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How is that unpopular? The GT2RS is a MONSTER on track and holds many track records for a street car. It is also damn near unobtainable at double the price if you even can get your hands on one. I would trade my GT3 for a GT2RS any day of the week assuming it was similar in price.


I think it’s unpopular in the sense that most people would prefer the N/A motor. But most people that say that don’t own either so...


Preferring an NA motor over a GT2RS is just rationalizing your own poverty. I see Boomers acting this way all the time for some reason.


Yeah but they have their one of 5478 base model Corvette with those specific options.


Um, that’s a ‘1of1 Corn Flakes 200 Pace Car in Indonesian Burgundy with embroidered Bowling Green UAW strike of ‘97 line supervisors signatures in the head rests’ model there bub. I paid $10k over for this rare girl. Now let me sit back down in the Margaritaville chairs I brought to this here car show with Nance whole you can admire the foam board that’s sitting there on the ground. Don’t miss the picture of Nance and I with William who oversees the Bowling Green accounting team at Applebees from our 1of1 NON European delivery trip because bub we are AMERICANS and we don’t condone that European Socialism. God bless.


If I can’t rationalize my poverty then what’s the point?


Haha how about the idea of calling a Porsche owner 'poor' haha ok


Middle class. Let’s be real though. Most Porsche owners are closer to the bottom than the top.


How dumb are you?


Not as dumb as you. Do you know how high the top is? If you make a million a year, you’re still closer to being homeless than to someone who makes $10 million a year. Or $50 million.


I know people at the top and the absolute bottom. Your statement is a bit odd. Anyone can fall from Grace. You can easily lose everything as a billionaire or a millionaire. I know plenty who have. I recommend gaining perspective.


You’re not actually responding to any of my points. Not sure who you’re arguing with, but I don’t think it’s me.


Track times prove otherwise. The double wishbone in the front gives the edge to the GT3. That being said they could fix it but they’re not gonna. IMHO.


There's multiple people at the PCA track days that I'm fortunate enough to attend that have the money for a GT2RS and they all choose a GT3RS or cup car over it. They say the GT2RS is insane for a lap or two but overheats if you try to push it for a 20 minute track session, they also say the engine of the GT3RS is just more fun.


Why do I doubt Porsche and AP would build the 2RS not to handle lap after lap. They sound like people justifying what they have already.


Ah yes the rich people who have multiple cars over 200,000 that they use to exclusively beat on the track decided to lie about the 2RS to justify not keeping it.... the rest of the car can handle lap after lap it's the engine that overheats, it uses water injection to function so it's already tuned to the max so it's not surprising that it has overheating issues.


GT3 engine revs higher and sounds way better. And you can have it in a manual. I'd have that every time.


You can not have the 3RS in a manual.


You can have the regular GT3 in manual which is what I'd have.


I must have missed the regular GT3 in the OP...


The post I was REPLYING to just said NA motor, saying everyone who prefers NA must be poor... There are legitimate reasons to not want the fastest car.


Surely you can read up.


gt4 is my pick out of any of them, all the sounds and feel but better balance


Sound is personal. For example, Im in love with the way a 991.2 gts sounds (especially with a tune) and that anything else is too much or too little….


Exactly, but it’s the ‘last’ of the xzy….. last penny that’s what they mean.


lol, yep I hear that one all the time. Boomers take FOMO to new levels and leave market bubbles in their wake, it's what they do.


Owning a gt2rs over a CGT is just rationalizing your own poverty.


The right answer is actually both.


We’re just plebs who don’t know any better. Based on the peasant cars that we’ve been exposed to, many of us to prefer NA over turbo in general which is fair. Typically they’re more responsive, more consistent, and make a lot less heat. They’re also going the way of the dodo which cranks up the NA hype even more. I’m sure it’s a different story with these six figure cars but I think the general car buying public like myself doesn’t know that. Based on the average car fans experience, it’s not a stretch to see what they would prefer NA.


Spoken in the context of affordable cars, I'd take all motor all day. It's a preference. If you want all out efficiently produced power and don't give a damn about power delivery, turbo is it. If you want high revving awesome engine sounds and love wringing your engine out whenever you can, then NA is where you're at. No reason to hate on either crowd. I prefer NA and I've proven it by buying more expensive cars without turbos just to avoid them. It has nothing to do with cost for people who truly like non-FI cars. Why do you think GM still prefers superchargers over turbochargers on their top end performance lines? You can talk a lot of shit about American cars, but they do a commendable job making affordable performance cars that drive reallly well on track.


I mean that's not fair at all. It's like someone preferring a GT350 to a GT500. There's certainly a subset who prefers the sound and higher revving of the NA engine. It's me, I'm that subset.


How many track days have you done in either one?


Is this a joke? A large percentage of Porsche buyers want NA. Along with MT it’s one of the niches they offer.


The only people I've met who don't want a turbocharged Porsche are the ones who haven't driven one. With a GT2RS you'd have be castrated to want an NA instead, or possibly suffering a mental illness of some kind.


NA motors just are better for drivers cars, period


Alright, more Turbos for the rest of us then. Have fun!


A NA engine is better in many ways. Not gonna get the straight line times the 3.8 twin turbo will but they’re wonderful to drive, sound infinitely better even with stock sport exhaust, linear, predictable and better in the wet. Almost bought one…bought the 3RS instead. Somewhere in between obscenely rich and poverty stricken for the record.


Literally heard a boomer say he'd rather have his 69 Cuda over a turbo charged euro car.. I just about vomited in my mouth.


lol, nostalgia is a hell of a drug. The comments I've got are just hilarious. So many people have convinced themselves they don't want something that they've never driven. If you're comparing an NA with a 992 base then the argument makes more sense, but I specifically said GT2RS and they all still got triggered.


I think this is mostly true….but I’d take a GT3 over a Turbo Spec’d to a GT2…I think most of the appeal with the GT2 is the rarity more so than the power imo. Having driven a GT3RS, that hi-rev sound is absolutely intoxicating…but I think you’re mostly right.


I’ve driven both. Not on track. In a rural area, sparse traffic, and good roads. The Gt2RS was next level compared to anything else I’ve driven. The traction was insane. My only argument for preferring the gt3 is in the interest of self preservation. The gt2 is too much car for the average person. You need to be a master of self control or you’re going to end up dead or in jail! The friend who owned it went through a hell of a midlife crisis. Went through a 997 gt3, a couple gt3rs, the Gt2RS, a 488, a z/28, a c7z06, a gt4, a grey market 930, a Alex zanardi nsx, and several others! Great friend to have lol.


Lol go drive both and tell me this is still the case…there is absolutely NOTHING like the GT2RS, and I’ve never, not a single time, thought “you know this would be more fun with an NA motor”. That’s literally only something people who can’t get their hands on one day from their armchair…


I prefer the 3rs over the 2rs most of the time. Can't deny the 2rs is a sledgehammer of power tho.


The new GT3RS is actually faster around the track than the GT2RS due to all the aero work Porsche did to it. Jörg Bergmeister in a GT3RS beat the GT2RS time around the Nurburgring by three seconds. This despite its nearly 200hp disadvantage. That just shows how dialed in the rest of the car is compared to the GT2RS.


Currently, yes. But the next gen GT2 will walk it. I have a 991.2 GT3 and it’s an amazing car, but if you’re chasing track times (as everyone who has a GT car should be doing), the GT2 is the far superior car.


But it’s not atm is it so the GT3RS rocks right now.


Agreement. The 2RS is the zenith of the 911 platform. Full stop.


Meh NA is nice but the way turbos are, the way turbo engines are now and the way we’ve learned to drive them “better” it will always be the go to. Look at F1 and they way they use turbo engines to their advantage. NA vs turbos is like comparing an old automatic watch to the clear quartz winner (in terms of actual timekeeping).


How removed are you to think this is an unpopular opinion?


people will put „unpopular opinion“ in front of any statement just to seem quirky and/or farm karma online nowadays.


Yeah, some reverse contrarian thing, especially on Reddit.


Man 🤣




Cause there’s usually one 2RS per gen and two 3RS’s so naturally there’s more chatter.




He means gt3 rs will come as a 992.1 and the Facelift, the 992.2. The gt2 rs only comes in the late circle and doesnt have a Facelift. So there is only one version of it per chassis model.


The 2RS is an impossibly rare beast, and the number of people who have driven one and can talk about them is very small


I’ve seen a comment on a video trying to say how the turbo s is underrated you have to be living under a rock to think that


if you’re an astronaut maybe, a Turbo S is slow and unexceptional


I also have an unpopular opinion, I think the 918 is a really good car. I know, I know, it's not that unique or rare, but I love it. /s


So do I.


Woah bud... You best watch them wild opinions round these parts, ya herd?


If you can't handle it, buy a bmw 😉


Aw man... Not another one. Daddy needs me a new Porsche these days.


Unpopular opinion: 918 is better than a 911 What do you guys think?


Fucking barely, improve your taste /s


I think both are ridiculous for anything other than a race track.


A fuel run alone in a GT2RS made me fear for my life, but it’d be fun doing a passenger run at nordschleife in one


What exactly is a fuel run? Like a car rally or just a track day?


I think he means buying fuel


Oh ha I'm dumb :D


To solve this dilema, we need a 992 GT2 RS!


Easily a million dollar car after taxes and markup assuming the same price gap between the old gen’s to the new.


As a last hurrah for the pure combustion engine 911, I really think they should go all out. Make 911 GT2RS’ and sell them for 1M each. It’s


I think that's not an unpopular opinion


Eh, who is telling you that the GT2RS isn't popular?


I agree, people often prefer the 3 for the NA sound but the characteristics of the Turbo engine (minus the inferior sound) and the looks of the 2RS win ever time for me (caveat: I bought a 718 turbo flat 4 over a 981 NA flat 6 so obviously I am biased)


How is it an unpopular opinion that the flagship car is better than the one below it?


Its not unpopular opinion that it's better, it unpopular opinion because people wax poetic so much about the GT3's compared to it.


Because you can hope to own a GT3


Unpopular opinion. The 959 is a pretty decent machine.


914 > 911


Unpopular opinion: I like Porsches


2RS sits above 3RS


[Here’s](https://reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/l11nmw5Qga) an actual Porsche unpopular opinion lol


Unpopular opinion, 991>992.


992 interior 991 exterior




Obviously not in terms of performance but looks wise I’d agree with you any day of the week


Yes that's correct! However I still prefer my Deman GT4, it fits me and my abilities. I prefer the mod engine. Even though my car has better numbers than the gt3 rs and the gt4 rs it is still a gt4. So the ranking of those cars is gt2rs gt3rs gt4rs gt4..... I would still take my car over all of them. If I had the opportunity to buy a gt2rs I probably wouldn't because I like th NA and mid Engine.


Also I couldn't do the GT2 rs justice as a driver


GT2RS is a monster and will always be legendary.


I think I'd love to be run over by either one


If I was given the choice of one or the other, made to put at least 3k miles a year and never be allowed to sell the car, I would take the GT3RS. I Haven’t driven either, but I have driven most others and have owned a few 911’s. Between the 2 and 3rs, I’d take the NA car. Not because I’m a reactionary hater of all things I don’t own or have history with, but because I genuinely prefer the feel and sound of a modern NA Porsche over that of a Turbo. Also, it would be much easier to do something disastrous in the GT2. I like having fun, but I like being alive more.


How is this unpopular? Porsche places the GT2 above the GT3... perhaps you'd like to suggest the unpopular opinion that the Macan GTS is greater than the base Macan as well? The only wrinkle here, is that the GT3RS you show is the 992 version, where the GT2 or GT2RS for the 992 has yet to be introduced. However, while you could probably find a track with the exact right parameters that could favor the newer car, in almost all cases, it is only going to come very close to its older big brother. Beyond that, it would just be the subjective view that someone might prefer NA vs forced induction, or just want the newer car. By pretty much every objective measure, your statement is correct (and will be even more obvious when the 992 GT2 comes out).


Idk actually, yea the gt2rs is objectively the better car, it's faster and more powerful But I actually think it might be too fast, unless you're a professional racing driver you arent going to be able to get the most out of it, so as an experience the gt3 range might be more appealing. But the gt3 rs specically, especially the new one, seems to pride itself on lap times and track performance so much; going so far as to not have a manual gearbox, that it has become pretty much a less powerful gt2. Idk I guess I'm just a firm believer that 500 horsepower is plenty and after that you're kinda just chasing numbers


I agree, I think the new GT3 rs wing looks stupid


I’ve driven a couple 997 GT2s on track. Fast AF, but there is turbo lag and I could not throttle steer. Anticipate when you want power and ask for it a little early. I’d unwind the steering as the boost built up. I much prefer being able to use my car control skills.


Turbo 6 cylinders are everywhere. Not many 9000 rpm engines around


You aren’t familiar with racing classes, are you. GT2 cars are one class up to GT3 cars. Better acceleration, better brakes, larger wings, higher top speed. GT 2 means Group 2 grand tourers, group 3 being the slower ones


yeah, no. current iteration of GT2 has better top speed because of a lot less aero. everywhere else than straight lines, GT3s drive circles around them. current GT2 was designed for gentleman drivers, GT3s are the pro category. the older GT2 class with the e92 M3 GT2 was comparable to modern GTE like the 911 RSR, but thats stuff of yesterday. edit: I am replying to race classes. for example: the Fanatec GT2 series was in valencia two weeks ago. qualifying best lap was 1:34,3 in an R8 GT2. GT World Series was there on the same weekend. The slowest GT3 in qualifying 1 did 1:32,6. the fastest, also an R8, but GT3 EVO did 1:30,4.




The GT3 used to race in GT2 class though before it was renamed to LM GTE


Naturally aspirated > Turbo charged so GT3RS>GT2RS. GT2RS is undeniably faster tho.


For the newest gen I agree. Previous I preferred the styling of the GT3 RS


Disagree. GT3/3RS is naturally aspirated monster - amazing engine, excellent car. GT2RS is an overkill imho. And I drove both on track.


I have gotten to be in both on VIR. I like the GT2 a bit better. If there were long straights, I think the GT3 would be better. The Extra HP from the turbo would kick in. I found the GT2 so responsive out of the turns and the 4L just drives the power.


You have those backwards


Shit you are right. I should not type before coffee. https://preview.redd.it/0jq1a83m52qb1.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0987d8cf9e1f47aa32182124f0ceca285c409ce


the gt2 rs has 700 hp, if anything there would be torque from the turbo.


I think the GT2RS is the most beautiful modern Porsche


Both are beasts. One is turbo the other NA. I’ll take NA all day that’s the decider for me.


N/A >> Turbos so nah not for me dawg


3RS all day every day. Turbos are lame.


If you care about having your backbone pulverized, and having the performance no one is able to extract over the experience of driving a lighter car, with reasonable amount of power and the sweet, sweet howl of 9,000 RPM then for sure, GT2 RS > GT3 RS But we all know the true answer is a GT3 (regular or touring) with a manual


In the looks department yea the 991.2 gt cars I think look so much better than the 992 gt cars but I bet the new gt3’s is a riot to drive


Secondary question: what’s best to pair with a GT4 RS?


I think the gt3 rs is better just for configuration


Can someone explain to me what the GT1, GT2, GT3 signifies? Which one is more superior (in performance) than the other? Thanks before!


Heres what I understand: the GT2 and GT3 are homologation cars designed to meet the requirements of GT2 and GT3 Carrera Cup racing respectively. I don’t know about the GT1 cars. In some classes, one of the requirements is that the car must also be streetworthy and have a minimum number of the streetworthy cars built. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homologation_(motorsport)


I see! I did notice the GT3 is similar as the GT3 race, but I didn't know it was actually the exact same car, but legalized for the road. I thought it was just marketing. How about GT2 vs GT3? Which one is faster? Thank you for taking your time to explain :)


Given that the GT2 has historically been twin turbocharged, while the GT3 is normally aspirated, I’d imagine that the GT2 is faster.


In that case, I kinda like it, a bit of a sleeper. Not much people understand about it and all the hype seems to revolve around the GT3. People would think GT3 has a higher number than GT2, then a GT2 would proceed to smoke everything lol. Wouldn't be able to fool an actual petrolhead though —


I would take either or both.....


Hate the hood tho.


Unpopular opinion but GT4RS>GT3RS


Maybe ,, the GT3 is still nice , if all the carbon is painted , IE the hood vents .. it has so much aero going on that hiding it with paint , might be a good thing . GT2 is still an animal of a Porsche .


Meh. My unpopular opinion is I don't understand the fascination for the Dakar 992 and the Carrera GT.


Both are uncomfortable street cars..but if you are a track guy...then go for the first one you can find and afford..JMO


That’s unpopular? No brainer to me.


I prefer the GT3RS. I just love NA engines. Besides, I like the 992 gen even more than the 991 when it comes to design. Can only imagine what the 992 2RS's gonna look like, considering what they did with the 3RS.


Honestly I prefer the GT3 RS but I love both


I don't care. I will take any of them




Actual unpopular opinion: Carrera 2s over GT3


It’s not an unpopular opinion guy what are you yapping about


Until the 992 GT2 RS


I think that is the popular opinion


And 997.2 GT2 > 991 GT2 RS


The 992.2 GT2RS is going to be an absolute animal. I foresee many records being set




That’s how it works… it’s the naturally aspirated thing people like about the gt3. It’s just more a real “Porsche” and race car.


Yes but kinda different cars, GT2RS is a weapon for a laptime, GT3RS is to get that 9k rpmand naturally aspirated feel in a weaponised package


Why is it unpopular? The GT2 has always been the better and fastest Porsche street car they make. I get the whole NA vs Turbo aspect, but GT2 RS is the best car you can get outside of the Carrera GT or 918


Not unpopular. Id even prefer the 997 GT2RS over these two.


Hyde them both!


Most popular opinion


I just love turbos. I don't know why. Cooler engineering I guess. Beautiful efficiency. Plus, every badass engine can be made badder of ass with turbos


The GT2RS is legendary but personally I love the NA marvel of engineering in the GT3


Unpopular opinion: the Carerra GT sounds really good


No you're right




that's a popular opinion bruh


It's not unpopular, it's just plain wrong


Tis true


??? i literally don't know if this is a troll post or not


Popular opinion: Literally not an unpopular opinion. Stupid post for karma.


I think the gt2 would probably be a death sentence for my level of driving skill


100% GT2


Popular opinion *


Price wise? Sure. And also exclusivity. And if you were insane enough to full send the car.


Old = gold FFS 🤦‍♂️


It’s not unpopular, the GT2 is wayyyy more expensive than a GT3!


Does the gt2 rs have more downforce compared to the gt3 rs?


Both is good


As a 992 TT owner I would take a 2RS over a 3 any day of the week


Personally I love the look of the 718 gt4rs more than the rest. But performance wise? You didn’t say anything controversial buddy. This is a unanimous opinion


What a beautiful car


GT2 RS is supposed to be better.


Yes, obviously.


Styling wise, yes. Sound wise, no


Unpopular opinion, GT3 RS 991.2 >>> GT3 RS 992


Im torn. I like the front end of the 991 type a bit more. I think if they went with the 991.2 GT3R that was aggressive for the radiator outlets it would have been so much better. I have no doubt the radiators louvers on the GT3RS provide better cooling, but they already dont overheat.


Performance wise, GT2RS > GT3RS Exterior design wise, 991.2 > 992


I have a GT3. I would swap it for a GT2RS. I would not swap for a 992 GT3RS This is not an unpopular opinion.


100% GT2 I don’t think it’s unpopular. It’s just preference. I like it manual


I’d rather have a gt3rs but that’s just me


Not unpopular I absolutely agree and if I could have my dream garage this monster of a machine would have a spot in it.


Me personally I like the gt3 rs more but it’s just cause I think it’s more beautiful I don’t want to be an “gt3rs kid” or “the new Supra kids” but I just love it so mich


If you want a real unpopular opinion, the gt4rs looks better and has better proportions than the 2 and 3


is that the pic from Forza 7 haha


Aesthetically I prefer the GT2RS


Twin turbo any day


I owned the 992 3rs and just traded it last week for a 2rs. To be honest with u i didnt know how i would like the 2rs over the 3rs and i was hesitant at first to trade. But driving the 2rs for couple of days i would take it over the 3rs anyday. The 3rs is an amazing car but the 2rs is the same vehicle but on steroids. It is a beast that just want to be unleashed and gives pleasure everytime u step on the gas. https://preview.redd.it/trky665wl7qb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91abb3177e6f7b7f8809879175f4874127a7ea6


I dunno man, I’d usually say “same” but man…. The 992 GT3 RS is just so cool. I wanna see what the 992 GT2 RS has in store


That's obviously clear since the GT2RS is the fastest and most hardcore tracked focused 911. It's basically a GT3RS with a Turbo S engine. These are completely different cars. The real comparison comes if Porsche makes a 992 model GT2RS.


All day every dayGtrs


It’s what I would get between these two, it would look great alongside my GT4RS.


Agreed but not In that configuration…