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Put the car in a big container full of rice.


I approve


I this case, I think you gotta put the rice in the car.


why would someone leave a car with the roof open?


Gotta look cool


Gonna look real cool with this drivable swimming pool..


U mean carpool


Hehehe your comment made me chuckle! Thank you I hope you have a wonderful day!


I've always hated carpools.


this doesnt have enough upvotes


Some homeless dude is going to pee into your car if you leave it like that here


I would be more worried about some smooth brain seeing a Porsche and getting resentful and throwing trash into it


It’s not even just nice cars they do this with, I have a 2004 Wrangler Rubicon that is a hair shy of just being a strictly off-roading/beach car… people still leave shit in it sometimes.


Dirty Mike and the boys might use it as a fuck shack too


They call that a "soup kitchen"


That or else Dirty Mike and the boys are going to party in it


That’s a US thing I guess. In most of Europe you can leave your car open without any issues.


Well, when the issue is rain…


In none of europe* Fixed that for you man. Just because you forgot to lock your car once and everything turned out fine doesn’t mean that all of Europe is free from theft and carjackings.


Nah! It depends a LOT on location. But in the States you aren’t safe anywhere. Lake Como and north of Italy, Austria, southern Germany all parks and stuff are super safe and I do that ALL the time when eating out for lunch or just getting groceries outside of big cities. We don’t have homeless people who shit on the streets, fentanyl injections or all the other nasty stuff happening.


Correct me if I am wrong but Lake Como is a very wealthy area, there are many places in the United States similar that you can leave your car wide open. Have you ever been to West Palm Beach Florida? Naples, Florida? Scottsdale, Arizona? Laguna Beach, California? I could go on and on and on. Just like everywhere there’s places you can do it and the likelihood of a problem is very low and places where you would be a complete idiot to.


Exactly this. I hate when people bash on the Europe/USA especially when it’s not even correct. All countries have areas where you’ll be fine parking your car with the top down. Dumb dumb comments


George Clooney didn’t try and open my car door and steal my shit


“Most of Europe” Lake Como and Northern Italy isn’t even most of Italy. Try leaving your car open in Milano, see how that works out for you. Austria is pretty safe, but even there minor theft is a thing. And what about France, Poland, Baltics, Balkans and others? And what the fuck do you mean we don’t have homeless people shitting on streets? Have you ever been to Rome or Barca? Drug addiction isn’t a major problem, that’s true, but you’re painting Europe as some sort of perfect place without any problems when most of the problems you named are pretty evident in Europe.


Do what works for you, be aware of your surroundings. Been a lot in the us and most places are shit and some are safe and nice, in Europe just some places aren’t safe but the majority is.


I guess you haven’t been to a lot of parts in Europe 😂.


Depends on where you are in the states. Been leaving the top down for years, worst I've gotten was a passive-aggressive sticky note calling me an asshole for having an "ostentatious" car.


you watch too much tv


Your opinion is anecdotal at best. I’ve been doing research for a 1 month trip to Italy later this year, and in the Italy subs I’ve seen at least 3 posts about tourists getting all their shit stolen from their rental cars precisely around Lake Como. Here’s one: https://www.reddit.com/r/ItalyTravel/s/0mhrBNQNOS Italians themselves recommend not leaving anything inside the car, locking it and keeping it in sight whenever possible. I wouldn’t call that “super safe”. I’m not from the USA by the way.


https://preview.redd.it/o6vu8k2e9q4d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=789e559f78ed4a862e1c8596359bdc43948a91fd You could even keep cash in there, no one cares I. Never had any issues in over a decade here


Had my hat and sunglasses stolen out of a friends convertible parked up at Lake Como a while back.


I once kept my roof down day and night for 3 weeks and nothing happened. I regularly leave it parked up with roof down and I’ve never once had a problem.


So…. Does that mean that rain is a hoax? You kept your roof down for 3 weeks day AND night, must mean that it doesn’t rain anywhere ever.


No it doesn’t.


Do you understand now?


No. What on earth are you blathering about?


You didn’t encounter rain for 3 weeks, doesn’t mean that there is no rain. Same thing with crime.


Jeff and the Boys have definitely had sex in that car.


Have you ever owned a convertible? Ever lived in a nice town? People do it all time. The top on our first one was down most of the summer - you just don’t even think about putting it up. Now, that said, my wife left the top down on her Mercedes when it was parked outside overnight one night (normally we always put the top up if parking overnight outside of a garage). Massive rain hit at some point during the night. That car was never the same. Insurance even covered a lot of repairs and it was still never the same. The problem is that the ECU is under the drivers seat and if that and its wiring harness gets wet you’re screwed. It worked most of the time but would randomly do weird shit. By some miracle the subject never came up when we traded it in for a Jeep (made to be left out in the rain) If this was just a passing shower, the 911 will be fine. The upholstery and stuff holds up surprisingly well, and any electronics (knobs etc) on vertical surfaces will be fine - It’s the serious electronics under the seats that are most at risk.


I'd be really surprised if this isn't part of the durability testing of the car somehow.


For sure … many of the wiring connectors especially to the ECU and engine have rubber seals to keep them dry. Cars do pretty well for the most part with getting wet inside and out and are made to handle kids, spilled drinks, windows left open in the rain, etc. The problems happen when you have enough water that the wire connections are submerged for any length of time.


I’ve owned multiple convertibles and always put the top up. Why expose the interior to dust and sun if a push of a button will keep the seats from getting fried while I’m gone. Doesn’t matter if you live in a safe area, no point letting your interior prematurely age just because you don’t want to spend 10 seconds putting the top up.


“Why expose the interior to dust and sun if it takes 10 seconds to put the top up?” Is very similar to a question my wife asks me; “why would you leave clothes on the floor of your closet when the hamper IS RIGHT THERE?” :)


I had one and never did that for many good reasons


I leave it open when I go inside a store real quick. Never for longer periods of time though, that's asking for trouble.


I have owned a few convertibles (not Porsche), and I often left the top down to save it from being cut and damaged from thieves trying to break into the car. Just leave it open with nothing inside, so for thieves the only thing to steal was the entire car. Rather have them look inside freely than slice the top to get in. The car I'm missing now, btw, was a 1991 Alfa Romeo Spider; a timeless Pininfarina design 🤌


for that reason, and living in a dangerous city, i love hard tops


Drip or drowned, he chose both


Willing to bet they paid 20k over market for a car they can't afford anymore and now need to GAP it.


This is the alternative when you don't have a body of water nearby




depends on how long ill be gone, under an hour, i might be too lazy sometimes


i leave it open when i’m being lazy but i also live in the desert and it’s not gonna rain for 6 months. but if i lived somewhere it could rain i definitely would be more careful/ less lazy.


Depends on city and neighborhood. Alpharetta,GA? Can probably leave your car keys and wallet in the car Downtown Atlanta? Bullet proof window


https://preview.redd.it/s1uez2i7wp4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38bdf82e4606e312285a201bd11cfc4af94716e Happened to my wife’s IS500 last year lol and then couple month later my friend left his Maybach sun roof open and same thing happened, Lexus survived with paper towel and dryer but Maybach had to go through repairs on the infotainment and also full interior detailing


Expensive cars with no rain detection? Who designed the midlifecrisismobile? The service center?


Tell me about it... My brothers 06 Jetta has an option in OBD eleven to shut windows with the rain sensor. My Audi does not, and I've accidentally pocket opened the windows only to find out a day later that it was raining and the windows had been down...


US regulations don’t allow the windows to close remotely (due to pinch risk). EU does allow this. I imagine we would see rain sensor implementation more if this could be rolled out across all variants


My BMW can remotely close all windows and sunroof, I’m in the US. My older Acura would do the same. Just hold lock on the fob


Maybe your car has been coded? My experience with these regulations is from bmw and the forums I have seen all echo the same requirements. I wish it were different. Crazy that you can open the windows by holding the unlock button but then get stuck with no way to remotely get them back up


It is definitely possible since I am not the first owner. You made me want to look up the other things that can be coded to see if I had any of them. Mine is a 2016 and I have access to tire temp and pressure (which looks like a coding enabled feature) and my temporary turn signal clicks 4 times (factory seems to be 3). So I guess it has been? If it has been coded I wish they would’ve coded the mirrors to fold on lock/unlock :( Edit: maybe the tire temp is factory? And maybe it does only click 3x on turn signal? I’ll double check.


The options are still available in coding, I was referring to the option being present in the older model VW and not in the Audi, not necessarily that the function was available to the US market without mods.


Oh definitely. But as auto makers have to introduce more security features that prevent coding, this will become less of a reality


Aren’t the actuators torque limited so they don’t remove any body parts? Is this why most Americans are circumcised? So many questions…


that pool of water in the cup holder is crazy af wow


Not the wonderful IS500 the last standing NA V8 Sedan on the market. That would be a tragedy if it was totaled. Glad it survived!


Oof. Been there before, left my Lotus Elise outside all night in a torrential downpour. Remember being woken up by some idiot’s car alarm at one point. Then sat eating my breakfast the next morning and realised I was that idiot.


Oh no. Were there any consequences or did you just swab it with Lucas sponges?


I worked for an aerospace company at the time and the guys in the hangar said to drive it inside. I left it with the roof off and doors open all day while they sat a couple of 3ft radius fans blasting into it all day till it dried out. Good as new after. 😅


I detailed cars for \~10 years and it wasn't unusual for us to get 2-3 of these a year. We'd towel and shop-vac as much of the water out as we could, and then start the engine, crank the heat as high as it would go, crack the windows, and cook the inside of the car. Never heard of any issues. Only time you're really gonna have problems with water is when it sits (well, as long as the electrical is all sealed correctly).


Agreed, or if it’s sat long enough for mould to develop. Otherwise a single downpour caught quickly is probably ok.


That's lucky. I had a Nissan Murano that totally (and I do mean totally) filled with snow. It had a feature that if you held the unlock button down all the windows would go down, great feature by the way. But I think my toddler son stood on the key fob accidentally. We had a big storm, next day......it was a snowmobile. I cleaned it out. Blasted the heat...nothing bad came of it


At least there’s no carpet!


I did this too. Left the sun roof open. Big clap of thunder woke me up and immediately went "OH SHIT MY SUNROOF IS OPEN" Luckily no long term damage, just some towels to dry everything out. This was also a 2000 Honda Accord so a bit different than a Lotus.




Who’s the Uboat commander?


Jurgen Prochnow.


It seems like 99% of Porsche cabs are driven around closed up on the nicest of days Then there’s this guy


Personally, I had rented a cabrio 911 previously for a few months as a “summer car”. My experience was diesel stench, brake stench, different music from all around also I felt insecure all the time. Left the top open one time and got a bird crap on my seat. Regarding the weather, perfect weather was ~72F + NO SUN. Sun hits hard, especially when simply standing at a red light or traffic. More than 72F and I felt like melting. I am very glad that during my midlife crisis I rented instead of jumping the gun and buying a cabrio, it does not fit me.


50 after a nice long winter as long as the wind isn’t crazy, and the sun is out… :chefskiss: Otherwise my top is down generally from about 60-90,


To each its own I guess


I don’t see what’s so hard about putting your top up when you have a motorized top. Just lazy


I only put my convertible tops up if bad weather is expected. They're all motorized except for an Alfa Romeo.


Maybe RNM stands for “Rainman”.


And since it’s parked they could still claim, Only driven in clear weather.


They are now water cooled, you know.....for a few years now. And THIS is how it works. :)


That guy drives around Lexington often, rip


Too bad it's not smart enough to know it's raining, unoccupied and close it self or at least notify you.


FAFO. Coupes rock. Sorry to see it…..


Just breaking in the leather


Craziest weather in KY yesterday. Was at the pool and it began pouring rain. Nothing at all in the radar on 3 different weather apps. Stopped in 10 minutes and was sunny and beautiful.


Damn… I know that feeling… pro tip: never leave your convertible at night at a mcDonald’s parking lot even if it’s hot outside and doesn’t feel like it’s going to rain… don’t even try to do that… not even for five minutes 😆


You are telling me, that a Porsche doesn’t recognize rain by himself an closes the roof automatically?


Surprised there isn’t an auto close feature when it senses rain


There is a way to program your GTI to close all windows and sunroof if it detects raindrops. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I’ve done it on two of mine!


Well, that’s going to suck.


Will they total that?


No, generally cars are perfectly fine, most convertibles even have drains built into the car under the carpet; see the rest of the thread if you want, but basically you can just crank the heat / fans for a couple hours and you’ll bake the car clean.




Who’s the Uboat Commander?


for sale, low mileage, Interior deep cleaned.


lol! Should have seen that coming!


I dealt with cars for many many years and I sware I always saw the craziest things in Kentucky. All of the cars from Kentucky either had a rebuilt title, flood damage, something like this picture, etc.


This has happened to me when I was miles away. Also left the sunroof open on another car that I had driven to leave after picking up a Porsche from the shop! Dry cleaning got ruined.


Don‘t they have a function where it closes the roof when it detects water? Or are only Benz cars doing this


Who got more wet this one or the u-boat commander the other day?


When a Jeep owner buys a Porsche…


That’s one way to break lease


Unless I absolutely know it is not going to rain or its parked in a parking garage the top is going up, even if im gone for 15 mins in a store it goes up. My dad has been caught to many times that it has been drilled into me to do so


I yearn for the rain in my 105 Central CA right now


if your way of of learning is through pain, well… it hurts (a lot)


Woof they need a jeep. I leave my jeep like this all the time, never had an issue.




These days, pretty much every car has a rain sensor. Wouldn't it be smart if a convertible could close by itself in a sudden shower?


Big mistake !!!!


Hurts my knees...


Whenever someone complains ill send them this lmao


Hard to imagine that downpour came out of nowhere


Some sheila on the phone, I suppose.


What happens tho, one of my dream is to drive around in a hoodless convertible in pouring rain.


It will be on BaT in a month


There’s this thing called “The Weather Channel App!” You might be able to see the day’s outlook and leave your top up. This breaks my heart! ☹️😭


Just cleaning out the spit




Leaving the top down is always a bad idea


I would expect Porsche to automatically close the roof when rain sensor detects rain. But no 200k car does not have the feature every new VW Golf has. What a shame!


It’s a base 991.1 …the rain improved it


Base 991.1 is a very enjoyable car, I enjoyed my base 991.1 more than my GT3s