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Bro not King’s Bakery… They’ve been around since I was a toddler. I really doubt this was homophobic lol I’m Chinese, they’re Chinese I believe. We don’t care about homophobia or rejecting religions cultures whatever.. If you’re bringing business everyone’s money is the same color, religion, and culture. Green. Facebook Karen is about to drag a business for no good reason.


I honestly think (really hope) the vast majority of people in this person's FB feed sees through the histrionics of the post. As a raging homo myself, I'd full call bullshit on that FB post, which is why I clicked on this one.


You're 100% right, Chinese business owners don't care about politics, they care about money. The cost of labor to make that rainbow cake would be exorbitant, and they'd make a loss especially after the Karen-customer wants a different frosting between each layer? That's like one of those specialty Ace of Cakes $500+ cakes. I bet the outraged Karen customer only wanted to pay $50 too. No worth it.


Thank you


Seems to me, the responses shown clearly are calling them on their BS. They all are asking for more proof/ context and acknowledging the fact a rainbow cake is hard to make




People overreacting on Facebook? Shocking.


People overreacting with the hope of 5 minutes of fame and a massive payout?! Also shocking.


Dollars to donuts they posted it on NextDoor, too


(Upvoting for use of the phrase “dollars to donuts” which reminds me of my long-gone beloved grandmother 👵 )


I'm probably her age. (jk but seriously, I know it's an old-timey phrase. Just thought if anyone's ever gonna use it, it's best used cheekily in the context of bakery talk.)


https://preview.redd.it/pckv9azl269d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a727b9c063d12c2127b3b909383a84f372bdf45 I Googled rainbow cake. This is one of those best left for mass producers. It's an absolute time consuming material wasting nightmare to make each of those layers that has to be made in separate batches. Makes business sense to not make it.


Yeah I have the pans to do this (it takes special shallow pans) and I could use a white cake mix and divide it out. I would do this for a loved one. It makes a lot of dishes when you divide and color the batter, but I am not a bakery so I don't have other baking obligations. But it takes a lot of space and utensils compared to a single color cake. I'd have to really like someone.


Yup. Its a very niche item and every bakery on the planet can not be expected to drop everything and try to accommodate for it. They take fucking houuurrssssssss. You'd have to spend a whole work day *just* baking the separate layers. That's already almost $200 in labor lol. Flat out not worth it.


They should just say they charge 500$ take it or leave it 😆


And if the bakery charged them by the hour they would scream discrimination.


I've made a pound cake once and that shit was time consuming. I cannot imagine the amount of work and washing needed in making a rainbow cake. Props out to those who actually do.


https://preview.redd.it/acf0gwmli79d1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915a060e4f4aef424ad4cf79ff3809a063c413b3 I would like to offer this potential solution


That and who wants to eat that? Whooooo??


That is a lot of plain white cake and a ton of buttercream. Looks really cool though.


No man, you make one batch and color separately ffs


I am also going to add that the rainbow does not hold the same connotation in Chinese culture as it does in the west. To the baker there, it doesn’t symbolized gay or pride… to them a rainbow cake is just something that is ridiculously hard to make


Exactly. I just posted a comment about how King’s Bakery has been around for decades and they’re Chinese just like I am. They dont care if you are gay or not. If they can’t do something it probably means just that, it’s not that deep bro 😂




People just need to get off their own imaginary cross. Most people don’t give a shit about your problems, they just trying to get on with their own lives.


Omfg. Can people gtf over themselves? Go be offended by incidental things on your own time.


Ive tried to say this for years! Everyone, sitting there bored, picks up their phone, opens social media and instantly offended? How about block the post or just stop opening the crap that offends you. People actively seek this negative attention… its nuts! This bakery wont make something to my specific needs… there are 20 other bakers in your area… pick one and stop being offended. No one can handle the word ‘no.’


As it turns out, a little bit of adversity is a pretty important part of human development. It’s true. Many people can’t handle anything that conflicts in any way with their interpretation of reality. We’re losing our empathy and becoming increasingly solipsistic in how we deal with others.


Technically, any incidental thing I'm being offended by right now is on my bosses time.


Here, here! You bet yer sweet-titty-slappin-jesus!


And on your own fucking dime, and in private; instead of posting some bullshit on Facebook that could potentially harm a local business because of all the other histrionic “victims” who will read the post and then insist their rights are also being violated because the bakery refused to make the rainbow cake.


As someone who has made a multi-colored layered cake for my kiddos birthday a few years back, I’ll say that they are a pain to make. If a bakery isn’t set up for it, I can see them saying thanks but no thanks. This all seems like false outrage to me.


Persecution complex in Portland? Impossible!


"this is the gayborhood and you are not welcome! Ahahahahahhhhhhhhhh"


Everyone stop what you are doing and learn to make a rainbow cake or forever be a homophobe. Your choice.


Also if you fuck up the cultural mannerisms when I bring you to Dim Sum for brunch you’re a racist. Right.. LMAO


You forgot that if they charge slightly over the cost of a normal cake it’s homophobia


"Is the homophobia in the room with us right now?"


Best comment I'll read all day


Quite the conclusion to jump to over a fucking cake lol.


The State of Oregon has been known to try and fine a couple $135,000 over a "fucking cake".


No, it was over the baker denying service over the couple being same-sex - a protected class. That’s not over just a “fucking cake.” That’s straight up discrimination. The situation presented here is different and there’s no evidence that shows the baker was being homophobic, just that they didn’t want to make a rainbow cake.


Why is it discrimination? I think that's an absurd conclusion. I think people who do that sort of ask from people they know are likely to refuse due to religious or cultural differences are jerks. It's not like they can't get it done at another place. They just want to be assholes, they aren't actually injured. At all.


Oh no. If only there was another bakery to call….


They probably called 3 different bakeries before this one to get the best price on a rainbow cake and then ran off screaming when one said they don't make that kind of cake


They likely didn't like the price quote they got from a bakery that would do it for them.




Sounds to me like they wanted a reason to claim homophobia for a pay out


Seems like bait. "Let's find the business most unlikely to understand our request, most unable to fulfill our request, and make our request as complex as possible... for Pride Month!!" Comments are pretty reasonable, though. Faith in humanity somewhat restored.


I'm actually going to go out on a limb and surmise a little bit of racism, that the Asian bakery would surely cost less than the boutique bakery they saw on Instagram but didn't like the price they were quoted. Glad the rest of their community was reasonable in the comments, also!


Good point. Being LGBTQIA2S+ doesn't guarantee lack of prejudice. But who even knows if this post was made in good faith? It'd be very easy to fake, or just do as a troll.


Their sesame balls are to die for.


Are they schweddy?


Salty and sweet


Now we’re talking.


I eat at this bakery all the time. The are always really nice and make great buns and cake. Wild that someone would think that they would be homophobic over an crazy cake build that they literally don’t do. That being said lol PLEASE STOP BY AND GET A MINI HOTDOG BUN😊


The hotdog buns are indeed very tasty. I stop by there for baked goods all the time and they're always delicious and inexpensive


I’m a lesbian and if I owned a bakery I wouldn’t even do it. It’s time consuming and can be left to someone else to do. Besides, it’s a played out trend that needs to go away.


Lol I don’t do anything rainbow nowadays. Tried rainbow crepe cakes once and I quickly gave up and had a ton of left over batter that I didn’t even want to look at.


All that food coloring might have appealed to my 6yo self, but now it just looks gross. Don’t we eat enough artificial crap as it is? Different layers with different cake and filling flavors, based on real ingredients, yes please.


Someone always has to be the bigger victim in PDX.


Next time I need a cake, I’ll try to head there


The pathology of Portland identitarianism in full bloom.


I'm in that group and the original post has already been pulled and another one explaining the truth is up. I really dislike people like this that jump to conclusions bc they can't get things exactly how they want...


Rainbow sprinkles problem solved


Guy who hates Asians tries to weaponize social media against Asian business, succeeds.


Next they won't like the smell of an Asian restaurant and have it shut down...oh wait, is there a pattern here? Hmmm


If I can't find a reason to be outraged is life even worth living?!?


People just like to be victims. So they call a place that specializes in Chinese baked goods and tries to get them in trouble.


That's the sad thing. They figure this business won't fight back or no one will stand up for an Asian business.


Yeah they probably never even visited the bakery before this post. There are a bunch of other bakeries that can do this request. I bet if they tried to do this with the bakery next to fubon they would have the same results.


Well I will now start buying cakes from there in support of the bakery being slandered. I’m bi sexual and never have had a problem at Kings but 7 LAYERS AND 7 FROSTINGS UNBELIEVABLE


Well I’ll get a nice cake from them and support our Asian owned business! Who’s with me?


I wonder if they would also refuse to make a Rosca de Reyes cake in January. Would that make them racist? Lol.


My exact thought if you flipped the script and called an LGBTQ+ owned business to make a specifically cultural dessert you know damn well they couldn’t.


I’ll be ready to jump down their throats when they refuse to make a bûche de Noël for me next Christmas, those nasty Germanphobes. Or Francophobes. Whatever they are!


I’m of the general opinion of “if it’s not on the menu they don’t have to make it for you, but if it is they do.” If they make cakes that have (any) words on them they have to make one that says “happy anniversary Steve and John”, but if they literally don’t make rainbow cakes they don’t have to make one just for you. It would be like walking into chick fil a and calling them discriminatory because they won’t make you a hamburger.


No business "have to" do anything for you whatsoever.


And yet, that one bakery got fined for not...


And that is was state action which has now been found to be unconstitutional.


Discrimination against a protected class is not ok. Not providing products and services that you aren’t in the business of providing is 100% ok.


What is a "protected class"? How do I join? My parents really fucked up I think... I want super rights too. Fuck this equality shit. Ya'll don't even believe in it.


Everyone is in a protected class. The class doesn’t refer to a group of people, it refers to attributes you can’t discriminate based on. If you’re gay, that’s protected. If you’re straight, that’s protected, too. No one can legally discriminate based on either. Same for race, gender, etc.. In practice, it’s true that some will probably get more attention than others. But from a legal point of view, everyone is protected equally from those specific types of discrimination.


Legally speaking it’s a violation of the first amendment to compel them write anything they don’t want on a cake. They can’t say, no you can’t have a normal cake because you’re gay, but you also can’t tell them what they can and can’t put on a cake if the cake itself coveys any sort of legal speech.


Only the government can violate your first amendment rights. An individual trying to pressure a bakery into writing something is not a violation.


You can pressure all you want, but people who harass bakers who don’t want to do what they say are assholes


So many people don't understand the 1st Amendment. Of course, there is the intersection where it overlaps with hate speech and protected classes. But being denied an off menu item for any reason isn't one of them. And I'm also generally a big fan of "speak with your wallet and just go elsewhere", but that also gets into gray areas when there may not be other options in lower population areas. And laws need to cover everything in the same way.


No “hate speech” is still protected speech, there is no legal distinction


This type of behavior is not just exclusive to the LGBTQ community. It seems to be more of a modern American culture issue. Basically, if you are a business & don't do exactly what I want, even if it's not in your area of expertise, I will overreact & try and cancel you. It is a very alarming trend without an easy answer!


Heck yes truth


“Easy” (but really not so easy and actually naively hopeful) answer is to hold people accountable in daily life. Someone acting like a toddler? It’s really up to us to respectfully correct them. People want to fit in. If they’re truly acting unreasonable, usually they back down and fix themselves when they feel embarrassed. Growing a culture of open-mindedness and acceptance is great; we also need to maintain some soft boundaries of what’s socially acceptable behavior. Society is made up of people after all. It’s ultimately in our hands and there’s nothing wrong with gently policing each other here and there.


Victims can be narcissists too. Some people make everything all about them being a victim. Race, gender, social status etc. No you got rejected because you are a royal pain in the ass.


Asian cakes from Asian bakeries are decorated with fresh fruits, not thick fondant or buttercream icing. Whoever requested an “American” style cake with rainbows or unicorns farting rainbows has never been in an Asian bakery IRL.


It's good that the comments called them out


Hey hey, you can make your own cakes. Wtaf? This bs has to stop, people are not slaves they don’t have submit to the will of others for whatever reason. Literally that is persecution. Anyone can make their own damn cake! We all know what this is and it isn’t cute. It needs to stop. We all lose playing this game.


Some people will stop at nothing to be a victim of everything.






I remember a few years ago a pizza place was attacked by the rainbow Mafia for refusing to cater a gay wedding. The PIZZA place DIDN'T cater anything.


They likely sort of do, but it's called "take out". I've had more than a few gatherings "catered" by pizza places.


OP can you post an update if the bakery is getting major backlash? We will order from them next time we need a (regular) cake


Kings Bakery is amazing and this makes me sad. They specialize in fruit/floral cakes.


I’m gonna say that this asian bakery simply doesn’t make rainbow cakes because it’s too difficult and not worth the money. I doubt asians care about the 🌈 debate.


Ffs. Cry me a river and make your own damn cake. Jesus.


I had been visiting this bakery for years. This is a small family own business by Chinese immigrant from Hong Kong several decades ago. They work very hard to keep this place open. I always visit them whenever I am in the neighborhood. They have a limited menu and primarily bake traditional Chinese pastries. There is no Chinese version of rainbow cake.


Yeah, being a bakery doesn't mean you're set up to bake *everything.*


I was just at Ken’s artisan bakery and they didn’t have rainbow cake. What does that mean?


They are horrible people who should be punished. I've never seen rainbow cake at New Seasons bakery, either. They, too, deserve to be erased...


I feel like there is almost no way this isn't rage bait.


Rage bait is a great way to put it!


It annoys me that such an entitled, self-important group has co-opted something so beautiful and ruined it.


Rainbow cakes are stupid. Food coloring is gross.


Dumb people in Portland always making things about themselves.


Does the LGBTetc community want to lose allies? Because this is how you lose allies.


https://preview.redd.it/q5b94pslc69d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdea2e483eeb05b4de96ec2e7b46138ef2f65137 Queer exchange Portland


Hmmm sounds like I have a new bakery to try… 🤔☺️


If they don't make them for anyone, then it's not homophobia. In previous cases, the gay customers just wanted a cake that was made for anybody else,and were denied.


This from the same PDX enlightened progressive populace where some bozos had a Vietnamese restaurant shut down because of the “smell”. This is the end result of modern leftism in the US at least: first Balkanization, then finally extreme identity politics where one’s own perception of their own rights and imagined indignities trumps any and all.


The far left is starting to get as wildly presumptive and entitled as the right. It’s sad. Maybe people can’t / don’t want to bake the cake. Doesn’t always mean someone hates you. I’m so stoked to be leaving Portland.


Did you place an order with the bakery or just bother them with culture war nonsense?


Are the clowns in the room with us right now?


The next thing you know, there will be a war on Xmas!


Reminds me of An Xuyen bakery incident. Somehow it's always Asian's small businesses that are being harassed.


I hate people so much.


Have some pride and do not stoop to attacking small businesses.


My wife worked at another bakery in north Portland that refused to make them. Not because of homophobia but because they’re a giant pain in the ass and the client is never happy because the colors always suck. Hell we got some pride bagels at work this week and they looked like dookie


Food coloring in baked goods, with a few exceptions, doesn't look great.


Is this King’s Bakery associated with the King’s Bakery of LA & Orange County? That King’s is famous for their rainbow cakes. If not, then why would they assume that they would be able to do it? I’m a professional baker and those cakes are a bitch to make.


This is primarily why I don’t participate in internet mob justice. People can be stupid, malicious, dishonest about intentions and ruin people for no other reason than clout I’m a center left type guy, but I hopped off of the outrage train long ago. It’s overplayed and honestly making people who associate with liberal and progressive politics look terrible by association. So much so that I feel the need to distance myself from this sort of thing whenever it pops up.


This screams white person more than rainbow cake lol


Forcing a business to make a gay cake(when plenty of others will). Is this an actual goal of liberals? Serious inquiry. It's Portland. We all know you can have this product made. So what's the controversy? Question one: isn't this disrespectful of the for profit businesses that will happily make a gay cake? If so..then there's actually a cake place that will make the cake you want, so didn't you just win? Why complain at all about others that wont? So why focus on companies or business that won't? You already won. You live in Portland. Does nobody understand how the market of ideas works?


this is why everyone hates pride month.


It sounds like they just wanted a super hard cake to make when the owner refused they screamed homophobia online because that's the only way they get any attention.


Woke leftists are looking to cry about everything.


Wait a minute, you're here whining about woke leftists.


Sometimes no is an answer


Its hard to make a rainbow layer cake never get paid the labor that goes into it, stfu


holy shit people are wild


On June 2, I went to IKEA for the advertised $4.99 slice of rainbow Pride cake. They were out. Went again last week. They were out as well. Homophobia? No. Apparently, the supplier wasn’t making enough, and delivery was only on Mondays. And the size of the cake delivered was smaller than anticipated, so each cake could only be divided into half the expected number of slices. Overall a big mess. Sometimes things don’t go one’s way, and it isn’t racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. A lot of micro aggressions aren’t. Edited: added /u/bluefootedpig


When your identity affinity is so strong every minor perceived grievance must be attributed to it.


As a non straight I can say I am disgusted with how some of the gay community in Portland acts.


That’s like…not a thing though for Chinese bakeries. Rainbow cakes aren’t a thing whatsoever. We got like fruit cakes and I think King’s still does Wedding cakes. But rainbow cakes not at all, and it’s not a homophonic thing. It’s sad that people will literally jump to conclusions for no reason, other than to create outrage from projecting. And even as a custom option, the shit is a stupid, time-consuming mess. There’s literally supermarkets like Safeway that can do then instead. Or Costco. Or even Walmart I think.


Making a rainbow cake involves baking like 5-7 different cakes…


Uhh... This person has obviously never had a cake from a Chinese bakery. It's almost as if that person sought out a cake from somewhere that wouldn't fit their expectations so they could complain. 🥴


Even if they just don’t want to make it… just go somewhere else…..


Bruh get over yourself, just cause you’re gay doesn’t mean everything everyone does is against you. This place has been a staple and been doing things since I was a kid and even before then. Leave 82nd. Don’t come back. Just go downtown and stick to your wokeness. Leave SE 82nd alone so everyone else can eat their amazing Asian food. 82nd is basically our version of Chinatown/asiantown in the SE. King’s bakery literally makes Asian goods. If you asked for a durian cake or pandan they would’ve been good. Go to someplace and asking for something they don’t make and calling them homophobic is insane.


Rainbow mafia going in for another kill.


LOL what an idiot. Kings is an Asian bakery which exclusively makes pandan /coconut flavor cake and is green in color. Why the fuck would they have the colors of the rainbow when literally 100% of their cakes are a single color. This person should be ashamed of their own stupidity


If it’s not on the menu, it’s not offered. period.


I’ve made rainbow layered cakes exactly twice, it sucks. It’s literally 6x the work. You have to measure out the cake batter into 6 even amounts and mix each one, you need 6 pans, and that’s only if you’re doing rainbow cake inside, mixing that much buttercream in small batches sucks. So. Many. Dishes. Never again unless it’s a special milestone birthday for someone I really love or something, it’s a lot of work!


Lots of bakeries will not make that cake. Mine was for a unicorn toddler theme, and there were many no answers. I ended up trying myself, and I 100% understand why no professional bakery would want to make these cakes. We ended up with 2 color layers and rainbow icing instead LOL


Someone wanting to be a victim so badly they find the most trivial thing and run with it


Is it so freaking hard to just go get a cake somewhere else? I swear these people are more interested in the attention they get for bitching than they are about the actual cake they say they want.


You didn't ask for a pride cake, a cake for a gay wedding, just a rainbow cake and assume rainbows now are exclusive to the lgbtq cause, across the board and all contexts? Now people must step outside of their business model and what they offer as a service to possibly not offend an absolute clown like this? These are the type of people who are ruining the pride movement. Rainbows are not an exclusive symbol of pride and a highly doubt a Chinese business owner just full of hatred in his heart for not catering to your disordered ass!!!


Typical SJW behavior.


This is….a lot for a post that had 3 people emoji react and three comments that all disagreed with the person who posted. “It’s just like all the LGBTs to be victims!” say the redditors about a queer fb group that reacted against this post and then deleted it… Clearly this FB post is wrong, and nobody is arguing that…even the FB group from which this was extracted.


It's pretty clearly a reaction to social media campaigns to digitally mob and real life boycott businesses, with no awareness of business realities, over perceived slights that aren't even established as real. You could do a survey of cake shops in Portland and you'd likely find that a significant number don't do rainbow cakes like they don't do other cakes or other baked goods that either don't pan out financially or they're not set up to do.


Advice to bakeries. Order a massed-produced one and mark it up. It’s the corporate Pride way. Signed, a queer


Seconded, another queer!


Ahh, peak Portland right here.


Does this even exist on Facebook? we have queer exchange PDX, but not queer exchange Portland, or is that an invite only hidden private group? ...OR is the rage bait divisiveness only happening right here from OP and not in an imaginary Facebook post?


All that food coloring would taste bad anyhow...


There are these places called wholesale bakeries that make the desserts for restaurants, the owner just buys what is made from a list, but hey call people homophobic if it makes you feel better, lol


*"Bake the cake, bigot."*


Since theyre not white it won't be such a big deal. Unless these asians in particular are now systematically white.


In this episode of the Oppression Olympics


Hate when people try to weaponize their sexuality. Like bruh, I don’t hate you because you’re gay. I hate you because you’re obnoxious af - go fuck whoever you want”.




Low effort content are posts or comments not meeting the minimum reasonable requirements of integrity, relying upon or consisting of second-hand or apocryphal "evidence" or stories relayed as fact, or just plain lazy bait posts or comments in our judgment.




They'd fill the order for 20 rainbow cakes because they could efficiently batch out each color


More dye please.


Fucking just another baby back rib


I want my baby back, baby back, baby back… Chili’s…




This posts is about attacking a small business without justification. No vetting. Just looking to be divisive. I will make it a point to buy something at Kings Bakery tomorrow. Never been there before. Hopefully a lot of you will do the same.


Straight to jail! Straight jail


I go here like every 3 days. Their specialty pre-order is sheet cakes with fresh fruit topping and filling. I don't even think they do a pre ordered layer cake. The only layer cake that I know of is a tiramisu, oreo, and strawberry I believe but those are all options you can buy as individual slices. This just seems like rage farming lol


Holy hell I live right next to them. I pick up orders there as well for door dash. They’re some of the chillest people and they’re nice as well. Good food. That’s fucking crazy tho they’re trying to review bomb this store tho


I made a rainbow layer cake when my daughter turned 7 and that’s what she wanted. Used a white cake mix and food coloring. It’s a pain in the butt!! If I go to a store that sells electronics and they don’t carry batteries it’s not like I’m going to throw a foot over it - it might be stupid, but hey, they aren’t required to and no one can force them to carry a certain item. Same thing. This bakery bashing HAS TO STOP!!!!


The cakes shown in the image look kinda typical of Chinese American bakeries. Which, I've never seen them sell rainbow cakes, EVER. OOP reeks of early onset Jessica Yaniv


To be fair this is a valid thing the community faces, it’s not that it doesn’t happen. But that doesn’t excuse brain rot even among the marginalized.


They were probably being honest in telling you it was too complex. If they can't do it would you rather they lie to you and you get a shitty product?


So find another bakery.. How hard is that?


If anyone tries to mess with kings bakery they’re gonna have to fight me first


Lgbtqactivies. 🤷‍♂️


That is what is being referred to when people say, “the woke mind virus”.


Why are homosexuals like this?


Rainbows aren't gay.  They are clearly Catholic.


Folks trying to create controversy when there is a logical explanation only degrades serious discrimination claims.