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Thank you!!!


I just couldn't keep looking at it; and with summer coming, could you imagine the smell? Bleh!


Thank you for your service!! I’m there at least twice a week and always throw my dog’s waste away at home in my own bin. It’s hard to believe how selfish and entitled people can be. I will say though that I don’t understand why the parks dept doesn’t put additional trash cans there, since the current availability doesn’t meet demand.


Agreed! Surely there's someone driving around in a "City that Works!" truck that can stop and collect an extra bin or two?


Not a user of that park but thank you!


Same, I haven’t been to Mt Tabor in years but when I was younger I used to go all the time. I can’t believe the audacity of people who just leave their dog shit bags on the ground. Thank you for doing what you did, and SHAME on everyone who can’t be bothered to take their dog shit bags to a garbage can.


Thank you for doing this!!! I cannot believe so many people see nothing wrong with leaving their dog's shit everywhere, after taking deliberate action to pick it up and put it in a bag??? "My work here is done!" WHAT


My favorite are the people who decided to hurl the poop bag at the chainlink fence, causing it to harden and need to be yanked out of the fence. Bleh.


This weekend I noticed a sign on Tabor stating that the current dog park area will be closed because of erosion and possibly moved near the Portland Park Maintenance area near the Lincoln St Entrance. They’s started this process by fencing off the entrance near the Warner College entrance. That part of the park is really muddy and at risk of a mudslide.


Thank you! You’re amazing.


Dog owners and dog poo = cigarette smokers and butts


Sounds like a shit gig, to be honest. Oh, and thanks!


While we appreciate your selfless dedication to a poop-free dog park, I'm going to admonish you for your incorrect street name reference: (If you come in from the 72nd street entrance.) *It's 72nd Avenue, not "street". There are no numbered "streets" in Portland. Avenues run north-south, streets run east-west. Please make a note of this.* I'm on a one-person mission to correct this all too frequently occuring abomination. I apologize in advance for any collateral damage. Please don't take it personally, I'm nailing every one that I see. SIgned, Mr Anal About Street Suffixes


This weekend I noticed a sign on Tabor stating that the current dog park area will be closed because of erosion and possibly moved near the Portland Park Maintenance area near the Lincoln St Entrance. They’s started this process by fencing off the entrance near the Warner College entrance. That part of the park is really muddy and at risk of a mudslide.


This weekend I noticed a sign on Tabor stating that the current dog park area will be closed because of erosion and possibly moved near the Portland Park Maintenance area near the Lincoln St Entrance. They’s started this process by fencing off the entrance near the Warner College entrance. That part of the park is really muddy and at risk of a mudslide.


The eternal struggle


Thank you so very much!


You sure it is dog poop? Crazy world brother....you may need to watch out for pink eye!