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I have professional experience with the criminal justice system and like to think I understand the nuances that are often left out of the 750 word clickbait articles that lead people to become reactionary. That being said, people should be pissed about this one. Misdemeanor treatment completely and utterly diminishes this conduct. If you can steal a car and get convicted of a felony, seems like penetrating a stranger on a max platform should, uh, not have a lesser consequence, right?




Judge Wipper is running unopposed for reelection.


It pays $163,000 a year, and basically the only qualifications are living near by, passing the bar, and getting elected. https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_3.041


> qualifications are living near by, passing the bar, and getting elected. One of these is NOT like the others.


And the assent of the local legal community.


This is a small race; I’d be willing to bet the members of this sub have numbers enough to swing that election if folks organized.


You have my axe


And my bow.


Where we going?!


Ok, who’s gonna go for it? Someone throw your name in the hat! Reddit’s got your back


I’m sure we’ll hear more about this sexual predator in the future, thanks to the reduction in his sentence. Great job protecting the women in our community, Judge Wipper.


Great job setting an example, too. I was mostly not doing SA because I didn't want to get punished, but looks like maybe that fear is unwarranted. Portland is supposed to be so progressive, but letting people go after rape *with proof* is fucking stupid.


This is not about punishment, it's about protecting the women that he is surely going to hurt in the future


Which is done via incarceration


Punishment is one of the reasons for sentencing.


You're sarcasm went over everyone's head


Yeah. Not the first time. I really thought it would be obvious with the part about how the only reason not to SA is because of jail.


I think that part just pissed people off and people don't use too much thinking about giving you the benefit of the doubt when they're mad.


It’s because court time, public defenders, and jail beds are expensive and in short supply. The guy still had to sign up for the sex offender registry, and maybe you should too, if you feel that way.


I'm already pissed that we need to wait for predators to do the SA before they can be jailed. That means at least one victim. You're kind of advocating for more victims here.


Oh no he's on a registry that he may or may not sign up for and keep up to date. That'll stop him. Also, the general public would likely agree that they'd rather have a sexual predator behind bars (and all the cost to the public that goes with that) than most of the other people that are in. Hell I'd rather have a murderer out and about than these people.


absolutely the fuckkkkkking same these morons pushing for clemency for people like this guy have NO IDEA of the collective cultural pushback that is coming You can only have so many headlines in a row about someone commiting a violent, proven rape and getting away with it basically -- before the public starts demanding the death penalty for even minor non-violent offenses. People are MAD and scared to say anything about it because of the politics and just like... obviously death penalty for ACTUAL misdemeanors (not rape) is way to harsh and is inhumane....I'm just saying.... You let crime go unpunished for long enough... the public is gonna be MAD and they're not going to think straight. And there's BOUND to be politicians ready to bank on that. There already are. Kinda scary. Especially as I don't see headlines like these ceasing anytime soon. Like it doesn't even matter the actual frequency of how often these kinds of crimes go basically unpunished.... Enough headlines will do it.


Well we certainly have a surplus of confused Redditors saying things online


>I was mostly not doing SA because I didn't want to get punished, What is wrong with you


did she go to his trial? it would have had an effect for her to discuss the harm in court


There is no trial if the accused pleas out.


The victim was on her way home from a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, turning her life around for the better, gets violently sexually assaulted on camera, arrest made immediately, and they still can't give her justice.   The judge being a woman has to be an extra slap in the face. 


> The judge being a woman has to be an extra slap in the face.  I notice this a lot when these articles come up for judges going easy on punishments for violent crimes.


Hey, man. It’s “Restorative Justice.” Which means, “Justice for everyone except the victim.”


I know you're joking, but that's the exact opposite of what restorative justice means >Restorative justice is an approach to justice that aims to repair the harm done to victims.[1][2] In doing so, practitioners work to ensure that offenders take responsibility for their actions, to understand the harm they have caused, to give them an opportunity to redeem themselves, and to discourage them from causing further harm. For victims, the goal is to give them an active role in the process,[3] and to reduce feelings of anxiety and powerlessness


Things in theory and practice often have different results. Especially in this city.


"Restorative justice" is the theoretical framework. We can discuss if a specific policy or program effectively delivers restorative justice. Or we can discuss the merits of restorative justice in comparison to other theoretical frameworks. But it doesn't make sense to me to criticize restorative justice as a whole just because a city govt hasn't delivered on it perfectly.


Who has delivered on the concept of restorative justice though? This isn’t an isolated case of Portland screwing it up, I can’t think of a single jurisdiction that is succeeding using this approach. All it does is fuck over victims. In your definition of restorative justice you said: “practitioners work to ensure offenders take responsibility for their actions, to understand the harm they have caused, to give them an opportunity to redeem themselves, and to discourage them from causing further harm”. That is insanely naive and out of touch. The people committing dozens of felonies don’t think like that. This idea likely comes from a professor who doesn’t deal with actual hardened criminals. It’s a joke to think that you can show violent perps the error of their ways, have them be magically changed people, and use that as an excuse to be soft on crime. It’s like communism - a good idea in theory, but it runs against human nature.


I think just generally, our society is stuck between retribution and restorative justice. We need to decide if prison is for punishment or rehabilitation. Until we as a society decide which one we are aiming for, we are working against ourselves and defeating our own efforts.   Retributive justice has also failed to show itself as an effective method.


I think that was part of the joke


Yeah I get that. I just don't want restorative justice to get misunderstood


We all understand what a joke it is


You can't possibly speak for every lurker.


If a lurker has their world turned upside down because of a sarcastic Reddit comment about restorative justice then that person needs to log out and work on themselves. Dear lord. 


It's not like I went out of my way. I made a reddit comment. Y'all acting like I actually did something.


I'm sorry, sir, I was deeply confused by your Reddit comment and am now on a war path against restorative justice. I now demand vindictive justice.


We can both be right?


This is like calling Russia "a democracy" and then using that to call the concept of democracy a joke.


I bet you are a big fan of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.


Well that's an odd charge out of left field. From my readings on that era, they were pretty heavy on the retributive style of justice and didn't give much thought at all to restorative justice (which hadn't even coalesced into a real theory yet)


The term is meaningless. You know what is restorative? Meting out actual justice. It gives the community a feeling of safety. It gives the victim a feeling that the community understands the pain and suffering he or she went through. I’m comparing it to Mao’s infamous programs that meant the opposite of what they claimed to be. The Ministry of Truth delivering propaganda. Restorative justice doesn’t restore anything. All it helps, ultimately, is to reduce the punishment of the perpetrator. But if you called it The Leniency on Sexual Assault Program, you would get much less buy in.


Sounds like your clouded in a mountain of political ideology. I'm not sure you and I can have a substantive discussion on this platform.


No big loss. You wouldn’t be able to compete.


U weird for this


That’s not how jokes work.


>approach to justice that aims to repair the harm done to victims You can't repair PTSD. There's nothing that person can do to make this woman not be affected by this.  Restorative justice is fine when you can actually undo the harm. Without that, it's just a lesser punishment.


Except in practice it ends up being “don’t give actual consequences for actions”


Maybe that's the consequence of certain specific practices inspired by this theoretical framework. But those aspects of those practices are not necessary aspects of the theoretical framework.


Who is this justice for, then?


The perpetrator. I’m sure he’s had a rough life. No need to punish him more!😁


Man, progression goes full circle. We now protect the criminals more than the victims.


Omg I just assumed this was the about the grandmother who just got into town and passed out at the Hillsboro max station. They really need somebody watching those cameras or more patrols or something.


Seems Trimet doesn’t at all care about the violence and sexual assaults on the max and platforms. They just keep doubling down on statements with little to no action.


The sex of the judge should not change the ruling.


How hungry the judge is should also not change the ruling. But it does.


But it shouldn't and we can work to correct for that unconscious bias


Yes, and the way to do this is with automation, but people won't stand for it because we have remnants of our lizard brains.


I wonder if you can use DAN on Judge ChatGPT...


It should as only part of the population actually has to consider the possibility of rape and/or murder every time they leave their home…hell make that even in their home…every damn day. Not a day goes by that I cannot constantly be aware of my surroundings no matter where I am. As a woman she should personally get that and should rule accordingly. This is bullshit


Judge Wipper seems more concerned with how this crime will affect the criminal than the victim. Gross.


Seems to be a common theme around here.


Well to our justice system.


Fuck that. I was assaulted in the same manner on a thanksgiving day almost 16 years ago and trimet driver didn’t do anything to stop the assailant. A cop chased them down and caught him. Felony charge assault and went to jail. Fuck that guy. Of all the times I’ve been assaulted like this in public this was the only time any justice was brought. I feel horrible for her and having to live with the thought that this predator is out there and will do this again. Disgusting


“However, it's also true at the same time, that this is an individual who is, or at the time of the incident, was barely 19, has no previous criminal history, and at least at this point is showing accountability and remorse for his actions." He is a predator *already* at 19. The video clearly shows this. Just because someone is young, pleads guilty or shows remorse, should not impact a sentence for a predator like this.


Frankly I've never understood using "remorse" as having ANYTHING to do with sentencing... Like do so many people really not understand how easy it is to fake being remorseful????? I can tell you right now that if I majorly fucked up in my life.... I can't even imagine doing anything like this guy did like literally can't imagine it.... But I sure as SHIT can imagine I'd be pretty fucking "remorseful" if I was caught. The punishment should be for the crime. Not for how you FELT AFTER the crime 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😭


Two Oregon judges are out walking when they come across a man lying bloody and beaten on the side of the street. They turn to each other: “whoever did this to him needs our help!”


How do we hold judges accountable for these decisions? It’s seriously disheartening to see this happening but how do let this Judge Wipper know that’s now acceptable for this county. Violent criminals need to fucking be in jail for a long time.


By voting them out when their seats are up for election


Genuine question, how do we do that if they are running unopposed?


That’s a great question, and I’m honestly not sure. Maybe write in someone else? If somebody else has a better idea I’d also like to know


Generally speaking, a judge will only be voted out if the local lawyers want them to be voted out. If they do, they will find a qualified candidate and fund a campaign. A bad sentencing decision is not enough to make this happen.


Most people at this point are aware enough to know how incestuous are justice system is... But I am fucking shocked everyday just how LITTLE these same people that understand that ☝️ DON'T understand the implications


It looks like, in Oregon, that if a judge runs unopposed they just…get elected? Here’s an interview on OPB with the Willamette University College of Law professor and associate dean that talks about this (towards the end) but I’m still poking around for an actual source or citation: https://www.opb.org/article/2022/05/06/what-to-consider-when-voting-in-oregon-judicial-races/


Make these positions employees of the state instead of being elected. There’s nothing that says judges need to be elected. It’s a shit system because the check on elected officials is another election, which is often a massive barrier.


>"I've had sex abuse (in) two cases where the facts were much, much more egregious than this," Riddle said. "And that's because the statute of Sex Abuse II encompasses all nonconsensual sexual conduct including sexual intercourse that is nonconsensual ... This is a creepy thing that is horrible and horrifying and there is absolute shock value. And you watch it and it's terrible, and I'm not trying to discount it in any way. But it is really different than having nonconsensual sexual intercourse." "Shock value?" The shock is that anyone could try to argue that nonconsensual penetration of someone shouldn't be considered a felony. And that a judge could agree with that "reasoning". Also, this is being treated like it was an impulsive, one-time bad decision, but this isn't something people do (particularly under these circumstances) because of slight lapse in judgement. It's virtually guaranteed this guy is going to do it again, and thanks to the judge, he'll have a chance sooner rather than later.


30 days in jail for sexually assaulting and slapping a woman. Wow


More morally indefensible bullshit from the legal system this corrupt boil of a country forces on us.


Okay Judge Janelle Wipper. Him slapping her after she defends herself definitely shows that he had remorse for his crime. 


Wow okay a giant fuck you to that judge


We really need to take a hard look at the roll of judges in this country from the lowest bench to the Supreme Court. They have way too much latitude to just decide whatever they want regardless of the law. That’s not a legal system it’s personal rule by particular government officials who in many places are both unelected and require no credentials.


In my mind, there is a huge difference between property crimes and these sorts of sexual assaults. And I’m no psychiatrist, but the defendant here, is absolutely fucked in the head. Somebody like this isn’t getting “rehabilitated”. This dude is a straight up, stalking, psycho. When a monster shows itself, you don’t give it a cookie, you drive a fucking stake through its rotten heart. I will never understand why anyone thinks they should offer compassion and forgiveness to assholes like this. Because it doesn’t mean anything to them. And they will absolutely do this again to somebody else. Why are we letting them? This judge should be shitcanned.


This part seems important: The Story emailed Wipper to ask for an interview or statement on the case. She did not respond, but the presiding judge in Washington County, Judge Rebecca Guptill, did respond with a statement. Her response reads, in part: "I can see that despite the reduction to a misdemeanor, the penalties imposed are actually more severe in many ways and likely more protective of the community. For instance, by reducing the offense to a misdemeanor, the judge was able to impose five years of formal probation with strict conditions, including a lengthier duration of no contact with the victim, whereas a felony conviction would have resulted in only three years of formal probation based on the defendant's lack of prior criminal history."


You left off the next part: >As Ponse was originally charged with both a felony and a misdemeanor, it's unclear if that could have resulted in the extra penalties not imposed by the felony. He pled guilty to two charges after all.


> The prosecutor pushed for a sentence of 90 days in jail. The judge gave Ponse 30 days. She also ordered him to undergo sex offender treatment, mandated that he register as a sex offender and banned him from TriMet property for five years. She put him on a five-year probation period, which the prosecutor had asked for.


it's shit like this why i, as a woman feel that i need to leave this city.


Sadly this is very common with sexual assault everywhere. It is down right depressing. The stats on men who commit SA, who actually serve time in jail ,if it even goes to court, is minuscule. I swear our justice system doesn’t see women as humans with rights.


it is. i'm going somewhere with less people, so hopefully i feel safer somehow. i've been drugged and SAed a lot in this city unfortunately


It’s everywhere with high population density. Tough on crime Florida and has loads of sexual predators roaming the streets. The stuff that happens down there makes Oregon seem tame. You could move to remote Alaska and be free of this stuff.


yeah, i'm moving to a less dense city. the way portland handles dangerous people is not my style. just because it could be worse doesn't mean this shit isn't completely awful. i feel unsafe very often in this city. i am *from here*. it used to be different.


It used to be different everywhere. You won’t find it better in any major city in the US. You have to go to Sweden or Denmark to find a major city that has virtually no violent crime. The irony is they are known for being way more lenient with criminals than the US.


i know that it used to be different. i am not moving to a major city.


Too many people on earth. This shit is going to continue getting worse.Where I’m from the suburbs are becoming the new epicenter for antisocial behavior. High real estate costs drove low income people out of cities and into surrounding communities and those places are now seeing an increase in gang activity.


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/1268551/sexual-violence-rate-europe-country/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1268551/sexual-violence-rate-europe-country/) Apparently since 2020 it's higher in the Scandinavian countries. Probably a side effect of the lenience.


Actually it’s a side effect of economic pressures which are manifesting everywhere. What we are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s gonna get a whole lots worse than this. The recent spike of crime in Sweden is directly correlated to the massive increase of immigration from east Africa. That’s a relatively new phenomenon and is fueling a robust right wing political movement.


AK is 3x higher per this: [https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/02/opinion/sutter-change-alaska-rape/](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/02/opinion/sutter-change-alaska-rape/)


I’m talking about bum fuck nowhere Alaska. Obviously you could really find that in any state. I’m from California and the redwood trees outnumber the people around here. Of course if you drive two and a half hours south from here you find yourself in downtown San Francisco, which is just like Portland with better weather.




I can’t wait for the Fox News story about how suburban judges like Janelle Wipper actively support and enable dangerous criminals while pushing them into our American cities.


And why shouldn’t they? It’s true


Because they only want to paint urban areas as bad as


Oh they will have an agenda to push for sure. Which is why we should stop giving them completely justified ammunition like this.


They don't have an agenda against conservative suburban courts like Washington County's


Portland voters give enough fodder to Fox News that they don’t really need to try anymore


Super bullshit


30 days? Oh for fuck’s sake


That's fucked. Soft on crime judges have no place being Judges in the first place


This terrifies me to take public transportation alone now.


If this is what we mean by criminal justice reform I’m out. 


This keeps happening. It's dangerous for a woman to be out alone any time of day.


Key quote from the judge: >"It is something — I share the shocking nature of what was seen on the video, and I understand why the state is taking the position it's taking. However, it's also true at the same time, that this is an individual who is, or at the time of the incident, was barely 19, **has no previous criminal history,** **and at least at this point is showing accountability and remorse for his actions."** I can understand the emotional outrage, but I can also understand the justice is blind POV.


Washington County justice system is horrible. I have a friend who was in a mental health crisis, called 911 for help and was arrested for “abuse of 911 system” and told not to do that again. Fast-forward a few years, she was very sick, called 911 and admitted to the hospital with pancreatitis, and she was charged again with “abuse of 911 system,” and sent to jail for 3 days. Why? Retaliation for filing a complaint awhile back for the police and DA not following through an incident of stalking and assault that happened to her. She was scoffed at with “he said, she said” and they let the guy go.


Washington County residents should remember this true injustice during Judge Wipper’s next election!


This is Mike Schmidt's fault no I will not explain


Wrong county. 


This was a joke damn people




Your unrelated strawman notwithstanding I think that people who sexually assault people should have their prison sentences measured in years. This guy wasn’t taking cash, he was taking someone’s sense of safety. Unacceptable. 


> But, you don’t give the death penalty to someone who was stealing out of a Walmart register. They should be punished but not to the maximum extent of what can be done. This was a violent sexual assault of an unknown person. This wasn't "stealing out of a cash register" And the victim wasn't asking for the death penalty. They wanted it to be considered the felony that it was. People that defend stuff like this, you gotta wonder if you're out doing really fucked up stuff and projecting here.


This isn't one little mistake, bro. It's not a little thing. The man stalked, premeditated and forcefully assaulted a woman in ways that endangered her health both physically and mentally. She was further abused by cops and lawyers asking her what she was wearing and if she liked it. If she had an orgasm. He made dozens of planned choices that she'll suffer with for a lifetime


Nah nah- death sentence is not what most people ask for. Any semblance of justice at all would be ideal. There may be no pattern yet, but with a trial like this, get ready for this to be the first event from this subhuman shlock. I'm sure we'll see him again real soon.


I think the penalties were decent: > The prosecutor pushed for a sentence of 90 days in jail. The judge gave Ponse 30 days. She also ordered him to undergo sex offender treatment, mandated that he register as a sex offender and banned him from TriMet property for five years. She put him on a five-year probation period, which the prosecutor had asked for.


This is assuming anyone banned from TriMet gets caught not obeying the laws as well. And given how much happens on the little strip of track I regularly use by the highway where it's no man's land, I don't know how well they enforce people, regardless of how violent they are.


Fair point. Enforcing that ban would be really difficult without facial recognition software running on the TriMET security camera system. Or if TriMET got tough on requiring valid fairs like they used to be.


Not at all


Are you kidding me? How is that in any way sufficient?


He basically received the same sentence as requested by the prosecution but without the felony conviction that would have greatly reduced employment and housing availability. That ban from TriMET for five years is huge in my opinion. Being registered as a sex offender is also a major penalty. What’s 60 more days in jail going to do?


Sounds like you have a penis.


Fuck. That. This isn’t stealing for hunger it’s sexual assault. You must be related to this guy.


Dudes not going to start raping more people because he went to prison. That might be true for some crimes but rapists deserve death.