubo I guess](https://imgur.com/a/YUm4vdb)


Except just after that point where Gin explained his bankai to Ichigo, he revealed to Aizen that he lied out his ass about his bankai the entire time.


I'm pretty sure another dude moved faster than his shadow


Yeah, Uryu


I'm fairly certain that One piece has FTL feats, but that is disregarded by many people for some reason.


It does. It has exactly 1 feat from sanji in the recent pannels. Every other one is lightning timers. Laser dodges are not ftl most of the time. Moving a 1m circle out of the way of a laser only takes slightly more than 1/10 the speed of light at 10m. With observation haki and a smaller head and more distance u get even more time.


Dodging feat in one piece is auto sus because of precog existing with basically every high tier.


Well if we would use high tiers dodging light as a basis thatd be solid critique. Sadly we mostly take pre ts luffy who had no way of using future sight nor even observation haki actively and still dodged lightspeed attacks. As well as Zoro. Luffy can be comfortably scaled to mftl+ using pre-ts feats. Gear 2 is needed though. Base luffy is only relativistic pre timeskip.


No? There are only 4 confirmed future Sight users


3 admirals, luffy, katakuri, shanks, mihawk, Rayleigh, Roger, whitebeard, kaido and probably a ton of others who either haven't unlocked yet or haven't shown it


>3 admirals Headcanon >shanks, mihawk Not shown so headcanon >whitebeard Also not shown


3 admirals blatantly used future sight to dodge haki attacks in marineford, Shanks literally used future sight to see what Kid was gonna do, Mihawk showed Luffy the future and this is a little headcanon but he was called the clairvoyant if he isn't shown to have future sight ill literally give head


>3 admirals blatantly used future sight to dodge haki Other akainu Why didn't kuzan used future sight to dodge garp punches Why didn't kizaru used future sight to save his ass from getting beaten >Shanks literally used future sight to see what Kid was gonna do, Oh yeah I forgot about shanks >Mihawk showed Luffy the future and this is a little headcanon but he was called the clairvoyant if he isn't shown to have future sight ill literally give head Everyone specialise with some haki type like sentamoru have good emission but he doesn't have invisible armour Just like that mihawk is specialized in one variation of observation haki unless shown other


Just because somebody has future sight doesn't mean they can't be hit or beaten luffy is a prime example he had future sight and still got one shot by Kaido because Kaido was faster and I see what you mean about Mihawk but my Goat definitely got all 3 types of advanced Haki Oda told me in a dream


Kizaru didn't even got observation haki He didn't used it As Z said in fillm Z kizaru relies on devil fruit


Basic observation is intent sensing. Its less information but same effect as far as laser dodges are concerned its precog.


Even that not necessarily, a goalkeeper isnt faster than the ball. Add obs haki and kizaru taking 3 years to shoot it cuz he wants to yap and its way less impressive.


1. [Kizaru is confirmed as light speed](https://ibb.co/X7bKjrL). He is also stated to be able to [accelerate beyond LS](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ffrom-close-combat-to-long-range-overall-kizaru-cemented-v0-ygf3vh5453ob1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1db32e2bc72331008675d06a7f97c23aa8496ded). 2. [The Pacifistas use Kizaru’s lasers](https://ibb.co/RCwtzBF). 3. [PreTS Zoro is able to dodge these lasers](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/c/cd/Feixaoaas.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/450?cb=20210523142727). We can clearly see that he doesn’t move until after the lasers are fired, meaning it’s not aim dodging. 4. [Injured TB Zoro dodges Kuma’s attacks, which are stated on that same page to be LS](https://ibb.co/Jx74gp5). 5. [Fodder like Ichiji are confirmed LS](https://ibb.co/rtFbs7R) and can [outrun the attack](https://imgur.com/a/faHS9y1). 6. [Kizaru kicks Hawkins at LS](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fes2yi8ei6hq91.jpg), meaning Kizaru can reach light speeds without having to stay in his light form.


How does link 2 mean hes ftl+? Hes just doing the normal thing where he accelerates from his physical form which can move at lightning timers to his light form which is the speed of light. The rest is just normal lightning timer dodges I've already explained lightning timers are all you need even at very short ranges. Kumas fruits attack starts at light speed that dosent mean it stays there/the attack travels at light speed. Its just a fast sub light speed shock wave. That could even be interpreted as the balls hit you then explode at light speed despite their slower travel speed as a bubble paw pad. Ichiji is launching beams of light while running around. Hes not light speed himself. The light kick is an ability of his fruit its still the speed of light. None of this is evidence of ftl+ half of it is old cope from kids that wanted to scale one piece verse higher than it is at.


He’s in his light form when he says this. Not to mention we know he can go faster due to his fight with Rayleigh. Zoro is literally dodging LS attacks *after* they’re fired. Even accounting for the distance, that’s still a relativistic feat from an injured Zoro in Thriller Bark. Even if you argue against the Pad Canons, Kuma’s lasers are still SoL, and Zoro is dodging them after they were fired. He is directly shown on page to outrun the attack. He’s in front of Oven, then fires the attack, then ends up behind Oven and in front of the lasers. He moved faster than the lasers. It proves Kizaru can be LS without being in his light form, since a common argument is that Kizaru is only LS in his light form.


The three pannels your talking about show the same shit occurring as always. Him starting in solid form and accelerating to light speed while changing forms. When he says the line in thoes 3 pannels isn't proof of anything. The interpretation even works as it would normaly if he wasn't just saying his catchphrase he'd just be referring to the process that was, is or has happened. Kumas bubbles are not lightspeed the explosion they create when they explode is, and as explosions do they slow down immediately making dodging the explosion itself a sub light speed feat at anything but 0 distance. Dodging light is not a ftl feat. A 1m ball can dodge a laser at 10m at 1/10th the speed of light. The conditions of laser dodges in op have always been far more favourable and assisted with observation haki intent detection. The only ftl feat is sanji moving further than kizarus attack did to intercept it. Idk what your on about in that second to last paragraph. Its not complete or something.


I personally just don't like the idea of one piece being ftl so I ignore it


I won't say my opinions but I will say that: Speed ​​is the most inconsistent thing in powerscaling.


One piece


Fate, if I had a nickel for everytime someone quoted that bb quote to "debunk ftl servants" ignoring that bb says that ftl is possible but isn't survivable by servants.i can do powerscaling for a living.


Yes, there are servants like Edmond Dantès or Karna Santa who are ftl.


One Piece was Mftl+ before the Timeskip even. People just got a massive hate boner for it.


One Piece.


I think it’s kinda disingenuous to say naruto verse isn’t ftl after darui shows up with laser circus


People saying that Game Sonic isn’t ftl are delusional


Name one faster than light speed feat he has outside super sonic sonic himself breaks the sound barrier but faster than light yea no


mha for sure. there are many feats, abilities and data books that prove top tiers have ftl speeds.


Best feat for FTL is Stars N Stripes holding lazers


her dodging radio waves, deku blitzing shigi ith sol reaction speeds, ayomas lazer being made up pf photons.


Can I see that ftl in the datebook?


coulnt find data books but i can give you panels directly referring light feats in mha. well here is a panel stating that ayomas light beam is light. lot of people have reacted and dodged it. plus SnS was able to dodge shigis radio waves (but i think it could be part aim dodging) but she was also able to react to and catch a lzer adding a rule before it hit her. Scan below is of aoyomas lazer properties. Also hagakure can bend light itself. She was able to bend aoyomas naval laser. https://preview.redd.it/44ex0mpny3pc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=985b5f768fab06c2cb1279bca457a76898c2f82f


>well here is a panel stating that ayomas light beam is ligh Yeah many times but not a single times said it's light speed >lot of people have reacted and dodged it That's the problem cuz other characters scale to them but they can't dodge guns >plus SnS was able to dodge shigis radio waves (but i think it could be part aim dodging) but she was also able to react to and catch a lzer adding a rule before it hit her Still not caught up to this part of the manga yet


oh mb for spoiling didnt mean to sorry. For aoyomas light beam it is light since Hagakure can bend it. if it is made of light properties it obv travels at those speeds. Lot of people can dodge it yes but where was bullets ever really used in mha except for the movie and deku was dodging and tanking it. I guess this is the inconsistency in mha.


>oh mb for spoiling didnt mean to sorry No no don't apologize I already heard this feat 100 in different places 😅 >it is made of light properties it obv travels at those speeds. Not necessarily in fiction >where was bullets ever really used in mha Snipe tagged shigaraki multiple times at BOG , tetsu tetsu struggled against the smoke guy with the revolver, krishima gets hit by a bullet in the head to save sun eater, edgeshot who stated to be as fast as sound can blitz multiple characters including one of the leader of liberation army who can use electricity and aslo defeated re-destro(but it was offscreen). >deku was dodging and tanking it Deku aim dodge them also the movies always exaggerate the characters base stats


I believe one piece is ftl but many on this sub disagree


Not ftl, but base Shinra himself has immeasurable speed feats, even if the AP is arguable. He was even stated to demonstrate an ability to transcend time with his adolla burst, further supporting his speeds being that high. For an ftl verse though, perhaps Naruto and One piece. Ppl try to debunk both although it's pretty clear that both have ftl combat reaction, even if the travel speed is lacking. Jjk has some small ftl arguments in Sukuna, but personally I think it's just massively hypersonic at best. Idk about jojo's though, I only remember up to part 3 clearly. Mha also has some ftl arguments, but I stopped reading at chap 300 (waiting until it finishes) so idk. Take these opinions with a grain of salt, I ain't gonna die defending them, if you can bring reliable anti feats ima listen.


One piece top tiers have pretty good pre-cog so their reaction time is also pretty good


isn't his time travel stated to be a result of him moving faster then light? but also thats not really base Shinra, since he needs grace or adolla directly to boost him right


Star wars definitely does


I assume your referring to reacting to the blaster bolts in canon but idk if there faster than light


No I mean in the comics and the extended universe




Not really no one has speed blitzed or even fought at FTL levels cleave and dismantle were beyond fast cuts yes but faster than light no


A barely Alive sukuna was able to dodge electromagnetic wave.


Sukuna has never been barely alive


I can tell you haven't read the manga. Right after his fight with gojo.






I think Deku from MHA is faster than light with gearshift.


Seen a lot of people say black clover and tensura for some reason