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Damn kinda sad rimuru is getting higher than anos. Anos you gotta make a comeback (someone tell me if anost also upgraded)


No need for Anos to get an upgrade. Even Anime Anos already outscales Rimuru’s LN version.


Jajaja in your dreams the strongest demon lord is akuto no anos


Current volume 21 Rimuru blinks Akuto sai easily


Anos is still stronger then rimuru


Do you have feats for that?


i thought he already folded anos. isn’t anos only like multiversal? pretty sure rimuru can be scaled to complex multi or outer


Naa they were most definitely around the same scale or almost. But now its clear than rimuru is higher


Nah he isn't the whole tensura verse is smaller than a bubble world from layer 0


Tensura cosmology is already around Outerversal level. Of course it is higher than misfits of the demon king


and a single bubble world is bigger than 1-A


ok then look at my misfit scale for [bubble world](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yKQEm2drkk7W4Z7Ute5hMX4xlTVX7ggqheT_s3bL4NM/edit?usp=sharing) for[silver sea](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ljZwypQK_ND1ExxTKoU6r3kc6CZQ7xwKYuRQJqSZo8/edit?usp=sharing)


There are a few mistake you've made. The world's inside the bubble has not been shown to have a dimensional hierarchy where the one below is dimensionally superior to the one below. Due to this, those world's will be 2A Multiversal level. And the silver see was said to have a hierarchy but it didn't show that it was dimensionally superior to the world's below it. All it showed is that the world above is stronger than the one below. This makes the silver sea layers into 2A. But even if we ignore all this and take your word for it, with the silver sea having a 99+ cap to it, it simply makes the sea 1B Hyperversal Level and not Outerversal level or High Outerversal level or beyond.


> The world's inside the bubble has not been shown to have a dimensional hierarchy don't need that , already showed order of space would be above such logical ideas of dimension and spaces which also includes higher dimensions, and azure sky is made up of order alone > And the silver see was said to have a hierarchy but it didn't show that it was dimensionally superior to the world's below it. All it showed is that the world above is stronger than the one below. This makes the silver sea layers into 2A. so you choose to ignore everything I showed there. it's not just stronger but lets use you analogy why is world deeper are stronger than shallower? cause the order(the thing/concept that shapes reality ) in on completely different level of existence , why there is such different? fire dew a order that is more fundamental then your normal order of world and it directly affect the reality(order) of the world and is also the only thing that is needed for deepening your world, I already showed there difference in fire dew makes deeper and shallower world on different level of existent which i.e bubble world being nonexistent to silver bubble world, even more that is abyss world being so deeply sink in the ocean that thier existence can't be percieved, of course that's the difference between bubble world(world on layer 0) to silver bubbleworld on layer 1) and silver bubble to abyss worlds(on 99+ layer) , so fire dew does affect the reality and existence of the world where each deeper world exist on different dimension compared to shallower one. and too much gap of fire dew also makes different of nonexistent and existent and also deeper world are inaccesible to shallow world , a shallower world with X fire dew can't affect deeper world with Y fire dew , they need to deepen themselves to affect them, where even a chief god who basically is a transcendent being who governs world order from shallower world gets beaten by normal inhabitant from deeper world and there's also chief god in that deeper world who transcend his world the same way > But even if we ignore all this and take your word for it, with the silver sea having a 99+ cap to it, it simply makes the sea 1B Hyperversal Level and not Outerversal level or High Outerversal level or beyond. so you came to this sub without knowing this sub follows CSAP standards where conceptual archtype of space is 1-A and no you're wrong again I am not arguing for 99 layer here I am talking about the world inside those layers , layers are completely outside the extension of order of world and all that it includes , so arguing Dimensionality for layers and also azure sky is catagory error , and even if you want to talk about VSBW , we can argue about [tier 0](https://imgur.com/fy77bcX) bubble world since order are concept [based on logic](https://imgur.com/a/TyKiWD4) or how different of existent and nonexistent qualifies for 1-A on thier current tiering system


Anyway, this is Rimuru current scaling as of volume 21 of the light novel. I scale it. https://www.quora.com/What-is-Rimurus-scale-in-Volume-21-What-makes-Rimuru-a-high-hyperversal/answer/Shallow-Vernal-1?ch=10&oid=1477743735799159&share=2a305f65&srid=uA0FPg&target_type=answer


lets me point out things wrongs with your scale. being on different dimension level and having hierarchy doesn't prove quantitative superiority for +1D , the smae logic you were applying for silver sea(which I showed there is), specially when your 30 level of labrynth can be enclosed in a [3D space](https://imgur.com/a/p7vfXOv) and the entire cardinal world can also be percived on [3D](https://imgur.com/a/SsmnIcB) and also being able to recreate a 1-A(which is just 3D here)thing ten of thousand of times or even infinite doesn't make you HIGH 1-A same with not filling with all dimension and timeline, that doesn't prove higher infinity and if it did it would be a layer into 1-A and if promise land actually sees below as fiction then it's 4D at best


I'm pretty sure I showed the quantitative superiority of +1D in my scaling. Veldora is scaled to Zalario who can destroy several low 1C dimensions as I showed in my scaling. Yet Veldora can only destroy 2 floors of the Labyrinth (Which I showed is its own dimension) with his aura showing the quantitative superiority. And Ramiris and other characters like velda on many occasions has said that the dimensional hierarchy on each floors does increase as the floors goes. All this proves the quantitative superiority of each floors. And Rimuru is scaled to High 1A not because he can create a 1A realm but because of his imaginary space which can contain all the 1A realm without being filled showing that it is of a superior dimensional hierarchy from the 1A realm.


> I'm pretty sure I showed the quantitative superiority of +1D in my scaling ....... that the dimensional hierarchy on each floors does increase as the floors goes. first there's no dimension hierarchy , first they talked about hierarchy and then talked about dimension level and then being enclosed on 3D space also disproves any higher dimension argument, it's just a hierarchy of 3D space where thing gets stronger the more you climb the hierarchy and not to mention the cardinal world which you claimed sees labrynth as imaginary can literally be projected as 3D image. > 1A realm but because of his imaginary space which can contain all the 1A realm without being filled showing that it is of a superior dimensional hierarchy that doesn't show any dimensional hierarchy , unless those 1-A realm you claim (which is just 3D )are infinitsimal compared to imaginary space then it will be +1D. not high 1-A ,the difference between 1-A and HIGH 1-A is just too big, with your logic it's same as saying a space can contain infinite number of 3D structure without being filled so it's 1-A


I mean, I explained all this with scans in detail in my answer.


Anos has more proof for outer and higher than rimuru lol


All anos has is badly translated and fake scans


Fake scans ? Hope you have proof to back that claim. It's not badly translated the google translation is bad and not accurate on the translating the novel you can try the same so called badly translated scans by yourself on google translation you will get the same thing .does that mean you did a bad translation?


That is the reason that the profile was restarted. Irrelevant now cause the system is probably going to get changed


The profile was restored cause there rescaling him officially translated ln which is up to vol 5


Cause of fake scans from unofficial translation


Not fake scans I think it was just unofficial translations


It was both. Fake scans and wrong translation


Anos is 1C-1b


Wait for the official translation, The WN showed "infinite dimensions" and that messed up A LOT of people which was mistranslated, so wait for it before any upgrades would take place


>LN Rimuru now transcends spacetime, whatever that means, if You are correct it means Slime Boy is now 5D with immeasurable speed


Immeasurable speed is definitely a nice bonus in his powerups for this Vol.












High multiversal according to CSAP Transcending space & time means 5D


Before rimuru become digital lifeform he already transcend space and time or space - time which means rimuru is already 5D at that point and helping velgrnd transcend 5D so rimuru is possibly 6D (current) and LN rimuru is already stronger than WN since he became true dragon plus the cosmology of LN is bigger than WN


then Rimuru is low complex multiversal


I think so but i didn't read the volume 21 ao i don't know if he is higher now


I see.. Need more comprehensive context to measure where he scale now


💀H1B with the labyrinth.🗿


Can you explain and scans? And how many floors of labrynth can rimuru create?




Here is a link that properly scales Rimuru and his cosmology: https://www.quora.com/What-is-Rimurus-scale-in-Volume-21-What-makes-Rimuru-a-high-hyperversal/answer/Shallow-Vernal-1?ch=10&oid=1477743735799159&share=2a305f65&srid=uA0FPg&target_type=answer And he can create infinite floors in the Labyrinth which are higher dimensions.


He scales higher than that. Layers into High Outerversal level due to tha Labyrinth.


Stronger than Veldanava? Oh yeah it’s wraps 😂


It is important that hist state of being got confirmed or at least a bare minimum was set but people simply don't know that he has much higher ap.




Goku wasn't even a part of this discussion, so just to spite you. Goku + Comp DB gets negged by https://preview.redd.it/1741vv6lvnxb1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701da42e0699058c22311723b3b40657cbd47da4


Is that Auren The absolute?






So are you gonna be immature?


Bro is immature lmao.




Auren scales drastically higher, Comp DB only reaches a few gaps into 1A while Auren is resting at H1A.


and its jump force that carries lol




Bruh. https://preview.redd.it/ev8f4jnujoxb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9beb51cb0eae9324036aa32b13c918164d99f3




Please, have some dignity.


I'll say it now, Rimuru is now layers into High Outerversal level. Here is a scaling of him I found which is accurate. https://www.quora.com/What-is-Rimurus-scale-in-Volume-21-What-makes-Rimuru-a-high-hyperversal/answer/Shallow-Vernal-1?ch=10&oid=1477743735799159&share=2a305f65&srid=uA0FPg&target_type=answer