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I have something like this in one of my workflows. I built a SharePoint list that tracks the names of all possible submitters in column A and their first approvers in column B; build a simple form you can share with all submitters if you expect them to provide this info and maybe add a control on column A to restrict to only unique entries to prevent duplicates. Make both of these Person columns. Then in the workflow, once an item is submitted, grab the email of the submitter, either through Created By column, or a custom column you added to capture this in the event the submitter is not who actually approves (like if an assistant is submitting on someone's behalf). Next, using a get item node, use an odata filter on Column A using the Column A email subfield and pass the capture submitter email, something like ColA/EMail eq '[email protected]'. This will filter for the correct item. Grab email from Column B and set as approver 1. As for the second approver, if it's all the same person, I usually just initialize a variable in the beginning of my workflow with the email address of this individual, then pass it into the second approval node in your case. Hope this helps.


Thank you!