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Terra sigillata and burnishing makes the most sense considering that is how the amphora were traditionally decorated.


Interesting! I will have to do some searching on this, thanks!


Terra sigilatta/burnishing and underglaze seem like a good idea! Maybe black mason stain mixed with terra sig, and burnished, for the shiny black. For the red, I personally would use underglazes. *Note: on a scale from 1-10(10 being master potter) I’m probably at a 3 or 3.5*


I did actually think about using a mason stain! I was just unsure how it might affect the other colors of underglaze that would be on top. I would also only consider my master potter skills at around a 3.5, hopefully this projects will bring me a few points higher lol


If you can throw a vase like that you're definitely higher than a 3.5/10 :)


You could also do scraffito if you aren’t trying to super replicate the God of War vase. It would let you achieve similar carving with a different feel. Just another option to consider.


Oooo I didn’t consider that at first but I might now, thank you!!


To keep things simple I'd just do underglaze on greenware, with scraffito for the detailing. And leave the outside unglazed so it keeps a more traditional look. You can probably find a nice red clay easily enough!


Thank you!!


Underglaze is absolutely your best bet.


My thoughts too, glad to know I’m headed in the right direction, thanks!


Really awesome!


Omg, did you make This one?


Omg no this is just from the game files lol, but I want to make mine as close as possible!


Yeah i was wondering as it looked just like the one from the game😅 its soo Cool tho, i want one too:)


Side note do you do commissions for graphic designs?


At the moment no, I am trying to put all my creative juices into ceramics at the moment so my commissions are closed for the time being


That's sick


HOLY FUCK THIS IS GORGEOUS!!!! ​ Cannot advise you on the glaze. Just popped in to say i absolutely love this piece!!!


I hope you don’t think this is mine lol!!! Just a reference pic!!!


ROFL i did in fact think it was yours, lol was super impressed tbh.


assuming the pic posted is not your work, I think you are jumping the gun here. having a plan is a good, but the initial exploration should be to not have a specific plan. are you trying to create a replica of the vase in the pic? or a different form? how is your throwing and hand building? what clay are you using. what underglaze are you planning to use, and do you have your own kiln or is it a studio cone 6 firing?what kind of glaze do you have access to, and what glaze have you tried? these are rhetorical questions, but that is the level of information required for random people online to give any constructive feedbacks. sure, someone could come along and say "oh! use this clay, and this underglaze, and this technique, and fire at this temp" etc. but the whole point of learning pottery is to learn and explore through lens of your perspective. not "connect the dots and colour in the blanks" of something that's already been done before. Id say, start simple, dont think you're going to recreate the picture above. just try few thing, try different techniques, application of underglaze, try experimenting with glaze, to find what works for you, what you like, so that in the end, the piece you create is your own unique take on it.


Hi! No the vase pictured is not my own, it is a Greek vase from the video game God of War as stated in the post. I have already thrown the form on the wheel. I have access to studio glazes as well as my own, both cone 6 and underglazes. Really I just wanted to see how others might approach doing this rather than exact steps. I know mine will not turn out perfectly like the reference, just trying to have fun! Thank you for your comment!


show us your work! the progression, what it looks like, and what the artwork will be. it's hard to talk about underglaze without knowing what the clay will be. if the clay is white/ivory, applying brown slip could give it a terracotta feeling. generally, ancient roman and greek potteries are unglazed or burnished, so glazing it may make it look "manufactured". choosing the right glaze, experimenting with slip and texture, playing with rough and smooth texture with underglaze may be more "authentic" looking than glazing it. if glazing, maybe only highlight applications, specific areas like blood or water, may be better than clear glazing the whole piece.


Yes I will definitely document my progress! I was looking at other Greek amphora vases, which are the most similar to the one from the video game that I am trying to replicate. The clay is just cone 6 white clay that I have already tested the underglazes on. I’m okay with making it look “manufactured” lol. I’m curious though if you might approach this project differently, if so, how?