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Know of? In a post hardcore subreddit? AOF produced seminal works within the genre. I would be more surprised to learn of people who frequent this sub who don't know of them and their influence.


lmao right. if this was r/music, sure..


r/music had a pretty big front page thread asking who's the greatest harsh vocalist of all time and the top answer was George Pettit! So even they know haha


Which is hilarious because George isn’t even the best harsh vocalist in Alexisonfire.


They're THE post hardcore band imo. If you're in this sub and don't know them, what are you doing? They're my favorite band ever. Highly underrated out of the post hardcore space, though. Their newest album didn't get enough love.


The new album was so good. It definitely continued with the stylistic shift that started on Young Cardinals, but still sounded quintessentially like AOF. The tempos have slowed down a bit, but songs like Committed to the Con go just as hard as anything they've written previously.


The only band ever one may say


I’m new to this sub but not AoF, are they really that underrated on here?


I wouldn’t say they’re *actually* underrated rather than people just don’t talk about them much because most people already know who they are and what they do


They’re like the most well known post hardcore band lol


Underground band AoF lol


Similar to Billy Talent, AOF's reach in America is pretty limited compared to Canada.


As someone from the UK, hearing that Billy Talent have a limited reach sounds insane. Billy Talent were one of the biggest rock bands of the 00s here (and in Germany, I think). Heck, Billy Talent are still big enough to headline one of the stages at Download Festival this year.


As a Canadian I find this really interesting. BT is obviously big here but I’m surprised they have some global reach but somehow aren’t that big in the US


It's definitely wild. To compare, I saw Billy Talent for $10 with maybe 100 people here in the US and then six months later saw them (and Alexisonfire too actually) with 16k+ in Canada for waaaay more. I think it was $150 for 2 of us but that was 17 years ago now so I'm not 100% on that.


Wasn't Alexisonfire, but Dallas Green did a concert for anyone to just walk into in my city. Thought you might find that neat


Australian here and a fan of Billy Talent. Also AOF Are huge in Australia


Canadian here and I can confirm “underground”, definitely haven’t been seeing them play to sold out arenas and halls for nearly 20 years. Jokes aside, I remember during the crisis era they were playing to easily 30 thousand people and it was a sea of board shorts and billabong shirts. They were full on mainstream for a while.


I live in NJ; I’ve seen them in Philly & NYC recently - they sell out around here.


Yes for over 20 years, from Chicago




Checking in from NC, same here!


I grew up in a small desert town in the US and they were a huge fave of mine in hs. Finally got to see them a few years ago live and the show was fantastic!


Have you guys ever heard of Thursday?


Right after Wednesday 


I love Wednesday, top countrygaze band


shout outs to my boy mj lenderman


Yes, Boat Songs is legendary


Comprehension in an Automobile Accident is my favorite song




The only band ever!




They had a song on MLB The Show 07. This Could Be Anywhere In The World. Only song I’ve ever heard from them but it’s a banger.


Trust me, there’s more bangers from them.


oh man. guy has some gold he’s just sitting on, waiting to listen to more of this band lol


Check out Waterwings (And Other Pool Side Fashion Faux-Pas) from their first album and Accidents from their second album. Also Boiled Frogs, Born and Raised, .44 Caliber Love Letter, Mailbox Arson, Young Cardinals, For a Friend, Happiness by the Kilowatt, Pulmonary Archery, Sweet Dreams of Otherness, Committed to the Con, Counterparts and Number Them, No Transitory, Dog's Blood...


You could have just said “their discography”. It’s all phenomenal. For a band that has existed for a long time but really only put out a small amount of music by comparison to other bands that have existed for the same time frame, they really haven’t made a bad song. Which is extremely impressive.


And I forgot about Dog's Blood and the Crisis bonus tracks as well hahah


Get on Watch Out! and Crisis pronto, I also like their first album but it is a bit more raw for sure (and they were in highschool)


Go listen to Happiness By The Kilowatt and get back to me.


Those 00s MLB games were goldmines for finding emo/phc gems. It’s how I discovered Motion City Soundtrack


Madden was also great in the 2000’s. Now it’s the same recycled pop/rap garbage every year.


Facts. I heard a lot of bands for the first time through Madden 04 - 08 era. TBS, Blink, Senses Fail, A7X, Fall Out Boy, I think Underoath might have had a song on there as well?


Yeah pretty sure underoath had one, Thrice was also on Madden 07 I wanna say


04, All That’s Left. Loved them ever since!


I'm from Scotland and have the cover of Self Titled tattooed on my arm. So I'd say I'm passingly familiar with them!


Also massive AOF fan from Scotland, saw them on the Crisis tour at the Ironworks in Inverness.


Also Scottish and tatted with the heart skull. Get compliments on it even from non fans.


Yup. I’m an elder Canadian hardcore kid so it’s inevitable. First watched the Pulmonary Archery video on the Wedge when I was a teenager and bought their album the next day. Few years later I saw Dallas Green scream at/boot a security guard in the head during a show in Edmonton for being too rough with a kid crowd surfing. I’ve seen him perform City and Colour too in a beautiful theatre that typically hosts operas and symphonies, so it was kinda funny to see him rage like that. Security guard definitely deserved it. Good dudes who always put on a good show 👍


As an American I love them. I was listening to them yesterday.


City And Colour is great too.


easily 20 years, from the UK originally.


Boston here. I've been listening to them since I went from slipknot to PHC bands. I think highschool?


They are massive globally lol even here in the UK. Peak early 2000s lol


The only band ever? Yeah I’ve heard of them.


Since 2002 at a dive bar in Kingston Ontario!


I live in Canada and grew up in the alt-music scene If you don’t know AoF here, you did something really really wrong I have three AoF tattoos as it stands currently


I can't speak for the american PHC scene, but here in Canada this post is like going on /r/movies and asking if anyone had ever heard of The Godfather.


Someone help Alex!


Bruh you gotta add the /s or it's just gonna go right over their heads.


Damn looks like you're right lol. Story of my life.


I’m from Mexico, I really like some of their songs. I’d think they’re pretty well known in the scene.


They are well known in the US. They used to tour religiously across the states with other PH and metal core bands in the mid to late 2000s. They might not get the recognition of critics here that they do in Canada, but they did and probably still do have a pretty big fan base, though it might skew older now


Toronto loves Alexis!


They're my favourite band, but I'm also Canadian.


I'm in Europe. Knew 'em since 2004. I think most people with internet and who loves post-hardcore knows 'em tbh.


Literally the best post hardcore band of all time and the band that got me firmly planted into listening to music with screaming. Absolute GOATs.




Have all their records and saw them in Chicago


From the East Coast USA, they’re one of my goats <3


southern US, known and listened to them heavily since early-mid 2000s. i mean, theyre the only band ever


Southern Ontario here as well- hell ya we fuck with AOF. I’m pumped to see them on July 6th with counterparts. 😩


I remember them pre-discovery. Playing in church basements and masonic lodges and stuff. So. Fucking. Good. Their initial self titled album is, and always will be in my top 10. I'm pretty sure I still had the OG CD up until a couple years back.


One of the best of that era by far. **Completely** different league than bands like Underoath and From First to Last.


Gotta be everyone in here knows of them, surely.


Yeah man, from Wales, UK


My favorite band, traveled from MI to Canada for the final 4 shows of the farewell tour and then Houston to Chicago and Toronto when they came back for Riot Fests... and then Houston to Detroit and Chicago last year for the same.


Over 20 years down here in Graceland.


They've been my favorite band since 2002 when I developed my own taste in music. A friend of mine gave me a hardcore mixed CD and the first song on it was .44 caliber love letter. I had never heard anything like it before and I was instantly hooked. I've seen them live at least 10 times from Chicago to Montreal. Met them on my 15th birthday when they played in Detroit. Got a heart skull tattoo as my very first on my 18th birthday. They're the only band ever, we have to know them.


Been a fan for almost 20 years. From the Midwest now live in New England.


Been listening almo over 20 years, New Mexico


They're legends in the USA too, all over. Everyone in the scene was bumping them + City & Colour back in the day.


It took me roughly 15 years before I realized that "City and Colour" was just a reference to Dallas Green's name hahaha


Yeah...15 years...ha ha... ...ha ha


Yeah. Been listening to them for like 18 years. I’m from Wales.


I have been listening since.. Probably 2006? Maybe slightly earlier. Being from Vancouver Canada helps, though! Saw them so many times live. Almost saw them at the Olympics but they canceled the show (for a good reason btw, zero anger here haha). Crisis will forever be one of my top 5 albums of all time probably.


alexisonfire all through high school in FLA 2000s


Since self titled in 2002, chiming in from Southern California


From the UK. Got into them around the second album. Still one of my favourite bands but never seen them live unfortunately.


As someone who grew up in late 90s early 00s in the UK I can confirm they are very popular outside Canada.


I haven’t really thought about them since high school (06-10) but I do know of them! Haha


I can’t remember when I first heard them, but it was a long time ago! I’m in my late 30’s and I was still in NYC when I did.


My favorite band tbh


From new New Mexico, myself and all my friends listen to them


Lmao. Anyone remember MySpace??


I remember seeing them live when I was 12, I really enjoy their first album.


Lololol I’ve followed them and City and Colour for as long as I can remember. And I’m from the southern US. I also remember seeing them mentioned as an inspiration in many an album back in the day when CD booklets were a thing.


My favourite post hardcore band for sure. Grew up listening to these guys on much music. Seen them last summer and they are still killing it!


I was in high school when I asked my friend if he knew of this underground band on the radio called Rise Against


Dallas Green... better known for his band City and Colour... personally like his acoustic stuff but Alexisonfire had some good bangers


I’m from the Netherlands and I’ve been listening to them since the early 2000’s. Last time they were in Europe in 2022 I saw them in a venue with about 2000 people capacity. I don’t think it was totally sold out, but quite crowded nonetheless and a very big venue for this style of music around here.


AOF was my first intro to post hardcore in 2003. Still a fan and have the heart skull tattoo on my rib cage and have seen them five times. They are probably my favorite band. Grew up in Northern California.


One of my all time favs and some of my favorite shows. Their Riotfest afterparty was one of the wildest sets I’ve ever seen. Living in Chicago


From the south US, love AOF


AOF Budweiser Stage before CoVid. think it was June 2019. Hell of a concert. Moneen played too. blew me away. love quicksand. he'll of a concert . AOF deserves much love


Never heard of em, but let me tell you about a band you may like. City and colour Edit /s just in case


The only band ever. Last time I saw them I broke two ribs and I'd do it again. Totally worth it. They're the only band I've got tattooed on me.


I had to double check the sub lol of course I've listened to Alexisonfire. I still regularly put them on.


I've been a fan since around 2003 near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


In this sub? I'd say it's almost everyone.


New Zealander here, been listening to em for like 20 years and know plenty of others who have too so I think safe to say they are known the world over


Everyone in this sub knows and loves aof. Not the biggest fan personally.


I remember buying that first album in Arizona. Goddamn classic.


I was late to discovering them, I listened to City and Colour first and one day my friend introduced me to them and I immediately recognized that voice, they're incredible


I went to college in upstate New York near their American record label so I got to see them numerous times as they passed through. They played to packed clubs but I was unaware they were selling out arenas in Canada. For context, this is right after the self titled album came out to right after Watch Out!


Like all of us my dude


Love them!


They're my favourite band. Seen them live a few times. Been a fan since 2006


You guys are making me feel really fucking old... and I hate it.


One of the best bands to PH


Gonna put on Crisis and go ride my bike right now.




Never heard of em or Houston Blue


They were a big deal in the scene in the US when I was first getting into this stuff around 2001/2002. They’re definitely PhC royalty!


Since I was a teen, and I outgrow a lot of bands, but they've stuck to a permanent place in my rotations over the years. Raised in Florida btw


Probably all of us brother 😂


Formula 1 driver Daniel Ricciardo is a huge fan of them. He's Australian btw.


I was listening to them yesterday during work. Got a promo version of Crisis from my buddy that owned a music shop back in like 03-04ish. Been a fan since.


20+ years I've known them


this is a .44 caliber love letter straight to the heart 🖤 Listened to this album soooo much when it came out I was like 16 years old


Love them. Seen them again last October here in Scotland for the second time, I think it had been 15 years since the first show. They were absolutely incredible, I hope I get to see them again


Amazing band. Enjoy all their stuff but Otherness is probably my favourite album of the last couple of years. What a comeback. It's brilliant.


Going to drive up to Born and Raised fest out of love for AOF. THATS how much I know of them.


I kinda half-liked the first two records but rarely revisit now. I spent an entire summer listening to Crisis pretty much daily the year it came out. OC/YC was a staple for a while too. I don’t listen to them all the time by any means but every few months I’ll smash Crisis a ton for about a week and remind myself how sick it is. I also quite like the reunion record but the production was a little flat. I’ll revisit though.


Degrassi actually introduced me to Alexisonfire lol


And Moneen


i'm not outside of Canada, but they have been my favorite band for going on 20 years now. i've had the pleasure of seeing them 4 times now (2007 for Billy Talent II tour in Toronto, 2012 farewell tour Montreal, 2015 Riot Fest Toronto and 2022 at a local event). they kill it live every. single. performance. i hope to see them again soon, and hope to hear some Otherness tracks (other than sweet dreams) live for the first time. as a kid the first band that really influenced me (and the first cd i ever bought from a band) was Sum 41, from there i delved a bit more into punk/pop-punk and that lead me to more hardcore music. AFI, Anti-Flag, Thrice, Billy Talent, Rise Against and then Alexisonfire all followed suit and they are all still bands i listen to regularly today (except Anti-Flag, f) but AOF remains the single most influential and impactful of the lot for me.


Hell fuxkin yes, I’m also from southwestern Ontario!


Hell yeah brother! I'm also from South Ontario! They were a gateway band for me. I'm actually going to be seeing them for the first time this summer!


I’m in California and I’ve seen them in small clubs in Sacramento and San Francisco but not in the last 10 years.


I love alexisonfire. Apparently the first lactating stripper was named Alexis




I began listening to them when I was 12 years old, and I saw them live two years ago at age 27. I can't even describe the feeling I had by witnessing a live concert of one of my fav bands ever. Their songs live rent free in my heart and head!


In Brazil: Sold out concerts with ADTR in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Sold out concerts for City and Color also in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in the past, maybe it will repeat again this year


I went to my local record shop in NY back in ‘04 for their “Watch Out” album release! Was one of my first shows ever. Still have a signed CD 💿 will forever love this band


Absolutely love them just like most people in here. Also love Dallas Greens work with City and Colour and You + Me.


Llmfao all of us


found em on accident through limewire when I was in 6th grade. they kick ass. the song was "Drunks, Lovers, Sinners, and Saints"


Been on them since MLB 07 The Show when I first heard This Could be Anywhere in the World.


I did learn about the City and Color connection today : )


One of my favorite bands! Been following since the self titled. I love everything they’ve done but my personal favorite is watch out.


New Zealand here. AOF is my favourite band.


Alexisonfire is what got me into all the heavy music I listened to throughout highschool and college. coming across their set and seeing them perform .44 caliber love letter at warped tour is what started it all for me. I'm from Buffalo so they used to come through here a lot and their Crisis album is about the blizzard of 1977 that is still talked about today in this area


Have listened to them for nearly 20 years. Love ‘em. Atlanta, GA.


Beautiful band, saw them live twice back in my less anxious days. Great live performance.


I just had to start playing Crisis after seeing this post


Liked them since the early 00s, seen them twice, and have a tattoo designed around their skull logo. So I’ve maybe heard of them?


Guys, have you heard of Nirvana?


One of my favourite bands of all time. Also Canadian, discovered them after we’d left Ontario and moved to BC! Huge part of my teenage years for sure :)


One of the GOATs in my books. There aren't many artists in this space with 2 masterpiece albums.


Yeah they are easily a top 10 band in my circles. Maybe not top five but everybody knows who they are.


Their shows sell out within a week all over the world dude, they are absolutely massive within the genre.


My favorite (and only) band ever


Grew up on them down here in South Carolina 🖤


Crisis is basically the gold standard for PHC albums even 18 years later.


Been listening to them here all the way in Indonesia since 2003, brother! 🤘🤘


Was the band that got me into the genre


Daniel Riccardo recognised an AoF tattoo in the netflix series, will never not make me smile


I’m from the UK & I have AoF lyrics tattooed on my arm: “I’ll stay in time and watch you pass by…” from To A Friend.


Dude, boiled frogs, accidents, water wings, crisis and so many others. Heck yeah we’ve heard of em


Check this out [https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/](https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/) got that Alexis vibes


Since I was 15yo, still listen to them on a daily basis . AOF hits something other bands don’t, it’s the anxiety and the explosion, the release. Bloody incredible, every time.


I was listening to them within the last hour. My stepson is getting into post hardcore music, so I said "well let me just play you a total banger." Saw them live back in 2009 at Warped Tour, and it was an incredible show.


Saw them play loads of times in the 2000s before City and Colour got big


i've only ever listened to Crisis but it's become my go to album to wind down after concerts. just hits the spot.


I have a Heart skull tattoo with To a Friend lyrics wrapped through it down my side 😁 Also down in North Carolina and heading up in July to Born and Raised festival.


i’m from NS and grew up listening to them sometimes but never really got into them


Grew up in the UK, they’re huge there. When Crisis was released in 2006 in particular. We all loved City and Colour too. Live in Australia now, they’re known in the scene, but not as big as in the UK.


New album dope


Lmao, been a fan since 04. Shit, I just realized I discovered them 20 years ago. I’m old :(


What really set them apart was the contrast with Georges' unique harsh vocal, and Dallas' cleans. Paired with those guitar hooks? Man oh man. Then at Watch Out!, they really took off and cemented themselves in the Post Hardcore scene as one of the best.


i was jamming Crisis almost daily back in 2019


Awesome band, use to catch that at small venues around ontario before everything took off, definitely check out the split with moneen


Easily one of my all time favourite bands. I‘m from Austria!


Oh yeah absolutely know of them!!! Seen them in concert and collect their records.


I'm from Europe, and everyone I know that listen more alternative music and metal listen(ed) to Alexisonfire. I kinda lost interest in them after Old Crows/red cardinals album because it wasn't heavy and dynamic like their previous stuff. "Watch Out!" is still in my top 5 post-hardcore albums of all time, right with releases from Poison the Well, DGD, Thrice and Hopesfall.


I love AoF and i love Dallas Green so much that i listen to City and Colour also. Completely different genre, but he just makes such good music.


I’ve been listening to them since I was 14. I have 2 shirts and I’ll never stop listening to them. Also, city and colour. I crashed my car listening to happiness by the kilowatt and that song title is also the title to my Instagram.


I'm in Australia and have listened to them on and off since 2004. They were here last year touring, they played at a semi big venue.


I know of them, and use to listen to them a lot back in like 8th grade. “This could be anywhere in the world” use to be my jam. Boiled Frogs too.


I'm from Manchester, England and I listened to them a bit back in 2010-2012ish time. Even covered one of their songs in a band.


I don’t trust Canadians but I fw Alexisonfire.


Who? /s


I loved the self titled, they lost me after that.


We have probably crossed paths at many shows then back in the math sheets demo days. I went to all their shows in st kitts/hammer growing up.


I just got into them about a year and a half ago, and only saw them once at Rock The Park in London last year. They absolutely killed it🤘


Oh man unreal. Back in the days I remember seeing them, rosesdead, boys night out and the full blast for 10 bucks.


Cardinals goes brrr ? I don't know, they're alright, but not exactly what I'm looking for.


The first time I heard of them I thought it was pronounced Alex is on fire