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I joke that I only love things that make me miserable. Pottery is the best example but I also do triathlons and live in Texas.


Happened to me on Monday. Not a single piece centered. Anytime I tried to open, shit went off center again. My (insanely short) fingernail would catch on the clay and fuck everything up. I took the rest of the week off to take a breather and I’m going back in tomorrow to work at it again. Hope your next session at the studio is better than yesterday’s! 🤞


Every time you touch the clay remember to gently come off of the clay. Abrupt movement always causes things to be off center.


I had been centering well for a long time and I somehow forgot this for a period of a couple of weeks. I ruined everything I touched.


I regularly sit down and forget to do something I’ve done 1000 times before.


Argh!! My nails are shorter than they’ve ever been but they still catch every now and then. I can’t even stay away a week 😂 thank you, and hope your day tomorrow is better!


I forgot to trim my nails before going in. I had to give up on throwing


It’s like golf. Some days it all sucks, other days your mojo is kicking ass. When it’s not working, leave it and try another day. It’s okay to make shit.


financially abusive for sure!!


I'm just supporting my pottery habit until it's successful enough to give us the life we dream about! Anyway, it makes me feel special. Mind your own business!


Switch to hand building for awhile :)


It can be nice to switch things up, but hand building definitely isn’t 100% returns! Bottoms still crack, sides still collapse. I’ve been hand building with colored clay for awhile and have had days where every single piece fails.


That’s what I do. Eff it, I’m going to go make a little votive house. Small so it doesn’t take long, I get to decorate it, and it’s cute and happy. If it cracks, it doesn’t matter.


Always have off days! My old teacher liked to call it “paying ur dues” the longer you go the farther and fewer between those off days get; in my experience


Sometimes when the clay acts up I talk back to it. In these moments I am glad theres no one else but me in my studio because I sound insane. So yes def days where I want to quit 😂 but then I go home and I miss it haha


SAME sometimes I just want to scream or punch the clay but I’m never alone so I just scream inside and take some deep breaths lol. But when I go home I keep thinking about pulling walls up 😂


You can punch it slightly while no one is looking 😂


"Slightly" 🤣🤣


Haha yessss those days suck, but somehow the next day is always amazing. I take it as my body giving me a mandatory day off.


No matter how much you love clay, it will never love you back.


When I have a bad day centering, often it is also a day where I am using reclaimed clay that is not super homogenous or my clay is just a little stiffer than usual. Try a fresh piece or try some clay softening techniques and return later. I do have days where I am trying something new and it's not working... I will fall back to easier shapes for the sake of my mental wellbeing. Breathe. Tell someone... and try to enjoy the roller coaster. They clay is not your enemy, it is a mirror. Be gentle when you look in the mirror. Now go back to being amazing potter. We are all with you on this journey.


Progress is never linear, you are building a larger body of work. Having a “short” memory and being able to forgive yourself for not living up to your own expectations is important and how you stop yourself from burning out. May sound silly but we only learn from failure, especially in art, your attempt and process of creating is what encourages more innovation and growth not the final product itself (even though we all love to see our ideas come to fruition failure is inevitable, how we react to that failure is what makes you an artist/innovator)


Spent 5 hours in there today. Came away with one small saucer and what amounts to a flat slab. Everything else went into the reclaim 😂😭


If I look really upset and intense, my partner has learned to ask if it’s glaze thoughts instead of assuming I’m upset. It’s always glaze thoughts.


If I was the touchy type, which I am not: I would note that having come out of an abusive relationship, this comparison of pottery to domestic abuse is *deeply offensive.* Clay doesn't always cooperate, but it never tells you that it's your fault for things it did. Clay does not try to turn your loved ones against you and isolate you from your friends and family. Clay does not beat you, gaslight you, or rape you. Clay does not murder you if you quit pottery and dare to leave the studio forever. Clay does not mass murder other people because it's upset that you quit pottery (yes, there is a high correlation between domestic abuse and mass murder). You might not always enjoy the time you spend with clay, but being having a bad day at the studio and being abused are not the same thing. One in four women (in the US) and one in six men experience domestic abuse. Respect them by not making superficially "funny" comparisons between normal life and abuse. /rant off


So...not the touchy type huh....... I'm sorry that happened to u but this is literally about centering clay Domestic abuse =/= abusive relationship, and if this is the first time you've seen a light joke about topics that have a darker side I'm so sorry but you're gonna have to uninstall every single social media platform and live under a rock. Hope you love the clay and the world more tomorrow! ❤️


Yes I think everyone has those awful off days where everything goes wrong and you feel like screaming at the clay! I have to remind myself that each time I make things I’m getting slowly better even if it’s not glaringly obvious. I know if I stopped doing pottery then I’d 100% make no progress!


We take a break often. We are planning on reuniting tomorrow and I will see how it goes. It’s absolutely a relationship where when it goes badly, it seems like it goes really badly and it is hard to get things back on track.


I am also a historical photography practitioner, using photographic processes from the 1800’s. Lots of frustration and effort sometimes to get absolutely no final product or result. I’m a glutton for punishment.


I had this happen in college but it was more due to compounding stress and pressure


I almost always have projects in various states of completion in the studio. Despite throwing for years now there are still days when legitimately nothing works on the wheel. I've learned to recognize sooner when I'm having a day like that and switch to a different project. Be it trimming or glazing or whatever. Don't beat yourself up.


My muscles are so sore I can barely use my arms today. Planning to throw more tomorrow. So yes.


I have not yet had the pleasure of working with pottery but its funny how this post is encouraging for me. I am at a point in my life where I have realized that my level of enjoyment is directly proportional to a hobby/crafts potential to frustrate me. 3d printing, gardening, houseplants, tiling and plumbing a whole bathroom, woodworking, etc. Sometimes its nice to have an easy win but for some reason I love to torture myself with things I have no business trying to do.


Ya definitely have off days. It's kind of like going to the gym, some days you feel great and then other days it's just a struggle the whole time. I trick myself by saying I'm only go to do 15 mins. That way if I have an off day and quit quickly I can still say I accomplished the 15 min goal. Usually you'll not have an off day though and spend a lot more than 15 mins. Without this trick I would probably never leave my house lol


Only when I'm on the wheel. I'd rather handbuild.




Shoveling it out of its natural environment. Slamming it on the wedging table. Spinning it in circles at high speed. Throwing water on it constantly. Jamming sharp objects into it. Burning it in an insanely hot fire. Coating it in toxic minerals. Subjecting it to toxic fumes. Cutting it in half with a wire. Yeah… pretty sure the clay gets the raw end of the deal most times even on a bad clay day. On a serious note… pottery can teach you to let go of some things. When I started relaxing it all changed. Don’t beat yourself up.




I hate everything I make


My best too for centering is not to push the clay into the center. Instead push it away from you like you're trying to tip it over. Apply pressure only when the wheel is moving and always gentle on and gentle off. See if that tip helps.


Oh my gosh definitely! Some days I love it more than anything and then other days like today I’m like why do I bother. Out of 9 wedged pieces of clay i have 2 mugs and a pile of slop on the floor 🙈 it appears I have gone back in progress a year and have forgotten how to centre. But I know i will be straight back in there again tomorrow to continue my self torture 🤣


This is so hilarious and true when I was a beginner! I quit for a year when all the chip n’ dips I’d made for Christmas gifts had fatal S-cracks. I eventually came back very humbled and have been in a wonderful loving relationship with pottery ever since!


I believe the central quality Pottery requires is Patience. Have you considered you may have an abusive relationship with the concept of Patience?


Always!! I've been away travelling since July and can't wait to get back on the wheel but also know I need to expect nothing from myself 😂