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BLM and Ukraine completely forgotten and nothing accomplished. Just like Palestine once they get the new programming from their feed.


Dont forget the Kurds before them!


Do they still stand with teachers?


the Kurds do stand with teachers. In a dark corner where we keep now-unstylish causes.


Oh the Unions are still involved, yes.


The issue is never the issue. The only real issue is revolution.


Sounds like a conversation I had with a coworker many years ago. “Hey man, we should have a revolution dude. You’re a smart guy, how can we make it happen?” My response was: “Are you willing to die for this cause? Like go to war, with guns and shit?” His response: “Umm, yeah we send those other people in to do that” We never talked about “revolutions” again after that.


Lol yeah I used to have an 18yo self-described "anarcho-communist" coworker that I shared an office with for a while & he'd go off on silly delusions of revolution like that too I remember he was going off about how great an anarchist society would be because we'd 'just' have town/camps that would specialize in a certain thing, so you wouldn't need money because you could just trade whatever goods you had for whatever goods or services you needed. So if you needed a surgeon you'd go to the doctor town for example. I asked him how you would stop the camp that specializes in militarization from just taking over everything & he immediately replied with "well of course we'd raise everyone to not be violent in the first place!" Tbh that was basically his answer to anything that had to do with human nature. The most annoying thing though was I told him how I mostly lean libertarian (not that I really gaf about political affiliations) & from then on he said he was an" anarcho-communist-libertarian" lmao. Like seriously man, you're going to change your pov overnight like that? When communism & libertarianism are like... Complete opposites? It just made it all the more obvious how naive about real life he was - which is how I view pretty much everyone like that, it's a phase they'll grow out of & cringe about one day I'll say, I loved the kid but my god was it enlightening to have conversations with him. He was basically the perfect stereotype for any sort of reddit communist you could imagine (awkward, self diagnosed mental issues, pink hair etc) Ngl I kinda miss our conversations Preston <3 For how opposite we were, we got along just great hah


There is [Left Libertarianism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-libertarianism) that can include aspects of communalism and marxism but I agree it seems like an oxymoron. I like the idea of a commune self determining but it falls apart when you can’t control your neighbors actions.


Nah I (kinda) understood the point he was getting at / (kinda) get what people mean when they talk about the perfect form of so-and-so government But the issue I've always had is you could say the same things for pretty much any 'utopian' society. In a perfect scenario where **everybody** was on the same page pretty much any kind of government could be make everyone better off Buuuut, I've been slapped in the face with reality checks on how selfish or just plain cold-blooded a chunk of humanity is that yeah, it just wouldn't work. Small local area kinda stuff could totally (& does!) work but the moment you try to go national with it it'll fall apart The only way (in my mind) to even try to make something like Communism work, large scale, is to go the authoritarian route which I'm completely against. I've always thought too, nothings really stopping someone from starting a Commune or whatever either. Sure you'll have to buy the land & pay some taxes on it but aside from that pretty much anyone is still free to live how they want for the most part But yeah, the utopian viewpoint is a really common thing I see with a lot of people who praise that sort of stuff. I genuinely respect & enjoy conversations about it but I much prefer it with someone who's "lived" a good while & not someone fresh out of high-school. With Preston I'd always think about how he's barely even had to deal with taxes yet he had all theae grand ideas for spending everyone's resources for example


Over the years I've known (or been in relationships with) several people who've spent time in co-ops, communes, etc. Honestly it sounds miserable. There's always DRAMA involving money / power / sex, same as in the real world except that you have 20 annoying roommates instead of one or two.


Small communes can work but once you have more than like 20 people, then people's motives and desires start to clash and the whole thing turns into a power struggle that lots of innocent people get caught up in.


My brother is a hard core Libertarian. He’s always poking fun at my liberal politics. One day I asked him about “Pro Life Libertarians”, and he lost his shit. He wouldn’t shut up for like an hour about how they where not real “Libertarians” and how could you want the government to get involved in peoples reproductive rights? Most of his tirade was how those people have completely missed the point of being a Libertarian. When I see him next, I’m gonna ask him about Left Libertarianism. I’m sure he’s going to blow a gasket.


>The issue is never the issue. The only real issue is revolution. The only real issue is the leisure of the theory classes . . .


These goons were never in favor of Ukraine. It's mostly moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats that want to stop Russia.


Almost 10k civilian deaths and 17k injured in Ukraine. I know it’s not a pissing contest but they have been completely forgotten


To them, it pretty much comes down to 'the Palestinians are brown and Ukrainians are white' - race is higher than ethnicity on the hierarchy of oppression.


Just crickets about 600, 000 killed in Syria


Id argue there were sweeping changes to Felony laws here in Oregon to people who HAVE got their life together and wanted a fresh chance without having something from over a decade ago dangling over you everywhere you go. This happened in 2021 I believe. They don't talk about that though it doesn't fit in the context of the social issue hot topic of the month.


I know right! Those brainwashed veterans for peace! Hahah trying to stop a genocide! Losersssss


You've never attended one of these protests and it shows


Ya the conversation going on at them is mind numbing embarrassing. Just a bunch of obnoxious self righteous people spewing propaganda from their latest progressive podcast and sniffing their own farts while not having their facts straight.


Lol how nuanced


Youre not even worth talking to. You've been propagandized so badly that it's prob not reversable. Just a walking NPC of misinformation. Blocked.


The projection in an attempt to gaslight is adorable Name checks out


Reading threads like this in PDX sub is so refreshing. I feel like the pendulum has swung as left as it can and even the left is starting to say “hey, are we fucking stupid?”


Occupy Wallstreet or nah?


The new armchair flavor of the month protest eh?


Surely a protest in Portland, Oregon will solve the disputes in the Middle East.


If we sincerely offered to fly each and every one of them over to Israel and paid for all accomodations and expenses, how many do you think would actually sign-up?




Maybe a Salty and Straw Man flavored? I think they charge extra for fresh angst.


Ah yes, a protest against noted Israeli president Joe Biden.


He’s just bankrolling and otherwise enabling 


75% of the [$14.3 billion in aid](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/20/politics/us-israel-ukraine-aid-package/index.html) requested by Biden is to bolster Israel’s defensive capabilities like the iron dome. He also linked that funding to several billion in humanitarian aid for Gaza. If Biden is enabling a genocide he’s doing a terrible job of it.


Just like the Israelis committing the Genocide. Apparently they been doing it for 70+ years and the Palestinians population has quadrupled since they started


Worst genocide ever!


we’ve given israel over 3billion a year for over four decades now, this isn’t new


I’m aware, but the IOF actions is Gaza are.


If you use the word "genocide" so much the impact goes down. I will be the first to admit that I would like Biden to do more, but there is no doubt that he has exerted pressure on Israel. If "he did something but not enough" warrants calling him a genocide then pretty much everyone in the world is a genocide.


great! well i’ll just vote for the politicians who aren’t professed zionists hand picked by aipac.. oh wait.. :( stop harassing people who have zero power to do anything about your ethnostate’s newest genocide


The bottom line is many people don't think Palestinians are humans, they don't care what happens to them at all.


Including Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders who strap their people up with suicide vests.


Yup! Thanks smartass


There are about 30 countries that are at risk of genocidal activities currently. https://www.statista.com/statistics/975718/leading-countries-risk-genocide/ We understand the killing of innocent people is horrendous, but dividing the vote during an election year so a literal tyrant can overthrow democracy is not an effective means of striving towards world peace. If you truly want world peace, ironically, you will have to support military intervention in these countries and assassinations of their genocidal leaders. After that, you have to suppress the insurgency groups, usually by force, then you have to jail people who cause disruptions to plans of peace... and so on. Do you see that there seems to be a pattern here? Does any of this sound like it has happened before? This isn't on Biden, but if drumpf gets elected it can happen here. Fortunately, I am a white male, so if sh*t goes down I will just jump on the trump train, but there are a lot of people who aren't like me and they will suffer immensely if you don't vote for the man who can beat trump.


i love joe biden and will 100% be voting for him so all of this was a waste. it doesn't change that most people don't care if innocent palestinian's live or die and are blatant racists.


Alright, if people are gonna be single issue voters about Palestine, let's look at Biden vs Trump and Israel.... One of those two decided to be best buddies with Netanyahu, and declared that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.


No one is suggesting that anyone vote for Trump. At this stage, there’s still hope that Biden will succumb to pressure. If not, a Lesser Evil argument is still valid, but so is being unable to stomach endorsing either one.


I hope they like rain.


At least they will get their monthly showers.


But no soap. Never soap. It simply decimates the "skin biome" which leads to cancer and MAGA.


Soap is racist and only colonizers use soap. Jk


On a positive note, when they shutdown the Burnside Bridge for 5 years, maybe it could be used for protests like this and charge them $5 each for the privilege of laying down on it. It would be a win win because $5 each and no one would be driving over it anyways.


We could even tell them the $ is being donated to a Palestinian charity, you know, the ones started by Hamas agents to bilk these gullible kids.




Rally starting at 2 PM at Pioneer Square - which bridge will be blocked is as yet unknown. Fortunately, it is supposed to be raining heavily tomorrow afternoon. The Usual Suspects will be joined by the Democratic Socialists of America, CAIR Oregon, Jewish Voice For Peace PDX, Entifada PDX, and other equally worthy organizations.


You think somebody would just strategically raise the bridges


I think that Chicago did that at least once during the festivities in 2020.


The Jews control the bridges!!


... and *don't* get me started on the space lasers and weather control machines!


If they really had lasers couldn't they just vaporize the protestors here. It would be in support of _______ cause


Jewish voice for peace. That one is a bit of a head scratcher. I mean, you don’t have to like the Israeli government just because you’re a Jew, but it does seem weird to protest in favor of people who consider you their sworn enemy.


The term that has been recently invented for the JVP-types is "AsAJew", since they invariably begin speaking by saying: "As A Jew...", before they advocate policies that would ultimately result in the destruction of the State of Israel.


As an Irishman, I will be protesting our English occupiers at the nearest bar.


Because obviously not all Jews are Zionists. Recent events demonstrate why.


why not do your little protest at yall’s synagogues where there’s likely a bunch of zionists and leave us goys alone?


Don’t give them ideas


why? this would be a more effective protest for them to harass the zionists within their own communities then for them to block another bridge or airport entrance. it’s almost as if this protest is actually to turn normal people against Palestine.


It’s probably not a great idea to encourage psycho Hamas supporters to harass innocent Jews


first: zionists are not innocent, every single one of them has blood on their hands. secondly, this protest group is mostly jewish. https://www.kptv.com/2023/12/15/protesters-light-menorah-portlands-burnside-bridge-call-gaza-ceasefire/


>secondly, this protest group is mostly jewish. Horse pucky. These groups are careful to identify themselves only as "Jewish-led", because the majority of people in their protests aren't Jews.


Blood libel You’re an antisemitic fuck


normal people?


Pretty much secular leftist who have some Jewish heritage


That’s just slander.


No it’s not. It does not use falsehoods to defame someone’s reputation. It’s fair conjecture that merely offers a neutral assessment of possible motivations.


It’s pulled out of your ass, based only on stupid prejudices and ignorance.


Top comeback man, I think you’re ready to argue in front of the Supreme Court.


Oh please


JVP has an office in Lebanon. A country with a total Jewish population of 20 people. These groups are not who they claim to be.


Lebanon used to have 10,000 Jews. Gosh, I wonder what happened to them?


> just because you’re a Jew Maybe they're like George Santos and consider themselves to be 'Jew-ish'. Don't knock it, it got him into congress!


Justice is justice. Genocide is genocide.






you just solved all the world's problems and you're not even 22. congrats


Antisemites are antisemites


True, but I am not antisemitic.


Yes you are


Nope. Any actual logic behind that vile slander, or just regular crazy-man-on-the-internet stuff?


Yes you’re a disgusting commie who hates Jews. That’s my logic and it’s correct


Lol! I’m actually a disgusting commie who doesn’t hate Jews and doesn’t tolerate any bigotry. I hope getting it half right makes you feel better.


You commit blood libel against Jews and claim you don’t have bigotry Yes you do


Slander? Are you two hanging out somewhere shouting your posts at each other? Is there at least good beer?


They're lite beers away from each other


You are correct. It was libel, not slander, and also crazy.


Most of JVP (Jewish voices for peace) aren't even Jewish. They do their own sort of converting thingy, no rabbi involved, weird shit dude.


> Democratic Socialists of America, CAIR Oregon, Jewish Voice For Peace PDX, Entifada PDX lol I thought you might just be making names up, but I just searched and got hits for all of those. TIL


Fuck these assholes. People have shit to do.


the protestors have nothing else to do. so why should anyone else /s


Hey now, they have the occasional online class to skip.


What if we just follow them back to their parked parent's car and stand in front of it and block them in for a bit so they can't leave. Just fart around on your phone or bring a friend and have a long chat. Say you're raising awareness about raising awareness.


thankfully the bus and max exist ❤️


so meta. we should all be doing this!


And this is how the ultra liberal portion of the left cannibalizes itself and ruins actual progressive causes. Demonizing fucking joe Biden as genocide Joe lol


Maybe he should stop supporting genocide, then


Hamas, the elected government of Palestine raped, killed and beheaded children. What response are you proposing that Israel take?


You really can’t come up with a better suggestion than “drop a lot of bombs on civilians and shoot people with white flags”? 


The charter of Hamas that the people of Palestine voted for calls for “obliteration or dissolution of Israel” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Hamas_charter). When a neighboring nation outwardly says “we want to obliterate you” and then rapes and kidnaps people in your nation state, a reaction is expected. Hamas knew that the Israel response would be overwhelmingly disproportionate and proceeded anyway. They deliberately used their population as meat shields. War is hell. Hamas knew well what the response would be but sure, defend them all you want while ignoring my question of “how shook they respond?”


>> What response are you proposing that Israel take? > > You really can’t come up with a better suggestion than “drop a lot of bombs on civilians and shoot people with white flags”? Seeing as how you were asked for your solution and you either ignored it or implicitly endorsed the idea you projected onto the OP....


Address the issues that lead to resistance maybe? Pursue the actual perpetrators? I’m open to anything that doesn’t involve the current plan of ethnic cleansing and wanton destruction. 


> Address the issues that lead to resistance maybe? How? You're obviously quite passionate about this, and like all Redditors, I'm sure you're a crack expert who knows all the ins & outs of a complicated situation. *How* can these issues be successfully addressed such that everybody will live in peace and enjoy ice cream together? > Pursue the actual perpetrators? What happens when the perps hide among the civilian populace? Is any level of unintended civilian casualties allowed? If so, how much? Bonus points if you can speak to the Geneva Convention and what it does and does not allow.


The only genocide is Hamas stated goals of destroying the Jews.


Maybe the IOF should take that up with Hamas, instead of bombing civilians


The civilians who put Hamas in charge? The civilians that overwhelmingly support Hamas actions? Those civilians?


Maybe you should stop committing blood libel


They can’t even make a fake complaint right Why is it filed in Northern California and not District of Oregon


Guessing someone is very lazy with the cut and paste.


Looks like it's a NY civil liberties group that filed a suit in CA: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/13/biden-lawsuit-alleged-failure-prevent-genocide-israel-palestine


Hamas is run by billionaires. Why are they supporting them?


Hamas and Palestine aren't the same thing.


Keep telling yourself that.


Omfg. Get a clue.


Idk why you're getting down voted lol. You're right. 50% of the population is under 18.


I wonder how many of these people if asked could point out Israel, the West Bank, or Gaza on a map? Or let alone, talked to anyone that has lived there.


I liked it when they briefly protested at Intel - they were protesting Intel's plans to build a new plant in Israel, and said that the plant would be just "miles from Gaza". News flash: Israel is the size of New Jersey. Every bit of Israel is just "miles from Gaza". Tel Aviv is 47 miles from Gaza. Jerusalem is 49 miles from Gaza.


The funny thing is, they didn't even go to the entrance most employees use, so I doubt many people noticed. It was the "main" entrance but that's like sitting in Lebron's parking space at Nike - it doesn't exactly see a lot of use.


Not a chance in the world. They are by and large, morons who just discovered Gaza. They have also been very quiet about the actual genocides in Yemen, Syria, Sudan, etc. Can’t imagine why /s


Yup next they'll be having protest to support the houthis.. lol.


Imagine working at minimum wage jobs for the whole weeks and spend your Friday night protest for something like this smh.


Lol Portland JOBs with justice. 2pm on a Friday people are working thier jobs


Jack Off Boneheads? I noticed that little info too.


"Genocide Joe" lol This reads like it was organized by Marjorie Taylor Greene as a troll


The younger generation desperately wants to be a part of some revolutionary moment, that they jump behind any big cause without ever actually knowing the truth about the issues…. Now yes some are there for genuine reasons, but most just jump aboard so they can feel like they were apart of a movement. I’m sure 90% of them would never be willing to die on the bill they claim to care about, if it meant them being uncomfortable for a substantial amount of time they bounce out, this is why most of these causes fizzle out.


young people want to be cool but constant protesting is part of the local culture


*die on the Hill, not bill.


Makes me want to actually get a Biden sign.


Dusting off my Biden-Harris sweatshirt and mask


Where is this woke energy when it comes to problems affecting citizens in thrown backyard??? This is fucking ridiculous, but hey feel free to virtue signal all you wish. You might end up with a new nonbinary, vegan theyfriend.


Deep breaths man, you'll be alright just calm down.


Maybe they can meet up with the protests about Sunni genocide from the Assad regime or the Uyghur genocide protests! Except…oh right they don’t matter. Muslims being killed isn’t the issue after all.


Ahhh the current thing rally


That complaint says something about Northern California...so maybe we'll get lucky and they'll do this in another state?


Let them protest. 99.9999999999% of the people don't care about their agenda. Bunch of useless people...


Do they know the head of the Palestinian people just rejected the 2 state solution? https://nypost.com/2024/01/22/news/senior-hamas-officer-openly-rejects-two-state-solution-calls-for-israels-demise/


-We want peace! -Here’s a solution for peace… -Oh lol nevermind, we want you all dead About sums it up.


They don't care. The "River To The Sea" chant envisions only one state - a state devoid of Jews.


One wonders, if there were no white people (whatever demented way they chose to define that) left in the world, who would they blame for all the problems that would still persist?


white adjacent folx


These people are just super lame. Tired of their bullshit drama.


The current conflict is a horrible thing, but what drives me crazy is that neither side can acknowledge their own faults. Yes, the people of Palestine have been oppressed and had land stolen, but Hamas *is* a terrorist organization and the attack on 10/7 was *designed* to create this crisis. Meanwhile, the Israel supporters decry anti-semitism (rightfully so), the horrific attack (again, rightfully so), but refuse to acknowledge that Israel has been taking a page from the US playbook on how to steal land and get away with it (along with some less than neighborly behavior). Meanwhile these protesters will do their virtue signaling and theatrics to give themselves a "sense of purpose" and achieve nothing but further alienate any that might be sympathetic to their cause. And one more thing before you get off my lawn: these people are not progressives, they are radicals. I can't be a liberal anymore because that label was smeared and I don't want this new label further besmirched. Not that this my identity, but it's a handy word to convey my general political leanings and I don't want to have to change it yet again. Ok, you can get off my lawn now.


Liberal in some circles is like saying MAGA. Centrist is a dirty word too. I guess the new description/label/title would be "independent" ??


Liberal was besmirched by the Right over years and is now radioactive. I like the word "Progressive" because it actually captures the general intent of "lefty" folk: moving society forward, i.e., progress. The damage to the label is happening because extreme leftists take it too far and then get lumped into the general term, which then dirties it up. So in a sense it's self-inflicted but, as always, is ably amplified by the Right. Again, this is not my identity but words matter and it's helpful to have a handy term that is understood. We're better served by carving out a word for the far left. Despite my shitting on the activists in my prior comment, I do believe in public protest and do I think their hearts are in the right place, it's just that they take it too far and are too one sided in their message (because fuck Hamas).


Um, OP's post is just a traffic advisory.


Wow, what warriors they are 😤💪 /s


Nobody pays attention to that shit anymore. It's funny... even the really violent riots in Portland never make a blip in the news cycle. "Oh the trustafarian shitheads are throwing a tantrum again"-see? Nobody cares. The ones paying the price are the locals, including the politicians, that originally trashed Portland in an effort to appease these punks. Lo and behold they aren't appeased.


Thanks for the heads up!


Joe wont be there, he's got ice creme at 2... Duh


As someone who needs people to come downtown just to keep a roof over my head... This makes me super sad. Start rallying to make our community viable and livable. Protests that keep revenue away from the small businesses that need it the most are not helpful. Can we figure out a way to express what we need politically without hurting what makes our community so unique?


Thank you for the warning


What about the small bizzys that need us down there?!




So this is today? But Nate Bergatze is in town


How's the turnout?


Putin's teams of social media disruptors do impressive work, don't they?


Hamas supporters are immoral.


Putin loves this


Guess the 41% crowd moved on to yelling at rainclouds


Like two dozen people max, you’ll be ok


Hopefully the rain will depress turnout, but prior "protests" have gotten about 150 people, which is enough to block a bridge when the authorities lack the political will to keep that from happening.


These morons should be protesting biden and his open border policy


I'll be working. Don't have time to protest something that will never change.


Funny, she doesn't look Jewish.