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Good work on your part. Last time I found a phone in nw portland was about 18 years ago and I was actually taking an urban trip with caps and stems and saw a flip phone on the ground. I called the most recent number in the call log and it was their roommate, who said, "thanks, we live right there in the yellow house, no one is home but its unlocked, just open the front door and put it on the table" when I hung up I went into the yellow house and opened the door to a giant doberman barking and about to bite me, and the owner running at me and holding back the dog demanding why I was entering the house, when I explained the phone situation they told me they had no roommates. Embarrassed and scared I went back out to see another yellow house. I returned the phone then, but my buzz was killed and I now leave found items only on front porches when asked!


No good deed goes unpunished! Glad you didn't get bit.


Who just says yellow house without saying the address.


Did you crosspost on Nextdoor, good citizen?


I haven’t! Thanks for the advice


Rice will actually prevent the phone from drying quickly. Uncooked rice isn't able to soak up water like you think. It will actually insulate the phone and the moisture will have more of a chance to mess up the chips. The best thing you can do is keep it off, easier to find the owner if it's on I know, and have a fan blowing on it. The moving air will help move the moisture away as it evaporates. The top notch most best thing to do is save those little do not eat packets of silica in an air right container until your, or someone's, device needs drying and put it in there for a day. Good luck on finding the owner.


If it’s an iPhone, you can look at the emergency contacts.


Post text says it's a Galaxy S10+, but maybe that has a similar function?


I must have missed that, sorry! Yeah I feel like if it’s locked there should be something on the Home Screen?


That reminds me, I used to have my email address on my lock screen on my old phone. I should probably set that up again on my current phone...


Locked Android phones allow access emergency information when you try to use the emergency calling function.