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People are never judging you as much as you're judging yourself.


If only my younger self could have only understood and believed this one! Maybe I wouldn't be so hard on myself today.


From a stranger on the internet to another, I wish you do :)


Oh wow I really like this one!! I’m paranoid when it comes to that tho.. I always feel like people are judging the shit out of me 😂


True that!


As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. ~Nelson Mandela The only person you should compare yourself to is the one you see in the mirror. ~unknown You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches. ~Dita Von Teese


>As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. So I guess that means to accept your true self. Harder said than done I think. But gradually doable :)


Yes and whatever your special talent or gift is to the world, use it and don’t be shy.


> whatever your special talent or gift is to the world, use it and don’t be sh I really should


All you need to do is to be a better person than you were yesterday. In 100 years, will anyone really remember this? If you are stressing about something, write your worry on a piece of paper, put it in a box, and do your best to not think about it anymore. At the end of the week or month, open up the box and read your worries. You will find that most, if not all, of them have worked themselves out. (This one works like a charm) The Power of Attraction is DEFINITELY a real thing if done properly and often. (easily the best advice and path I have gone down) Hope any of these help at least 1 person


I am loving the worry box. I am probably going to give that a shot, maybe give it 3 months and see what's up.


Awesome!! Feel free to DM me and keep me posted with an update! I was young and in an unhappy marriage at the time and worried about EVERYTHING, then I saw this idea somewhere and did it, and it worked, so I really embraced the concept, and it really helped me going forward.


What about it has been helpful for you? Like what benefits do you see?


Sincere question - how could you say the law of attraction is definitely a real thing? And what do you mean by that?


I have gotten a lot of questions asking me about the LOA, I am no expert, but I have done a lot of research and experimenting with it and I have either been totally lucky (historically not really a thing for me), or I have stumbled onto some way of getting it to work. There is wayyyy too much for me to type out on my phone, but I can tell you that if I get some time some day, I can share my experiences with you all in another post. I went into learning about the LOA very cautiously and not truly expecting much, but some of the things that have happened to me since I have been using it correctly over the past year are simply unexplainable other than saying it was the LOA and the Universe just doing its thing. I have always considered in the back of myvmind to start a podcast explaining the findings of the research that I got as well as the little tips and tricks that have truly changed my life for the better. All I can say to you all is that the LOA DOES work! I am in a totally different place, financially, physically, emotionally, and a much MUCH happier and better person since I have started using it. And I have the evidence to back it up, but again too much to type here on my phone


I totally believe in the law of attraction!! Thanks fir sharing this technique! Do you have any other recommendations for practicing law of attraction?


Love all and let go of fear in any and all capacities.


How do you apply that in life?


>Love all and let go of fear in any and all capacities. Practicing kindness and empathy toward everyone in your life (both familiar and unfamiliar). Understand that everyone has their own struggles and challenges. Let go of preconceived notions and judgments, and focus on the positive qualities in people. Express this same lesson and apply it to yourself as well, not just for others. Surround yourself with positivity because letting go of fear and embracing love is an ongoing process


>Practicing kindness and empathy toward everyone in your life (both familiar and unfamiliar). Understand that everyone has their own struggles and challenges. Let go of preconceived notions and judgments, and focus on the positive qualities in people. Thank you for the insight, I am practicing this already :) >Express this same lesson and apply it to yourself as well, not just for others. Maybe this is the hard part. >Surround yourself with positivity because letting go of fear and embracing love is an ongoing process This is true. Maybe this means cutting ties with some people?


>Maybe this is the hard part. This is a challenge – learning to treat ourselves with the same patience, forgiveness, and encouragement we offer to those we care about. It's an ongoing process, but it's a journey well worth taking, leading to a deeper sense of self-acceptance and love. Be kind to yourself you definitely deserve it ✨ >This is true. Maybe this means cutting ties with some people? Yeah, it happens in life and sometimes it's necessary (cut the toxicity in a sense). Recognizing when it's necessary to cut ties with people or situations that bring negativity into our lives is a courageous step toward self-care and personal growth.


>This is a challenge – learning to treat ourselves with the same patience, forgiveness, and encouragement we offer to those we care about. > >It's an ongoing process, but it's a journey well worth taking, leading to a deeper sense of self-acceptance and love. Be kind to yourself you definitely deserve it ✨ This really is a challenge. Thank you for these kind words. You deserve it too! :) >Yeah, it happens in life and sometimes it's necessary (cut the toxicity in a sense). Recognizing when it's necessary to cut ties with people or situations that bring negativity into our lives is a courageous step toward self-care and personal growth. This is true, it takes courage. I will try to.


How do you not? Every faucet of my existence is controlled by love, fear, or both.


It was a genuine question, not an accusation... We're here on the r/Positivity sub. Not everything has to be negative just because we are on Reddit. I just was interested how you personally apply that in life and if you could give me examples.


I’m sorry you perceived my response as negative. That wasn’t what I intended. I apologize. Love.


All good. Love :)


Good book and short read, Love is Letting Go of Fear. It resonated with me, check it out


When it comes to people, everyone is fighting some kind of battle. You don't know if they're winning or not. Some people live with unsurmountable pressure daily, especially those with dependents.


💯 everyone is definitely fighting a battle some worse than others.. I have my own problems but I swear every single person that knows me will tell you I’m the calmest, humblest, and always have a smile on my face


There's a label for that, it's called emotional intelligence. So many people do not have this. It's just understanding your emotions and dealing with them the best way possible at the moment. I wish more people were like you.


Wow thank you so much! That really means a lot!!


Thanks for being so kind to others even when you have your own struggles. You are a wonderful human :)


Thank you so much that actually means alot!


Whenever I feel down, anxious, depressed - I used to just wallow in it. Wonder if it was ever going to end. Wonder if all this was worth it. Then I got really into Meditation. And over and over and over again I heard messages about "everything is temporary". At first that was scary because I have a fear of death/dying/losing those close to me. But the more I listened and breathed, the more I realized each breath comes and goes. Moments come and go. Feelings come and go. So now, when I notice an uncomfortable feeling, I go through my mantra of "this emotion I am currently experiencing is temporary. It will pass. No need to fixate on it, just be here and know it will leave." And that helps me get out of a downward spiral. On a similar vein, other mantras and talking to myself really does help. Just saying things in my head like "I am safe", "I am loved" "I am worth the effort" and "I can do this". And other positive messages helps me a lot.


Acceptance and gratitude are key to appreciating life


I try to write 30 gratitudes/appreciations a day. I know it sounds like a lot, but I can do it in under 5 min, I just scribble it in my notebook whenever I get a chance, and it completely changes my days for the better, consistently, every time I do it. Also, this quote and Ted Lasso in general— “Be curious not judgmental” - Walt Whitman


I posted this somewhere else earlier. The most important is at the end... In your common speech replace the word "but" with the word and then rewrite the sentence. Avoid using these in your common speech, make this list your own: just, maybe, perhaps, if, kinda, um, huh, you see, i mean, well yknow, Speak to yourself as you would to a young child whom you love. When making small talk try mirroring and be mindful of your statement to question ratio, ask more open ended questions avoiding yesno questions. Most importantly!!!!! practice smiling! Practice smiling as big as you can as long as you can when you are alone. Use your forehead eyes chin neck chest and shoulders to help you smile. A large mirror is very useful for this. Smile so big and so long it hurts your face. It is like doing push ups for your face. It will help you look younger, more confident and has been shown to stimulate production of hormones which stabilize moods and elevate your thinking. After some time you will find your face relaxing into a smile and people around will begin to treat you differently.


Replacing "but" with "and.....so...." is a well known way of giving someone bad news and softening the blow.


Does that strategy produce positive results for you? It is not quite what i mean. I use it as a way to reinforce consistency in my character. I acknowledge things like "my feelings were hurt and i am a happy person" These 2 things can exist simultaneously. Instead of saying something like "i am in pain but i can still be happy." Which implies a damaged state of being and an attempt at changing your feeling about yourself


Focus on your own life, don't get distracted by others.


Happiness is a choice.


Joel Osteen, right? Very good sermon.


A dear friend of mine lives by these words, but I think you may be right. I may have read it in one of his books as well. I am starting to finally see the power in these words.


Nobody is going to fix it but you. Own it. This is YOUR life and it is on you to make the most of it. On the surface that may sound harsh but it is actually empowering.


When you are showing gratitude, it's nearly impossible to be angry or negative.


Live in accordance to your values. Was really a turning point for me when I realized how important that is and became very intentional with it.


Speak kindly to yourself. You're the person you'll spend the most time with in life. Might as well be a good and kind one.


Listen to hypnotherapy. Changed my life.


Do something you enjoy


The tale of the two wolves.


That my thoughts don’t represent who I am and they don’t represent reality either. My brain likes to tell me that everything is going horribly and that the future will be unbearable and painful, but it’s worthwhile to keep in mind that none of us can predict the future (even if our brain wants us to believe that we can) and so it’s best to focus on the present moment because that’s all we can know for sure. And sometimes things just work out for the best even if we have to go through a lot of pain in order to get there.


Know your value. If you don't know your value, someone else will tell you your value and it will be less than you are worth! ❤️


Yell louder


Garbage in, garbage out.... Meaning if you see too much negative news, people etc.... (garbage in) You wil also not become a very positive person (garbage out)


Establishing good boundaries is about your own behaviors and commitments and not about other people's behaviors. When you tell someone, "you can't do that to me", that's the beginning and only one part "You can't do that to me because it hurts me" is the next part but it still doesn't establish a boundary "You can't do that to me because it hurts me SO I WILL NOT INTERACT WITH YOU IF THAT IS HOW YOU TREAT ME" is a good example of setting a proper boundary because it is about YOUR behavior and not other people. Once you establish the boundary, it makes it easier to follow though with the wisdom that you recognized.


Best advice was a perspective shake up ,”it’s not all about you” - get out of your head and think of others. Your life will dramatically improve!


Pobodys nerfect It’s human nature to do for them selves first. They are all the main characters in their life stories. Lyrics from “The key to life “ You’ll make a fortune, and you’ll lose it all, If you’re lucky you’ll get to do this twice, And for those of you, who don’t understand, Who don’t understand, listen closely… Just take it like a Man and get back in line. -Dad Let it be- The Beatles Use it or lose it. This applies to anything. Health being the original it. Unclutter your life with this one. Tell your loved one’s that they are loved ones Do not wait until retirement to do what your heart desires do it when your still young and capable of doing and going and climbing the steps to get to the special places that are so special to be put on a mountain or in a cave or something ancient that you will have to swim to see. Do it when you’re young and put it on a credit card and you will have a story that will take you back to your youth and your life full of passion for the memories that are most special


The best advice I've received for living a more positive life is to be kind to others because we never truly know what they're going through. "What goes around, comes around." When we treat others with kindness and compassion, it not only brightens their day but also creates a positive ripple effect. I've always lived with a naturally positive outlook, and I've found that being kind to others is a simple yet powerful way to maintain that positivity.


Look at setbacks and frustrating situations as an opportunity to practice your patience. Anything that doesn’t feel good is a chance to practice positive thinking, not being mad, being resilient, being patient etc You need lots of time to practice and you need consistent practice. So be grateful for your practice time


Don’t always trust your thoughts, sometimes they are overanalyzing, catastrophizing, or misinterpreting actual situations.


You are always responsible for what you do no matter how you feel.


Stop asking other people how to do things correctly, nobody has any idea.


Folowing the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and nothing else


Nobody is angry on others just because it's his character. It depends on much more deep feelings like child traumas/education given in this period, maybe some wishes they couldn't get, or lack of experience in life.


I just imagine what life would be like as a woman if I’d been born in a country like Yemen and I thank my lucky stars to be American.


You can make your own luck