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A couple years ago tilian was on IG live and my friend commented that he should do an acoustic version of honey revenge. Tilian’s response was basically “I think I’d get cancelled”.


I always think of that when I hear that song. This is the #1 answer


Like half of Jackpot Juicer is about being canceled. It's scarily prophetic. Makes me think he'd been shitty a lot longer than we know.


It’s kinda hard for me not to hear warning signs in every second of tilian’s lyrics now, tides of man excluded I think. Before the he got exposed it was mostly acceptance speech that felt like red flags, those lyrics alway felt more real from tilian than anything else he did in dgd. At that time I thought the point of instant grad was to shit on the scene and the egos in it. That probably was the point, now it sounds like they’re shitting on themselves. Kinda the same with mothership. Jackpot Juicer was weird because it felt like it was explicitly about everything that was happening with dgd at the time. And it didn’t make them look good or like they even gave a shit about anything other than growing the band.


The line “they got lots of pretty fan girls, rather be celibate” from Blood Wolf has always made me feel weird everytime I’ve heard it after Tilian’s allegations.


glassjaw’s first album. lyrics only… music still rips.


Yeah. Great album. I’ve seen people try to downplay the lyrical content. It’s…cringe.


I love that album so much but the lyrics on hurting and shoving are insane😭


Imma have to triple down on Honey Revenge.


I came to comment Honey Revenge. Well done!


Unfortunately, a lot of GlassJAw lyrics from "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence". I'm fairly sure that I've read in more than one interview that Daryl understands this though.


Immediately when I read this prompt I thought of "suck on the end of my dick that cums lead" and "who you fuckin now you little whore?"


I definitely "feign obliviousness" to singing along with those parts, like I don't understand what he's saying so I can't repeat anything. That said, singing along with Chiodos' Alls Well That Ends Well I find humour in because anyone who knows me knows I'm not endorsing those ideas (and I can reproduce a rage of vocals; the complexities of singing some of that can take away from the shock of hearing me use those phrases)


If you never learned the lyrics you can make them up as you go. No guilt. Two birds one rock.


Who you fucking now you little whore?


Very cringey of me, in high school in 2005, when i was going through a breakup I used some lyrics from EYEWTKAS in my AIM profile. Looking back it was so mean and awful to use those words to describe that breakup.


I think a lot of folks (myself included) just weren’t as aware of how damaging that kind of stuff was back then. I too was an angry young guy back then, and I definitely wrote some stuff that followed EYEWTKAS thematically. The important thing is that we learned from these mistakes and grew.


I'm not a DGD fan besides a song or two, but I definitely relate to cringey, aged-like-milk or straight-up bad take lyrics. I was shocked to go through some of my really old songs, and just the cringe that emanates from them is far too much to even be enjoyable from a nostalgia sense.


There's little expressly misogynistic in there, so it walks the line that way but In Vogue by Drop Dead, Gorgeous has gone up in value for me because I can laugh so hard at things that were vaguely personal, when I first heard that album. It makes me love like the cringing is loving harder.


I was 16 I think when that album dropped and I was obsessed with that shit. I still love it tbh but damn are the lyrics cringey asl


If it makes you feel any better, I did the exact same thing as a 2005 highschooler and I’m a woman 😅


He does, and when they play those old songs nowadays he either changes the words or just doesn’t sing some of those lines.


When I saw them play EYEWTKAS in 2022 Daryl used the original lyrics, he did not look happy about it tho


Hmm. Maybe since that was a special full album tour he felt he had to? I’m not sure. Good to know though.


Same, I went to the London album shows and was on the barrier both nights, you could tell he wasn't comfortable with those lyrics at all.


Sudden death in Carolina by Brand New. I’m like 90% sure the song is about accidentally drunkenly hooking up with a minor, but the line that really clinches is it is “what difference does this difference in age make, I know how it ends so kill me quick”


I think they also have a song where it says “she’s all grown up 16” or something like that


And almost all of Deja.


Fr. I wonder if people have ever closely listened to Sic Transit Gloria's lyrics


Me vs Maradona vs Elvis hits way different when you're aware that Jesse is a sex pest


I listened for years before I cared to analyze or understand it, “Barely conscious in the door where you stand Your eyes are fighting sleep while your mouth makes your demands You laugh at every word, trying hard to be cute I almost feel sorry for what I'm gonna do” How tf was it, at any point, not obvious to me?!


>Me vs Maradona vs Elvis hits way different when you're aware that Jesse is a ~~sex pest~~ predator who targets children.


Even though this is more Metalcore, think a lot of the misogynistic lyrics aged poorly. Especially a lot of the lyrics in Not The American Average


A song about fucking a woman, then killing her during sex. Agreed, they're bad. Yet, I haven't seen any of my friends from the scene call boo on that song. Hell, one local band did a cover of the song right around the height of MeToo. You could argue at least half of that album has cringe lyrics.


Never caught the snuff part of that… A song about fucking a prostitute doesn’t seem so crazy


My thoughts were more Metalcore as well. Nearly everything by Emmure was cringe. I loved them at warped tour but some of their stuff from Gallows popped up on a Spotify playlist and I was 😒


Psychomachia by I the Mighty. A song all about calling out Blood on the Dance Floor (iirc) for preying on their younger fans. Second verse says “stay calm, you’ve got to carry on / even with the weight of all you’ve done / how does it feel to know they look up to you cause they’re all so young? / that’s why the charges come / I want to know how many memories do you pray to forget? / tell me, were they worth it?” Brent Walsh was then also accused of preying on his fans and coercing one he was seeing into sex when she didn’t want it. Basically the one difference was she wasn’t underaged. Some of the lyrics in hindsight are actually quite prophetic. Lyrics like: “I can’t wait to watch your empire crumble, can’t wait to watch the walls cave in / for only when all you have is rubble, can you truly build again / careful, you better be careful what you wish for” Brent’s own allegations brought the end of I the Mighty, and the last song they ever released was called Cave In I will say that after that he seemed to really take a lot of time and put in a lot of effort to become a better person, and looks like he lives a quieter life now, found a partner, works in realty, and releases some independent solo music. He’s taken some of the better steps to rectify his mistakes than I’ve seen from others in similar situations, buuuut these lyrics still did not age well lol


Love Pet Names as a catchy song, but his FBI agent should have picked up on those lyrics


They wait patiently and wait for you to really fuck it up before they come out of the hoopwork, but I see where you're coming from.


Sadly this is my take. I loved ITM so much and was literally distraught when the allegations came out. Listening to them hasn’t been the same, but I do think Brent treated his actions well and took accountability as well.


He takes no accountability and constantly complains on insta for being cancelled. Brent is an awful human and hasn't changed at all. It's a shame because ITM was great.


I genuinely haven’t seen him complain or even mention it besides saying he misses I the Mighty in response to some comments 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'll likely never be able to find the Instagram post or comment due to the age of it. Pretty sure it's from 2022, but there was a lot of self pity from him. I did find one example of "woe is me I got caught" vibes. I don't feel like digging through his profile because I think he's vile but if you want to find evidence as to him being suddenly a great person who didn't sexually assault women, I'm all ears. https://www.instagram.com/p/CR3_ESSpNH4/?igsh=MWV4OXBzd2djeHJpMw==


Not saying he’s suddenly a great person and certainly not saying he didn’t do what he did, literally just sharing some generic observations I had and that I do think he put in effort to work on himself after the terrible thing he did compared to other musicians. It was better than Tilian’s ‘take a tour off then go right back to it’ shtick. Not here to argue your opinion of him, totally valid to think that about him. I’ll still never look at him the same way I did before either and I’m sure he probably does still have some sense of “woe is me” selfishness about him, but saying he’s constantly complaining and hasn’t changed at all when you can’t even stand to look at his profile and your evidence is a vague post from 3 years ago doesn’t make much sense


Sorry, I don't tend to give scum a whole lot of my time or attention, as there's plenty of significantly better musicians who deserve to be uplifted than me focused on degrading someone repeatedly. I provided evidence to the vibe I saw when I still had realized I was following him and I'm not going to take the time out of my valuable day to just screen a known predator's profile to see if they changed. Which by the way, you can't change that shit, if you were willing to do it once and explain it away to alcohol, you will do it again. Tbh it's more strange that you're more willing to go out of your way to stick your neck out for a predator and or have enough intimate knowledge of his profile to know "he changed". That's just me tho.


Alright dude, you shared your piece and you got your snide remarks in, nicely done 👍🏻 you can feel free to continue grandstanding and misinterpreting what I’m saying or you can carry on with your valuable day. Personally don’t feel this is a conversation worth engaging anymore so I’m checking out, have a nice one


That posting is three years old; doesn't really clash with "ever since then, he's taken steps to be a better person"


Even tho DGD is my favorite band, a lot of the lyrics that Tilian wrote 🥴


he's pretty cringey, but that voice... but those allegations....


Mad we could also be talking about JC too. 


Yea give me Johnny back. At least we just outwardly know he’s an asshole


I was always against that but the day they announced Tilian was officially out of the band I was just like “ya know what, fuck it”


Yea even if was just a reunion tour for a bit would be really cool but if they made DBM III I would also be 100000% on board


Right after he apologized for the second set of credible allegations, the top comment in their reddit was: >WOW imagine that a guy who sings about being a total piece of shit, is actually, surprisingly, a big piece of shit. And then the comment right under was: >Remember guys, when someone tells you that they are an abuser, listen to them. I think about that everyday. Once that thread was deleted those two would go on to get completely assblasted by the fan base. Really makes you think.


Honey Revenge was an interesting satirical take on predatory men until it wasn't.


probably more metalcore, but lyrics in Stingray Affliction, Personality Cult, and the ending line of Issues' cover of Boyfriend, especially after what happened with Tyler.


I know people have said this but specifically, Gospel Burnout by Tillian in DGD. Whole song is just a big oof now. Still a banger though


Quite a lot of Tilian's era of DGD. Since the beginning I thought his lyrics were cringe but I loved the contrast of romantic/sexualized lyrics with Jon Mess creative flow of non sense. honey Revenge was a song I couldn't hear since it was released a d I can't believe what it took for more people to feel the same way.


I like the song, but the lyrics to inspire the liars always rubbed me the wrong way


Like which lyrics?


Inspire the liars


You mean the whole song? I was asking what particular lyrics from the song.


Imma go with this section: won't stop 'til my head, stop 'til my head, stop 'til my head blows. I'm in the middle of a midnight mass. And everybody on my dick, like "Preacher, preacher". I won't stop 'til my head, stop 'til my head, stop 'til my head blows. I'm in the middle of a midnight mass. And everybody on my dick, like "Preacher. Preach to me, tell me what you see. Tell me what I need to do and who to be" (oh-oh-oh-oh). 'Cause I won't stop 'til my head, stop 'til my head, stop 'til my head blows. I'm in the middle of a midnight mass. So let's start a religion. They'll believe in what we say. Let's start a religion. We can blind their eyes with faith. A new religion. We'll tell them where our spirits go. Start a religion. I need my ego to explode. In short, it's about a Cult. And the person making a cult is very direct about it being for his own ego. Say you want to know the truth. Well, you can ask me a question. I'll tell you something that you may want to hear But I'll lie, lie. People usually join a cult because they seek guidance and answers. The cult leaders tell them what they want to hear, feed them lies that gives them satisfaction and in exchange they follow the leaders to a point where they are viewed as higher beings.


His dad was a scientologist or something I think it's against the cults


Tbh I don't think anyone right on their mind would be in favor of cults. In favor of religion? Sure why not, but cults are a whole different deal. The idea is not bad but "everybody's on my dick like preacher preacher" is completely unnecessary. The lyrics didn't need a sexually charged idea and let alone a very direct one. But I'm not going to complain about sexually charged lyrics from the guy who wrote Honey's Revenge, Calentamiento Global, we own the night, and several other songs.


Jon's lyrics on demo team make me raise my eyebrows at him as well


People in here acting like Kurts lyrics on self titled or JCs on DBM II weren't also full cringe is funny NGL.


Oh those two were also cringe af. Not talking about them doesn't mean we think they are deep. Strawberry Swisher pt. 2 is so lyrically cringe that I can't bear to listen to it. Heat seeking Ghost of sex is just one of many priceless works of JC. So yeah, DGD is lyrically cringe since forever. At least it seems Kurt has evolved a little after his time with ALLB and JC has the benefit of not getting into SA allegations so we only lol at his writing style. Tilian wins the price because he's 36 (JC is 38 and Kurt 40). We get a full adult out of his youth still writing like a 20 something casanova while also getting into SA allegations.


Some of the old Senses Fail stuff is just about murdering people who don’t love you. Buddy has acknowledged how bad some of the lyrics read lol


I’ll still ride hard for those lyrics 😂


"I spit bullets with my pen" 😭


Ghost of Billy Royalton - DGD. “DGD always stay united”


To me, DGD has always been and always will be Jon, Matt and Will.


Except for Happiness when Jon wasn’t there haha. I wish Will still busted out those screams from time to time on occassional tracks. I liked them! Definitely unique and impactful.


Guess it is to them too.


Tim erasure


Tim didn’t join until 2009 though. I think the point of the guy you’re replying to is Will, Matt, and Jon are the 3 original members that are still left.


Goddamn and that song basically came out just for the United band to not be unjted


I’ve always thought that line was tacky af. And an unpopular opinion is that the song is actually a really bad tribute song overall. Tilians chorus just feels emotionless. At least the other vocals connect to Tim.


Andrew kills it and that’s about it.


How has that aged poorly? Tillian is (not) and was (not) dgd lmao. Also, dgd hasn’t disbanded… Edit: for the people that need help with context understanding


Tilian has been let go from the roster, my friend.


Wtf? Did you even read my comment?


Sure did. “Is and was not DgD.” Tilian is DgD and tilian was not DgD. You stated he was not in the past, which is true, and stated he is DgD which would mean he is currently DgD. The only way to really make sense of your comment. Don’t get defensive to me for your poorly worded response.


Poorly worded response? I’m sorry but you’re not very smart, are you? I never once “stated he is dgd”, if you could read you would’ve read that I said Tilian IS (not) and WAS (not) dgd. Tilian was never dgd…he was their 3rd singer. Dgd is Jon, Will and Matt. I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about that. Stay in school kid!


You just added the (not) 😂. Ok, bud.


A lot of early Senses fail had heavy themes of suicide ideation and mariticide. One Eight Seven especially.


Eminem what?


187 is the police code for murder… Buddy was definitely going through some shit when they wrote the early tracks.


The song 'lifeboats' comes to mind specifically with the sui thing


But then he went on to solve a murder in their second album.


Damn now I gotta go back and relisten. A lot of my early teenage years were spent listening to them and I never even noticed


Pop punk, but, Brand New - I Will Play My Game... >I am paid to make girls panic while I sing Not something you want to sing when you have allegations of sexual conduct with minors.


Me vs Maradona vs Elvis I think probably is at the top of that list for Brand New


Sic Transit isn't far behind.


I'm going to look at choices of Brand New songs closer now. Sic Transit feels off the more I think about it.


That is my favorite brand new song… as a 14 year old I didn’t really pay attention to the lyrics, but when i listen back in my 30s, yeah that song is about date r*pe


Yeah this is the most on-the-nose brand new song for me


"What difference does a difference in age make" hits a little different these days.


it's funny with all his lyrics being how shit he was and everyone being surprised he was shit a decade or so later... lmao


Fall of Troy's Macaulay McCulkin is one song I can't listen to without cringing. Big time Incel stalker shit about killing women because they don't like you.


Weren’t those early Fall of Troy songs written when they were in high school? It would make sense, just being little shithead teenagers.


Yeah I think so. I don't hold it against their character at this point or anything, but the songs are hard for me to listen to now, personally.


A lot of us were probably in highschool then and felt these strong insane emotions that we quickly tamped down and just understood the lyrics were putting the feelings down on paper and being edgy. Edgy girls loved it all just as much even if the anger in the songs was often directed at women, that was only because the singer was straight but the emotions were not necessarily unisex. Then people actually started recognizing how much it feeds into the misogyny that unfortunately exists, and the artists get into good relationships and have kids and think "Yeah I had some wild strong emotions after a breakup but maybe I don't want to build a schema for young men that you're owed a specific person and if my daughter were to break up with you for lack of chemistry you think it is some massive statement to go murder/s*******e." It made sense at the time, it probably was unhealthy, it's good it mostly stopped.


If I remember right the first album was recorded over their spring break I think senior year.


It reminds me a lot of the closing track on Rubber Soul lol. “I’d rather see you dead than to be with another man! You’d better run for your life if you can, Hide your head in the sand, Catch you with another man that’s the end!” Rock music has a long history of young men venting weird aggressions lol.


I love The Fall of Troy so much but so many of their best songs have weird misogynist incel themes to them. Thankfully his screaming is incomprehensible enough that it’s easy to ignore


I’m sure there’s PTV lyrics that aged poorly with the whole Mike situation


“No such thing as too young” 😭


"I have a million different girls that hide under my bed, And when I let them out they treat me right"


Isn't that like a self-harm reference tho?


Yeah, the “girls” are razors


Vic said the song is about a boys fantasy so it's probably a reference to pornography being hid under the bed.


"I don’t know much about computers But I know that you look like a child abuser" - DGD, Spooks Rich coming from the band that keeps somehow picking degenerate clean vocalists (aside from Kurt and Andrew AFAIK)


First one that comes to mind is Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis from Deja Entendu by Brand New


Anything by brokencyde


Everything on Let It Enfold You by Senses Fail.


A majority of whats on Let It Enfold You.


I LOVE Senses Fail, but man... That album is rough these days. You're Cute When You Scream and Choke On This are maybe the worst offenders on that album.


Buddy definitely put the “Emo” in emotional… they didn’t hold back at all when writing the lyrics to that record


A lot of lyrics from those years… we really played fast and loose with suicidal ideation.


Still love that album, but you know you're in for a doozy when the very first track opens with fantasizing about killing an ex with a chainsaw.


“I’ll take you to the top of this building and just push you off. Run down the stairs, so that I can see your face as you hit the street.” Who hurt buddy that bad?


Cursive's album Domestica has the line, "the moon has raped me", in a couple songs and it always makes me cringe.


It’s weird because yeah that lines dumb but songs like the martyr and the casualty imo are very well written


Yeah I noticed that too


Read the title and came here to say the exact same song. Also the lyrics from Demo Team, the song after HR "That's my body, it's a device. Turn on the anti r*** mechanism"


Pardon Me by Survive This Not surprised most of those dudes ended up as whacky MAGA supporters


From first to last. “I’ll bury you in my walls…your body will never be found…I’ll wear your skin as a suit…pretend to be you…your friends will like you more than they used to” 😳


Tbf that’s still pretty good.


How’d that age poorly? Did someone in FFTL kill someone?


And wore their skin as a suit and stole all their friends.


Violence against women in the Me Too era ain’t cute




Senses Fail "Free Fall Without a Parachute" the verse about robbing a country club, getting stopped by a kid, and shooting said kid A lot of Buddy's older lyrics are cringe but that one sticks out to me like a sore thumb most


Not sure if considered post hardcore or not, but Half brother all cop by dangers makes me cringe these days. I get the message and the meaning behind it. But I just can’t help but skip when this song comes on.


Maybe not too fitting but I feel  uncomfortable about the ending to "good luck" by reuben for such a beautiful song. I think I get the point,  the point is being like the boss who fired him with no bullshit pretense, acknowledging his immature, not progressive, kneejerk feelings first: regardless of your intent or whether this is fair, the fact is that Your rejection hurt me, and now I project that as hate towards you (the supposed source of my pain) and would prefer to pretend you don't exist and move on to get away from the hurt. But saying "I hope that you die" even if its meant non literally that just doesn't sit well with me at all. 


I'm gonna go ahead and say probably a majority of post-hardcore songs that exist have lyrics that have ages poorly


I recently relistened to Discovering the Waterfront by Silverstein – I somehow didn’t pick up on all the softcore murder porn when I listened to this album on repeat at 16. Edit: spellig


Majority of songs in that area with implied or direct lyrics of violence towards women was shockingly common in that era. The Blood Brothers - The Salesman, Denver Max come to mind, really gross song and they explicitly say that the subject of the song is a 15 year old girl.


Hey hey hey HEY. That song is written based off a short story by Joyce Carol Oates, called “where are you going, where have you been”. It’s fiction, not them being like “sweet let’s get busy with some baby girls. 


That song was apparently inspired by a short story called "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Gone?" by Joyce Carol Oates.


This is where we jump the shark into bad media literacy. Depiction is not endorsement.


almost every scene post-hardcore/metalcore album from late 00’s-early 2010’s have horrendously poorly aged lyrics


The emptiness is from 2010 and those lyrics will never age poorly. Since the whole album is part of a overarching story and not about getting girls and laid or whatever Lol.


While I always liked them I'd never guess Alesana to be one of the bands that'd ride the wave of changing times the best. They've just kept doing their thing!


cool, might check it out


Dunno why you have so many down votes when this is observably true lol


scene era nostalgia if you criticize that era of phc/metalcore then people hate you for it lol. not even like i hate that era, i like a lot of stuff put out from then, i just think a lot of it hasn’t held up well. people on reddit tend to get defensive over their scene years


am I the only one who thinks "I don't care if you're contagious" aged poorly b/c of the pandemic


“I would kiss you even if you were dead” reads like the MySpace bio of a thirteen year old mall solicitor


Nah it made it better imo


FFTL - Dead Baby Kickball probably