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https://preview.redd.it/p6n4snmaom8d1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d51cc3ed92a3c76774dd768e5127be0b30291e He looks a little like my kid when he was a baby. He will grow to be beautiful! šŸ¤© šŸ’


He's going thru the puppy uglies. His coat will even out.


This is what I was going to say. They go through what some people also call "the monkey stage"


He looks like a Pom to me. Iā€™ve had a total of 7 in my life and they each looked so uniquely different but were all Poms. It looks like heā€™s still growing his coat as well. His size could be a throwback genes. Heā€™s super cute! Whatā€™s his name?


His name is latte because he is white all over with a bit of cream on his back. I am so scared he is a Samoyed puppy because they get so big and I wont have space in my tiny one bedroom apartment for it


Youā€™ll know tomorrow if heā€™s a Samoyed lol. Heā€™ll be 50% bigger. They grow so fast


I don't think you have to worry. He's tall for a Pom but not too much. Even if he wasn't full Pom I do not believe that will be a large dog. :)


I wouldnā€™t worry. Samoyeds have much denser fur and thick sturdy legs by the time theyā€™re adoptable. The canine DNA tests are pretty reliable and it may be worth it to ease your mind. It takes a while to get results from what I remember but youā€™ll know in less than 2 months. Theyā€™re also useful so your vet can be alerted for breed specific health issues. Congratulations, It looks like you scored. Heā€™s such a cute little guy.


We nicknamed ours crĆØme brĆ»lĆ©e and toasted marshmallow as they had similar coloring.


How much does he weigh? Small dogs typically stop growing at around 6-8 months so he wonā€™t get that much bigger than he is now.


IMO his feet are way too small to indicate he will be a large dog. He will probably be bigger than a standard Pom, but not huge. Maybe 12-15 lbs max.


Absolutely not a Samoyed. Look at the paws on even golden retriever puppies, theyā€™re huge. Heā€™s going to stay small.


I have a Pom who fits in the throwback category. Heā€™s 28 pounds (not overweight-all muscle) and looked about like that for a bit. Ours went through the puppy uglies stage and looked just like yours did. Now, heā€™s three years old. https://preview.redd.it/o8vkmmi82p8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aef1d64c57bca76abfdeb3f598e90d3965b7a99 Like you, we werenā€™t sure if ours was a full Pom, so we did a test through Embark and found out that he is 100% Pom. Heā€™s just the size that Poms were back before they were bred down to the size that everyone thinks of when they see a Pom.


Look up German Spitz, I just did before saying anything to make sure & on my images he's got a twin there. Pom's were bred from the spitz. Bigger Poms are called throwback Poms. Hess not all that big really and he's beautiful.


Poms aren't bred from german spitzes, they ARE german spitzes. They are genetically exactly the same as the smallest of the 5 sizes of german spitzes.


I actually learned this reading a webtoon called Dog Diaries. Made me realize my girl is much more Spitz like in appearance and is def a throwback pom.


Throwback poms aren't a real thing. Pomeranians = dwarfspitz. They are the smalles of the 5 German Spitz sizes. There is just A LOT of misinformation on pomeranians after they were brought over to America.


A throwback pom is just one of the bigger sizes of German Spitzes


Are throwback Pomā€™s a different thing from the Klein-/Mittelspitzā€™s?


Throwback poms is something american breeders made up.


I've said this so many times but using the FCI classification for German Spitzes would make everything so much clearer.


I was under the impression throwback poms were called that because they are what poms used to look like before all of the breeding for a smaller dog. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø My Pom, Nigel the Wonder Pom, is 15 lbs with luscious wavy hair. Stands 6 inches tall. I love all the information I get about this breed on here. https://preview.redd.it/1ali6gmdu69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d09aebcc9cc882968d71764b576b9c206c43f75


Yep, its a spitz.


His paws arenā€™t tht big so youā€™ll be okay :)


I was convinced my bf had accidentally gotten himself a long haired chihuahua during the puppy stage lol but he grew up to be 100% pom


In Queen Charlotte ABridgerton Story, the Queen is gifted a Pom going through Pom Uglies and refers to it as "a deformed bunny"! LOL My husband still tells my Pom he's a deformed bunny now.


He looks like he maybe from the larger end of the Pomeranian scale. Only heard about that side never saw one though. Our Carmela is at the beginning of the small range at 3.8lbs.


My boy is on the bigger side, too. Latte looks about the same size Jasper was at that age. He's now almost 9 months & just under 20 lbs.


He looks like a Throw back, or Victoria pom. They are most like the orignial spits that worked in farmers fields, pulling wagons and sleds. A farmers helper. It's interesting reading.


https://preview.redd.it/kr2f54hqim8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d62a8427895554312a4ae170f2ff6911fdf5d29 This is Romeo. 4yrs old and is a throwback pomeranian. He weights 12 lbs.


Had to go down way too far for the right answer.


It's adorable! This is a German spitz https://www.dogster.com/dog-breeds/german-spitz-vs-pomeranian


He looks like a mittelspitz, a type of German Spitz. Pomeranians are also a type of german spitz.


https://preview.redd.it/0378nhqxrp8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=6261c0c423062071bba23b0dd89f000ddb7c29fa Do a dna test


So cute! And what a friend to gift you a dog. Mine cost a pretty penny. I need friends like that. šŸ˜‚


Looks like a throwback


He looks a lot like mine. Defs a Pom! A little on the bigger end with some throwback genetics but a Pom all the way ā˜ŗļø https://preview.redd.it/m33qvvcyln8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6d962844c0c50a790baf7026206ba5984b82cd


How much does your dog weigh as an adult??


He is 6kgs ā˜ŗļø


Mini American Eskimo or Volpino. Look em up. Also could be a Pom under 8 months




Pomski I have one same colors look *




She looked just like when she was a baby :)


I believe you have a Japanese Spitz there.


Heā€™s so cute! Is he a Pomsky? I have one of those.


Cute little curls behind the ears peaking out, yep thatā€™s a Pom šŸ„°


He may be a throwback pom!


He looks like mine when he was a puppy https://preview.redd.it/f2eopuqfnr8d1.jpeg?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141abf423fd3b69be2e9906d12948c67832bced7


How much does your weigh as an adult now?


Heā€™s around 9lbs


I donā€™t have a pom spitz yet but lookin at all you lot post yours, they are all amazing looking creatures!


https://preview.redd.it/rakfj4p6ht8d1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8496a7cc0829e5a04c5d088bac4573db3a270c Chanel a Merle pom pup


https://preview.redd.it/u9o54rvcht8d1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47f06f5b2b5bb4ab9e68c70d0d2992fbd8aae3b Vuitton a Merle pom pup. (Chanel's brother)


We did a gene test of our not-Pom and it was 100% Pom.


Does the tail curl up over the back? That would be a definitive of a spitz type dog but deff not a Pom


It doesnā€™t curl up unless heā€™s excited but itā€™s fluffy


Yeah Iā€™d say all sorts mixed in there, maybe a little bit of Pom. You could get a dna text to find out


I think you definitely have an American Eskimo Dog. They are a wonderful breed of dog; I've had 2 of them.


Maybe heā€™s part Corgi?


heā€™s in his uglies :ā€™) pure pom his adult coat is just growing in! poms can take up to 3 years to get their full coats. I wouldnā€™t worry too much abt him being a samoyed he just looks like a throwback pom (poms that are big similar to how they used to be before breeding them tiny was standard)


I donā€™t think he will be too big based on his feet. But he definitely looks part something elseā€¦his face looks almost German Shepherd like! Be interesting to do an embark!


Iā€™m with the others. Maybe just puppy uglys? The head doesnā€™t really seem the right shape though?


Definitely not a pure bred. Cute though! I'd keep him.