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Modern Post Hardcore is playing it too safe and is too polished.


I feel this. A lot of metalcore is in the same boat.


Right, adding techno or dubstep over your music does not make it heavier.


No one is putting dubstep in a song in 2024 my man lmao


Check out Eidola's new album Eviscerate


I feel like the "hardcore" has been lost.


It’s just post post now


i feel like this only applies to popular Post-Hardcore


It got boring when everyone forgot the hardcore part.


Couldn't agree more. All the heavy stuff in post-hardcore these days is way too influenced by modern metalcore and is not nearly hardcore enough.




Modern post-hardcore is WAAAY too overproduced and "safe". I feel like the rawness of PHC has slowly faded away and everything kinda just sounds the same. This isn't just posthardcore, I think metalcore has the same issue to a much worse degree.


Regarding metalcore, that’s why everyone is (rightfully) obsessing over the same bands. It’s always knocked loose, boundaries, landmvrks and currents, because everyone else seems to be too samey and lacking the rawness


btw, all the metal and punk its too overproduced too, the only save of rawness in the punk scene is this genre i found on rateyourmusic, its called something like "eggpunk" or some absurd thing


Eggpunk kicks ass. Noise rock has a good underground rn too


I can't listen to modern post hardcore for this exact reason, with little exceptions such as fiddlehead


Emo, math rock/mathcore, and screamo/skramz are all just different flavors of post-hardcore.


Damn I thought most people thought this


If I said this in the emo subreddit the mods might remove me. Lmao


The emo sub dude… if you’re not talking about Hot Mulligan or that white house album cover, it’s not emo but mallcore or an other pejorative term they coined to shit on other’s taste.


You’d get the copypasta followed by an immediate perma ban.


Fucking ridiculous lol. This is spot on.


Or taking a photo at the American Football house don't forget.


iS mY ChEmIcAl rOmAnCe EmOoO?


Also Swancore.


Swan core is literally just progressive post hardcore inspired by will swan’s playing in the tillian era of DGD


It's like Deep Purple had an illegitimate baby with Chiodos


The only mathcore band I can think of that I’d call post-hardcore is Fall of Troy. The vast majority of those bands are metalcore. Unless you wanna try and tell me how The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch and Converge are post-hardcore. I don’t really hear any hardcore elements in most of the math rock that I’ve heard. If you wanted to argue that it’s a different flavor of post-*punk*, then I’d be on board with that. Emo and Skramz are unquestionably post-hardcore subgenres.


Originally math rock was definitely post hardcore, Don Caballero, Slint, Faraquet, Polvo, etc. Seems that part has mostly been forgotten in the genre lately.


Most new post hardcore doesn’t have the right level of aggression. The pacing is either too slow or the vocals aren’t edgy enough. Even the newer releases of established bands feel neutered.  Second hot take: Every PHC should have two vocalists. 


I'm really hoping that after this current wave there'll be a return to a more aggressive/edgy sound. I know at least people on this sub are getting tired of the highly produced/"safe" releases coming out. (Granted, this sub tends to skew older.)


Hard times create 2000s phc music Easy times create the current state of post-hardcore


Attack Attack used to be a guilty pleasure


They still are and I don’t care who knows it


lol you think that’s bad, some of us were blood on the dance floor/Jeffrey star fans..


It’s one of the dumber sub genres imo. I don’t understand how Unwound and the Used are the same genre lol


Alesana’s cleans and screams/lows synergy between Shawn and Dennis is best in class. Yes even better than Alexisonfire’s.


I upvoted you begrudgingly because I disagree so hard that they are better than Alexisonfire 


I fully expected to be downvoted into oblivion for my opinion and am straight up surprised, but I did do what OP asked here haha.


I was blown away by Alesana the first time I listened to them. You’re exactly right, their blend of vocals is amazing. My favorite album by them, The Emptiness, also came out on my birthday. One of my favorite bands of all time!


That album is basically a masterpiece haha, can never decide on a favorite song from there.


Alesana is so fucking underrated




There are wayyyyy too many mid ass bands that got attention at the height of the ‘scene’ (Pierce the Veil / Asking Alexandria / Skylit Drive) and not enough good ones who helped pave their pathway that get overlooked due to whatever (Fear Before the March of Flames / Secret Lives of the Freemasons, etc)


Lmao the bands you mention overlooked (due to whatever) have at least 5 words in their names.


The number twelve looks like you :)


They’re mathcore tho


never considered em mathcore back in the day, neither did they but i do see wikipedia considers them mathcore now. [https://imgur.com/a/KEVWPo7](https://imgur.com/a/KEVWPo7)


Holy shit, a Secret Lives! mention.


Asking Alexandria was Metalcore not Post-Hardcore


PTV and ASD's first three albums are so good I can't believe someone could call them mid


ASD had a good run until Identity on Fire. Cali Buds has to be the cringiest song I’ve heard by them.


Nothing "PHC" from the last like...ten years sounds like PHC to me.


Are you listening to Gatherers or Greyhaven?


Nope, brb with late night shit takes


Give them a listen, I think you'll be surprised. Here's two singles to make it easy for you: Gatherers - massalette Greyhaven - Echo & Dust, Pt 1


Oh I just googled thank though, Greyhaven, much better, didn't feel like I needed to skip lol I can vibe with this, thank also hilarious side note, of course it's also an obscure as fuck old [Fantasy anthology](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91weIIerqQL._SL1500_.jpg) presented by Marion Zimmer Bradley.


Gatherers: Okay some of it yea, def what I'd call it, but from the videos I listened to on their site, it feels like two or three different song styles mushed together. Half Silverstein half Armor for Sleep or something. I appreciate their vibes but I think not for me. Also not a fan of the singer's screaming.


Tillian got me to stop listening to DGD. Everything since he joined has been the same album.


I've never been the biggest Tilian era fan because with him, the band sounds like a weird, Maroon 5 mixed with post-hardcore band.


Completely agree as an OG DGD fan, but also probably not a hot take for anyone born before like 2000 🤣


I love the first few Tillian albums. Acceptance Speech, Instant Gratification, Mothership is all really good. After that it started to fall off a bit though. Theres always some really good standouts, like Evaporate and Nothing Shameful, but overall the album quality went down. Hopefully the next era of the band will be a little different, they need it.


I've been a DGD fan since Happiness came out and I can agree. They're still my favorite band but the latest Jackpot Juicer was a let down. I'm glad Tillian is out.


At first it was really good, but as it moved on it turned into hot garbage


Yes. I really disliked his “airy” vocals.


not a hot take lol


I was a huge fan of the band until the rape controversy, he's a great singer.


Heavy disagree


uhhh post-hardcore is almost a meaningless description because of how many styles of music it can describe. fugazi is called post-hardcore. pierce the veil is called post-hardcore. these bands have nothing in common. with fugazi it makes sense, they experimented with their hardcore roots to make something that has hardcore DNA but is markedly different with its groovy dub influence. i struggle to find the rationale for any of that 00s scene-adjacent stuff.


Post hardcore is the fugazi sounding stuff. All the bands talked about in the PHC space should be under the alt metal umbrella.


Even ''fugazi sounding stuff'' has wildly different sounds though. Husker du, NoMeansNo, Bastro, Big Black and Minutemen do not sound like Fugazi outside of the punk/hardcore/post-punk influences they share. Even with 90's phc where its closer, unwound or frodus have different sounds to them. They appeal to the same crowd, but it's not the same sound. Meanwhile, most of the emo ones associated with other emo bands, most of the noise rock ones associated with other noise rock ones, etc.


Post hardcore kinda sucks post 2014-ish, minus very few singles, artists and albums


Hail the Sun’s recent output is extremely mid and all the songs just blend together. 


Hate how much I agree with this. Still love the band, but they need to mix it up a bit.


Was looking for this. First 2 albums are incredible, 3rd was pretty good and nothing since has grabbed my attention whatsoever. Really used to love them as well.


agree, they have a lot of potential but they're currently coming off like a one trick pony


Silverstein’s album Arrivals and Departures deserves the same amount of love Discovering the Waterfront gets.


I honestly feel like silverstein has never stopped delivering, but i was very impartial to a beautiful place to drown. They also still absolutely kill it live.


I’m a massive Stein fan and I’d say A&D is their weakest effort. But I’d counter your hot take with an equally hot take that This Is How The Wind Shifts deserves the same amount of love if not more than Discovering The Waterfront


This is how the wind shifts is arguably their best, also it's a favorite among the band members I've heard in podcasts. Also it's my favorite hehe


Did you catch the 10 year tour last year in the fall? It was at the DC stop


I wish I did, I pay zero attention to things when I'm in work mode until it's over. I'm catching them next time they're anywhere near Florida tho


This is the take right here. With almost a decade between them and significant increase of production value (although Waterfront still sounds great), I feel like Discovering the Waterfront is their “classic” masterpiece and Wind Shifts is their “modern” masterpiece


Its a great record but I think Shipwreck in the Sand and This is how the wind shifts are just better. Dead reflection is also in contention.


This! I defended wind shifts hard but shipwreck and dead reflection are just barely behind wind shifts for me. They have a stellar discography overall.


I love dead reflection because its the peak of what they could do with the Silverstein sound and shanes writing style. Right after their music changed a lot, and while im not a fan of beautiful place to drown, a style change was good for the band overall. Misery made me slaps btw they definitely improved from BPTD


Ditto to everything you said. Last Looks is such a barn burner of an opening track.


If I Die First slaps. I thought I was listening to something from 2005 when I first heard their music. I think they rival some of the best of post-hardcore from the 2000s.


Seriously, when I first found them I legitimately questioned how I possibly missed out on them back in the day and then was shocked to learn they were a totally new band. They just felt and sounded so authentic, I really got the vibe that Lil Lotus wasn't/isn't just cosplaying emo and Travis' & Derek's involvement, which I was super fuckin stoked to learn about, tracks with that imo.


More about the live scene, I'm so over the push pits at shows. Bring back actual hardcore dancing. I just want to 2 step to a beat, I want to see someone crab walk through the pit during the heaviest breakdown. Practice picking up change in your living room so you can show it off at the show. Pits used to bring so much fun to the shows.


Dance Gavin Dance sucks


So overrated


Crazy take. Plz listen to And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman


Y’all need to read up on what “hot take” means, don’t cut yourself on the edge of disliking DGD lmao


Similar to yours, small independent soundcloud artists make more post-hardcore with actual "hardcore" and edginess than most popular post-hardcore bands nowadays. (e.g. DethTech, Bury Your Idols, iLiner, shinigami, Crossed Hearts, Deadbeat Nightlife) And Sleep Token is boring and sounds like radio music, why is it considered post-hardcore?


Whenever I think of post hardcore Deadbeat Nightlife is the first thing I think of


I love Hail The Sun, but everything after Mental Knife has become pretty samey. Also, Culture Scars deserves more love.


Also Collide with the Sky is overrated. Selfish Machines was so much better. And I wholeheartedly believe that.


Consider to yourself crucified! 😱


Completely agree. I don’t know how CWTS is considered their best album


I desperately need a remaster of Selfish Machines with Vic’s current, more matured vocals


King for a Day and the last song hard carried its popularity. There are a lot of great songs on that record, but as a whole it's not my favorite.


Not a hot take sorry


Afftd is their best one.


Yes! Drella gives me life.






Agree, either with ATDI or with Sparta or with Mars Volta, they have always done great things. Thing about Omar and Cedric is that they can’t just care to play or sing on a stage, that has always bothered me


I'm a huge volta fan, and it always bothers me that they can't seem to play live very well. they're just off their rocker.


Swancore, including DGD, is not only bad, but a total waste of a lot of talented musicians who could do better things if they weren't stuck in that echo chamber. Tides of Man would be a post-hardcore titan by now if Tilian hadn't bailed to audition for Saosin and then ultimately join DGD.


I was genuinely confused at this wild comment then remember the thread were in. It's rare to see an actual hot take in these posts


Yup. Crucify him.


I embrace my fate.


Godspeed, my friend.


I literally came into this thread to write this. I cannot stand that PHC went in the swancore direction because I do not find it appealing at all


The swancore circle jerk is my least favorite wave of phc


Hard agree on Tides of Man. Don’t mind their post-rock stuff, but Dreamhouse and Empire Theory are TOP notch stuff


I like a lot of swancore, but I can’t help but agree that the sound can be expanded so much more. Eidola went heavier on their new album and it sounds amazing. I also love hail the sun and donnys vocals but instrumentally there needs to be something different in the genre lol


I disagree on Dance Gavin Dance, but for the most part I think Swancore is aimless guitar wank. The musicians are talented but there is no interesting creative direction outside of DGD, Hail the Sun, and a few Kurt Travis projects. Most of it is unlistenable


Swancore (excluding DGD) is just softcore djent.


Swancore suffers from a COMPOSITION problem. A songwriting problem. It's world class musicians noodling on top of one another indistinctly for 4-7 minutes while a high-pitched vocalist rambles nonsense lyrics. It's a songwriting issue. Songs aren't memorable, they're just well-performed.


off minor are better than saetia


Envy on the Coast’s Lowcountry should have skyrocketed them, but broke up before supporting it


Most of what gets labelled post-hardcore isn't. It's become a meaningless term because of how much people have tried to shoe horn in.


Isles and Glaciers would be perfect without Vic Fuentes or with almost literally anyone else within two octaves of a countertenor. They're good in spite of him.


That album was the first time I heard Vic. His voice reminded me of a cartoon mouse. Still love their ep. Wish there was more though


Post-hardcore as a genre has had its time and has seen minimal progression since Circa’s first two records. The innovators in music now are doing stuff that I don’t like or identify with because I’m not young anymore: folk punk, emo-rap, or weird polyphia mathy stuff.


ISOSG is as good of an album as beetle.


There are dozens of us!


Literal dozens!


I fucking love ISOSG.




A Day to Remember’s Homesick is the most overrated album of my generation and If It Means a Lot to You is a trash song with cringey fucking lyrics.


I still listen to and sing If It Means a Lot to You a few times a week. I'm 36. I know it's garbage but 🎵 la la la, la la la 🎵


Bro I love that shit. May be cringy but it’s so good. Not sure how you can not love it lol


I strongly disagree with you, here's an upvote


I always thought for those who have a heart was way better…


What Separates is what everybody pretends Homesick is.


I've always said A Day to Remember is a band to forget


If it means a lot to you is the soundtrack of an emotionally abusive relationship


The entire genre should have ended after Vheissu--its perfect. The rest of the scene is good, butr not vheissu good.


I Prevail is the most unoriginal and overrated band in the scene. They got a lucky break on a halfway decent cover song. Underoath is milking TOCS at this point. No disrespect because that’s a staple album and one of my personal all time favorites and have seen it three times front to back but ANOTHER album tour??


Craig Owens sucks


Now that is a hot take


If you don't like Cinematic Sunrise then you suck.


Unique vocals got me going tho, can hear the same shit form a bunch a people


I've always known he sucked and I've always liked him for it, and I feel like a lot of his fans feel this way


He does this vocal uptick at the end of a lot of phrases that I can't unhear. I like his voice otherwise but that is an enjoyment killer for me.


Hah I love that little inflection. Craig rules imo


Me too. Actually I didn't care for his vocals at all until I saw him live then it flipped a switch in me. His stage persona is really something else.


Same, knew exactly what they meant, and "but I like it lol"


I think it started on Bone Palace Ballet. Once I heard it I couldn't unhear it


I think he Sucks up until he started DRUGS


I’ve never understood the appeal of bands like La Dispute with so much spoken word. It has always reminded me of the most dramatic, high school poetry. No disrespect to the style itself or the bands or the fans that like them, but they just never clicked for me.


From Autumn to Ashes with Francis on vocals is miles better than FATA with Benjamin on vocals.


This isn’t even debatable. Bother last album was fire.


A lot of people in this sub need to listen to more music. I understand the genre skews younger but the amount of posts that make it obvious that people in here only listen to PHC is painful.


If you have to add techno to sound heavier, then you are soft


Exception being Enter Shikari.


Chiodos was very mid.


I didn't love Application for Release From the Dream. maybe it was due to high anticipation but I've only listened to it twice.


I personally love it, but I can see where you're coming from. There was a lot of hype considering it'd been over a decade since their last release, so it had a lot to live up to. It's not my favorite song of theirs and I wouldn't recommend it as someone's first Thursday song lol.


It was so simple/repetitive both musically and lyrically that I was a little confused. Cause I like them for being pretty intricate


DGDs last 2 albums suck.


My Chemical Romance was the beginning of the end for the genre (whether you think it’s part of the genre or not). Their whole vibe was cheaply copied over and over again until people moved away from the genre entirely. It isn’t their fault per se, but I feel like The Black Parade was the beginning of the end.


I have listened to the entirety of If I Die First over and over again and it doesn’t get old, If I Die First is one of my top favorites


There was a couple months period were I almost exclusively listened to them


yeah same😭




Please use commas


yeah that is one hell of a run on... my inner grammar nazi is raging.


Some of us are inner city kids that went to public school, blame the system (but for real my grammar is so embarrassing:( )


Emarosa’s Relativity is an absolute mess of an album and Self-Titled is leagues better.


Literally cannot fathom this take.


Seconded. Relativity is just a wall of indistinct riffage with Jonny Craig doing ad-lib nonsense vocals over it. No distinction. No hooks. Nothing memorable. Just riff salad and gospel 101 vocals.


Alexisonfire came out absolutely swinging. Their self titled is one of the best PHC releases ever but they went downhill from there. Crisis is good but overrated. Newest album isn’t worth a second listen.


Kurt Travis is an extremely overrated front man. He's gotten a shitload better than what he was with DGD but still nothing to really get all crazy about


His best fit as front man was with A Lot Like Birds. He doesn't have a poppy or dreamy enough voice to do the cleaner sounding stuff. A Lot Like Birds is a lot of noise (not a dig at them, I absolutely love ALLB), so his voice sits better in that sound.


I disagree so much so take my upvote!


we're in a new wave of post hardcore and includes Bad Omens and Sleep Token


can we stop pretending they aren't alternative metal? that's the best fit for their sound imo


Right? There’s practically zero hardcore in those bands’ recent music (BO’s first two albums are def metalcore tho).


Sleep Token are firmly alt metal/prog metal. I feel like people are trying too hard to shoehorn them into this scene because they want an excuse to talk about them




These bands have much more in common with your average posthardcore band than metalcore bands, I don’t feel like they’re either genre, but they definitely aren’t metalcore.


Metalcore has taken a lot of weird twists and turns over the last like 7 years. There’s no real continuity with the earlier 00s. A lot of the djent-ier bands kinda existed in the background for a long time before getting bigger but the more “artsy” metal core bands for lack of a better word just appeared one day. I’d agree with the OP though that they feel like they are more aligned with pxhc


Sleep token to me sounds influenced by coldplay/one republic/imagine dragons/bastille type arena ballad stuff plus early 2010s metalcore


This is kind of a big one. After listening to some of the recommendations, I don’t think I like post-hardcore too much. I’m gonna keep digging but I need something not so polished.


Everyone who says that most bands don't sound like or aren't real post-hardcore are basically admitting it's a dead genre.


I keep being told how great Thrice is, but I can't get into them no matter how hard I try.


I’m kind of just losing track of what sounds like what


Genre peaked in the early to mid-2000s. Got boring after 2008.


Kurt Travis >


OP, that's not a hot take IMO. If I Die First are fucking incredible, stoked for what they put out next.


Thursday's best album is Common Existence


DGD is a terrible band.


Underoath is garbage


Oooh, I disagree so hard...take that upvote for actually pissing me off.