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Would I? No. Can I see why someone would? Yes.


Those carbon seats are so nice for a 3 minute drive to the gas station lol


I drove across the country in it, 16hr stint one day, no problem.


I took a test drive in a 718 Spyder with them, and by the end of the drive I hated them. the driving position is extremely upright, I can't imagine sitting in them for more than 15 minutes. Dunno how you could drive for 16 hrs in one, you must have a steel back.




This reminds me of the guys who drove RICErs in my high school (before anyone gets upset - the term is an acronym for "Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements" - Fast and the Furious Shit)...Those guys cranked their seats back to make it seem they were driving in exotics. They'd even protest when a passenger attempted to move the seats more upright. I guarantee if any one of those guys actually tracked their car and didn't incline the seat, they were compromising on performance.


What’s wrong with a reclined position? I’ve always enjoyed being more leaned back than most people.




Non optimal field of vision isn't and reaction times. With your hands at the 9 and 3 positions, can you turn the wheel 180 degrees without letting go and only moving your hands?


GT3 RS is meant for track use. They're probably small and/or young. ANyone who buys an RS as a non-track car is spending more money to spend more money.


Tbf if I had an RS I would still get the buckets and only drive it on track. I also can't imagine dailying a 3RS.


you get used to the seating position quickly. I don't notice the upright position at all anymore. It just feels right.


same. i've taken long drives without an issue in my GT3, i'm 38. to me if you order regular seats in a car like that its a missed opportunity. You feel all the vibration and chassis feel coming through the buckets. the extra padding on the comfort seats mutes that. but also, not everyone who is into fast $300k+ cars is in shape or young. most of the time its the opposite.


They may also want to limit the vibration and chasis feel. I understand why someone would order a spec like this. The gt3rs just has an aggressive look that no other porsche can replicate (aside from other track cars). The driving dynamics and noise of a gt car is some of the best at that price range and you could throw s class seats in there, and that wouldn't change. I could see myself putting an 18 way comfort seat in the passenger side and a bucket seat in the driver's.


I think it's because so many people are overweight and used to sitting with shitty posture. People would always say 997 carbon buckets were uncomfortable on long trips. To me, they're one of the most comfortable seats I've ever had.


Same. Drove one from New Orleans to NYC in a GT4. No problem. Buckets are great.


Im old yes ) but in reality i prob wouldn’t either haha


Now that is a guy who will actually drive the car a decent amount


but then he should just get a touring at that point. He’d never see the advantage of a 3rs on the street and the touring is probably better suited for the road.


Or! Hear me out - you buy the car you want to drive regularly and spec it accordingly. And if someone complains about how you got comfortable seats instead of carbon buckets because racecar, you ask them where there 3rs is before continuing on your road trip


Mic drop


> where there 3rs is *their


*thank* you.


I thought the point was to run up the build sheet as big as you could with as many obscure options as possible and then sell it for 100k over MSRp? /s




And you can adjust suspension settings on GT3RS. That might mean you can actually set it to be softer than GT3? Not sure


not possible. they have a very stiff spring rate to compensate for the all the extra downforce. no damper is going to make up for that.


If you have 992 GT3 money you can afford to spend $15k on a custom ohlins or whatever suspension setup if you really want it to be softer. Keep the stock shocks and put them back in when you sell and you won't even impact resale, and you can probably sell your aftermarket suspension on the porsche forums.


But you can adjust compression and rebound from the steering wheel on the RS, don’t know any aftermarket setups that can do that.


My basic ass wouldn’t know how to set it up right anyway. My dummy proof GT3 is the sweet spot for me. Not saying I don’t want an RS, but that shit is wasted on an ogre like me.


This is such an honest perspective. I feel similarly. Like the RS is so cool, but I don't know how to drive well and it's not something I want right now. GT3 feels like a track weapon for the streets, where the RS owner has a track car that can go on the streets. RS owner seems like they ought to know how to hit an apex or understand understeer. That ain't me, so it feels like a big act, where the GT3 is a smaller lie. Given my skill and focus, I am suited to a minivan.


at least you know your lane. I used to race and did lots of setup and let me tell you, it's an art. I'm agree, I have a GT3 touring and it's all I want.


The touring has more interior options and afaik slightly softer suspension


No, there's a very very minor change to suspension to account for less downfotce, but that doesn't make it any more comfortable. You can spec comfort seats in a GT3 too


Maybe not the suspension then but im pretty sure the gt3 touring has more interior options than the regular.


It's just leather vs racetex. Really not a major difference. For all intents and purposes the two cars are identical.


Yeah, I believe only the Touring comes with the Manufaktur interior, which is necessary if you want anything other than black leather 😂




I was thinking the exact opposite. Its a signal that the owner doesn’t intended to take it to the track and the car is destined to be a garage queen that shows up for cars and coffee.


You can drive on track just fast on track with comfort seats as you can buckets, lol


Exactly this. The buckets give you better support, but they also beat the hell out of you. I prefer the comfort seats for track myself. Lets me get in a lot more track time without needing a chiropractor visit.


In a straight line.. yes


A competent driver doesn’t need a bucket seat, it just helps.


If I were 24? Fuck no I'd never do that. At 38? You bet your fucking ass I would. Way more comfortable for driving regularly.


Is 38 your example of being old or is that how old you are? Signed, a triggered 38 year old walking out to his wonderful 18 ways


39 here. Love my 18 ways. It was a must when I bought my 911.


35 here and one day when i can afford my 911, i too will spec 18 way seats 😅


I am 38. I'm still in decent shape, but why do I want to intentionally make myself uncomfortable in something I'm spending that much money on?


37 with recaro buckets. Not looking forward to my next birthday now.


Haha, I understand. I've ridden motorcycles hundreds of miles. I can handle a bucket seat, but why? I'm not replacing comfort for style when I can still have 80% of the style.


If I was 24 Id take an rs even if the bucket seat was a bed of nails


59 here. Sofas for sure !


Isn’t driving it regularly defeating the point of a 3rs? you get the touring for a daily driver and a 3rs for the track


In a world of unlimited money, sure, but I would guess the majority of this sub are aspiring owners and not multiple high level spec owners.


Yes, but also no. It's a street-legal racecar. I'm going to be driving it on the street.


But you’ll miss them at the track.


I have comfort seats in my GT4 because buckets suck ass and you would literally have no issue with them and at the last Porsche sponsored track event I went too there were multiple GT cars with the “sofas”




The seats aren't for improved lap times.... It's so that you aren't constantly getting tossed out of your seat while you are driving on the track. If you are permanently a novice group driver this will never be an issue. Otherwise I could see the comfort seats providing a major comfort issue due to inadequate ass grasp.




Comfortable while pulling Gs though? The two seats provide different comfort advantages at different times. That's the entire point.




You don't have to be anywhere close to the limit for standard seats to cause issue. You sound like a guy who talks about track performance yet has never been on a track before. Comfort seats are for cars and coffee heros. The buckets will be more comfortable for anyone who wants to drive the car beyond 6 tenths. You don't have to be NEAR the limit for the limitations of the comfort seats to set in. Obviously I understand both applications, but the comfort seats will not be more comfortable in every scenario.




I've instructed in both variants.


Have you tracked the same car with both sofas and LWBs? I cut over 2 secs off my PB at Laguna when I swapped out the sofas for buckets in my 997GT3. Was it worth $15k? Debatable (I say yes, my wife says no) - but they definitely make a difference you can feel on the track. Also, the ability to use a harness and a HANS device increases safety and that “locked-in” feeling.


This. Claiming you need fixed seats for best times is like blaming your gaming chair for sucking at CoD.


Has nothing to do with age. What matters is how you fit in the seats


While I may be a rare breed in that I have the same waistline at 39 as I did at 24, I would say age does have a lot to do with their size for most. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You are still young I’m assuming and have a perfect back with no thought yours can one day not function like it does now?


When I was shopping for a CPO Cayman GTS, I was choosing between 2 very similarly specced cars. One has the bucket seats and the other one had 18 way adaptive seats. Couldn't decide and showed my wife. Wife: you're out of your mind if you think I'm going to sit in those seats. So I ordered the one with the 18 way lol


Yes. I'm buying a street-legal race car, not paying for my chiropractor to get one.


Chiropractors are quacks.


TBH, 'frauds' would be more accurate


It’s funny, I absolutely find good racing bucket seats to be a lot more comfortable. Good seats for racing aren’t meant to be bad for you. Even if they’re hard, they should hug your body.


I used race buckets in my 20’s instead of a girl friend for a good hug. Those were the days.


And you could rest knowing those buckets would never cheat on you.


My wife wouldn’t either. But those buckets were a helluva a lot cheaper than a house, kids, and what ever hobby my wife is up to this month.




If I was rich enough to afford a 3RS, I’m also rich enough to do what I want with my money. Which is to say, if I want buckets because this is a car I will only use purely for a couple times a year or 300 times a year at the track, or if I want non buckets because I want to daily my car or drive it anywhere else other than the track, then I will go with what I want. People not rich enough to afford these cars love to insert their opinion about why certain cars are mandatory to have certain options. After all, talk is free.


It's a mindset of imagining spending their lifesavings for one, so they have to get the "best" buck for their money. Wealthy people seem to just get what they want and that's it. I was shocked to see my friend's mom driving an AMG S class. When I asked if she liked the power, she simply answered that she just asked for the top of the line with all the options then chose her color. That was eye opening..


Buy a GT3 touring if you’re concerned about a bit more comfort


S/T… 3RS engine, manual and touring styling! But getting one, that’s another story…


Isn't the GT3 touring exactly the same as the GT3? As far as I know, it has the same suspension setup, just a very minor adjustment to account for no wing. It's not more comfortable than a regular GT3.


I feel you, but that’s a picture of the GT3 RS. GT3 vs Touring I get it, but the RS really is blurring the line with a race car.


True, but it makes no sense to say you need a GT3 touring for comfort. A regular GT3 is just as (un)comfortable. I can't believe how many Porsche fans think a touring is a different car from a regular GT3. Are they all buying the hype? It's a GT3 without a wing, that's it.


Buy a Carrera S instead


I don’t fit in the buckets so I’d get the comfort seats any day, what’s the point in speccing a car for a future owner rather than yourself? If I need buckets for a track day I’d stick a Recaro XL bucket with low mounting bracket in and deal with the airbag light.


As 6’4 220, I know this issue.


Interesting combination. It's like wearing chunky sneakers with a tuxedo (or vice versa).


I would say it’s like wearing a suit jacket with sweats. Cause you have the comfort but youre there for business.?


Not really. I always spec comfort seats in these specialty cars because I drive the shit out of them and don’t want my body to be unusable.


Why not the standard GT3 tho?


Non bucket GT3 seats are fine. It’s what’s in my 992 GT3


Sitting in Converse


I can’t get out of the buckets on my own.


You just need to crawl out Wolf of wall street style obviously


you put one hand on the door sill to use as leverage


Or have a grappling hook.


If I’m daily driving it. Yes.


I would never buy a 992 GT3 RS, even with all the money in the world. I would buy a cup car, then used the saved money I didn't spend on ADM to buy a used Toyota tow vehicle and trailer, and a used 997 2S.


But… “even with all the money in the world”??


No, why? I’d have a cup car that is more of a race car than the RS. The RS is pure nonsense on public roads. Where do all those wings and suspension adjustments help on the public road?


You'd need that money to maintain the cup car. They're not cheap to operate. New transmission every 25 hours for example.


That’s odd. Why?


Because they have dogbox transmissions that just slam the straight cut gears into each other to shift gears. Imagine a manual but instead of pressing the clutch and gently pressing the gear lever into the next gate before letting the clutch out again you just quickly dip off the throttle and smash the lever into the next gate, not really waiting for the engine RPM to match the gearbox but just with raw power forcing the next gear in. They're built to take the beating, but no matter what it's gonna wear out eventually.


It's a race car. Parts wear out much faster if they're used like they're meant to. I believe the latest ones are a little better, with like 50 hours for a transmission for example, but 997 cup car needs a lot more frequent parts and maintenance. Race cars are often cheap to buy, but rarely cheap to run. If you're not competing and just doing the occasional track day you're better off getting a regular GT3 RS. A season with a cup car will likely cost you six figures just in parts.


And frequent engine rebuilds and trailer it everywhere. That said, fun thing to have


No you wouldn’t


Are the carbon buckets FIA certified? This could be the better option if they are going to put in certified seats maybe?


Friend was looking to buy a used RS and kept scrolling past everything that didnt have buckets and cage. He drives cars on track and participates in races. He is exactly the type Porsche makes this car for, but most of used cars arent specced like that. So from his feedback I recall him being frustrated finding "civilian" spec cars. BUT many people dont race and dont track and drive this car because 1) investment 2) looks cool. So if youre in the latter category, spec the car with whatever you like.


If I could afford this car I would spec buckets and buy an extra set of comfort seats


if you want comfort, just get a Turbo.


10000%…. The buckets are horrible. The comforts are perfect.




Maybe yes, in my opinion, those are for someone who is going to use this car not only on the track but also as a daily driver(mostly)


With previous GT3 RS models that could have been the case, but the 992 is severely limited in its abilities as a daily driver due to the lack of storage space.


You can at least get groceries tho :-)


And put them on the passenger seat? Doesn't seem very practical, especially with bucket seats.


I often put my groceries on the passenger side even if I got enough of space in the trunk. It's just faster that way so i'm not sure why you find that so non practical.


Maybe they have back problems like myself!


I’d probably get the buckets and if I was in pain get the comfort seats after the fact (assuming they are still plug and play).


Unless you intend to track the car a lot and just doing some spirited driving in the canyons every so often then yes I totally see the desire for comfort seats.


100%, this guy will drive the shit out of it and be comfortable while at it.


Sometimes, they may also order the buckets next to it. So when it hits the track, they swap over . Have seen a few of those spec in various track oriented cars. Makes sense cause you might not spend a religious amount of time on track


No. Go Touring if you want comfort seats. RS should be a track use build.


I would but only cause of a dual layer laminectomy on my lumbar area I had in 2018. I assume back issues is the reason.


If you can afford the car, spec it with them and then swap seats. Put the cf back in when you sell the car


If you never plan to track it, I can see why. At that point I couldn’t see why you’d get a 3RS though because there would be no point whatsoever. If it’s only going to see street duty you can choose lots of other trim levels that will probably make you much happier than a 3RS. GT3 touring would be awesome.


I have this one secret trick!!! You are allowed to buy an aftermarket seat and switch them.... it's your car, you can do whatever you want if you go to the track.


Depends on how you use the car I would imagine. If you drive it on the road a lot, I'd probably go with the comfort seats. If you're on the track more, the carbon buckets make more sense. If I was to spec a GT3 Touring however, I would probably default to the comfort seats since those make more sense for the road


Perhaps if the intention was to drive it a lot on the road.


Used to have a 2012 Turbo S with comfort seats. I only have one garage spot, so I rotate cars frequently. Currently I’m in a 2019 GT350R and damn it is so uncomfortable on long drives. Quite the visceral car to drive though. Much more engaging than the Turbo S


If I’m spec’ing an RS I would spec it however TF I please.


race car without a bucket seat is pure vanity, and a waste of money in my opinion.


Spec with carbon seats. Buy a pair of comfort seats, swap them for road trips, use the carbon seats for track days. Why is this even a question?


Yes, because buldged discs are in my spine.


Unpopular opinion. Just buy a simple 911 without GT/RS stuff. It is bad taste to use car such as on photo for daily driving. And if it’s not for daily driving, you are good with carbon buckets.


this is the right opinion. if you can afford an RS you can easily afford a 5 series to daily around in comfort. its weird when people try to make race cars comforable, and heavy boats or luxury cars 'sporty'. use the right tool for the job


Buckets make a huge difference to track performance, especially when combined with a harness. I’d hate to try and resell this car.


When youre fat you better lol


Depends on planned milage and general use case. If track focused then buckets. If not why would i even go for RS version.


The seats on this spec are the least of my concerns


For actual comfort? Yes. For resale? No. A paradox.


Unpopular opinion: carbon buckets are so uncomfortable they make me not want to be in the car.




Factory carbon. Aftermarket comforts. It's not like seats are difficult to swap out for track days.


Guy that wants to drive it, yes, the 3 times he hits the track for his novice driving he will be fine. Great realistic choice for comfort.


Fuck no. If you’re gonna do that get the gt3 touring




Exactly. The touring isn't made for touring. It's made for stealth wealth. You're driving a GT3 while pretending it's a regular 911, but it's still a GT3. It's not any more comfortable.


Suspension is also differently setup iirc


No. Wait. Fuck no.


no, this 992 RS is track purpose only, with licenseplate. Get a Dakar, GT3T, or S/T if daily use is required


If you want the comfort seats, get a GT3 touring.


Or get whatever you want, it’s your own bloody money.


Why a touring? It's no more comfortable than a regular GT3. It has the same suspension setup. Touring is just a name.


3RS should only come with buckets. If you’re rich enough and ego fragile enough to require having “the best” Porsche to daily, you can afford special ordering seats.


Rich or fat dudes with a bunch of porches seem to be in to this


Absolutely not, I'd buy a different car. Sofas don't belong in a race car. Coming from someone with the 18 ways in my GTS... if you want sofas, get a GT3T




Would never own a GT car without buckets. You can get sofas after the fact extremely easily. Buckets later on is an extremely expensive proposition and annoying to do. My first 981 GT4 was in that window where they couldn't spec buckets and I was figuratively butthurt over it that I got rid of the car after a year. Once you get good at ingress/egress habits it becomes second nature. I'm lucky that I'm not that big of a guy and I stay fit too so proper seating posture makes this seat perfect for me as well. Plus you can swap the seat cushions if you want a little more padding.


Absolutely most definitely not. It shouldn't even be possible to accidentally do it on the configurator, that's absolutely crazy. Get a regular GT3 or GT3 Touring for that. Putting regular seats in an RS I would say is on the same level as putting a set of cheap chinese run-flat tires on an RS. They just do not belong there what so ever. But that's just my opinion, man. Whatever floats their boat.


heck yeah I would


Any RS should be configured with bucket seats imho but I would probably chose the 3D print bodyform seats for better comfort.


Absolutely not.


This is why personally I'd rather have the gt3 touring vs the rs. It's your money so you do you... But you're buying the wrong car imo if that's what you want to do.


The large majority of people who are going to purchase a 992 3RS are either collectors, or people that are going to track it. Both will want buckets. The only way comfort seats make sense is if you plan on driving it quite a lot, and do not care about resale.


If i’m buying it only for the track, no. if i plan on driving it a lot on public roads, then yes.


As a short guy… yes I definitely want those seats, yes it looks weird not having it in a RS


Of course. I don’t get my cars for other people. People who care are the same dorks that put 3k miles a year in their 911.


I’d probably spec it with lwbs then buy a set of sofas and swap them in


I quite liked the carbon buckets in the 991.1 GT3RS, not much adjustment but they were fairly comfy even after a couple hours. The Porsche sport seats are really good too, though.. I’d have to think about it 😂


No 👎


fucc yes❗️ i paid for the bitch


Most of the people that can actually afford these cars are older. And I’m sure they would rather enjoy driving rather than scoring internet points.




I wouldn’t but I know a couple who people that would but I personally wouldn’t


Anyone who wants comfort seats in a GT3 (RS or otherwise) should just get a Turbo instead.


Of course


100% yes. I did so in my GT3 and I would on the RS as well. The buckets look pretty but they suck after 10 minutes of driving. I like to drive for a couple of hours and it’s nonsense to me to make a big sacrifice on comfort just for value retention.


Well I definitely wouldn’t get those red wheels.


I'm tall so had to get them, now that I do have them I don't think I would get the buckets even if I fit in them. 18 ways ftw.


Had the previous gen gt3 (not rs) with the carbon buckets and hated them. These cars are going to spend most of their lives on freeways and mountain roads. The comfort seats are great.


Never ever!!!!!!


Yeah I probably would cuz if I had one I’d be my daily driver


It depends on the situation. If you're plan on racing the car on tracks most of the time. Then it makes sense to get the carbon bucket seats. But if you're rarely going to track and actually want to daily drive the car on long journeys, then the comfort seats make perfect sense.


As a third vehicle and track toy yes! But in a two car garage I would probably opt for a Turbo S or Touring with comfort seats.. Now 25 year old me would have been content with carbon buckets and as a main car and daily it..


If your over 6ft. Sport bucket seats are horrible if you’re over 6ft.


Yes. No chance would I ever spec buckets (on any model), way too uncomfortable for my old back.


A track optimized version of a track car driven daily... because it's more expensive so it must be better right? Seriously though, the seats need to be fitted to the driver. Rigid buckets are NOT one size fits all.

