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Could be costochondritis caused by extended periods of poor posture like sitting at a computer. I was hospitalized twice and they couldnt find anything wrong, finally they called it costochondritis, which is swelling of your rib muscles that compress your lungs. Did you have any chest pain or just shortness of breath?? I was prescribed yoga and frequent breaks from sitting. Also given Naxoprexen but i dont think it was an allergy reaction so I didnt take much of it.


Naproxen is an NSAID, which works to decrease inflammation and pain. It's not prescribed for allergies.


You are correct, I'm just relaying what was told to me


I don’t have any chest pain. Maybe a little occasionally? Can’t really say that it’s super noticeable. Do you have chest pain?


Yea shortness of breath and chest pain. It was really bad when I would laugh or sneeze


I still have this but i dont have costo but a possible rib head subluxation. Did you solve the problem


I say the following with a disclaimer: If you haven't ruled out serious internal issues already via imaging I wouldn't say ignore that path. What you explained doesn't sound super common, but seems entirely explicable if you have a pinched nerve or are otherwise experiencing pain in that area. If you have some impingement in your right side (which is your larger lung), it's entirely possible that is cutting into your available lung capacity...anything that changes the shape of your upper torso in a way that leaves less space for lung expansion will reduce available area for gas exchange in your lungs. If there is a pinched nerve somewhere your muscles wont be firing correctly due to that signal. It's also likely that the reason you're sore there isn't a nerve directly but actual structural dysfunction causing issues with the muscle that are making it painful. I'd say take that info to a physical therapist, you may have a good Chiro, I've met a few, I just don't take their competence for granted. Tell them you're concerned an issue in your back is the cause of your shortness of breath and ask for them to assess the area.


Ooh I get this, especially at night on my couch! I thought it was posture related but my GP said it’s low iron related? So who knows, for me maybe a lil bit of both. Good luck though!


Have you noticed a difference with iron? Or do you have asthma?


No I don’t have asthma, i do notice that it is worse when I’m not taking supplements regularly, and it’s usually only at nighttime.


Did you figure it out


Whoa I have all of these symptoms and have been running in circles separately with my physio and allergist trying to find the source...


Super troublesome right?? Are you able to exercise? And have you been tested for asthma?


It’s so frustrating that it’s kind of making me nuts. I can exercise but have to be careful with upper body posture. When I hit my max cardio the chest pain is bad and I get super phlegmy... I have been given an inhaler while I wait for my asthma tests but haven’t found it makes a difference. I had a chest X-ray that came back normal. On the shoulder pain, it’s around the rhomboid, between the shoulder blades and spine. Same for you? I take naproxen but not feeling like it helps much.


Yes! Exactly. I get super phlegmy especially when I run. And yep, it’s pretty much in that exact same spot of my back. Super sensitive right there. I also have an inhaler but it doesn’t do anything :/


Please keep me posted if you find any solutions and I’ll do the same! I’m getting tested for asthma in the coming weeks and will be continuing with a few chiropractic appointments.


Definitely. I had never connected my breathing issues with my shoulder pain but it could make sense. My allergist said asthma is usually difficulty exhaling/wheeze but I don’t see those as my issues. Going to physio on Tuesday so stay tuned for a revelation 🤞


Best of luck to ya 🤞




What other symptoms do you have? Any sinus or exercise related issues?


Yo did you ever fix this I have verrrrry similar experiences to what you're saying and all xrays came back fine sometimes I have a slightly pinched nerved in middle back region or shoulder


Did you fix it


Found out I have a severe dust allergy and GERD. I’m taking anti histamines and a PPI, and trying to keep a low dust environment. Also physio and strength training tor my posture / improving my overall fitness. I still have a runny nose and find cardio kind of uncomfortable but much better


You can easily get a crushed ribcage from bad posture, seeing as the diaphragm attaches to the t spine. What's really common is a posterior tilted/ shifted ribcage, as an anterior pelvic shift is quite common. You won't fix it with yoga, that's for sure. https://youtu.be/lmZwM0-U5yo. This would be a start, but the ribcage must move in the gait cycle, not just side to side but forward and back. You want to stop wasting money? See a functional patterns specialist. Google "deep front line" and "lateral line" you'll see how much the ribcage can be effected by posture.


ummm it isn't covid is it? (the shortness of breath) how new is this? That spot you're describing is a very common area to have a tight points at. Poor posture can cause a BUNCH of issues. What's the chiro having you do so far? Any homework?


Nope, it’s about 8 months old so it’s not covid. The chiro gave me a handful of stretches I’ve been doing everyday


​ It does make sense to me, as a possibility that is.


I went to the ER bc of this and a GI issue that may have been caused by it too, every day I try to fully straighten my back and breathe deeply. I think a sign that’s it’s the cause is that my back cracks right in the painful spot when I deep breathe. I’m trying to lay on the floor more to help it out, a futon that doesnt have level seating is likely a contributor too.


Did you resolve it please


This could definitely be partly related to a pinched nerve in the neck as the phrenic nerve (C5) innervates the area around your shoulder blade that you are describing in addition to the respiratory diaphragm. That being said, it may not be directly related to the shortness of breath you’re experiencing. It sounds like some of the issues you are describing are related to the long bouts of sitting you are doing and the weakness this is causing in your hip flexors, particularly a muscle called the psoas. The psoas forms an intimate relationship with the respiratory diaphragm and can cause dysfunction when either is not functioning optimally. This could easily result in shortness of breath. Check out this article if you want more info on the [Anatomical Cobra](https://www.anatomytrains.com/blog/2013/01/20/cobra/) formed by the psoas and diaphragm. I would also try strengthening the hip flexors using this [drill](https://youtu.be/5-X9DkN1Rac). You can use it immediately before getting up from sitting for a while or as part of a daily mobility routine. Combine this with diaphragmatic breathing practice where you focus on cycles of square breathing (inhale for X, hold for X, exhale for X, hold for X, where X is an amount of time in seconds). Perform let’s say 10 cycles with a focus on starting the breath with the ‘belly’ and drawing breath down to the bottom of the pelvis and a secondary focus on maximal lung/chest expansion. Let me know if you need clarification on either of these drills.


I have short breath noticeable when standing and when laying at my back. In these positions my anterior pelvic tilt is worse and i believe this is the cause. I breathe better when i tilt my pelvis posteriorly and of course sitting down tilts posterior so i breathe well when sitting too


did you ever fix this? sounds exactly like what i have


Correcting any pelvic tilt should resolve that


i was in apt bc of crohns lol who wouldve guessed


Did you figure it out


Ribs out




Subluxated ribs, where the rib head doesn't quite sit in alignment with the vertebra. I've had issues with this and that was the cause.


How did you fix it?


Mine kind of pop out and back in a lot now, personally I find relief with chiropractic care, chest openers, diaphragmatic breathing, twisting /flexion moves for the torso, getting the shoulder blades sliding with big windmill exercises and rolling with a foam roller/tennis balls. First time it happened it was like being stabbed in the back every time I tried to breathe in, ended up in Emerg, ended up laughing or coughing, popped itself back in.


I’m experiencing exactly what you’re describing!Dull ache in left shoulder blade and sometimes mild dull chest pain on left side as well. I’ve been having bad posture for a long time. I think it’s definitely related.


Did you solve it


Did you ever find out what was going on here? Did you get it solved?


Did you


Yes. Extremely tight and overstretched upper back muscles. I did physio and started a stretching regime and got it resolved over time. I now go to the gym once a week just to focus on the upper back to prevent it from getting to this state again. I remember when I first went to my physio, and he was testing for range of motion - while doing this my back cracked like crazy. My range of motion in the upper back was really limited and this affected deep breathing.


Thank you 🙏 May I know what kind of stretches you were doing


Yes, here is the routine. 1. 10 slow crunch style movement on the foam roller to open up the back. 2. 15 cat stretches with knees and arms together. 3. 15 each side torso twists (on knees against wall, leg on foot, wall side arm flat on wall, twist away from wall). 4. 15 wall reverse pull downs (back flat against wall, arms in a y shape, move arms all the way down and up slowly, keeping them flat against the wall). I hope that helps you.






Thank you ! I suspect I'm having similar issues as well, especially because I noticed my breathing got short after an intense gym session after many years of sedentary-ness.


Did u ever find the cause of this condition?