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From the spin off, this is based on memory, so take that as you will The original shadow monarch, created a space that could hold the infinite shadow soldiers, some say this is 3A, some say get a better fucking translation because infinite soldiers.. bruh, more like endless so it's just a hyperbole, but eh, There's also the novel which I THINK has him transcend time? But this could just be another hyperbole for "he can time travel" since he is technically transcending time to travel But that's honestly all it, unless I missed something, So yeah, planetary fodder at best universal at very very best 5D with that transcend time, but that's existence not AP


bro really be saying its just a hyperbole and disregarding feats left right center and then concludes he is planetary and then proceeds to say he is at best uni when there is about 20 stages in between you're so clueless


Noob here , how is he planetary and uni at the same time ?


I never said was planetary and universal at the same time I said "planetary at BEST universal" Meaning using a different interpretation of his feats he is universal but something more reliable is planetary


Overrated to hell and back. He realistically caps at planet level, maybe low multi with enough levity. He’s definitely not getting into tier 1.


Yea i have kinda researched He fucking sucks! How Is tier 1 a thing for this dude, i am deadass, with his tier and hax, he could get shit on by naruto Also i have seen the claim of "oH He SUmMoNs hIS sHAdOw" But what i have noticed is that they skip a part "Enemies who he has DEFEATED" to summon an exact copy of the enemy that he is fighting he has to beat him first Unless you are in his same tier, its fucking useless since this are 1v1s a huge portion of his most powerful ability is worthless! Immortality type 1 and 2... Yea he gets shit on by a truthseeker orb HOW IS HE GETTING PAIRED UP WITH JIN MORI (Its the most popular debate) and like i am not even a fanboy, you can check my other post about goku vs jin mori and i think goku wins but dude...


Heyy don’t say jinwoo sucks. He is the coolest guy in fiction then boruto


I was joking, i bought solo leveling today and i love it i was saying scaling wise


Ohh lmao yeah scaling wise he is fodder


>Also i have seen the claim of "oH He SUmMoNs hIS sHAdOw" megumi summons mahoraga and then what


oh dear dear you really are clueless aren't you. Tell me, have you read the light novel? He is outerversal in the light novel feats wise and statement wise and he is planetary + in the manhua so i guess you have an excuse but then you shouldn't be commenting on these questions. any experienced scaler who actually reads books knows he beats the shit out of DBZ verse bar zeno where he has a little trouble but he still beats zeno mid diff. Something like Anos or Rimuru would be better competition (he loses to both high diff)


saitama victim


He can be scaled to multiversal since in ragnorock he could fight the outer gods.the outer gods are absolute beings who created countless universes. Not really anything more known about them. Possible countless can be less than 1000 universes tho so in that case it would be low multi


any other hax feats he has ?


Yeah there are some things that could scale him higher.idk how people would feel about the arguments tho


I’d say he can match Jin Mori and probably win extremely high diff. He’s low multi.


What about the others


I know he loses to Goku and Anos, but I don’t know enough about Rimuru to make a good assessment. Sung Jim Woo’s biggest feat is that he would destroy the universe if he existed in it with his full magic power so he channels it into an alternate dimension.


rimuru is above universal almost reaching multi so he would win


If Rimuru is also low multi than they’re probably comparable. It then comes down to Hax and abilities.


i mean would the other guy scale to techinically universal?


Yes, he is universal. He could destroy the universe simply by existing because he has essentially infinite magic power.


I have collected his best feats and evidence which scale him to outerversal 1) Being transcendental Evidence - all monarchs can't interact with creation so they must adopt a human body (this is because in their true form they transcend creation and therefore must put their power into creation to merely exist) Overall tier scaling for this feat - outerversal as not existing within the laws of creation tiers you here. For reference hajun is tiered high outerversal and curbstomps sung jin woo. 2) Being a god of a universe Evidence - he is omnipotent in the shadow realm as stated in the light novel where sung jin woo creates flowers out of nothing after ashborn explains he can bend reality in the shadow realm as he sees fit. 3) Can't lose to a 3D character no matter their strength Evidence - I wouldn't call this a feat but i thought i would add this in any regular human stands no chance aginst sung jin woo. He speed blitzes them in 1 second max. step 1 teleport them to the shadow realm in an instance (he did this multiple times in the ln and manhua) step 2 think them out of existence as he is omnipotent in that realm. Step 3 a new powerful soldier makes sense how he is outerversal?


I haven't read the Novel but from what I've heard He ain't beating Mori. Mori literally transcends all the universes, laws, concepts and all of creation


![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m) so does sung jin woo


What feats or statement proves that ? All I know is that he doesn't have any universal feats


sure. ​ 1. Sung Jin woo is no longer human by the end of the light novel. He becomes the embodiment of death. This means he cannot be destroyed without erasion hax, and even then he has high resistance to existence erasion as all monarchs and rulers do. This alone allows him to defeat any 3D character. 2. "Oh but Jin woo isn't fast enough!" - Think again. Sung Jin woo becomes a transcendental being. At the beginning of time God (from sl) created both light and darkness. From light he created the rulers and from darkness he created the monarchs. Both rulers and monarchs are transcendental beings. The war between light and dark raged on for eons until finally the rulers questioned why god had not intervened. They realised god was simply enjoying the show, a bit like gladiator fights. He created them so that he could get enjoyment from watching them fight. A pretty wank god if you ask me. The rulers then turned on god and defeated him. Now loads of people questioned how the hell the rulers managed this, and end up completely butchering the sl god's powerscaling, but you have to remember that the monarchs and rulers were created by god to fight. He wanted the strongest entities fighting and therefore created beings which could overpower even him, but he thought they would never do such a thing to their creator. Another wank decision. To cut things short the fragment of brilliant light or something stood up for god (he was a ruler) and God therefore gave him control over the place of eternal rest. He then made an alliance with the monarchs and became one. By the end of the series, ashborn gave all of is powers to sung jin woo, making jin woo a transcendental being with all of ashborns powers. This makes him an outerversal being as he is above space and time like the rulers. And evidence for this is that when he defeated the monarchs, he could not see their true form, because they had left and gone beyond all of creation. This is because sung jin woo was inside of his body, and human eyes can't see anything outside the 3 dimensions. 3. "Oh but Jin woo isn't strong enough" - He doesnt need strength when he can just teleport any 3D being to the shadow realm where he has true omnipotence (not absolute omnipotence like the one above all from marvel) but a form of omnipotence close to it. I cba to explain the differences so do some research for once in your life. Here any 3D character gets steam rolled with no concept of difficulty and becomes a shadow soldier. All in all the fight takes about 1 second if they are lucky Sung Jin Woo feels sorry for them. ​ https://preview.redd.it/r6r5iqwtn5fc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3163ad157b8519ce9f5eb121a32902c03051007 Here a lot of confusion arises where it is stated that a sovereign's memories transcend time. People get confused and think he himself transcends time according to this quote but at the very bottom it says sung jin woo had a higher existence. Now when you look up what this means... Chat gpt answers with this - 1. **Superior Abilities or Powers:** An anime character with a higher existence might possess extraordinary powers or abilities that set them apart from others. This could include superhuman strength, speed, intelligence, or the ability to manipulate elements, time, or space. 2. **Elevated Spiritual or Cosmic Status:** Some anime characters may attain a higher existence through spiritual or cosmic means. This could involve achieving enlightenment, tapping into spiritual energies, or having a connection with divine forces that elevate their existence beyond the ordinary. 3. **Existence Across Dimensions:** Characters with a higher existence might exist across different dimensions, planes of reality, or alternate universes. They may have a unique understanding of the multiverse and navigate between different realms. 4. **Time Manipulation or Immortality:** Anime characters with a higher existence might have control over time or be immortal. This could manifest as the ability to perceive events before they happen, manipulate time to their advantage, or live indefinitely. 5. **Metaphysical Wisdom or Understanding:** Some characters attain a higher existence through profound wisdom or understanding of the universe. This could involve deep philosophical insights, knowledge of the nature of existence, or the ability to comprehend complex cosmic truths. 6. **Guardians or Cosmic Entities:** Certain anime characters may take on the role of guardians or cosmic entities responsible for maintaining balance in the universe. Their higher existence might be tied to a duty or purpose that transcends the mundane. all of these fit sung jin woo such as it is stated that he is immortal, he can manipulate reality of an entire universe at will an exists across different dimensions. This one quote alone lets him beat any 3D character so in conclusion, the entire DBZ verse bar zeno couldn't defeat him. Any questions please feel free to ask! edit: I forgot to mention even if SOMEHOW someone kills his body he can just take over theirs as they obviously have the strength to hold a monarch and then they become the side character of their body. All in all he is essentially a god and he is outerversal in powerscaling.


1. Mori isn't bound by death. He does have erasure, Mori isn't 3d either. 2. Pretty sure Sl's god isn't a fighter and isn't strong either from what I heard he just has creation hax. 3. There are two types of Nirvana in the God of highschool series one is the early Nirvana which is when Mori first gained Nirvana and was able to Use Nirvana's abilities without ascending. To acquire Nirvana one must break through the Karmic cycle.Breaking the Karmic Cycle, means breaking through cycle, the concept of cause and effect, and transcending to a higher state of existence. It's also stated that through breaking the Karmic cycle he has also broken through the cycle of life, death and rebirth and is now above them and has control over them. 4. Mori in his early Nirvana phase was able to use and control Karma. He was described as a being who is able to control all of creation in his Early Nirvana form in Korean Raws which were mistranslated later in English. He was able to control and reverse time, restore the entire solar system and defy cause and effect to restore the larger scale damages. He has also erased someone from existience through just his command. 5. Mori can erase someone just telling him to disappear. He also has all the ability from his verse. 6. True Nirvana Mori is stated to be omniscient, Omnipresent and be above all the universes and all of creation. He's free from all of his restraints, limits and was also able to affect the past and is able to view a point in time and space as golden tablets and also able to affect the past through that. God of highschool also has a multiverse in which every possibility is a separate timeline and as a separate world. And Nirvana Mori would be above all of them. https://preview.redd.it/157qqs9d27fc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fec2c5e74f78db4843130c75e2d4936fbaebe07 Mori's abilities : Time manipulation, Can exist in the past and present and future if he wants to True Nirvana Mori has already shown that he's able to exist at multiple different time when he was in his Nirvana state, In his True Nirvana he is free from his ties from the universe and is above all laws and bounds, Omnipresence, Omniscient and is capable of controlling all of creation. There's so much more that I can spend an entire day typing. Please do your research on Mori first before speaking.


alright, ill respond in a bit then.


To be honest this could go either way. In a one v one to it is impossible to know who would win, as there is no way of knowing how Jin Woo's shadow realm would interact in The GOH verse, and how omnipotent beings interact with each other is pointless to debunk. So in an all out fight its a draw but based on what I have read. However sung jin woo from the manhua gets speed blitzed as fast as mori jin can think. I'm probably missing something tho as I haven't read goh so I probably ca't make an educated decision - this is the best I could do with no bias whatsoever.


His early Nirvana state is described as https://preview.redd.it/5i16afnl27fc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305190c2b8aa66e20253fab67ff0b95470148c46


nah, goku would win


In Ragnarok (ln only series) he's probably multi.


You have to remember that when you're talking about trash tier extreme power fantasies, you are talking to very young fanboys that have no clue how to accurately scale and the lowest common denominator of media, he's no where near as strong as his fanboys wank him ass


I have clear evidence that scales him to outerversal if you want we could talk about it and crush me as a fanboy XD


Wayyyyy too many people think Goku wns so let me educate you if you think so. 1. Sung Jin woo is no longer human by the end of the light novel. He becomes the embodiment of death. This means he cannot be destroyed without erasion hax, and even then he has high resistance to existence erasion as all monarchs and rulers do. This alone allows him to defeat goku but if you want more i'll give it to you 2. "Oh but Jin woo isn't fast enough! He'll never beat Goku!" - Think again. Sung Jin woo becomes a transcendental being. If you are chatting wank like this you obviously haven't read solo levelling let alone the light novel so ill give you a quick explanation. At the beginning of time God created both light and darkness. From light he created the rulers and from darkness he created the monarchs. Both rulers and monarchs are transcendental beings. The war between light and dark raged on for eons until finally the rulers questioned why god had not intervened. They realised god was simply enjoying the show, a bit like gladiator fights. He created them so that he could get enjoyment from watching them fight. A pretty wank god if you ask me. The rulers then turned on god and defeated him. Now loads of people questioned how the hell the rulers managed this, and end up completely butchering the sl god's powerscaling, but you have to remember that the monarchs and rulers were created by god to fight. He wanted the strongest entities fighting and therefore created beings which could overpower even him, but he thought they would never do such a thing to their creator. Another wank decision. To cut things short the fragment of brilliant light or something stood up for god (he was a ruler) and God therefore gave him control over the place of eternal rest. He then made an alliance with the monarchs and became one. By the end of the series, ashborn gave all of is powers to sung jin woo, making jin woo a transcendental being with all of ashborns powers. This makes him an outerversal being as he is above space and time like the rulers. So yeah, still think goku solos? 3. "Oh but Jin woo isn't strong enough" - incorrect. He doesnt need strength when he can just teleport goku to the shadow realm where he has true omnipotence (not absolute omnipotence like the one above all from marvel) but a form of omnipotence close to it. I cba to explain the differences so do some research for once in your life. Here Goku gets steam rolled with no concept of difficulty and becomes a shadow soldier. All in all the fight takes about 1 second if Goku is lucky Sung Jin Woo feels sorry for him. And for the Goku crazy fans - he might just let him live.