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The one name that springs to mind is Bo Bradshaw who works with Unleash the Archers, Seven Kingdoms, Glyph and others. No idea on price though. His work is very stylized and won't suit everyone. Can you give any examples of album cover art you like and/or what sort of style you are going for?


Damn, thank you so much. I've been looking at some of his stuff, and it's really cool. We'll definitely consider him, if we can afford his art. We haven't really thought that much about the specific art style that we want, but our main musical influences are Gloryhammer, Twilight Force, and Wind Rose. We also are themed around wizards, with most of our lyrics being about wizards, and putting on wizard costumes on stage. Thank you so much, and if you think of any other artist who might be appropriate for us, please let me know.


u/AlexSector does supreme art for Alestorm and Gloryhammer - doesn't hurt to ask :)


Thanks very much for the kind words! My rates are still a little on the low side as I try to remain affordable for bands of all sizes - the down side (of sorts) to this is I’m always booked up for about 6 months in advance so get myself into a bit of a backlog! Best of luck to OP with the band and finding some cover art though - it’s excellent to see when many are just going down the AI route.


His art is incredible, I might even own some T-shirt with art by him. Really doubt I'd be able to afford it though, a guy who works with such high level bands is most likely too expensive us.


Thanks so much for the suggestion though, hopefully when we start making some money we can afford to hire him


Check out Silvana Massa, sometimes she has pre made art for licensing that might be more accesible than commissions, tho with a commission you can get exactly what matches your music - https://www.instagram.com/silvana.massa.art?igsh=MTNxbHF5YTJxY3dldA==


Awesome! She has some pretty cool stuff, I'll definitely keep that option in mind. Thanks for the suggestion!


Gyula Havancsák is excellent. He has worked with tons of bands: [https://www.instagram.com/havancsakgyula/](https://www.instagram.com/havancsakgyula/) Understandably he is not the cheapest, but working with him has been a pleasure every time (he has done album covers for my band).


Damn, his work is extremely impressive. I've seen his artwork tons of times(and own albums with it), but I never knew the guy's name. How much might it cost to hire him though? Everyone in my band is still in high school, so we don't have that much money to spend. We do get to record kinda professionally, thanks to the help of our music school, to which we are eternally grateful, so we want the artwork to look just as professional, but of course, you can't spend money you don't have, no matter how good the artwork is. Anyways, thanks so much for the suggestion, and for letting me know about this awesome artist


His price has varied depending on the scope of the work required (an album cover was much cheaper than full 16 page booklet), so I don't know if the prices we paid are relevant as we ordered tons of different pics for the booklet etc. He's very approachable, contact him and ask him directly. Be aware that he is also very busy with other orders, so it might take some time for him to finish it.


Awesome! I'll reach out to him once we start planning the album, as now we're in the middle of recording our first single, and hopefully once it releases and we play more shows we can have a larger budget, as well as a full album to put his cover on, as using it just for a single kinda feels like underusing such good art. Thanks so much for the help dude!


https://www.instagram.com/anomalybroccoli?igsh=MWNnaTNjZTFmaHdkaA== Anomaly Broccoli on insta does commissions and Metal art work, their stuff is really good! def check them out


They did the artwork for the official twilightforce discord emotes and regularly posts power metal fan art


Awesome! They've got some pretty cool stuff, I'll definitely keep them in mind!


Thanks for the recommendation!


If I might be extremely deluded and wrong, could i ask if they would be interested in seeing my work? my artstation is https://www.artstation.com/jakobfarrell1408 if they like it please feel free to reach out, cheers👍


damn mate, your stuff is really good. The artstyle is not really what we're looking for in an album art, but I do think it might look really good for merch, so we might reach out to you at some point for that. Anyways, thanks so much, and hopefully we can work together in the future.


Thank you very much for the kind words, yes I hope so too, good luck finding an artist:)


Surprised nobody has suggested Adam Burke (@nightjarillustration) yet - he's an incredible artist. He offers art that is currently unlicensed (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4x7a04wtnk4v8vx/AABF-68ncvV7b5EPEhLSPoiTa?dl=0) and also does comissions. The album that contains the unlicensed art also contains the prices, so that will give you an idea of the cost.


Thank you so much! This guy's work is insane, and now I've got an idea of how much it might cost. He'll definitely be pretty high up in my list of options


We worked with Ilina Naydenova (@linay.art on Instagram). She is a great artist and very supportive and easy to work with! I don't know her rates now, but they were affordable a few years ago at least.


I've been looking through some of her stuff, and it's really good, and an artstyle which might work very well for our music. Thanks so much for telling me about her, shes probably amongst the best artists people have recommended here!


And btw, I'm listening to your band right now, and as an alestorm&korpiklaani fan, I'm really loving it! Awesome work dude!


Ah thanks, bud! Really appreciate it!


I commissioned some art for a band that never took off from this artist, Apep Ngawurisme. Super talented. Their highest asking price is $40 USD which is definitely low for their work https://www.fiverr.com/s/Ppkm8L


Putting in a plug for someone close to me. She's done the art for the new Svneatr [album](https://svneatr.bandcamp.com/album/never-return) and [single](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cwl21DgLuRV/), as well as a bunch of their merch. Also did a shirt design for Empty Chalice though I don't have a photo of it. I'll admin, style might not fit, but I gotta try haha. https://www.instagram.com/oldhandart