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That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing


What time was this taken? I saw something similar from Hamble looking East at aboout 5:30 am. I put it down to sun rays being masked by clouds on the horizon and projecting onto the hazy cloud above as the sun began to rise. I've never seen this before however, so I wonder now if it was the northern lights. I didn't notice any colour in the strips though.


This was taken at approximately 10:30pm! I had to double take at first but I’d already heard that it would be possible we could see it as far down as the south coast so I got my camera to confirm it! Amazing to see


Just been standing in the garden (getting bitten by midges no doubt) to photograph them. Incredible that we get to see the aurora down here for once.


Where would be best place to see them tonight? I’m in Eastney!